How to Use This Book

Chapters 16 explore Web 2.0 from the perspective of software architects. They explain the architectures, patterns, models, and other methodologies we used to categorize information we encountered regarding Web 2.0. Each chapter explores Web 2.0 examples to demonstrate the core concepts in greater detail. Readers who are not familiar with the conventions used by software architects should read these chapters sequentially.

Chapter 7 provides a catalog of core Web 2.0 architectural patterns. We present the patterns in a specific order, with broad-base patterns first (such as Service Oriented Architecture, or SOA), followed by more specific patterns that build on those base patterns (e.g., the Mashup pattern, which depends on SOA). Architects and those familiar with the concepts of architectural patterns may want to read Chapter 7 right away. Keep in mind, however, that the list of patterns discussed in this book is far from exhaustive.

Chapter 8 looks ahead to where the application of these patterns and the knowledge of Web 2.0 may take us as a society.

Scattered throughout the book are sidebars called “Entrepreneur Alert.” We hope that these will stimulate your thought processes, help you to reapply the patterns to new business domains, and invite you into uncharted territory.

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