Chapter 8. Functional Programming in Scala

Every decade or two, a major computing idea goes mainstream. These ideas may have lurked in the background of academic computer science research, or possibly in some lesser-known field of industry. The transition to mainstream acceptance comes in response to a perceived problem for which the idea is well suited. Object-oriented programming, which was invented in the 1960s, went mainstream in the 1980s, arguably in response to the emergence of graphical user interfaces, for which the OOP paradigm is a natural fit.

Functional programming appears to be experiencing a similar breakout. Long the topic of computer science research and even older than object-oriented programming, functional programming offers effective techniques for concurrent programming, which is growing in importance.

Because functional programming is less widely understood than object-oriented programming, we won’t assume that you have prior experience with it. We’ll start this chapter with plenty of background information. As you’ll see, functional programming is not only a very effective way to approach concurrent programming, which we’ll explore in depth in Chapter 9, but functional programming can also improve your objects.

Of course, we can’t provide an exhaustive introduction to functional programming. To learn more about it, [O’Sullivan2009] has a more detailed introduction in the context of the Haskell language. [Abelson1996], [VanRoy2004], and [Turbak2008] offer thorough introductions to general programming approaches, including functional programming. Finally, [Okasaki1998] and [Rabhi1999] discuss functional data structures and algorithms in detail.

What Is Functional Programming?

Don’t all programming languages have functions of some sort? Whether they are called methods, procedures, or GOTOs, programmers are always dealing in functions. Functional programming is based on the behavior of functions in the mathematical sense, with all the implications that starting point implies.

Functions in Mathematics

In mathematics, functions have no side effects. Consider the classic function sin(x):

y = sin(x)

No matter how much work sin(x) does, all the results are returned and assigned to y. No global state of any kind is modified internally by sin(x). Hence, we say that such a function is free of side effects, or pure.

This property simplifies enormously the challenge of analyzing, testing, and debugging a function. You can do these things without having to know anything about the context in which the function is invoked, except for any other functions it might call. However, you can analyze them in the same way, working bottom up to verify the whole “stack.”

This obliviousness to the surrounding context is known as Referential Transparency. You can call such a function anywhere and be confident that it will always behave the same way. If no global state is modified, concurrent invocation of the function is straightforward and reliable.

In functional programming, you can compose functions from other functions. For example, tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x). An implication of composability is that functions can be treated as values. In other words, functions are first-class, just like data. You can assign functions to variables. You can pass functions to other functions. You can return functions as values from functions. In the functional paradigm, functions become a primitive type, a building block that’s just as essential to the work of programming as integers or strings.

When a function takes other functions as arguments or returns a function, it is called a higher-order function. In mathematics, two examples of higher-order functions from calculus are derivation and integration.

Variables that Aren’t

The word “variable” takes on a new meaning in functional programming. If you come from a procedural or object-oriented programming background, you are accustomed to variables that are mutable. In functional programming, variables are immutable.

This is another consequence of the mathematical orientation. In the expression y = sin(x), once you pick x, then y is fixed. As another example, if you increment the integer 3 by 1, you don’t “modify the 3 object,” you create a new value to represent 4.

To be more precise, it is the values that are immutable. Functional programming languages prevent you from assigning a new value to a variable that already has a value.

Immutability is difficult when you’re not used to it. If you can’t change a variable, then you can’t have loop counters, for example. We’re accustomed to objects that change their state when we call methods on them. Learning to think in immutable terms takes some effort.

However, immutability has enormous benefits for concurrency. Almost all the difficulty of multithreaded programming lies in synchronizing access to shared, mutable state. If you remove mutability, then the problems essentially go away. It is the combination of referentially transparent functions and immutable values that make functional programming compelling as a better way to write concurrent software.

These qualities benefit programs in other ways. Almost all the constructs we have invented in 60-odd years of computer programming have been attempts to manage complexity. Higher-order functions and referential transparency provide very flexible building blocks for composing programs.

Immutability greatly reduces regression bugs, many of which are caused by unintended state changes in one part of a program due to intended changes in another part. There are other contributors to such non-local effects, but mutability is one of the most important.

It’s common in object-oriented designs to encapsulate access to data structures in objects. If these structures are mutable, we can’t simply share them with clients. We have to add special accessor methods to control access, so clients can’t modify them outside our control. These additions increase code size, which increases the testing and maintenance burden, and they increase the effort required by clients to understand the ad hoc features of our APIs.

In contrast, when we have immutable data structures, many of these problems simply go away. We can provide access to collections without fear of data loss or corruption. Of course, the general principles of minimal coupling still apply; should clients care if a Set or List is used, as long foreach is available?

Immutable data also implies that lots of copies will be made, which can be expensive. Functional data structures optimize for this problem (see [Okasaki1998]) and many of the built-in Scala types are efficient at creating new copies from existing copies.

It’s time to dive into the practicalities of functional programming in Scala. We’ll discuss other aspects and benefits of the approach as we proceed.

Functional Programming in Scala

As a hybrid object-functional language, Scala does not require functions to be pure, nor does it require variables to be immutable. It does, however, encourage you to write your code this way whenever possible. You have the freedom to use procedural or object-oriented techniques when and where they seem most appropriate.

Though functional languages are all about eliminating side effects, a language that never allowed for side effects would be useless. Input and output (IO) are inherently about side effects, and IO is essential to all programming tasks. For this reason, all functional languages provide mechanisms for performing side effects in a controlled way.

Scala doesn’t restrict what you can do, but we encourage you to use immutable values and pure functions and methods whenever possible. When mutability and side effects are necessary, pursue them in a “principled” way, isolated in well-defined modules and focused on individual tasks.

If you’re new to functional programming, keep in mind that it’s easy to fall back to old habits. We encourage you to master the functional side of Scala and to learn to use it effectively.


A function that returns Unit implies that the function has pure side effects, meaning that if it does any useful work, that work must be all side effects, since the function doesn’t return anything.

We’ve seen many examples of higher-order functions and composability in Scala. For example, takes a function to transform each element of the list to something else:

// code-examples/FP/basics/list-map-example-script.scala

List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) map { _ * 2 }

Recall that _ * 2 is a function literal that is shorthand for i => i * 2. For each argument to the function, you can use _ if the argument is used only once. We also used the infix operator notation to invoke map. Here’s an example that “reduces” the same list by multiplying all the elements together:

// code-examples/FP/basics/list-reduceLeft-example-script.scala

List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) reduceLeft { _ * _ }

The first _ represents the argument that is accumulating the value of the reduction, and the second _ represents the current element of the list.

Both examples successfully “looped” through the list without the use of a mutable counter to track iterations. Most containers in the Scala library provide functionally pure iteration methods. In other cases, recursion is the preferred way to traverse a data structure or perform an algorithm. We’ll return to this topic in Recursion.

Function Literals and Closures

Let’s expand our previous map example a bit:

// code-examples/FP/basics/list-map-closure-example-script.scala

var factor = 3
val multiplier = (i:Int) => i * factor

val l1 = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) map multiplier

factor = 5
val l2 = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) map multiplier


We defined a variable, factor, to use as the multiplication factor, and we pulled out the previous anonymous function into a value called multiplier that now uses factor. Then we map over a list of integers, as we did before. After the first call to map, we change factor and map again. Here is the output:

List(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
List(5, 10, 15, 20, 25)

Even though multiplier was an immutable function value, its behavior changed when factor changed.

There are two free variables in multiplier: i and factor. One of them, i, is a formal parameter to the function. Hence, it is bound to a new value each time multiplier is called.

However, factor is not a formal parameter, but a reference to a variable in the enclosing scope. Hence, the compiler creates a closure that encompasses (or “closes over”) multiplier and the external context of the unbound variables multiplier references, thereby binding those variables as well.

This is why the behavior of multiplier changed after changing factor. It references factor and reads its current value each time. If a function has no external references, then it is trivially closed over itself. No external context is required.

Purity Inside Versus Outside

If we called sin(x) thousands of times with the same value of x, it would be wasteful if it calculated the same value every single time. Even in “pure” functional libraries, it is common to perform internal optimizations like caching previously computed values (sometimes called memoization). Caching introduces side effects, as the state of the cache is modified.

However, this lack of purity should be opaque to the user (except perhaps in terms of the performance impact). If you are designing functional libraries, ensure that they preserve the purity of their abstractions, including the behavior of referential transparency and its implications for concurrency.

You can see examples of functional libraries with mutable internals in the Scala library. The methods in List often use mutable local variables for efficient traversal. The local variables are thread-safe, as are the traversals, since Lists themselves are immutable.


Recursion plays a larger role in pure functional programming than in imperative programming, in part because of the restriction that variables are immutable. For example, you can’t have loop counters, which would change on each pass through a loop. One way to implement looping in a purely functional way is with recursion.

Calculating factorials provides a good example. Here is an imperative loop implementation:

// code-examples/FP/recursion/factorial-loop-script.scala

def factorial_loop(i: BigInt): BigInt = {
  var result = BigInt(1)
  for (j <- 2 to i.intValue)
    result *= j

for (i <- 1 to 10)
  format("%s: %s
", i, factorial_loop(i))

Both the loop counter j and the result are mutable variables. (For simplicity, we’re ignoring input numbers that are less than or equal to zero.) The output of the script is the following:

1: 1
2: 2
3: 6
4: 24
5: 120
6: 720
7: 5040
8: 40320
9: 362880
10: 3628800

Here’s a first pass at a recursive implementation:

// code-examples/FP/recursion/factorial-recur1-script.scala

def factorial(i: BigInt): BigInt = i match {
  case _ if i == 1 => i
  case _ => i * factorial(i - 1)

for (i <- 1 to 10)
  format("%s: %s
", i, factorial(i))

The output is the same, but now there are no mutable variables. Recursion not only helps us avoid mutable variables, it is also the most natural way to express some functions, particularly mathematical functions. The recursive definition in our second factorial is structurally similar to a definition for factorials that you might see in a mathematics book.

However, there are two potential problems with recursion: the performance overhead of repeated function invocations and the risk of stack overflow.

Performance problems in a recursive scenario can sometimes be addressed with memoization, but care should be taken that the space requirements of caching don’t outweigh the performance benefits.

Stack overflow can be avoided by converting the recursive invocation into a loop of some kind. In fact, the Scala compiler can do this conversion for you for some kinds of recursive invocations, which we describe next.

Tail Calls and Tail-Call Optimization

A particular kind of recursion is called tail-call recursion, which occurs when a function calls itself as its final operation. Tail-call recursion is very important because it is the easiest kind of recursion to optimize by conversion into a loop. Loops eliminate the potential of a stack overflow, and they improve performance by eliminating the recursive function call overhead. While tail recursion optimizations are not yet supported natively on the JVM, scalac can do them.

However, our factorial example is not a tail recursion, because factorial calls itself and then does a multiplication with the results. There is a way to implement factorial in a tail recursive way. We actually saw an implementation in Nesting Method Definitions. However, that example didn’t use some constructs we’ve learned about since, such as for comprehensions and pattern matching. So, here’s a new implementation of factorial, calculated with tail-call recursion:

// code-examples/FP/recursion/factorial-recur2-script.scala

def factorial(i: BigInt): BigInt = {
  def fact(i: BigInt, accumulator: BigInt): BigInt = i match {
    case _ if i == 1 => accumulator
    case _ => fact(i - 1, i * accumulator)
  fact(i, 1)

for (i <- 1 to 10)
  format("%s: %s
", i, factorial(i))

This script produces the same output as before. Now, factorial does all the work with a nested method, fact, that is tail recursive because it passes an accumulator argument to hold the computation in progress. This argument is computed with a multiplication before the recursive call to fact, which is now the very last thing that is done. In our previous implementation, this multiplication was done after the call to fact. When we call fact(1), we simply return the accumulated value.

If you call our original non-tail recursive implementation of factorial with a large number—say 10,000—you’ll cause a stack overflow on a typical desktop computer. The tail-recursive implementation works successfully, returning a very large number.

This idiom of nesting a tail-recursive function that uses an accumulator is a very useful technique for converting many recursive algorithms into tail recursions that can be optimized into loops by scalac.


The tail-call optimization won’t be applied when a method that calls itself might be overridden in a derived type. The method must be private or final, defined in an object, or nested in another method (like fact earlier). The new @tailrec annotation in version 2.8 will trigger an error if the compiler can’t optimize the annotated method. (See Annotations.)

Trampoline for Tail Calls

A trampoline is a loop that works through a list of functions, calling each one in turn. The metaphor of bouncing the functions off a trampoline is the source of the name.

Consider a kind of recursion where a function A doesn’t call itself recursively, but instead it calls another function B, which calls A, which calls B, etc. This kind of back-and-forth recursion can also be converted into a loop using a trampoline. Note that trampolines impose a performance overhead, but they are ideal for pure functional recursions (versus an imperative equivalent) that would otherwise exhaust the stack.

Support for this optimization is planned for Scala version 2.8, although it has not yet been implemented at the time of this writing.

Functional Data Structures

There are several data structures that are common in functional programming, most of which are containers, like collections. Languages like Erlang rely on very few types, while other functional languages provide a richer type system.

The common data structures support the same subset of higher-order functions for read-only traversal and access to the elements in the data structures. These features make them suitable as “protocols” for minimizing the coupling between components, while supporting data exchange.

In fact, these data structures and their operations are so useful that many languages support them, including those that are not considered functional languages, like Java and Ruby. Java doesn’t support higher-order functions directly. Instead, function values have to be wrapped in objects. Ruby uses procs and lambdas as function values.

Lists in Functional Programming

Lists are the most common data structure in functional programming. They are the core of the first functional programming language, Lisp.

In the interest of immutability, a new list is created when you add an element to a list. It is conventional to prepend the new element to the list, as we’ve seen before:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/list-script.scala

val list1 = List("Programming", "Scala")
val list2 = "People" :: "should" :: "read" :: list1

Because the :: operator binds to the right, the definition of list2 is equivalent to both of the following variations:

val list2 = ("People" :: ("should" :: ("read" :: list1)))
val list2 = list1.::("read").::("should").::("People")

In terms of performance, prepending is O(1). We’ll see why when we dive into Scala’s implementation of List in A Closer Look at Lists, after we have learned more about parameterized types in Scala.

Unlike some of the other collections, Scala only defines an immutable List. However, it also defines some mutable list types, such as ListBuffer and LinkedList

Maps in Functional Programming

Perhaps the second most common data structure is the map, referred to as a hash or dictionary in other languages, and not to be confused with the map function we saw earlier. Maps are used to hold pairs of keys and values.

In the interest of minimalism, maps could be implemented with lists. Every even element in the list (counting from zero) could be a key, followed by the value in the next odd position. In practice, maps are usually implemented in other ways for efficiency.

Scala supports the special initialization syntax we saw previously:

val stateCapitals = Map(
  "Alabama" -> "Montgomery",
  "Alaska"  -> "Juneau",
  // ...
  "Wyoming" -> "Cheyenne")

The scala.collection.Map[A,+B] trait only defines methods for reading the Map. There are derived traits for immutable and mutable maps, scala.collection.immutable.Map[A,+B] and scala.collection.mutable.Map[A,B], respectively. They define + and - operators for adding and removing elements, and ++ and -- operators for adding and removing elements defined in Iterators of Pairs, where each Pair is a key-value pair.


You might have noticed that the + does not appear in front of the B type parameters for scala.collection.mutable.Map. You’ll see why in Variance of Mutable Types.

Sets in Functional Programming

Sets are like lists, but they require each element to be unique. Sets could also be implemented using lists, as long as the equivalent of the list “cons” operator (::) first checks that the element doesn’t already exist in the storage list. This property means that element insertion would be O(N) if a storage list were used, and the order of the elements in the set wouldn’t necessarily match the order of “insertion” operations. In practice, sets are usually implemented with more efficient data structures.

Just as for Map, the scala.collection.Set[A] trait only defines methods for reading the Set. There are derived traits for immutable and mutable sets, scala.collection.immutable.Set[A] and scala.collection.mutable.Set[A], respectively. They define + and - operators for adding and removing elements, and ++ and -- operators for adding and removing elements defined in Iterators (which could be other sets, lists, etc.).

Other Data Structures in Functional Programming

Other familiar data structures, like Tuples and Arrays, will appear in functional languages. Typically, they’re used to provide some convenient feature not supported by a more common functional type. In most cases they could be replaced with lists.

Traversing, Mapping, Filtering, Folding, and Reducing

The functional collections we just discussed—lists, maps, sets, as well as tuples and arrays—all support several common operations based on read-only traversal. In fact, this uniformity can be exploited if any “container” type also supports these operations. For example, an Option contains zero or one elements, if it is a None or Some, respectively.


The standard traversal method for Scala containers is foreach, which is defined by the Iterable traits that the containers mix in. It is O(N) in the number of elements. Here is an example of its use for lists and maps:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/foreach-script.scala

List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) foreach { i => println("Int: " + i) }

val stateCapitals = Map(
  "Alabama" -> "Montgomery",
  "Alaska"  -> "Juneau",
  "Wyoming" -> "Cheyenne")

stateCapitals foreach { kv => println(kv._1 + ": " + kv._2) }

The signature of foreach is the following:

trait Iterable[+A] {
  def foreach(f : (A) => Unit) : Unit = ...

foreach is a higher-order function that takes a function argument: the operation to perform on each element. Note that for a map, A is actually a tuple, as shown in the example. Also, foreach returns Unit. foreach is not intended to create new collections; we’ll see examples of operations that create collections shortly.

Once you have foreach, you can implement all the other traversal operations we’ll discuss next, and more. A look at Iterable will show that it supports methods for filtering collections, finding elements that match specified criteria, calculating the number of elements, and so forth.

The methods we’ll discuss next are hallmarks of functional programming: mapping, filtering, folding, and reducing.


We’ve encountered the map method before. It returns a new collection of the same size as the original collection. It is also a member of Iterable, and its signature is:

trait Iterable[+A] {
  def map[B](f : (A) => B) : Iterable[B] = ...

The passed-in function (f) can transform an original element of type A to a new type B. Here is an example:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/map-script.scala

val stateCapitals = Map(
  "Alabama" -> "Montgomery",
  "Alaska"  -> "Juneau",
  "Wyoming" -> "Cheyenne")

val lengths = stateCapitals map { kv => (kv._1, kv._2.length) }

This script produces the output ArrayBuffer((Alabama,10), (Alaska,6), (Wyoming,8)). That is, we convert the Pair[String,String] elements to an ArrayBuffer of Pair[String,Int] elements. Where did the ArrayBuffer come from? It turns out that creates and returns an ArrayBuffer as the new Iterable collection.

This brings up a general conflict between immutable types and object-oriented type hierarchies. If a base type creates a new instance on modification, how does it know what kind of type to create?

You could solve this problem two ways. First, you could have each type in the hierarchy override methods like map to return an instance of their own type. This approach is error-prone, though, as it would be easy to forget to override all such methods when a new type is added.

Even if you always remember to override each method, you have the dilemma of how to implement the override. Do you call the super method to reuse the algorithm, then iterate through the returned instance to create a new instance of the correct type? That would be inefficient. You could copy and paste the algorithm into each override, but that creates issues of code bloat, maintainability, and skew.

There’s an alternative approach: don’t even try. How is the new instance that is returned actually used? Do we really care if it has the “wrong” type? Keep in mind that all we usually care about are the low-level abstractions like lists, maps, and sets. In the case of functional data structures, the derived types we might implement using object-oriented inheritance are most often implementation optimizations. The Scala type hierarchy for containers does have a few levels of abstractions at the bottom, e.g., Collection extends Iterable extends AnyRef, but above Collection are Seq (parent of List), Map, Set, etc.

That said, if you really need a Map, you can create one easily enough:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/map2-script.scala

val stateCapitals = Map(
  "Alabama" -> "Montgomery",
  "Alaska"  -> "Juneau",
  "Wyoming" -> "Cheyenne")

val map2 = stateCapitals map { kv => (kv._1, kv._2.length) }

// val lengths = Map(map2)  // ERROR: won't work
val lengths = Map[String,Int]() ++ map2


The commented-out line suggests that it would be nice if you could simply pass the new Iterable to Map.apply, but this doesn’t work. Here is the signature of Map.apply:

object Map {
  def apply[A, B](elems : (A, B)*) : Map[A, B] = ...

It expects a variable argument list, not an Iterable. However, we can create an empty map of the right type and then add the new Iterable to it, using the ++ method, which returns a new Map.

So, we can get the Map we want when we must have one. While it would be nice if methods like map returned the same collection type, we saw that there is no easy way to do this. Instead, we accept that map and similar methods return an abstraction like Iterable and then rely on the specific subtypes to take Iterables as input arguments for populating the collection.

A related Map operation is flatMap, which can be used to “flatten” a hierarchical data structure, remove “empty” elements, etc. Hence, unlike map, it may not return a new collection of the same size as the original collection:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/flatmap-script.scala

val graph = List(
  "a", List("b1", "b2", "b3"), List("c1", List("c21", Nil, "c22"), Nil, "e")

def flatten(list: List[_]): List[_] = list flatMap {
  case head :: tail => head :: flatten(tail)
  case Nil => Nil
  case x => List(x)


This script reduces the hierarchical graph to List(a, b1, b2, b3, c1, c21, c22, e). Notice that the Nil elements have been removed. We used List[_] because we won’t know what the type parameters are for any embedded lists when we’re traversing the outer list, due to type erasure.

Here is the signature for flatMap, along with map, for comparison:

trait Iterable[+A] {
  def map[B]    (f : (A) => B) : Iterable[B] = ...
  def flatMap[B](f : (A) => Iterable[B]) : Iterable[B]

Each pass must return an Iterable[B], not a B. After going through the collection, flatMap will “flatten” all those Iterables into one collection. Note that flatMap won’t flatten elements beyond one level. If our function literal leaves nested lists intact, they won’t be flattened for us.


It is common to traverse a collection and extract a new collection from it with elements that match certain criteria:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/filter-script.scala

val stateCapitals = Map(
  "Alabama" -> "Montgomery",
  "Alaska"  -> "Juneau",
  "Wyoming" -> "Cheyenne")

val map2 = stateCapitals filter { kv => kv._1 startsWith "A" }

println( map2 )

There are several different kinds of methods defined in Iterable for filtering or otherwise returning part of the original collection (comments adapted from the Scaladocs):

trait Iterable[+A] {
  // Returns this iterable without its n first elements. If this iterable
  // has less than n elements, the empty iterable is returned.
  def drop (n : Int) : Collection[A] = ...

  // Returns the longest suffix of this iterable whose first element does
  // not satisfy the predicate p.
  def dropWhile (p : (A) => Boolean) : Collection[A] = ...

  // Apply a predicate p to all elements of this iterable object and
  // return true, iff there is at least one element for which p yields true.
  def exists (p : (A) => Boolean) : Boolean = ...

  // Returns all the elements of this iterable that satisfy the predicate p.
  // The order of the elements is preserved.
  def filter (p : (A) => Boolean) : Iterable[A] = ...

  // Find and return the first element of the iterable object satisfying a
  // predicate, if any.
  def find (p : (A) => Boolean) : Option[A] = ...

  // Returns index of the first element satisying a predicate, or -1.
  def findIndexOf (p : (A) => Boolean) : Int = ...

  // Apply a predicate p to all elements of this iterable object and return
  // true, iff the predicate yields true for all elements.
  def forall (p : (A) => Boolean) : Boolean = ...

  // Returns the index of the first occurence of the specified object in
  // this iterable object.
  def indexOf [B >: A](elem : B) : Int = ...

  // Partitions this iterable in two iterables according to a predicate.
  def partition (p : (A) => Boolean) : (Iterable[A], Iterable[A]) = ...

  // Checks if the other iterable object contains the same elements.
  def sameElements [B >: A](that : Iterable[B]) : Boolean = ...

  // Returns an iterable consisting only over the first n elements of this
  // iterable, or else the whole iterable, if it has less than n elements.
  def take (n : Int) : Collection[A] = ...

  // Returns the longest prefix of this iterable whose elements satisfy the
  // predicate p.
  def takeWhile (p : (A) => Boolean) : Iterable[A] = ...

Types like Map and Set have additional methods.

Folding and Reducing

We’ll discuss folding and reducing in the same section, as they’re similar. Both are operations for “shrinking” a collection down to a smaller collection or a single value.

Folding starts with an initial “seed” value and processes each element in the context of that value. In contrast, reducing doesn’t start with a user-supplied initial value. Rather, it uses the first element as the initial value:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/foldreduce-script.scala

List(1,2,3,4,5,6) reduceLeft(_ + _)

List(1,2,3,4,5,6).foldLeft(10)(_ * _)

This script reduces the list of integers by adding them together, returning 21. It then folds the same list using multiplication with a seed of 10, returning 7,200.

Reducing can’t work on an empty collection, since there would be nothing to return. In this case, an exception is thrown. Folding on an empty collection will simply return the seed value.

Folding also offers more options for the final result. Here is a “fold” operation that is really a map operation:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/foldleft-map-script.scala

List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).foldLeft(List[String]()) {
  (list, x) => ("<" + x + ">") :: list

It returns List(<1>, <2>, <3>, <4>, <5>, <6>). Note that we had to call reverse on the result to get back a list in the same order as the input list.

Here are the signatures for the various fold and reduce operations in Iterable:

trait Iterable[+A] {
  // Combines the elements of this iterable object together using the
  // binary function op, from left to right, and starting with the value z.
  def foldLeft [B](z : B)(op : (B, A) => B) : B

  // Combines the elements of this list together using the binary function
  // op, from right to left, and starting with the value z.
  def foldRight [B](z : B)(op : (A, B) => B) : B

  // Similar to foldLeft but can be used as an operator with the order of
  // list and zero arguments reversed. That is, z /: xs is the same as
  // xs foldLeft z
  def /: [B](z : B)(op : (B, A) => B) : B

  // An alias for foldRight. That is, xs : z is the same as xs foldRight z
  def : [B](z : B)(op : (A, B) => B) : B

  // Combines the elements of this iterable object together using the
  // binary operator op, from left to right
  def reduceLeft [B >: A](op : (B, A) => B) : B

  // Combines the elements of this iterable object together using the
  // binary operator op, from right to left
  def reduceRight [B >: A](op : (A, B) => B) : B

Many people consider the operator forms, : for foldRight and /: for foldLeft, to be a little too obscure and hard to remember. Don’t forget the importance of communicating with your readers when writing code.

Why are there left and right forms of fold and reduce? For the first examples we showed, adding and multiplying a list of integers, they would return the same result. Consider a foldRight version of our last example that used fold to map the integers to strings:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/foldright-map-script.scala

List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).foldRight(List[String]()) {
  (x, list) => ("<" + x + ">") :: list

This script produces List(<1>, <2>, <3>, <4>, <5>, <6>), without having to call reverse, as we did before. Note also that the arguments to the function literal are reversed compared to the arguments for foldLeft, as required by the definition of foldRight.

Both foldLeft and reduceLeft process the elements from left to right. Here is the foldLeft sequence for List(1,2,3,4,5,6).foldLeft(10)(_ * _):

((((((10 * 1) * 2) * 3) * 4) * 5) * 6)
((((((10) * 2) * 3) * 4) * 5) * 6)
(((((20) * 3) * 4) * 5) * 6)
((((60) * 4) * 5) * 6)
(((240) * 5) * 6)
((1200) * 6)

Here is the foldRight sequence:

(1 * (2 * (3 * (4 * (5 * (6 * 10))))))
(1 * (2 * (3 * (4 * (5 * (60))))))
(1 * (2 * (3 * (4 * (300)))))
(1 * (2 * (3 * (1200))))
(1 * (2 * (3600)))
(1 * (7200))

It turns out that foldLeft and reduceLeft have one very important advantage over their “right-handed” brethren: they are tail-call recursive, and as such they can benefit from tail-call optimization.

If you stare at the previous breakdowns for multiplying the integers, you can probably see why they are tail-call recursive. Recall that a tail call must be the last operation in an iteration. For each line in the foldRight sequence, the outermost multiplication can’t be done until the innermost multiplications all complete, so the operation isn’t tail recursive.

In the following script, the first line prints 1784293664, while the second line causes a stack overflow:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/reduceleftright-script.scala

println((1 to 1000000) reduceLeft(_ + _))
println((1 to 1000000) reduceRight(_ + _))

So why have both kinds of recursion? If you’re not worried about overflow, a right recursion might be the most natural fit for the operation you are doing. Recall that when we used foldLeft to map integers to strings, we had to reverse the result. That was easy enough to do in that case, but in general, the result of a left recursion might not always be easy to convert to the right form.

Functional Options

You’ll find the functional operations we’ve explored throughout the Scala library, and not exclusively on collection classes. The always handy Option container supports filter, map, flatMap, and other functionally oriented methods that are applied only if the Option isn’t empty (that is, if it’s a Some and not a None).

Let’s see this in practice:

// code-examples/FP/datastructs/option-script.scala

val someNumber = Some(5)
val noneNumber = None

for (option <- List(noneNumber, someNumber)) { => println(n * 5))

In this example, we attempt to multiply the contents of two Options by five. Normally, trying to multiply a null value would result in an error. But because the implementation of map on Option only applies the passed-in function when it’s non-empty, we don’t have to worry about testing for the presence of a value or handling an exception when we map over the None.

Functional operations on Options save us from extra conditional expressions or pattern matching. Pattern matching, though, is a powerful tool within the context of functional programming, as we’ll explore in the next section.

Pattern Matching

We’ve seen many examples of pattern matching throughout this book. We got our first taste in A Taste of Concurrency, where we used pattern matching in our Actor that drew geometric shapes. We discussed pattern matching in depth in Pattern Matching.

Pattern matching is a fundamental tool in functional programming. It’s just as important as polymorphism is in object-oriented programming, although the goals of the two techniques are very different.

Pattern matching is an elegant way to decompose objects into their constituent parts for processing. On the face of it, pattern matching for this purpose seems to violate the goal of encapsulation that objects provide. Immutability, though, largely rectifies this conflict. The risk that the parts of an object might be changed outside of the control of the enclosing object is avoided.

For example, if we have a Person class that contains a list of addresses, we don’t mind exposing that list to clients if the list is immutable. They can’t unexpectedly change the list.

However, exposing constituent parts potentially couples clients to the types of those parts. We can’t change how the parts are implemented without breaking the clients. A way to minimize this risk is to expose the lowest-level abstractions possible. When clients access a person’s addresses, do they really need to know that they are stored in a List, or is it sufficient to know that they are stored in an Iterable or Seq? If so, then we can change the implementation of the addresses as long as they still support those abstractions. Of course, we’ve known for a long time in object-oriented programming that you should only couple to abstractions, not concrete details (for example, see [Martin2003]).

Functional pattern matching and object-oriented polymorphism are powerful complements to each other. We saw this in the Actor example in A Taste of Concurrency, where we matched on the Shape abstraction, but called the polymorphic draw operation.

Partial Functions

You’ve seen partially applied functions, or partial functions, throughout this book. When you’ve seen an underscore passed to a method, you’ve probably seen partial application at work.

Partial functions are expressions in which not all of the arguments defined in a function are supplied as parameters to the function. In Scala, partial functions are used to bundle up a function, including its parameters and return type, and assign that function to a variable or pass it as an argument to another function.

This is a bit confusing until we see it in practice:

// code-examples/FP/partial/partial-script.scala

def concatUpper(s1: String, s2: String): String = (s1 + " " + s2).toUpperCase

val c = concatUpper _
println(c("short", "pants"))

val c2 = concatUpper("short", _: String)

Calling concatUpper with an underscore (_) turns the method into a function value. In the first part of the example, we’ve assigned a partially applied version of concatUpper to the value c. We then apply it, implicitly calling the apply method on c by passing parameters to it directly. The returned value is then printed.

In the second part, we’ve specified the first parameter to concatUpper but not the second, although we have specified the type of the second parameter. We’ve assigned this variant to a second value, c2. To produce the same output as we saw before, we need only pass in a single value when we apply c2. We’ve applied part of the function in the assignment to c2, and we “fill in the blanks” when we call c2 on the next line.

We’ve seen partially applied functions without the underscore syntax as well:

List("short", "pants").map(println)

In this example, println is the partially applied function. It’s applied when invoked by mapping over each element in the list. Because the map operation expects a function as an argument, we don’t need to write map(println _). The trailing underscore that turns println into a function value is implied, in this context.

Another way of thinking of partial functions is as functions that will inform you when you supply them with parameters that are out of their domain. Every partial function is, as you might guess, of the type PartialFunction. This trait defines a method orElse that takes another PartialFunction. Should the first partial function not apply, the second will be invoked.

Again, this is easier understood in practice:

// code-examples/FP/partial/orelse-script.scala

val truthier: PartialFunction[Boolean, String] = { case true => "truthful" }
val fallback: PartialFunction[Boolean, String] = { case x => "sketchy" }
val tester = truthier orElse fallback

println(tester(1 == 1))
println(tester(2 + 2 == 5))

In this example, tester is a partial function composed of two other partial functions, truthier and fallback. In the first println statement, truthier is executed because the partial function’s internal case matches. In the second, fallback is executed because the value of the expression is outside of the domain of truthier.

The case statements we’ve seen through our exploration of Scala are expanded internally to partially applied functions. The functions provide the abstract method isDefinedAt, a feature of the PartialFunction trait used to specify the boundaries of a partial function’s domain:

// code-examples/FP/partial/isdefinedat-script.scala

val pantsTest: PartialFunction[String, String] = {
  case "pants" => "yes, we have pants!"


Here, our partial function is a test for the string "pants". When we inquire as to whether the string "pants" is defined for this function, the result is true. But for the string "skort", the result is false. Were we defining our own partial function, we could provide an implementation of isDefinedAt that performs any arbitrary test for the boundaries of our function.


Just as you encountered partially applied functions before we defined them, you’ve also seen curried functions. Named after mathematician Haskell Curry (from whom the Haskell language also get its name), currying transforms a function that takes multiple parameters into a chain of functions, each taking a single parameter.

In Scala, curried functions are defined with multiple parameter lists, as follows:

def cat(s1: String)(s2: String) = s1 + s2

Of course, we could define more than two parameters on a curried function, if we like.

We can also use the following syntax to define a curried function:

def cat(s1: String) = (s2: String) => s1 + s2

While the previous syntax is more readable, in our estimation, using this syntax eliminates the requirement of a trailing underscore when treating the curried function as a partially applied function.

Calling our curried string concatenation function looks like this in the Scala REPL:

scala> cat("foo")("bar")
res1: java.lang.String = foobar

We can also convert methods that take multiple parameters into a curried form with the Function.curried method:

scala> def cat(s1: String, s2: String) = s1 + s2
cat: (String,String)java.lang.String

scala> val curryCat = Function.curried(cat _)
curryCat: (String) => (String) => java.lang.String = <function>

scala> cat("foo", "bar") == curryCat("foo")("bar")
res2: Boolean = true

In this example, we transform a function that takes two arguments, cat, into its curried equivalent that takes multiple parameter lists. If cat had taken three parameters, its curried equivalent would take three lists of arguments, and so on. The two forms are functionally equivalent, as demonstrated by the equality test, but curryCat can now be used as the basis of a partially applied function as well:

scala> val partialCurryCat = curryCat("foo")(_)
partialCurryCat: (String) => java.lang.String = <function>

scala> partialCurryCat("bar")
res3: java.lang.String = foobar

In practice, the primary use for currying is to specialize functions for particular types of data. You can start with an extremely general case, and use the curried form of a function to narrow down to particular cases.

As a simple example of this approach, the following code provides specialized forms of a base function that handles multiplication:

def multiplier(i: Int)(factor: Int) = i * factor
val byFive = multiplier(5) _
val byTen = multiplier(10) _

We start with multiplier, which takes two parameters: an integer, and another integer to multiply the first one by. We then curry two special cases of multiplier into function values. Note the trailing underscores, which indicate to the compiler that the preceding expression is to be curried. In particular, the wildcard underscores indicate that the remaining arguments (in this example, one argument) are unspecified.

In the Scala console, we get predictable output when calling our curried functions:

scala> byFive(2)
res4: Int = 10

scala> byTen(2)
res5: Int = 20

We’ll revisit the curry method in Function Types.

As you can see, currying and partially applied functions are closely related concepts. You may see them referred to almost interchangeably, but what’s important is their application (no pun intended).


There are times when you have an instance of one type and you need to use it in a context where a different, but perhaps a similar type is required. For the “one-off” case, you might create an instance of the required type using the state of the instance you already have. However, for the general case, if there are many such occurrences in the code, you would rather have an automated conversion mechanism.

A similar problem occurs when you call one or more functions repeatedly and have to pass the same value to all the invocations. You might like a way of specifying a default value for that parameter, so it is not necessary to specify it explicitly all the time.

The Scala keyword implicit can be used to support both needs.

Implicit Conversions

Consider the following code fragment:

val name: String = "scala"

It prints the following:


We saw in The Predef Object that Predef defines the String type to be java.lang.String, yet the methods capitalize and reverse aren’t defined on java.lang.String. How did this code work?

The Scala library defines a “wrapper” class called scala.runtime.RichString that has these methods, and the compiler converted the name string to it implicitly using a special method defined in Predef called stringWrapper:

implicit def stringWrapper(x: String) = new runtime.RichString(x)

The implicit keyword tells the compiler it can use this method for an “implicit” conversion from a String to a RichString, whenever the latter is required. The compiler detected an attempt to call a capitalize method, and it determined that RichString has such a method. Then it looked within the current scope for an implicit method that converts String to RichString, finding stringWrapper.

As we’ll see in Views and View Bounds, these conversion methods are sometimes called views, in the sense that our stringWrapper conversion provides a view from String to RichString.

Predef defines many other implicit conversion methods, most of which follow the naming convention old2New, where old is the type of object available and New is the desired type. However, there is no restriction on the names of conversion methods. There are also a number of other Rich wrapper classes defined in the scala.runtime package.

Here is a summary of the lookup rules used by the compiler to find and apply conversion methods. For more details, see [ScalaSpec2009]:

  1. No conversion will be attempted if the object and method combination type check successfully.

  2. Only methods with the implicit keyword are considered.

  3. Only implicit methods in the current scope are considered, as well as implicit methods defined in the companion object of the target type.

  4. Implicit methods aren’t chained to get from the available type, through intermediate types, to the target type. Only a method that takes a single available type instance and returns a target type instance will be considered.

  5. No conversion is attempted if more than one possible conversion method could be applied. There must be one and only one possibility.

What if you can’t define a conversion method in a companion object, to satisfy the third rule, perhaps because you can’t modify or create the companion object? In this case, define the method somewhere else and import it. Normally, you will define an object with just the conversion method(s) needed. Here is an example:

// code-examples/FP/implicits/implicit-conversion-script.scala
import scala.runtime.RichString

class FancyString(val str: String)

object FancyString2RichString {
    implicit def fancyString2RichString(fs: FancyString) =
        new RichString(fs.str)

import FancyString2RichString._

val fs = new FancyString("scala")

We can’t modify RichString or Predef to add an implicit conversion method for our custom FancyString class. Instead, we define an object named FancyString2RichString and define the conversion method in it. We then import the contents of this object and the converter gets invoked implicitly in the last line. The output of this script is the following:


This pattern for effectively adding new methods to classes has been called Pimp My Library (see [Odersky2006]).

Implicit Function Parameters

We saw in Chapter 2 that Scala version 2.8 adds support for default argument values, like you find in other languages like Ruby and C++. There are two other ways to achieve the same effect in all versions of Scala. The first is to use function currying, as we have seen. The second way is to define implicit values, using the implicit keyword.

Let’s examine how implicit values work:

// code-examples/FP/implicits/implicit-parameter-script.scala
import scala.runtime.RichString

def multiplier(i: Int)(implicit factor: Int) {
  println(i * factor)

implicit val factor = 2


Our multiplier takes two lists of parameters. The latter includes an integer value, factor, marked implicit. This keyword informs the compiler to seek the value for factor from the surrounding scope, if available, or to use whatever parameter has been explicitly supplied to the function.

We’ve defined our own factor value in scope, and that value is used in the first call to multiplier. In the second call, we’re explicitly passing in a value for factor and it overrides the value in the surrounding scope.

Essentially, implicit function parameters behave as parameters with a default value, with the key difference being that the value comes from the surrounding scope. Had our factor value resided in a class or object, we would have had to import it into the local scope. If the compiler can’t determine the value to use for an implicit parameter, an error of “no implicit argument matching parameter” will occur.

Final Thoughts on Implicits

Implicits can be perilously close to “magic.” When used excessively, they obfuscate the code’s behavior for the reader. Also, be careful about the implementation of a conversion method, especially if the return type is not explicitly declared. If a future change to the method also changes the return type in some subtle way, the conversion may suddenly fail to work. In general, implicits can cause mysterious behavior that is hard to debug!

When deciding how to implement “default” values for method arguments, a major advantage of using default argument values (in Scala version 2.8) is that the method maintainer decides what to use as the default value. The implementation is more straightforward and you avoid the “magic” of implicit methods. However, a disadvantage of using default argument values is that it might be desirable to use a different “default” value based on the context in which the method is being called. Scala version 2.8 provides some flexibility, as you can use an expression for an argument, not just a constant value. However, that flexibility might not be enough, in which case implicits are a very flexible and powerful alternative.


Use implicits sparingly and cautiously. Also, consider adding an explicit return type to “non-trivial” conversion methods.

Call by Name, Call by Value

Typically, parameters to functions are by-value parameters; that is, the value of the parameter is determined before it is passed to the function. In most circumstances, this is the behavior we want and expect.

But what if we need to write a function that accepts as a parameter an expression that we don’t want evaluated until it’s called within our function? For this circumstance, Scala offers by-name parameters.

A by-name parameter is specified by omitting the parentheses that normally accompany a function parameter, as follows:

def myCallByNameFunction(callByNameParameter: => ReturnType)

Without this syntactic shortcut, this method definition would look like the following:

def myCallByNameFunction(callByNameParameter: () => ReturnType)

And what’s more, we would have to include those unsightly, empty parentheses in every call to that method. Use of by-name parameters removes that requirement.

We can use by-name parameters to implement powerful looping constructs, among other things. Let’s go crazy and implement our own while loop, throwing currying into the mix:

// code-examples/FP/overrides/call-by-name-script.scala

def whileAwesome(conditional: => Boolean)(f: => Unit) {
  if (conditional) {

var count = 0

whileAwesome(count < 5) {
  println("still awesome")
  count += 1

What would happen if we removed the arrow between conditional: and Boolean? The expression count < 5 would be evaluated to true before being passed into our custom while loop, and the message “still awesome” would be printed to the console indefinitely. By delaying evaluation until conditional is called inside our function with a by-name parameter, we get the behavior we expect.

Lazy Vals

In Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Traits, we showed several scenarios where the order of initialization for fields in override scenarios can be problematic. We discussed one solution, pre-initialized fields. Now we discuss the other solution we mentioned previously, lazy vals.

Here is that example rewritten with a lazy val:

// code-examples/FP/overrides/trait-lazy-init-val-script.scala

trait AbstractT2 {
  println("In AbstractT2:")
  val value: Int
  lazy val inverse = { println("initializing inverse:"); 1.0/value }
  //println("AbstractT2: value = "+value+", inverse = "+inverse)

val c2d = new AbstractT2 {
  println("In c2d:")
  val value = 10

println("Using c2d:")
println("c2d.value = "+c2d.value+", inverse = "+c2d.inverse)

The is the output of the script:

In AbstractT2:
In c2d:
Using c2d:
initializing inverse:
c2d.value = 10, inverse = 0.1

As before, we are using an anonymous inner class that implicitly extends the trait. The body of the class, which initializes value, is evaluated after the trait’s body. However, note that inverse is declared lazy, which means that the righthand side will be evaluated only when inverse is actually used. In this case, that happens in the last println statement. Only then is inverse initialized, using value, which is properly initialized at this point.

Try uncommenting the println statement at the end of the AbstractT2 body. What happens now?

In AbstractT2:
initializing inverse:
AbstractT2: value = 0, inverse = Infinity
In c2d:
Using c2d:
c2d.value = 10, inverse = Infinity

This println forces inverse to be evaluated inside the body of AbstractT2, before value is initialized by the class body, thereby reproducing the problem we had before.

This example raises an important point; if other vals use the lazy val in the same class or trait body, they should be declared lazy, too. Also, watch out for function calls in the body that use the lazy val.


If a val is lazy, make sure all uses of the val are also lazy!

So, how is a lazy val different from a method call? In a method call, the body is executed every time the method is invoked. For a lazy val, the initialization “body” is evaluated only once, when the variable is used for the first time. This one-time evaluation makes little sense for a mutable field. Therefore, the lazy keyword is not allowed on vars. (They can’t really make use of it anyway.)

You can also use lazy vals to avoid costly initializations that you may not actually need and to defer initializations that slow down application startup. They work well in constructors, where it’s clear to other programmers that all the one-time heavy lifting for initializing an instance is done in one place.

Another use for laziness is to manage potentially infinite data structures where only a manageable subset of the data will actually be used. In fact, mathematic notation is inherently lazy. When we write the Fibonacci sequence, for example, we might write it as an infinite sequence, something like this:

Fib = 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...

Some pure functional languages are lazy by default, so they mimic this behavior as closely as possible. This can work without exhausting resources if the user never tries to use more than a finite subset of these values. Scala is not lazy by default, but it does offer support for working with infinite data structures. We’ll address this topic in Infinite Data Structures and Laziness.

Recap: Functional Component Abstractions

When object-oriented programming went mainstream in the late ’80s and early ’90s, there was great hope that it would usher in an era of reusable software components. It didn’t really work out that way, except in some rare cases, like the windowing APIs of various platforms.

Why did this not happen? There are certainly many reasons, but a likely source is the fact that simple source or binary interoperability protocols never materialized that would glue these components together. The richness of object APIs was the very factor that undermined componentization.

Component models that have succeeded are all based on very simple foundations. Integrated circuits (ICs) in electronics plug into buses with 2n signaling wires that are boolean, either on or off. From that very simple protocol, the most explosive growth of any industry in human history was born.

HTTP is another good example. With a handful of message types and a very simple standard for message content, it set the stage for the Internet revolution. RESTful web services built on top of HTTP are also proving successful as components, but they are just complex enough that care is required to ensure that they work successfully.

So, is there hope for a binary or source-level component model? It probably won’t be object-oriented, as we’ve seen. Rather, it could be more functional.

Components should interoperate by exchanging a few immutable data structures, e.g., lists and maps, that carry both data and “commands.” Such a component model would have the simplicity necessary for success and the richness required to perform real work. Notice how that sounds a lot like HTTP and REST.

In fact, the Actor model has many of these qualities, as we’ll explore in the next chapter.

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