Chapter 13. Delivery of memories to the couple

Delivery of memories to the couple

Other than the honeymoon and in some cases opening the wedding gifts, most couples anticipate no other wedding activity as much as they anticipate seeing their wedding photos. These images let the couple relive their special day over and over again. In fact, many times as a couple looks through their images, they will see moments they missed on their actual wedding day or those that passed by so quickly they didn't get to enjoy them. Thanks to today's technology, couples can view and share their special memories through a variety of mediums.


Many people in this digital world still want to see their images in a printed form. Printing proof books allows the couple to share the wedding images with folks who don't have a computer, access to the Internet, or just want to see the images in a traditional manner. I offer a single hardbound proof book as an addition to my wedding packages, which keeps life simple for both the couple and for me.



Keep it simple: Let the photos speak for themselves; don't add too many extras that can detract from the images.

Quality counts: Remember that the proof book is a representation of you and your work and should leave a positive impression.

Shop around: There are many different companies that offer proof books and you should look for one that matches your style.

Update when necessary: As you grow as a photographer update the look and feel of your proof books to better showcase your work.

Organize the proof book to tell as story: When the couple sees the book, the images should follow a logical progression, making it easier for them to relive the day.

The proof book I use is printed through Pictage ( It is a high-quality product that represents my work well. Since the proof book photographs are only 2″ × 2″, I don't need to add a watermark, which might detract from the images. The clients can then order the prints through the Web gallery making the process as easy and painless for the couple as possible.


Matt Savage of AveryHouse (


The most common way wedding images are seen and shared today is on the Internet. Having a Web gallery of the photos for your clients is an absolute necessity, but there is no reason to spend a lot of time and energy building a Web site for clients when there are great pre-packaged solutions available.



Ease of use for the photographer: Is it easy to upload the images? Does the hosting company allow for easy customization?

Ease of use for the clients: Can the clients find the images easily and share the gallery with friends and family?

Look and feel: Can the gallery look and feel be changed to match your Web site?

Ordering options: Is it possible to order prints and other products directly from the Web site, and if so, what is the cost?

Copyright safeguards: Are the photos protected by either a watermark or other protection scheme that stops unauthorized downloads?

I use Pictage service to host the Web galleries for my clients. Because I don't have to program or design a new gallery every time I photograph a wedding, it is easier to get the Web gallery to the clients in a timely manner. In fact, I am usually able to set up a gallery of images and get them to the newlyweds within a two to three week period following the wedding. In most cases, this is ideal timing, as it gives them something to look at very shortly after they return from their honeymoon.

Pictage offers a photographer a lot of control over the Web galleries as they are created, which is a big benefit. I can control the look and feel, including adding my studio logo to the pages, how long the galleries are available, and who can see the images. Because it's just too easy for people to borrow images from the Internet, I make sure the images on the Web gallery have my watermark on them, ensuring the images can't easily be used without my permission.


One aspect of the entire wedding photography process that hasn't changed with the digital revolution is the creation of prints. You can go into nearly any married couple's house and find a wedding photograph, usually framed nicely and displayed prominently. The parents of the newlyweds also often display printed photographs from the wedding in their homes or places of work, and prints are also often given to other family members and friends.



Quality counts: Even though you are not doing the actual printing yourself, the prints you supply or companies you recommend reflect back on you.

Convenience: Make it easy for the clients, their family or friends to order prints. The easier it is, the more likely they will order the print.

Variety: Some folks like big prints; others want a smaller shot for the office desk or nightstand. Make sure the printer offers all sizes.

Reputation: Check the reputation of the printer. Their product is a representation of you. Make sure they have the same high regard for their customers as you have for yours.

Since prints can now be ordered directly from the Web gallery, individual print packages are no longer necessary offerings. This not only saves time, but also allows the couple to only order the prints they want and need. Pictage offers prints in a wide variety of sizes and finishes but if the customer wants something special, I will work with them to get the prints through another printing company. Because the couple can allow others to view and order prints, it also takes away the stress of trying to make sure everyone gets the right prints. It is important to remember, however, that even though the wedding is over and the photographs have all been taken, the customer support you show your clients through the delivery of the prints will help you gain the reputation you want. This also will help when it comes to networking and gaining new business.



Wedding albums or wedding books are the final culmination of the wedding photographer's job. There are many options when it comes to wedding books, including options through Pictage that clients can order directly from the Web gallery. These wedding books are a standard design and thus creativity is limited. Since the wedding book should be special and tell each couple's individual wedding story, I offer many more options and even work with a graphic designer who will help the couple get exactly what they want. This personal service is another way I market myself above other wedding photographers, and it provides a client service that online sources cannot match.



Quality first: This is the book that will get shown around and represents your work. Use the best.

Customization: Can the book be modified to match the theme of the wedding or more importantly the style of the clients?

Ease of use: Is it easy to upload and layout the book yourself or do you need a designer to help at an extra cost? Can the clients work directly with the book company or do you need to be involved?

Reputation: Since the wedding book will be something the clients have to remember the wedding and is one of your most important marketing devices, does their customer service and reputation match yours?


Matt Savage of AveryHouse (

Two of the companies I currently use to create wedding books are GraphiStudio ( and La-vie Album ( Both companies offer high-end wedding books of unparalleled beauty and quality. If the couple orders a wedding album through me, I also provide them with a disc of high-resolution image files at the end. When couples don't order an album, there is an additional fee for the high resolution files after the online gallery expires.


Another popular way to capture your memory is to print them onto a canvas, which can be displayed on the wall as artwork. Unlike the "cheesy" art-like quality prints of the past, today's advanced technology creates high-quality print canvases in any shape and size. There are several companies that provide this service, including Pixel2Canvas (, Simply Canvas (, and Mpix (


Right now I use Pixel2Canvas because I find they provide high quality artwork that is meant to last a lifetime using the best material and technology available. They also have a history of supporting photographers and worthwhile causes. I also appreciate their use of green products to keep the impact on the environment to a minimum and the fact that they do not use optical brighteners in their prints. That does not mean I will not look at other companies from time to time to see what they might be offering. It's always a good idea to shop around so you know when another company begins offering a superior product.


Quality: Each print you supply or recommend will reflect back on you, so make sure the quality is top notch.

Ease of ordering: Time is money. Make sure the company has a good ordering system in place for you or the clients so you aren't spending all your time dealing with a single print.

Product size and selection: Make sure that the company has all the sizes and products you want before placing an order.

Establish a relationship. If the printer knows you and knows your work, you may be able to negotiate a better price or ask for special pricing, but don't be afraid to shop around for the best deal.


Matt Savage of AveryHouse (


Delivery of the final product to clients is highly anticipated, and today's technology allows for much more flexibility and speed. Set up a good system for clients to view, order, and receive their images. You will appreciate the time you save, and your clients will appreciate the ability to cherish their memories more quickly.

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