Part I. Getting Ready to Roll with iPhoto '09

Getting Ready to Roll with iPhoto '09

Before you dig into the many capabilities and sheer fun of iPhoto '09, it's important that you have a good understanding of what tools you have available and how you can use them.

Chapter 1 gives you an overview of the iPhoto '09 interface. After all, it's difficult to use the technology if you're not sure where to find the controls and which initial choices you can make. This chapter provides an easy introduction meant to make you comfortable in the iPhoto environment.

But all the information in Chapter 1 isn't going to make you proficient in using the software — you need to get your feet wet, so to speak, and that's what Chapter 2 is all about. When you understand the essentials, you get to work using that knowledge on a simple iPhoto project. Nothing difficult, but it's complete enough to show you how to use your newly found knowledge.

With some comfort in the operation of iPhoto, it's time to start getting your own photos into the iPhoto Library. Chapter 3 covers importing your photos from a variety of sources — and, equally important, adding information to those photos that will make them easier to find and use later on.

Getting Ready to Roll with iPhoto '09
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