Flex Out Of The Box

Flex is well suited to rapid prototyping, so let's start building an application! The goal of this section is to illustrate the capabilities of Flex 2 right "out of the box" by developing an application by using the existing Flex 2 component set.

This Short Cut does not cover using the design mode of Flex Builder 2. All of the examples can be typed in the MXML editor of Flex Builder 2 or the text editor of your choice and compiled with the Flex 2 SDK.

Furthermore, this Short Cut will get your feet wet with the most important classes but is in no way an exhaustive manual. Your first stop for more information on the classes available in the Flex framework should be the Flex 2 documentation available on http://www.flex.org and bundled with your copy of Flex Builder 2. When in doubt, RTFM!

All Flex is ActionScript

While you may be anxious to get coding, there is one concept that will help you tremendously if you understand it before writing your first line of MXML: all Flex is ActionScript, even MXML.

When you compile your Flex 2 project, your MXML files are actually turned into ActionScript 3.0 files as an intermediate step on the journey to a SWF. Anything that you program in MXML, you can program in ActionScript. MXML is a language in its own right, but you can think of it as another way of writing ActionScript. Below are the rules that define MXML.

Tag Names

When you write <mx:Button/> you're really just talking about the Button class. Write three <mx:Label/>s and you will end up with three instances of Label.

Tags create instances of the class specified by the tag name.

Tag Attributes

When you write attributes into a tag, you are setting attributes of that class instance: properties, event handlers, styles, and effect triggers.In Figure 3, the tag named <mx:Button/> is creating an instance of class Button, but also setting its label and width properties, and its font-size and font-family styles.

Setting attributes of the class by writing them into a tag

Figure 3. Setting attributes of the class by writing them into a tag

You can use Flex Builder 2's autocomplete feature to give you a hint about the type of the attribute being suggested. Above, the attribute starting with "c" could complete to a property (green circle), a style (purple box), an event (lightning bolt), or an effect trigger (sparkle).

Attributes of a tag become properties of the instance.

id Attribute

Most important of all attributes is the id attribute. The id attribute can be set on any tag. Like (X)HTML's DOM, the id of an element is the handle with which you can access it, but because tags turn into class instances, the id becomes the name of the instance. Assigning an id to a tag like

<Button id="mrClicker"/>

is the same as declaring in the same file:

public var mrClicker:Button;

The id of a tag becomes the name of a public property containing that instance.

Nested tags

In MXML, nesting is the metaphor for composition. That is, the following two lines represent the same concept:

<mx:Box><mx:Button/></mx:Box> <!-- create a button in a box -->
(new Box()).addChild(new Button()); //create a button in a box

Flex Builder 2 helps you even more when writing code in the MXML editor. When you autocomplete with the cursor inside a tag, Flex Builder will show you only tags that are allowed at the cursor position, inside the owner tag. For instance, it won't show you the <mx:Button/> tag in the autocomplete list inside a Button tag, because you can't place a Button inside another Button.

Child tags become child components.

Attribute Tags and Default Properties

Sometimes it's useful to put attributes inside a tag instead of an XML attribute, for example, when the attribute has several lines of content or other tags inside it. You can actually replace any attribute of a tag with a child tag whose name is the attribute name. You can tell at a glance when a tag represents an attribute because its tag name is lowercase.

<mx:Label text="My Label"/>
  <mx:text>My Label</mx:text>
<mx:Label>My Label</mx:Label>

All of the above labels are identical. The last example illustrates a default property. When a component has a default property set, and you include a plain text node inside the tag, that text is assigned to the default property. In this case, the default property of Label is text.

Classes and Files

Each MXML file represents an AS3 class, with the name of the file and its location in the folder structure defining its package and class name. The contents of the MXML file are what the class will create when you decide to instantiate and display it. The process is logical. For example, the file fr/louvre/MonaLisa.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="210" height="310">
       <mx:toolTip>The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci</mx:toolTip>
       <mx:Image source="monalisa.jpg" width="100%" height="100%"/>

creates a fr.louvre.MonaLisa class which shows an image with a tooltip (note the lowercase: the toolTip is a property of the Canvas instance, not a class in its own right).

The root tag of any MXML file is the class that it extends. Every MXML file must have a root tag, so every class created from one must extend something, even if that is Object. MonaLisa extends Canvas.

Moreover, now that you have a MonaLisa class, you can create instances of it, either in MXML or ActionScript. By placing groups of interworking components together in files you can segment your application into many MXML files, just as you might segment a Flash movie into many classes and many MovieClips.

You might include a MonaLisa in ActionScript like:

import fr.louvre.MonaLisa;
addChild(new MonaLisa());

but to reference the right class in an MXML file, you must use an XML namespace in the root tag:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:louvre="fr.louvre.*">
       <louvre:MonaLisa />

In MXML, XML namespaces perform roughly the same duty that import statements do in ActionScript.

XML Namespaces

A namespace in XML serves the same purpose as a package namespace in ActionScript, avoiding name collisions and organizing classes. You may have noticed the prefix mx: in front of all the tags for built-in Flex 2 components. This is required to identify the tag name as belonging to the MXML namespace. This covers all classes defined by Flex 2, and the mx namespace is automatically defined when you create an MXML application in Flex Builder 2. The syntax for declaring and using an XML namespace is:

<rootTag xmlns:prefix="URI or package" ... > <prefix:childTag />

The prefix is used after the colon when you declare it, and before the colon when you are using it to specify where to look for a class. An XML namespace must have a unique identifier which tells the compiler what it is looking at, since the prefix is arbitrary and up to you to decide. When you write http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml, the compiler does not really go out and check that URL, it is simply used to identify that you are referencing the MXML namespace.

Instead of creating your own schemas or pointing to a URL, you use the package name when referring to a package. Also, you must create a separate namespace for every class in a different package. If you have the classes fruit.Apple, fruit.Orange, and cheese.Swiss, you must create two namespaces, one for fruit.* and one for cheese.*. You use the namespace * to refer to the local package.

Adding ActionScript

In addition to grouping components that work together in a functional unit, a single MXML file can embed ActionScript 3.0 code in a Script block. These blocks should contain the code inside a CDATA section, to ensure that you won't have to escape stuff like a less-than comparison (remember, MXML is still valid XML). Code from the Script block is inserted into the class that is generated from your MXML, so you can operate in the scope of the surrounding class, with the exception that import statements go inside a script block (where normally they would appear inside the package block but outside the class block). For instance:

              private function taunt():void
                     trace("IM IN UR CLASS ADDING TO UR METHODS");

So, object-oriented programming introduces classes, which unite data and the operations on that data. Declarative markup languages like MXML can unite data, operations, and visual interfaces. How then, you might ask, can you maintain a separation of concerns, since the movement which led us to declarative markup in the first place has been advocating separation of behavior, style, and content? The simple answer is that it is up to your own coding style and discretion. As you will see, sometimes a full separation is misguided, and sometimes it is not possible.

Seeing Generated ActionScript

You can view the ActionScript files that your MXML compiles into, to use as a learning tool, and for figuring out rare compiler errors or warnings that refer to the generated ActionScript.

Simply pass the –keep argument to the Flex compiler and on the next build, generated ActionScript 3.0 files will appear in a generated/ folder.

For more information on how to set compiler arguments, please refer to the Flex documentation.

Containers and Components

To illustrate how Flex excels at building applications, we are going to throw together a minimalist email client that actually reads email. We'll start with some very small pieces of the application and build it up. Source for the finished product is available for download from http://www.partlyhuman.com/books/flexshortcut/.


The very first class you will work with is an Application. A subclass of Application defines a new Flex 2 application. We will create a file Mail.mxml with an empty application, so our class Mail extends Application, and does nothing else:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"></mx:Application>

Run this application and you should see an empty screen (with Flex 2's signature gradient in the background).


We'll start with the mail composition window. We can create a Panel, which is a container with some trimmings for a title and a window-like border, to be our composition window.

<mx:Panel width="75%" height="75%" layout="vertical" title="New Mail"/>

For most widths and heights you can set percent values as well as numeric values. Plain numbers are measured as pixels, and percentages represent a percentage of the available space. When setting measurements in ActionScript, width and height attributes are used for pixel values, and you must use separate parameters percentWidth and percentHeight to set measurements by percentage.


Boxes are basic layout elements used to flow objects together. You can use either a Box, or its more specific subclasses, HBox and VBox. An HBox is a horizontally flowing layout: as you add elements, they flow from left to right like words in a line, or as in HTML where the display style is set to inline. A VBox is a vertically flowing layout: as you add elements, they stack up from top to bottom like paragraphs or like sequential HTML elements whose display styles are set to block, or are separated by <br/> tags. Boxes and Panels are both containers, because they are intended to hold and lay out other components.

A VBox or HBox can be created from a Box by setting the Box's layout property to vertical or horizontal. A few other container components support the layout property to automatically act like a Box. For example, that is what we did above when creating the Panel.

Let's create something to populate the Box and then go back to more useful layout properties.


We'll start by adding the To: and Subject: lines of the email composer. The Label component is a one-line non-interactive piece of text, perfect for labeling other components.

<mx:VBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="left">
       <mx:Label text="To:"/>
       <mx:Label text="Subject:"/>

We can align the labels to the left, center, or right by modifying the horizontalAlign style of the VBox.


We need a place to type in those values so let's add some TextInput controls next to their labels. A TextInput is an area where the user can place the cursor and type a single line of text.

<mx:VBox width="100%">
       <mx:HBox width="100%">
              <mx:Label text="To:"/>
              <mx:TextInput width="100%"/>
       <mx:HBox width="100%">
              <mx:Label text="Subject:"/>
              <mx:TextInput width="100%"/>

As seen in figure 4, I've used a VBox to stack up the two lines vertically, and HBoxes to horizontally align each line. Each holder is scaled up to 100% to fill the full horizontal width. Without this, all the elements will take up their default or natural size depending on their contents.

The example thus far

Figure 4. The example thus far

It looks pretty good, but we probably want the two text fields to line up on their left edge as well. We really want something like a table.


We can convert the rows of HBoxes to an actual grid with the Grid component:

<mx:Grid width="100%">
       <mx:GridRow width="100%">
              <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="To:"/></mx:GridItem>
              <mx:GridItem width="100%"><mx:TextInput width="100%"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridRow width="100%">
              <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="Subject:"/></mx:GridItem>
              <mx:GridItem width="100%"><mx:TextInput width="100%"/></mx:GridItem>

The Flex 2 Grid is analogous to a table in HTML: the Grid is the <table>, the GridRow is the <tr>, and the GridItem is the <td>.

All of the 100% widths you see above are required to make sure the TextInput fills up the GridRow, the GridRow fills up the Grid, and the Grid fills up the width of the Panel it's inside, as in Figure 5. This way we can create flexible layouts that stretch to fill any width given to them.

Using a Grid results in nicely aligned fields

Figure 5. Using a Grid results in nicely aligned fields


You've already seen plenty of buttons in the previous examples, so with no ado, let's add a Cancel button and a Send button to the form.

We'll use an HBox at 100% width and right-aligned to tack the two buttons to the right side of the screen:

<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="right">
       <mx:Button label="Reset"/>
       <mx:Button label="Send"/>

Because the HBox takes up the whole width and the elements align to the right, the two buttons stick to the right side of the panel, no matter how wide it is.


Of course, you can't compose emails without a place to type the body of the email. We will add a multiline text input area, or TextArea, similar to the <textarea> tag in HTML. Because the Panel is being laid out vertically, we'll put the TextArea in the middle, between the input fields and the send buttons. We also want this TextArea to take up all available space not just horizontally, but vertically as well. The input fields and the send buttons are a fixed height, but as the container grows vertically, you should get more room for the body of your message:

<mx:TextArea width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="auto"/>

As you might guess, verticalScrollPolicy controls the use of vertical scroll bars on the TextArea, and auto will draw the scrollbar only when necessary (when there is more text in the TextArea than can fit in its current size).

ColorPicker and Slider

Let's add a few simple controls to tweak the appearance of the body text. We'll put them together on one line with some labels:

<mx:HBox horizontalGap="0" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5"
       backgroundAlpha="0.1" backgroundColor="black">

       <mx:Label text="color"/>
       <mx:ColorPicker id="fontColorPicker" selectedColor="black"/>

       <mx:Label text="size"/>
       <mx:HSlider id="fontSizeSlider" minimum="8" maximum="36" snapInterval="1"
              liveDragging="true" value="10"/>


The ColorPicker tag creates a color picker like those found in the Flash authoring tool, with a pop-up palette. You can customize the colors shown in the palette, but this example uses the defaults. The HSlider and VSlider tags create sliders that let the user visually change a value within some range.

The additional properties on the outer HBox tag are styles that set the appearance of this row of controls and visually set them apart. (Styles are covered in depth in the next section.) We will end up with something like Figure 6.

Composing a prematurely celebratory email

Figure 6. Composing a prematurely celebratory email

We've put together something that looks decent. But of course, it doesn't do anything yet, and you can't get those emails of praise until the send button works!

Scripting and Events

Adding behavior to an MXML component like the new mail form we just built is fairly easy. There are no special behaviors, special ways of registering listeners, magic keywords, or incantations: all event-driven behaviors are simply part of the event model discussed in the last chapter.

Let's tackle a simple task and get the Reset button to clear all the fields of the form. First, we'll ensure that the new mail form exists in its own component. Then we'll write the code that resets the fields. Finally, we'll use MXML event handlers to call the function.

Getting Ready

The new mail form we've built is going to hold not just the visual interface, but behaviors appropriate for new mail forms; in other words, methods. Right now, we're looking at the problem: "where do I write the reset form code?" Rather than cramming all the functions we'll need for all the parts of the app, and all the tags that might be used in the app, in one huge file, we'll practice encapsulation and separation of concerns by placing all the related functions and components together in one class, remembering that each MXML file is a class.

All this really means is we create a MXML file, ComposeView.mxml, in the package com.partlyhuman.books.flexshortcut.mail and move the Panel and its contents into this file. As a recap, our ComposeView.mxml file should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" title="New Mail"
       width="75%" height="75%" layout="vertical"
       paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5">
       <mx:Grid width="100%">
              <mx:GridRow width="100%">
                     <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="To:"/></mx:GridItem>
                     <mx:GridItem width="100%"><mx:TextInput
              <mx:GridRow width="100%">
                     <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="Subject:"/></mx:GridItem>
                     <mx:GridItem width="100%"><mx:TextInput
       <mx:HBox horizontalGap="0" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5"
              backgroundAlpha="0.1" backgroundColor="black">
              <mx:Label text="color"/>
              <mx:ColorPicker id="fontColorPicker" selectedColor="black"/>
              <mx:Label text="size"/>
              <mx:HSlider id="fontSizeSlider" minimum="8" maximum="36"
                     liveDragging="true" value="10"/>
       <mx:TextArea width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="auto"/>
       <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="right">
              <mx:Button id="resetButton" label="Reset"/>
              <mx:Button id="sendButton" label="Send"/>

And our application file can now reference this class by its tag:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
       verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center">

Writing methods

Recall that ActionScript may be added to an MXML class by using a Script block. We'll use this to add a method that resets the form. First, let's add ids to the two TextInputs and the TextArea so we can reference them from our code. We'll call them toField, subjectField, and messageField. We'll call our method to reset the form reset(), and we'll add this code to ComposeView.mxml:


       public function reset():void
              toField.text = subjectField.text = messageField.text = null;


This code sets the text property of all the fields to null, clearing out the view. The components with ids on them became public properties of the class, and everything in the Script block is inserted in the class, so reset() becomes an instance method of the class, referencing instance variables in the class.

Using Event Attributes in MXML

All that's left is to make the Reset button call reset() when it's clicked. When you create components in MXML, you can use tag attributes to define event handlers. Just type ActionScript directly inside the attribute:

<mx:Button label="Reset" click="reset()"/>

The click attribute corresponds to the event named click. When the button fires the click event, the code written inside the click event handler in the MXML is executed. Once you attach this code, you should be able to click Reset and see all the fields clear out.

Code you write inside an event handler attribute runs in the scope of the class, not inside the event's target. You also have access to event, the event object itself in code you write in an event attribute, if you want to manipulate it or pass it on to an external handler function. It's a good idea to call functions for all but the simplest event-triggered actions: it keeps you from writing code inside an attribute (where it's very easy to invalidate your XML), separates visuals from behavior, and gives you the option of triggering the behavior from other events or other classes.

Setting Up Event Listeners in ActionScript

Working with the event model is also easy to do with ActionScript. For instance, to add the same listener to the Reset button, give it an id:

<mx:Button id="resetButton" label="Reset"/>

and add the listener using ActionScript in an appropriate part of your Script block:

resetButton.addEventListener("click", reset);

However, typing a string like "click" is a dangerous thing. If you accidentally mistype it, the compiler can't catch your error. Because of this, and to help you with auto-complete in the editor, all of the special-value strings in the Flex and Flash APIs are exposed as public, static constants. So instead of writing "click" to refer to a mouse click, you should use:

resetButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, reset);

However, when using the ActionScript 3.0 event model, event handler functions must accept the event as a parameter. Our current reset() method won't cut it! Here, step back and consider the intent of this method. Is reset a method we want to make available to other methods and from outside? If that is the case, we should not require its callers to pass an event, because it might not be triggered by an event. There are two approaches to this problem. The more structured solution would be to create a handler function that calls reset():

protected function onResetButtonClicked(event:Event):void

This maintains a separation from the event handler and its functionality. In fact, this is what the MXML compiler does for you automatically. Any code you write inside the click attribute is inserted into a function that is automatically created for it when your project compiles:

public function __resetButton_click(event:flash.events.MouseEvent):void

This also explains why a variable called event is available inside an event attribute in MXML: the code ends up inside a function, which is passed a parameter called event.

A useful hack allows the same method to act as both an event handler and a standard public method. Allow the event parameter of the method to default to null. In this case we might, instead of adding a new function which calls reset(), simply change reset's signature to:

public function reset(event:Event = null):void

Of course, this works only when your method doesn't need to depend on the event or other parameters. It looks a little sloppy, but it can be helpful.

Executing Code As Your Component Becomes Visible

One thing you might notice early on while using MXML classes is that you may not declare your own constructor methods. Even if you were able to run code in the constructor of an MXML class, it might not have the desired effect. Child components are created after construction time, so attempts to reference a child in the constructor results in an error.

Flex offers two events that you might want to capture to perform initialization: initialize and creationComplete. The first event, initialize, will fire when your component is constructed and children are processed, but before anything is ready to actually appear on the screen. Conversely, creationComplete fires after the component has been created, added to a display list, measured, laid out, and drawn. If your initialization code might depend on the positions of its children, it would be better to perform it when this event is fired.

These initialization events are useful for the mail client example. We can set some default instructional text to appear in the To and Subject fields (Figure 7), and have the text select itself when you click or tab into the fields, so that if you just start typing, it replaces the selection—the instructional text—with what you type:

<mx:Panel title="New Mail" ... initialize="onInitialize(event)">

protected function onInitialize(event:Event):void
       toField.text = "Who you want this mail to go to";
       subjectField.text = "Your subject goes here";
       toField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFieldFocus);
       subjectField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFieldFocus);

protected function onFieldFocus(event:Event):void
       var target:TextInput = event.target.owner as TextInput;
       if (target) target.setSelection(0, target.text.length);

This code utilizes another good technique: using event.target as the subject of your event handling code. This way you can attach the same handler to multiple components. Some safety is built in, too. The as test assigns null to target if the event target's owner isn't a TextInput, and the if test will skip over the code which relies on a method of TextInput if the target isn't a TextInput.

Tabbing into the To: field selects the instructional text; typing replaces it

Figure 7. Tabbing into the To: field selects the instructional text; typing replaces it


Binding is a powerful concept found in many declarative languages. Bindings create links between two values, using events to update one value when the other changes. In general, bindings can be one-way or two-way, but in Flex 2 they are all one-way.

If the evil Dr. Bad decides to take out an insurance policy and create a bomb which will go off if his heart stops, he might bind the bomb to his heart. Of course, in reality this might require some risky surgery, setting up a sensor, a radio transmitter, a cellular relay, and some complex detonation device, but in the movie world nobody cares about all that: it's just a binding! The same goes for bindings in Flex. In most cases, we don't have to write setter functions, dispatch events, subscribe to them and write update functions. With Flex 2, we set up the binding by referring to the property in a special syntax, and let it do all the hard work.

Example: Setting Styles on Text

In our compose mail form, the color picker and size slider don't do anything yet. Let's use binding to make these components control the appearance of the body text. We want the font size to reflect the value of the size slider, and the font color to reflect the color selected in the color picker, even if they change (Figure 8). To put the bindings into action, just surround the property you want to bind to with curly braces:

<mx:TextArea width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="auto"

The example may be trivial, but there are many cases like this in real applications, and using binding can make quick work of them.

Updating a font's size to be more readable by binding it to a slider control

Figure 8. Updating a font's size to be more readable by binding it to a slider control

One thing that's interesting about this example is that it binds values of input components not just to properties, but also to styles.

Creating Bindings

The example uses one of three ways to bind data. By surrounding a property in curly braces, you tell the compiler to evaluate the property as a binding expression. This can also include ActionScript code: you could multiply a value by two, or concatenate a string onto the result, allowing you an opportunity to massage the data before it is applied.

Alternately, you can specify bindings free-floating rather than directly on the destination property, by using the <mx:Binding> tag. These tags sit outside of the objects they bind together, and define a source and a destination.

You can also create bindings in ActionScript with the mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils class. This way provides the most control over how to deal with updates in the source.

Using Binding as Evaluation

Curly brace binding has other applications, so you will find yourself using binding frequently without binding any properties or data. When there are no bindable properties in an expression surrounded by curly braces, the expression is simply evaluated.

In many cases, you will have to set a property of some tag to another object, or to some data. If you type in an ID or an expression into a tag, however, it will be interpreted literally, as a string. So, you may often use curly braces just to reference another object. For instance, we could set the default button of our form to the Send button:

<mx:Panel title="New Mail" ... defaultButton="{sendButton}">

Binding to Constants

When you use strings in your code, you can replace these with constants and bind to them. This works especially well when you have to use these strings in a second place. For example, if you wanted to check against the value of a string, or when you use the name property instead of id for something. (While the id becomes a property of the class, the name just remains a string defined on the instance you type it on).

Instead of:

<mx:TextInput id="input" text="Default value"/>

you might write:

private const INPUT_START_VALUE:String = "Default value";
<mx:TextInput id="input" text="{INPUT_START_VALUE}"/>

Doing it the latter way would permit you to see if the user has entered anything new in the field by comparing the text to the default value:

var isTextChanged:Boolean = (input.text != INPUT_START_VALUE);

Using this practice can help keep your code more maintainable, and prevent typo-related bugs, just like the built-in event names being stored as constants.

When to Use Binding

There are a lot of cases where binding can help you keep your code concise. Binding views to data (models) is extremely useful, as we will see in the next section. Binding components to keep their appearances in sync is common. Inspectors, user interfaces that allow you to see properties of on-screen objects updated real-time, are well suited to binding.

When you need to tightly control the order of operations, or perform complex pre- or post-commit operations, data binding may be too simple a mechanism. Rather than struggle with bending it to your will, use data binding to make code simple in simple cases.

Bound properties have to be bindable

Only bindable properties can be the source of bindings which update live. There are lots of properties in the Flex 2 framework that are already bindable. But to make your own properties bindable, you must use a metadata tag.


Metadata are information that the Flex compiler uses to perform special actions. They are not technically part of the ActionScript 3.0 language, but compiler directives. Metadata are created with expressions in square brackets. The most common metadata you might use and their meanings are:

  • [Bindable] permits the property following it to be the source of bindings.

  • [Embed] prompts the compiler to fetch an external asset and compile it into the SWF.

  • [Event] defines events, which may be assigned handlers directly in the attributes of the tag.

  • [Style] creates custom styles.

Many of these expressions are discussed in subsequent sections.

Simply precede the property you want to make bindable with the Bindable metadata tag:

public var numToes:Number = 10;

You can also make getters bindable, and customize the Bindable metadata tag to broadcast a specific event of your choosing when the value updates. Bindable properties only work in classes which are able to broadcast events. This includes all user interface components defined by Flex, so if you are writing a non-visual class like a model, just extend flash.events.EventDispatcher.

Model-View-Controller with Binding


Data binding is particularly useful in a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. You can build a lightweight view component, and instead of writing myriad functions to handle updating it, you can bind it directly to a model with data binding.

We'll see the simplicity of this approach by creating an inbox message list and reader component.

Data can be embedded in MXML

Embedding model data directly into your MXML is possible. It's not likely that you would do this except when testing or building very small applications. However, we do need to create some quick dummy data so we can build the view and test the bindings.

Let's sketch out an XML model for messages. Because XML is so easy to manipulate with E4X, and we don't have any object relational databases or heavy server side integration that necessitates building model classes for email messages, using XML is ideal.

Let's create a new MXML component—InboxView.mxml—for reading messages, and put some dummy message data in it:

<mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%"

       <mx:XMLList id="inbox">
              <from>[email protected]</from>
              <to>[email protected]</to>
              <subject>Example Email</subject>
              <message>This is an example email.</message>
       <!-- many, many more emails culled from my spam folder -->


We can write XML inline in MXML. With HTML messages, though, it would be advisable to enclose the contents of the message node in a CDATA block.


There are several built-in Flex components that are ideal for displaying sets of data. List and TileList are good for lists of data, and they can be combined with item renderers to build a list of interfaces more complex than a simple list of text. Tree, of course, is good for navigating hierarchical data. We would like to see our inbox in a familiar grid with columns that we can sort by and customize (Figure 9). Flex 2 has a component that is perfect for this, DataGrid.

Let's add in a DataGrid component to the viewer, customize its columns, and then hook it up to our dummy data by binding its dataProvider property:

<mx:DataGrid id="messageList" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{inbox}">
              <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="from" headerText="Sender"/>
              <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="subject" headerText="Subject"/>
              <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="date" headerText="Date"/>
The DataGrid renders a message list from XML: so little code... so much spam

Figure 9. The DataGrid renders a message list from XML: so little code... so much spam

With just a few lines, we now have a scrollable list of messages, resizable columns, and the ability to sort by any column ascending or descending. But we're just getting started. The DataGrid is a pre-made view suitable to display tabular data, which needs no customization. It knew to look at each XML node in your list of messages and pull out the <subject> child for the Subject field, because you specified that in the dataField property of the Subject column.

Let's build a custom view and tell it how to render its contents. Of course, this is going to be our reading pane, which shows the full email.

Binding a Custom Component to a Model

Our approach here is to make a "dumb" view. It will provide an empty slot for a model to be inserted, and binds to the properties of that model, so that when a model is provided, the view updates automatically.

We'll create another component for the message view—MessageView.mxml—and add in all the fields we want to display. We should have a header block at the top and then a big scrollable text area at the bottom:

<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">

<!-- where the model will go -->
<mx:Object id="msg"/>

<mx:Grid id="header" backgroundColor="black" backgroundAlpha="0.1" width="100%">
       <mx:GridItem horizontalAlign="right"><mx:Label text="From:"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem><mx:Text truncateToFit="true" text="{msg.from}"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem horizontalAlign="right"><mx:Label text="Date:"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem><mx:Text truncateToFit="true" text="{msg.date}"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem horizontalAlign="right"><mx:Label text="To:"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem><mx:Text truncateToFit="true" text="{msg.to}"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem horizontalAlign="right"><mx:Label text="Subject:"/></mx:GridItem>
       <mx:GridItem><mx:Text truncateToFit="true" text="{msg.subject}"/></mx:GridItem>

       width="100%" height="100%"


We made this element a VBox instead of a full panel so we can put it alongside the message list. Note how simple this is: we have an object, msg, which all the components bind their values to.

Now all we have to do is hook it up. We'll use a VDividedBox to split up the message list and the reader pane. This container component splits the area it occupies into two with a horizontal bar which the user can drag to change the relative sizes of the upper and lower areas, like an HTML frameset with a visible border. Of course, Flex 2 also provides an HDividedBox, which subdivides its area horizontally.

Finally, we add an event handler to the change property of the DataGrid, which copies the selectedItem from the model into the reader's msg slot for the model:

<mx:VDividedBox width="100%" height="100%" liveDragging="true">

<mx:DataGrid id="messageList" width="100%" height="100%"
   change="reader.msg = messageList.selectedItem">
          <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="from" headerText="Sender"/>
          <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="subject" headerText="Subject"/>
                 <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="date" headerText="Date"/>

<mail:MessageView id="reader" width="100%"/>


Believe it or not, that's all it takes. The reader view updates its bindings and displays the email when you select it in the list (Figure 10).

Awesome spam reader written in, like, 50 lines

Figure 10. Awesome spam reader written in, like, 50 lines

Sending and Loading Data

Now that we've built a view and proven its ability to bind to a model, we can load in the email messages. Flex 2 gives you plenty of options for loading data with different approaches.

Loading a File

Flash Player 9 introduces new ways of loading assets over HTTP. For external SWFs or images, there is a new flash.display.Loader class which handles loading and displaying; for text, XML, URL-encoded variables, and raw binaries, there is a new flash.net.URLLoader class. When requesting information from a URL, both of these classes use a flash.net.URLRequest class to encapsulate the URL along with other information about the request, such as headers, MIME types, and form data.

In ActionScript 3.0, the XML class is strictly a data type, and doesn't have loading capabilities like previous versions of ActionScript. Instead, URLLoader handles all the loading, and we use the top-level function XML() to convert the text data loaded by the URLLoader into XML.

Note that this is one of several top-level functions that masquerade as a cast operator. However, it's a useful metaphor. Not only does it return an XML object, but it also translates the meaning of the string into its XML representation.

Using a URLLoader is similar to using a MovieClipLoader from ActionScript 2. First, you create the object. Then you subscribe to its events, which include progress, completion, status, and error events. Finally, you ask it to send the URLRequest and load the response. After loading is complete, you can access the data loaded in the data property, which is untyped:

<!-- in MXML -->
<XMLList id="inbox"/> <!-- empty out the inbox XML but leave it as a holder -->

//inside Script block:
protected var loader:URLLoader;

public function updateMessages():void
       loader = new URLLoader();
       loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataComplete);
       loader.load(new URLRequest(

protected function onDataComplete(event:Event):void
       //.message is an E4X operator returning an XMLList
       //of all child nodes with node name <message>
       inbox = XML(loader.data).message;

Adding the above into InboxView.mxml and emptying out its XMLList tag will allow the mail list to load its dummy messages from an external XML file.


The previous example works in either Flash 9 or Flex 2. However, Flex 2 provides you with an even simpler approach in the HTTPService class. The HTTPService can be used wherever a URLLoader could, but provides some advantages. You can repeat the request trivially by calling send() on the HTTPService. You can bind directly to the results of the last call to the service, negating the need for an update function or an intermediary model location.

We could replace all the ActionScript using URLLoaders with a single Flex 2 tag:

<mx:HTTPService id="inbox" resultFormat="e4x"

We also change the DataGrid to bind directly to the result of the service, rather than binding to a model that we manually populate:

<mx:DataGrid id="messageList" ... dataProvider="{inbox.lastResult.message}">...

Now all it takes is a call to inbox.send() to refresh the email list. So whether the target is a plain XML file or a script that writes out XML, HTTPService can make loading data trivial.


Modifying the URLLoader method to use REST is straightforward. Simply add variables to the data property of the URLRequest, either by setting data to a URL-encoded string, or by adding them into a URLVariables object. Sending variables in the HTTP request and loading the XML response is all it takes to use REST.

Below is a simple snippet that retrieves the latest photos uploaded to Flickr:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://api.flickr.com/services/rest");
request.data = new URLVariables();
request.data.method = "flickr.photos.getRecent";
request.data.api_key = "<<my API key here>>";
request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
loader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

Of course, HTTPService is well suited to REST. The HTTPService tag allows a request property to be set on it with a variety of types.

<mx:HTTPService id="flickr" resultFormat="e4x"

flickr.request = {
       method: "flickr.photos.getRecent",
       api_key: "<<my API key here>>"

You can set the request property in ActionScript, as above, or directly as an attribute on the HTTPService tag in MXML. You can use curly braces in the attribute to embed an object, or write the attribute as a child node and use embedded XML to describe the variables to send:

<mx:HTTPService ... request="{{method: 'flickr.photos.getRecent'}}"/>
<!-- identical to -->


The WebService class lets you perform RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) over SOAP easily. As long as the WebService object can locate and load a WSDL file—which describes the operations the service supports and their parameters—you can access operations on the service using dot notation, even if you don't declare them ahead of time.

The WebService class must successfully load a WSDL file before any remote procedure calls are sent. Therefore, you should subscribe to the load event of a WebService and allow access only after the event is triggered.

This example and the viewer shown in Figure 11 uses a stock lookup service to get delayed stock quotes for a NASDAQ symbol;

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical">
<mx:WebService id="stockService"
       load="searchButton.enabled = true;"
       <mx:operation name="getQuote" resultFormat="object">

       <mx:Label text="Symbol name:"/>
       <mx:TextInput id="symbolInput" maxChars="5"/>
       <mx:Button id="searchButton" enabled="false" label="GO"
<mx:Text text="{stockService.getQuote.lastResult}"/>
A stock viewer application using SOAP web services

Figure 11. A stock viewer application using SOAP web services

When the WebService above loads the WSDL file, it enables the search button, which is disabled by default. This ensures that when the getTemp object is called, it's ready.

In the above example, the operation attribute of the WebService is included for our own convenience and self-documentation. Because information about the available operations is encoded in the WSDL file, we could omit our own description of the getQuote operation, but we would have to manually set the symbol parameter before sending the procedure call rather than using binding. Using data binding to bind a parameter directly to the value with which it will be called is known as parameter binding.

The WebService interface can be much more convenient than HTTPService, especially when calling many different methods, because one service reference can manage multiple operations.


For services that return data encoded in JSON, there is no built-in converter. eval() is not implemented in ActionScript 3, in order to keep the AS3 compiler out of the Flash Player. However, Adobe Labs hosts a free project called corelib, at http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/ActionScript_3:resources:apis:libraries, which includes a JSON parser.

Flash Remoting

Neither Flex nor AS3 provide a special API for Flash Remoting beside the Flex Data Services mentioned below. Remoting calls can be performed using the NetConnection API. Alternately you could use the MIT-licensed AS3 Lightweight Remoting Framework by Danny Patterson, available at http://as3lrf.riaforge.org/. The framework allows you to encapsulate a service, which supports Flash Remoting like any other web service.

Flex Data Services

Flex Data Services (FDS) http://www.adobe.com/products/flex/dataservices/ is an Adobe product in the Flex family; it allows Flex 2 applications to communicate more intelligently and efficiently with the data tier. FDS is a Java application that runs on top of existing business logic on the server, and is agnostic of your choice of database communication. Though it is a separate application, Flex 2 contains features expressly for working with FDS. The product also must be purchased separately and comes in different editions and different price points.

FDS offers a whole slew of features, which may be split into categories: connectivity, RPC services, data management services, and message services.

FDS and Flex are able to communicate using AMF3, a binary, compressed format that retains typing. FDS can communicate with Flex through RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) or over HTTP, and falls back gracefully. FDS is able to queue messages for temporarily unreachable clients, and it can sustain a stateful transaction with Flex clients.

FDS proxies other remote services to provide centralized logging, security, configuration, and, potentially, localization.

Flex applications which use Flex Data Server to communicate with business tier applications can have up-to-date copies of data centralized without needing to worry about synchronization, locking, or updating. FDS can provide Flex applications with a copy of data that is automagically always up-to-date.

Finally, Flex Data Services enable real-time, push messaging from the server and mediated between peers.


For the first time, Flash Player 9 supports TCP/IP socket connections, allowing you to talk to arbitrary services with full control over the data you send and receive. Sockets are an abstraction of a TCP/IP connection as a stream. You can read as much as is available from the stream or write to it, in any combination of formats. To use a socket, you create it, connect to a server, read and write data to it, and close it.

Using sockets, we can connect our mail application to a real mail server. In order to make our mail application functional, we separate out the model into a central location, and create a POP3 client class, which retrieves the messages from a real mail server and populates the model as they are loaded.

Below is a condensed version of the POPConnection class. Please see the full listing on this Short Cut's site. Communicating with a POP server involves a series of steps. In order to talk to a POP server, it must:

  1. Send the username

  2. Wait for a response

  3. Send the password

  4. Wait for a response

  5. Request a list of messages

  6. Parse the list of messages

  7. Retrieve the messages one by one

Because the Socket exposes only a single event for all incoming data, the class uses a state variable and the last sent command to remember where it is in the process and how to deal with received data. The class uses regular expressions heavily to parse the server's responses into XML and inserts the values into the data model with E4X:

final public class POPConnection extends EventDispatcher
       public function POPConnection(user:String, pass:String, host:String, port:int)
              sock = new Socket();
              sock.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onConnected);
              sock.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError);
              sock.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
              sock.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onData);

       private function connect():void
              sock.connect(host, port);
       private function onData(event:Event):void
              responseBuffer += sock.readUTFBytes(sock.bytesAvailable);

              //if the end of the buffer is the end-of-response marker
       private function sendCommand(command:String, ... args):void
              var output:String = command + " " + args.join(" ") + CMD_END;
              //start timeouts...
       private function processResponse():void
              var response:String = responseBuffer;
              var isOk:Boolean = (response.search(/^+OK/) == 0);
              switch (state)
                     case POPState.CONNECTED:
                           if (isOk)
                                  state = POPState.WAIT_FOR_USER;
                                  sendCommand("USER", user);
                     //other states for authentication...
                     case POPState.WAITING_MULTILINE:
                           if (command == "LIST")
                                  currentIndex = 1;
                           } else if (command == "TOP" || command == "RETR") {
                                  if (isOk)
                                  } else {
                           state = POPState.TRANSACTION;
              responseBuffer = "";
       private function parseMessage(messageSrc:String):void
              var inbox:XMLList = MessageRepository.getInstance().inbox;
              var msg:XML = inbox.(id == currentIndex)[0];
              var cut:int = messageSrc.indexOf(HEADER_END);
              var header:String = messageSrc.substring(0, cut);
              var message:String = messageSrc.substring(cut, messageSrc.length);

              var headers:Object = parseHeaders(header);
              msg.from = headers.from;
              msg.to = headers.to;
              msg.date = headers.dateparsed;
              msg.subject = headers.subject;
              msg.message = undoubleNewlines(message);

Because the DataGrid is bound to the inbox XMLList, any change to the data is reflected in the list: as the POP client loads in messages one at a time, they appear in the reader progressively, letting you view messages without waiting for all of them to load.


Using States

Flex 2 makes it easy to add to, remove from, and change the user interface on the fly. You can present users with an interface that changes to suit the current task or their needs. However, using code to modify the interface can get messy: as the number of possible permutations of your component increases, you have to be more careful about managing every possible state transition. States provide structure and indication to changes in the user interface.

One of the benefits of Flex States is the fact that they are self-contained. You can encapsulate the steps necessary to transform one mode of the interface into another in a State, and give that State a name. Now, instead of inspecting your interface or checking on a manually updated variable to see what state the interface is in, you can simply inspect the current State's name.

Another benefit is that Flex figures out and performs the work necessary to transition from one State to another. You simply declare the properties which need to change, and when you request that State, the changes are applied.

Finally, if you use States in your application, you can use them as event triggers and you can apply transitions based on them.

Example: Mail List

If we want to be able to collapse the message list and hide the reading pane in our mail application, we can create a state for this appearance. All we have to do is specify what changes to make inside a State tag, and give it a name to reference. Then, all changes to the State are performed by setting currentState to the name of a State. The property currentState is defined on all Flex UI components and refers to the name of the state the component is in. To revert to the base state, simply set currentState to null. We add the following to InboxView.mxml:

       <mx:State name="collapsed">
              <mx:SetProperty target="{reader}" name="height" value="0"/>

This code says: there is one State in this component named collapsed, which modifies the height of the reader to be 0. Notice how binding is used to dereference the id of the mail reader pane.

You can add a button that triggers this change of state and collapses the viewer pane:

<mx:Button label="Hide Reader" click="currentState = 'collapsed'"/>

And it would be nice to bring back the reading pane by double-clicking a message in the list:

<mx:DataGrid id="messageList" ...
       doubleClick="currentState = null">...</mx:DataGrid>

Binding to Constants

Because you must refer to a State by its name, which is just a String, States are a perfect place to apply the binding-to-constants practice. With a few changes, you could make this code typo-proof. Just add constants for every State you will be using in your class:

protected const STATE_COLLAPSED:String = "collapsed";

and then use curly braces to dereference them in place of typing in the name of the State:

<mx:State name="{STATE_COLLAPSED}">...
<mx:Button click="currentState = STATE_COLLAPSED"/>

States' Rights

Setting a property is one of a few things States are allowed to do. They may also

  • Modify a style with <mx:SetStyle/>

  • Add children to the component with <mx:AddChild/>

  • Remove children with <mx:RemoveChild/>

  • Set an event handler with <mx:SetEventHandler/>

Example: Flickr Grid

Let's move back to the canonical Flickr example. We want to be able to look at a grid of photos, and see either the title or the image itself. We're going to implement the two views of each image as a State.

We use the same HTTPService code from earlier and utilize it to generate a grid of photos. When we built the message list with a DataGrid, we saw that a DataGrid already knows how to render its data. Well, we can actually upgrade the abilities of this and other built-in data components by giving them an itemRenderer: a class that performs the job of displaying each piece of data. This way, a List can worry about looking through the data, making the correct number of cells, aligning them vertically, and scrolling them, while the itemRenderer worries about how to draw each item. The TileList is another built-in data component that can be assigned new renderers, and we let it do the work of arranging the photos in a grid. Whereas a DataGrid displays data in cells in a table, with one row per item, the TileList displays its content aligned in a grid, with one cell per item and no row or column headers:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" initialize="flickr.send()">

<mx:HTTPService id="flickr"
              <api_key><!-- API key goes here --></api_key>

       paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"
       columnWidth="75" rowHeight="75"
       width="100%" height="100%"


The itemRenderer property of the TileList specifies what class is created to populate each tile of the grid. By giving it the name of the FlickrTile class, we specify that each tile should be populated by a FlickrTile, which handles the visual representation of a single row of data.

The rest of the application is in the FlickrTile class. Inside an item renderer, there exists a data property that is set to the row of data that the renderer is to represent. We use E4X to grab the properties out of the XML and construct an image URL with it, and use an Image to display the image:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">

              private function photoToImage(photo:*):String
                     var p:XML = photo as XML;
                     return "http://static.flickr.com/" + p.@server + "/"
                           + p.@id + "_" + p.@secret  + "_s.jpg";

       <mx:Image id="img" width="75" height="75" source="{photoToImage(data)}"/>


Now we add an overlay on top of the image with the title:

       <mx:HBox id="caption" width="75" height="75" backgroundColor="black">
              <mx:Text height="100%" width="100%"
                     truncateToFit="true" selectable="false" color="white"

Then add some states. This time instead of using a default state, we have two states, inactive and active:

              <mx:State name="inactive">
                     <mx:SetProperty target="{caption}" name="alpha" value="0.4"/>
              <mx:State name="active">
                     <mx:RemoveChild target="{caption}"/>

It's your choice whether to use multiple named states, or take advantage of the default state. You can use a custom state as your default state by setting currentState in the root tag of your component. This way, we can forget about the base state: the application will always be in only one of the two states we defined. We also made the mouse trigger the state changes by adding events to the root tag:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"...

And that's all. Now we can move the mouse around the grid to expose the photos behind the captions. As shown in Figure it's a micro-miniature browser.

States are swapped on rollover

Figure 12. States are swapped on rollover

When (Not) To Use States

States are useful for changes that are localized, and especially for those that are in appearance only. Because you are able to run arbitrary code when entering a state by attaching to the state's enterState event, it is tempting to use states to implement all kinds of changes. However, you will be more successful if you use states to manage self-contained changes in the user interface.

One weakness of states is that they are public: any outside class can modify your class's currentState property, and by turn your class's state. The convenience of states comes at the price of encapsulation.


Styles make it easy to customize the appearance of everything in your application, and provide you with different ways to associate appearance with objects. Styles are fairly versatile: you can change styles at runtime to make your application more reactive, you can set them from MXML or ActionScript, and you can bind them to data sources.

Inline Styles

In MXML, styles are set as attributes of tags. Unlike some declarative XML languages, in MXML, attributes for event names, styles, effect triggers, and instance properties all share the same namespace. You can use the icons on Flex Builder 2's autocomplete pop-up to differentiate, and to see which styles are available to which components. Alternately, you might use the Flex Properties panel in Flex Builder 2's design mode to see available styles, or reference the Styles section of the class's documentation.

Style names, when used in tag attributes, are subject to a simple translation rule. A style name in a style sheet is allowed to (and frequently does) use dashes to separate words, as in font-family. When written as an attribute in a tag, the dashes are converted into camel case, as in fontFamily. This is programmatically done, so even custom styles you create can be converted. Furthermore, you are allowed to use either the dash or the camel case form of a style in a style sheet: either is accepted.

To change the appearance of a single instance (Figure 13), you can use inline styles:

<mx:Text width="100%" text="Dull, boring, lacks style. Lacks impact."/>
<mx:Text width="100%"
Giving labels some style

Figure 13. Giving labels some style

Common Styles

There are a handful of styles you will find yourself using frequently in Flex 2. Many of these appear identical to W3C CSS styles, but they are often slightly different, and these differences can easily become problematic, so these caveats are included in the list.

Common styles and notes


Comma-separated lists are not supported. Use _typewriter, _sans, _serif, instead of CSS presets like sans.


All measurements are in pixels. Do not append any units.

paddingLeft, paddingRight,...

There is no margin style. All measurements are pixels.

Combined shortcuts (padding: 1 2 3 4) not supported.

color, backgroundColor

Named colors, 0×5566AA, #5566AA, integers supported. Shortcuts like #AAA not supported.


Alpha values are real numbers between 0 and 1.

borderStyle, borderSides

Instead of setting border-left, border-right, etc., as in CSS, set border-style to a single style and border-sides to a comma-separated list of top, left, right, bottom.

horizontalCenter, verticalCenter

Allows you to position based on a center line rather than top left. Setting 0 for both values places the center of an object at the center of its parent.

horizontalGap, verticalGap

Modifies spacing of layout containers like HBox.

As mentioned above, all measurements are in pixels and no value should include units. Another important point is that the x, y, width, and height properties are not styles and cannot be controlled by a style. However, top, bottom, left, and right are styles with the same meanings as W3C CSS.

Setting Styles in ActionScript

To set styles on a single component instance using ActionScript, use setStyle(styleName, value), for example:

<mx:Button id="myButton" click="myButton.setStyle('borderColor', 'red')" label="Red"/>

Style Inheritance

Depending on the particular style, setting a style on a container component may also set it on the container's children. This is a different phenomenon than cascading styles, because it refers not to style rules but to display lists. Called style inheritance, it typically applies to color and text styles. The Flex 2 Language Reference documents the inheritance property of every style.

Cascading Stylesheets

Flex 2 supports cascading stylesheets, with the same syntax as W3C CSS and the same cascading model, but with much different support for selectors. When beginning to use Flex 2 style sheets, I would advise you to forget everything you know about CSS. Or at least, put it away for the next time you use HTML+CSS.

You can write CSS directly inside a Style block in MXML, or you can reference an external CSS file:

<mx:Style source="styles.css"/>

However, you can only pull in CSS style blocks from the root Application of your project. If you are working on a large application, you might consider splitting your styles into several .css files that address different subsystems. This is especially beneficial if you are working on a project which publishes multiple SWFs sharing some code: you can include different .css files in each top level Application which only contain styles used in that application.

While you work with CSS, keep in mind that Flex compiles this, too, into ActionScript. Your CSS files are not loaded or applied at runtime. However, not all hope is lost for switching styles at runtime. The StyleManager class lets you view and modify styles and even add new selectors while your application is running. While you can't simply load in a new style sheet, you can use ActionScript to modify cascading styles and see your application refresh with those changes.

The major difference between W3C CSS and Flex 2 stylesheets is the kinds of selectors that are supported.

Type Selectors

Use type selectors to set styles for every instance of a certain class. This can refer to not only built-in components like ComboBox and ProgressBar but to MXML and ActionScript classes you write yourself. Much like you could use the following line in W3C CSS to make all ordered and unordered lists appear white:

ul, ol {color: white}

You could likewise use the following in Flex 2 CSS to make all Labels and Texts appear white:

Label, Text {color: white}

Class Selectors

Use class selectors to create a common style that any instances can use. To use a class selector, just come up with a class name, define it in CSS with the styles you would like it to apply, and set the class name on the instances you want to appear that way.

For instance, you can create a red class that only a few specific components on screen will use:

       .red {color: red}
<mx:Button styleName="red" label="Red Button"/>
<mx:Label styleName="red" label="Red Label"/>
<mx:Button label="Normal Button"/>

Nomenclature here gets confusing because, of course, we already have a much different concept of what a "class" is. So while this is still called a "class selector," you use the styleName attribute to apply style classes in your tags instead of class, as you would in HTML.

Be aware: you cannot use multiple style classes on a single element like HTML allows in code, like <a class="external, big">.

Global Selector

Like W3C CSS's * selector, the global selector in Flex 2 CSS applies to everything, though it is the most general rule and can be overridden by a more specific rule. This can be useful for setting a global font, or even better, to speed up or disable animations in all the Flex 2 components at once.

global {
       openDuration: 0;
       closeDuration: 0;

Selectors Not Implemented

No selectors beyond the three listed above are implemented. This means you cannot use:

  • Type-specific classes like Button.bigButton

  • id selectors like #logo

  • Any kinds of descendant or familial selectors like Panel LinkButton

  • Pseudoclasses like .fancyLabel:hover

To CSS Or Not To... Whatever

Flex 2 delivers a one-two punch with the lack of selector support and classification of visual properties like width and height as non-styles. While there are good reasons for these to not be styles, it means that many times you may end up with most of the visual appearance stored in an external CSS file but some remaining embedded firmly in MXML. The lack of selectors means you may also have no choice but to construct unwieldy style class names in an attempt to avoid name collisions when targeting specific components in (globally scoped) stylesheets.

If it makes sense, you might choose to inline styles for styles unique to instances, or create "microclasses" instead of style classes. For example, if you wanted to achieve this effect:

#topPanel Button.redButton {background-color: red; width: 50}

You might decide that instead of making a .topPanelRedButton style class, you might actually make a RedButton.mxml class, perhaps in the same package as your topPanel, consisting of:

<mx:Button backgroundColor="red" width="50"/>

Best practices of the web standards community would have us commit to a separation of content and style. However, content in Flex 2 applications often comes from an external source and are used to populate a view. So when you write views in MXML, you are specifying presentation that is already loosely coupled to content. Separating presentation further into structure and style is the purpose of externalizing CSS, and it is useful for writing components that may be reused with a different style. On the other hand, for one-off components, you may be hurting yourself by putting the style in a separate file as the rest of the MXML presentation.

Using external CSS—given its limitations—may either simplify or complicate your code. Find a strategy that works well with your style and your application, depending on its complexity and organization.

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