

3i Infotech, 96

7-Eleven, 28


ABC. See activity-based costing activities, coordinating, 16

activity-based costing, 190

adaptive networks, 321322

aggregate forecast, 46

aggregate planning, 4649

agility, 216217

airplanes, 15

Alexander the Great, 79

Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army, 8

alliances, strengthening, 313315

American Production and Inventory Control Society. See Association for Operations Management

antiretroviral drugs, 96

APICS. See Association for Operations Management

Apple, 3537

The Art of War, 203207

ARV See antiretroviral drugs

Association for Operations Management, 207209

availability, 57


backlog, 4849

Basics of Supply Chain Management, 191

behavior, emergent, 319321

benefits, 266

defining, 263270

BI. See business intelligence

big box store, 19

Booz & Company, 9596

bottlenecks, 192

BPM. See business process management

brainstorming, 245247

broadband, 111

BTO. See build-to-order

BTS. See build-to-stock


creating, 259262

estimating, 263

buffer, 13

build-to-order, 154, 156, 160

build-to-stock, 154155, 160

bullwhip effect, 184187, 229

business analysis, 278

business cycle, 184

business goal, 276

business intelligence, 130131, 168

business models, 144

business operations

company performance and, 167

improving, 246

business opportunity, identifying, 243244

business process flows, 250

business process management, 129130

business strategy, 276279

aligning, 34

supply chain and, 2733

Butterfly Effect, 218219


capabilities, developing, 3133

capacity, 1011

capacity allocation, 8182

case study, 274303

cash-to-cash cycle time, 158

causal methods, 44

Center for Value Chain Research, 100106

Chaos Theory, 218219

Charlie Supply Inc., 274303

Chopra, Sunil, 3, 7, 10, 29, 3537

cloud computing, 133145

Cohen, Shoshanah, 161165

collaboration, 102105

collaborative operations, support, 226227

collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment, 199202

collections, 6769

collections practices, implementing, 6869

company performance, business operations and, 167

competitive advantage

strategic alliances for, 298303

supply chain as, 242243

competitive environment, 4344

constraints, 192

consumption management, 64

contract management, 6667

contract negotiation, 6566

coordination, work-flow, 144

core competencies, defining, 3031

Correll, Sean, 7073

cost, 14

cost avoidance benefits, 266

cost structure, 51

pricing and, 4950

cost/benefit analysis, 267270

costs, 265266

defining, 263270

CPFR. See collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment

credit, 6769

credit policy, setting, 6768

credit practices, implementing, 6869

credit risk, managing, 69

CRM. See customer relationship management

cross-functional product design teams, 7778

crossdocking, 12

Crown Agents, 95

culture, negotiation, 5863

customer relationship management, 88, 117118

customer service, 5, 7880, 151

metrics, 153156

customers, 25

cycle inventory, 1213, 5253, 57

cycles, economic, 321322


dashboard, 173, 175

data delivery system, 257

data warehouse, 170171, 257


capture, 110119

connections, 227233

manipulation and reporting, 114115

sharing, 178181

storage and retrieval, 113114

strategy and, 228233

DC. See distribution centers

decision making, support, 226227

decisions, making, 16

degree of error, 46

deliver, 42

delivery scheduling, 9093

delivery sources, 9293

Dell, 3537

demand, 43

distortion, 186

flexibility, 152, 160

flexibility metrics, 158159

fluctuations, 1011

forecasting, 4249, 187188

planning, 117

uncertainty, 57

developing market, 148, 150

differentiation, 281

digital subscriber line, 111

direct benefits, 266

direct deliveries, 90

distribution centers, 19, 93

distribution decisions, 47

distributors, 2425

DSL. See digital subscriber line


e-business, 143

e-business integration, supply chain and, 135145

e-business systems infrastructure, 256

EAN. See European Article Number economic cycles, 321322

economic lot size, 7980

economic order quantity, 57, 188

calculating, 5354

understanding, 55

economic value added, 8384

EDI. See electronic data interchange

efficiency, 28

internal, 151152, 160

internal metrics, 156158

order management, 8889

pursuit of, 214216

responsiveness vs., 12, 1718, 227228

efficient supply chain, 229

electronic data interchange, 19, 111112

Electronic Product Code, 126

electronic transport, 15

Ellram, Lisa M., 3

Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software, 315319

emergent behavior, 319321

Emptoris, 7073

Engels, Donald, 8

enterprise resource planning, 115116, 164

EOQ. See economic order quantity

EPC. See Electronic Product Code

ERP See enterprise resource planning

Esciki, Huseyin, 5863

European Article Number, 126

EVA. See economic value added

EVE-Online, 218

EverQuest, 218

evolution, of supply chains, 27

extensible markup language, 112113

extranet, 257


facilities, cost, 14

facility management, 8182

feedback loop, 309311

feedback, real-time, 237239

The Fifth Discipline, 185

flexibility, 158160

fluctuations, demand, 1011

Ford Motor Company, 22

Ford, Henry, 22

forecast, 46

forecasting, 1617

methods, 44, 47

variables, 47

collaborative, 200

demand, 187188

Fredenhall, Lawrence, 191

functional focus, 11


Ganeshan, Ram, 3

generalized assignment, 9192

geographical site, 14

Ghana, 96

global data synchronization network, 196198

Global Trade Item Number, 126

goal, defining, 243244

The Goal, 7, 191194

Goldratt, Eliyahu, 7, 10, 191194

The Great Game of Business, 311312

growth, 302303

growth market, 148150

indentifying new, 289298

opportunities, 297298

GS1, 197

GTIN. See Global Trade Item Number


Harrison, Terry P., 3

Hill, Ed, 191


ICCL. See inter-company communications link

incremental benefits, 266

Industrial Age, 308

information, 6, 1618, 33

information integration, 144

information systems, 109110

infrastructure, 14

innovation rate, 30

intangible benefits, 266

integration, 21, 23

information, 144

inter-company communications link, 275276

internet, 110111

inventory, 6, 1213, 17, 32, 4849, 193

amount to carry, 4748

flow, 194

levels, 78, 80

turns, 157

value, 156157

inventory management, 5057, 6367

systems, 118

ISI Research and Training Institute, 95


job lot storage, 1112

Johnson, Steven, 315319

Just Born Inc., 100106


Kenya, 96


labor, cost, 14

Lambert, Douglas M., 3

LAN. See local area network

lead times

order, 57

variability, 57

Lee, Hau, 143, 178179

Leigh University, 100106

less than truck load, 91

local area network, 111

location, 6, 14, 17, 32

logistics, 4

logistics, strategy vs., 23

long-term forecast, short-term vs., 45

Loo, J.W.K., 237

Loo, James, 234235

LTL. See less than truck load


maintenance, repair, and operations, 31, 63

make, 41

Management Sciences for Health, 95

manufacturing execution systems, 118119

market allocation, 8182

market performance categories, 149152


migration, 174177

models, 148149

supply chains, 148149

understanding, 2930

massively multi-player supply chain games, 217220

mature market, 149150

Meindl, Peter, 3, 7, 10, 29

Meshew, Robert, 120123

Microsoft, 120123

milk run deliveries, 9192

mindfulness, 233

MMORPG, 217220

Motorola, 215

MRO. See maintenance, repair and operations


Napoleon, 2

negotiating behaviors, 5961

negotiating culture, 5863

Network Services Company, 204207, 246250, 255257

networks, 16

adaptive, 321322

North-West University (South Africa), 97

Northrop Grumman, 96


ODM. See original design manufacturers

OfficeMax, 8389

operating efficiencies, 5


impact on, 132133

view, 172

opportunities, 171174


batching, 188189

entry, 8889

lead times, 57

routing, 8889

status, 8889

order management, 8289

system, 8889

original design manufacturers, 162

outside flexibility, 159

outsourcing, supply chain operations, 9899


participants, 2327

Partnership for Supply Chain Management, 9598

PEPFAR. See President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

performance, 14

enabling, 161167

performance data, collecting, 168171

performance incentives, 189190

performance measurement, 152153, 160

PFSCM. See Partnership for Supply Chain Management

pipelines, 15

plan, 40

planning, 1617, 4249

advanced, 116

collaborative, 200

sales and operations, 207210

point-of-sale-activated, 121, 124

pool points, 101

POSA. See point-of-sale-activated

President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 9598

price weight, 7273

pricing, cost structure and, 4950

problems, 171174

process flow, 236

procurement, 5657

systems, 116

producers, 24


characteristics, 43

classification, 199

data standards, 195199

demand distortion, 186

focus, 11

pricing, 30, 4950

promotion, 51

quantity, 29

rationing, 189

variety, 2930

product design, 7578

product design teams, cross-functional, 7778

product development, 152, 160

metrics, 159161

production, 5, 1012, 17, 3132

capacity, 4748

scheduling, 7881

productivity, 302303

project objectives, 282287, 294297

defining, 257259

project plan, creating, 259262

promotion, price, 4950

PRTM Management Consulting, 161165

purchasing, 6163


qualitative, 44

Quiviger, Thibault, 136143


R-value, 8081

radio frequency identification, 124129

rail, 15

Ranganathan, C., 233237

replenishment, collaborative, 200

request for proposal, 7073

response time, 29

responsive supply chain, 230

responsiveness, 28

efficiency vs., 12, 1718, 227228

retailers, 25

return on investment, estimating, 263

return on sales, 157

return processing, 94

reverse logistics, 94

RFID. See radio frequency identification

RFP. See request for proposal risk, 220222

River Rouge Plant, 22

route, 16

run-out time, 7980


S & OP. See sales and operations planning

safety inventory, 13, 5657

Sagar, Nikhil, 8389

Sales & Operations Planning, 207208

sales and operations planning, 207210

cycle, 209

sales force automation, 117118

Sam's Club, 28

savings matrix, 9192


advanced, 116

delivery, 9093

SCMS. See Supply Chain Management System

SCOR. See supply chain operations reference

seasonal inventory, 13, 5457

self-adjusting feedback loop, 309310

Senge, Peter, 185

service level, 30

service providers, 2627

SFA. See sales force automation

ship, 15

short-term forecast, long-term vs., 45


methods, 45

modeling, 131132

tactical planning, 139141

warehouse operations, 141

single-product locations, 82

SKU. See stock keeping unit

Slone, Reuben, 8389

social media, 237239

sources, 40

delivery, 9293

South Africa, 96

speculative forecast, 46

SQL. See structured query language

Stack, Jack, 311312

steady market, 149150

stock keeping unit storage, 11

Stock, James R., 3

strategic alliances, 298303

structuring, 299302

strategic market view, 172

strategic sourcing technology, 70

strategic supply chain design, 137139


creating, 244247

evolving, 231

logistics vs., 23

structure, 2023, 27

structured query language, 113

Sun Tzu, 203207

suppliers, proximity to, 14

supply, 4243

supply allocation, 8182

supply chain collaboration, 202207

supply chain coordination, 187190

Supply Chain Council, 40

Supply Chain Management System, 9598

supply chain management, defined, 34

Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, 3, 7

supply chain technology, trends, 119133

supply chain

business strategy and, 2733

collaboration, 213217

coordination, 213217

defined, 23

design, 137139

drivers, 17

e-business integration and, 135145

old vs. new, 21

operations, 3942

operations reference, 40, 165

requirements, 5

strategy and projects, 279288

Sutherland, Joel, 100106

synchronization, planning, 144

system design

conceptual, 247251

guidelines, 251255

system development sequence, 264

system needs, assessing, 135


tactical company view, 172

tactical planning, simulation and, 139141

tariffs, 14

taxes, 14

TCO. See total cost of ownership

technology needs, assessing, 135

Teo, T.S.H., 237

theory of constraints, 191194

time boxes, 261

time series, 45

TL. See truck load

Today and Tomorrow, 22

total capacity, 48

total cost of ownership, 7073

transport mode, choice of, 14

transportation, 6, 14167, 3233

planning systems, 117

scheduling systems, 119

trial and error, 220222

truck load, 90

trucks, 15

Turkey, 5863


Uniform Code Council, 126

Universal Product Code, 126

University of Notre Dame, 8384

UPC. See Universal Product Code

upside flexibility, 159

utilization, 47

rates, 78, 80


value-added networks, 112

VAN. See value-added networks

vendor selection, 6465

vertical integration, 21, 23

virtual integration, 21, 23


W.W. Grainger, 31

Wal-Mart, 12, 1820, 45

Wallace, Tom, 207208

Walton, Sam, 1820

WAN. See wide area network

warehouse management systems, 119

warehouse operations, simulation and, 141

web-based e-commerce, 257

Whang, Seungjin, 143

wide area network, 111

work-flow, 193

coordination, 144

World of Warcraft, 218


XML. See extensible markup language


Yanasik, Tolga, 136143

YCH Group, 233237

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