I am deeply indebted to Marc Wright, Paulo Soares, Helen Wang, Judette Coward-Puglisi, Jennifer Frahm, Roberto Islas, Silvia Cambié, Priya Sarma, Kazuhiro Amemiya, Sujit Patil, Saada Ibrahim Mufuruki, and Laine Santana, who took time from their busy schedules to share their experiences of nonverbal communication practices in global business meetings. And I owe special thanks to Gretchen Hoover Anderson (vice president of global membership, marketing, and development at the International Association of Business Communicators) for her help in identifying and contacting these contributors.

I am so very grateful to George Kimball for editing this book. I looked forward to his comments on each chapter—and loved how the book got better and better as a result of his suggestions.

I want to acknowledge the dedicated “tag-team” at Jossey-Bass (Genoveva Llosa, Byron Schneider, and Gayle Mak) for their guidance, encouragement, and support.

I also want to thank Joe Tessitore, who believed in this book from the beginning and who represented it so admirably.

And, last, I want to express my appreciation to Pat Welch of Chameleon Design for all his artistic efforts (Web site design, book illustrations, and so on) on my behalf. I know I am in good and talented hands when working with him.

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