Chapter 7. Specific Patterns of Web 2.0

“Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.”

Alfred North Whitehead

It’s been a long climb, but it’s finally time to explore some Web 2.0 patterns. This chapter could not feasibly contain an exhaustive list of all patterns associated with Web 2.0; new patterns are likely evolving as you read this sentence. Nonetheless, the patterns presented here should continue to provide a foundation for applications well into the future, even as the bigger picture continues to change.

Unlike the rest of this book, the pattern descriptions in this chapter are meant as reference material. We do not expect that you will read the chapter from start to finish, but rather that you’ll refer to sections on certain patterns as the need arises. You should feel welcome to read, re-read, and circle back over the individual pattern discussions.

Finally, a note about ordering. This chapter presents the more foundational patterns first, so that the main patterns on which other patterns depend will appear before their dependencies. For example, the Mashup pattern relies upon the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) pattern, so we discuss the SOA pattern first.

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