
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation point)
! method, sending messages to Actors, A Taste of Concurrency, Syntactic Sugar, Sending Messages to Actors
!! method, sending messages to Actors, Effective Actors
!= (not equal) method, The == and != Methods
!= (not equal) operator, Conditional Operators
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
" " (quotation marks, double)
enclosing string literals, String Literals
escaping in character literals, Character Literals
triples of double quotes, bounding multi-line string literals, String Literals
# (pound sign)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
use in type projections, Reserved Words
$ (dollar sign) in identifiers, Operator? Operator?
% (percent sign)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
& (ampersand)
&& (and) operator, Conditional Operators
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
' ' (quotation marks, single)
enclosing character literals, Character Literals
in symbol literals, Symbol Literals
( ) (parentheses)
capture groups in regular expressions, Matching on Regular Expressions
in method invocations, dropping, Operator? Operator?
omitting for by-name function parameter, Call by Name, Call by Value
omitting in method definitions, When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
omitting in method invocations, Methods Without Parentheses and Dots
substituting curly braces for in method call, A Taste of Concurrency
* (asterisk)
multiplication operator, encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
zero or more repetitions in production rule, A Payroll External DSL
+ (plus sign)
++ method, appending to lists, Precedence Rules
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
specifying at least one repetition in production rule, A Payroll External DSL
variance annotations, Variance Under Inheritance, Variance Under Inheritance
- (minus sign)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
variance annotations, Variance Under Inheritance, Variance Under Inheritance
-> (right arrow) operator, Tuples
. (dot)
infix operator notation, Infix Operator Notation
omitting in method calls, Operator? Operator?, Methods Without Parentheses and Dots
period-delimited path expressions, path.x
/ (slash)
/* */ in multi-line comments, A Taste of Scala
// in single-line comments, A Taste of Scala
division operator, encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
: (colon)
:: (constructor) method
extracting head and tail of list, Matching on Sequences
prepending to a list, Precedence Rules
:: class, A Closer Look at Lists
: (foldRight) and :/ (foldLeft), Folding and Reducing
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
methods ending in, right-associative invocation, Precedence Rules
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
separator between identifiers and type annotations, A Taste of Scala, Reserved Words
; (semicolon)
ending production rule definitions, A Payroll External DSL
ending statements in Scala code, Semicolons
separators in for expression, Filtering
< > (angle brackets)
< (less than) operator, Conditional Operators
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
<% indicating view bound in type declaration, Reserved Words, Views and View Bounds
<- (left-arrow) operator, generators, Reserved Words, A Dog-Simple Example, Generator Expressions
<:, use in parameterized and abstract type declarations, Reserved Words
> (greater than) operator, Conditional Operators
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
>:, constraining allowed types in parameterized and abstract type declarations, Reserved Words
in method names, A Taste of Scala
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
= (equals sign)
== (equals) method, The == and != Methods
== (equals) operator, Conditional Operators, Case Classes
=> in function literals, Reserved Words
assignment operator, Reserved Words
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
in method definitions, A Taste of Scala, Method Declarations
missing, Inferring Type Information
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
? (question mark)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
@ (at sign)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
extracting value of XML attributes, Exploring XML
marking annotations, Reserved Words
[ ] (square brackets)
enclosing optional items in parser grammar, A Payroll External DSL
use with parameterized types, A Taste of Scala, Inferring Type Information, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types
in character escape sequences, Character Literals
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
escaping double quotes in string literals, String Literals
projection functions, Exploring XML
and \ operators for document structures, Syntactic Sugar
^ (caret)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
_ (underscore)
in identifiers, Operator? Operator?
method chaining and function-literal shorthands, A Taste of Scala
placeholder in imports, function literals, etc., A Taste of Scala, Reserved Words
reserved word, Operator? Operator?
wildcard character in Scala, A Taste of Concurrency, Importing Types and Their Members, A Simple Match
`` (back quotes) in literals, Operator? Operator?
{ } (curly braces)
enclosing class body, A Taste of Scala
enclosing for expressions, Yielding
in method declarations, Method Declarations
substituting for parentheses in method call, A Taste of Concurrency
{ indicating more code on next line, Semicolons
| (vertical bar)
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
or case in parser grammar, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
|| (or) operator, Conditional Operators
~ (tilde)
case class defined by Parsers trait, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
~, ~>, and <~ combinator operators, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar


abstract classes, A Taste of Concurrency
abstract keyword, Stackable Traits
abstract type members, Introducing Scala, Overriding Members of Classes and Traits
overriding abstract methods, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
abstract types, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types, Understanding Abstract TypesParameterized Types Versus Abstract Types
combined with self-type annotations, Mixin Composition
defined, Glossary
overriding, Overriding Abstract TypesOverriding Abstract Types
parameterized types versus, Parameterized Types Versus Abstract Types
abstraction, Glossary
access modifier keywords, Visibility Rules
Actors, Introducing Scala, ActorsEffective Actors
in abstract, Actors in Abstract
Actor class, Actors in Scala
Actor class and object, A Taste of Concurrency
Actor model of concurrency, Glossary
defined, Glossary
effective use of, Effective Actors
example, A Taste of ConcurrencyA Taste of Concurrency
example using sleeping barber problem, Actors in DepthActors in Depth
factory method for creating, Actors in Scala
mailbox, The Mailbox
methods, listed, Effective Actors
sending messages to, Sending Messages to Actors
shortcut operators used with, Syntactic Sugar
using with MINA NIO and Naggati library for SMTP server, EventsEvents
actors.maxPoolSize system property, Events
advice (in AOP), AspectJ
alternative composition, A Payroll External DSL
and operator (&&), Conditional Operators
annotated types, Annotated Types, Annotated Types, Glossary
Annotation class, Annotations
Scala annotations derived from, Annotations
annotations, AnnotationsAnnotations
advantages and disadvantages of, Thoughts On Annotations and Enumerations
available only in Scala version 2.8 or later, Annotations
defined, Glossary
nesting, Annotations
Scala annotations derived from Annotation, Annotations
Scala annotations derived from StaticAnnotation, Annotations
@scala.reflect.BeanProperty, JavaBean Properties, The Spring Framework
anonymous classes
creating, Traits As Mixins
Ant, Scala plugin for, Build Tools
Any class, Parent Classes
!= (not equal) method, The == and != Methods
== (equals) method, The == and != Methods
Any object, The Scala Type Hierarchy
AnyRef class
== (equals) method, The == and != Methods
eq and ne methods, The ne and eq Methods
AnyRef object, The Scala Type Hierarchy
direct and indirect subtypes, The Scala Type Hierarchy
reflection methods, Reflecting on Types
AnyVal object, The Scala Type Hierarchy
direct subtypes, The Scala Type Hierarchy
AnyVal types, conversion to Java primitives, AnyVal Types and Java Primitives
AOP (see aspect-oriented programming)
Apache MINA, Events
application design, Application DesignRecap and What’s Next
annotations, AnnotationsAnnotations
Design by Contract, Better Design with Design By Contract
design patterns, Design PatternsDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
effective trait design, Effective Design of TraitsEffective Design of Traits
enumerations versus case classes and pattern matching, Thoughts On Annotations and Enumerations
enumerations versus pattern matching, Enumerations Versus Pattern MatchingEnumerations Versus Pattern Matching
exceptions and alternatives, Exceptions and the Alternatives
nulls versus Options, Using Nulls Versus Options
scalable abstractions, Scalable Abstractions
applications, Glossary
apply method, ApplyApply
for collections, Apply and UnapplySeq for Collections
objects with, considered as functions, Function Types
arity, Glossary
Array class
apply method, Apply
sameElements method, Array Equality and the sameElements Method
Array object, apply method overloaded for AnyVal and AnyRef types, Upper Type Bounds
ArrayBuffer object, Mapping
arrays, comparing for equality, Array Equality and the sameElements Method
arrow operator (<-), A Dog-Simple Example, Generator Expressions
ArrowAssoc class, The Predef Object
aspect-oriented programming (AOP), Introducing Traits, AspectJ
defined, Glossary
AspectJ library, AspectJAspectJ, Glossary
AtomFeed class (example), A Real-World Example
attributes, Class and Object Basics, Glossary
auxiliary constructors, Constructors in Scala, Glossary


bang method (see ! (exclamation point), under Symbols)
base classes, Parent Classes
base type, Glossary
BDD (Behavior-Driven Development), Domain-Specific Languages
BDD syntax provided by ScalaTest, ScalaTest
defined, Glossary
specification exercising combined Button and Subject types, Traits As Mixins
Specs library, SpecsSpecs
BigDecimal class, Internal DSLs
blogging system (example), A Real-World ExampleA Real-World Example
AtomFeed class, A Real-World Example
boolean literals, Boolean Literals
bound variables, Glossary
break method, Generator Expressions
build tools, Build Tools
Buildr tool, Build Tools
by-name parameters, Call by Name, Call by Value, Views and View Bounds
defined, Glossary
by-value parameters, Call by Name, Call by Value
defined, Glossary


abstract methods, A Taste of Concurrency
override keyword for concrete methods, A Taste of Concurrency
this keyword, A Taste of Concurrency
multiple inheritance, Effective Design of Traits
templates, Annotations
C.super type, C.super
C.this type, C.this
Cake Pattern, Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake PatternDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
call site (see declaration site)
call-by-name parameters, Function Types
capture groups, defining in regular expressions, Matching on Regular Expressions
case classes, Case ClassesCase Class Inheritance
binary operations, Syntactic Sugar for Binary Operations
copy method in Scala 2.8, The copy Method in Scala Version 2.8
defined, Glossary
defining for pattern matching, Matching on Case Classes
enumerations as alternative to, Enumerations Versus Pattern Matching
enumerations versus, Thoughts On Annotations and Enumerations
inheritance, Case Class Inheritance, The Visitor Pattern: A Better Alternative
pattern matching on, Matching on Case Classes
case clauses, binding nested variables in, Binding Nested Variables in Case Clauses
case keyword, Glossary
case class example, Case Classes
case objects, Actors in Depth
case statements
pattern matching versus, A Simple Match
cases in pattern matching, Matching on Tuples (and Guards)
unreachable case, A Simple Match
character literals, Character Literals
operator characters, encoding in Java, Scala Names in Java Code
used in identifiers, Operator? Operator?
child types, Glossary
class keyword, A Taste of Scala, Class and Object Basics
abstract, A Taste of Concurrency, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types
adding new methods to, Implicit Conversions
basics of, Basic Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
declaration of classes as singletons, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
defined, Glossary
derived, overriding vals declared in parent classes, Variable Declarations
JDK and .NET, use in Scala, Installing Scala
nested, Nested Classes
overriding abstract and concrete fields in, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Classes
overriding abstract and concrete methods, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
parent, Class and Object Basics
sealed class hierarchies, Sealed Class HierarchiesSealed Class Hierarchies
traits versus, Class or Trait?
Upper class (example), A Taste of Scala
ClassfileAnnotation class, Annotations
Clickable trait (example), Stackable Traits
clients, Glossary
closures, Function Literals and Closures
defined, Introducing Scala, Glossary
CLR (Common Language Runtime), Scala running on, Introducing Scala
code examples in this book, Getting the Code Examples, For More Information
code, organizing in files and namespaces, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
codec for SMTP (example), Events
apply and unapplySeq methods, Apply and UnapplySeq for Collections
mutable and immutable, The Scala Type Hierarchy
command-line tools, Command-Line ToolsThe fsc Command-Line Tool
information on, For More Information
sbaz, The sbaz Command-Line Tool
scala, The scala Command-Line ToolLimitations of scala versus scalac
scalac, scalac Command-Line Tool
scaladoc, The scaladoc Command-Line Tool
scalap, javap, and jad, The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools
comments, A Taste of Scala, Glossary
companion classes, Companion Objects
defined, Glossary
companion objects, Companion ObjectsCompanion Objects and Java Static Methods
apply and unapplySeq methods for collections, Apply and UnapplySeq for Collections
apply method, ApplyApply
conversion methods defined in, Implicit Conversions
creation for case classes, Case Classes
defined, Glossary
Java static methods and, Companion Objects and Java Static Methods
Map and Set, The Predef Object
methods defined in, visibility to Java code, Using Scala Functions in Java
Pair object for Pair class, The Predef Object
unapply method, UnapplyUnapply
compiled, command-line tool, converting script to, A Taste of Scala
compiler (see scalac compiler)
compiling versus interpreting, A Taste of Scala
component model, functional programming and, Recap: Functional Component Abstractions
defined, Scalable Abstractions, Glossary
fine-grained visibility rules in Scala, Fine-Grained Visibility Rules
implementing as traits, Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
compound types, Compound Types
defined, Glossary
comprehensions, Scala for Comprehensions
concrete types, Glossary
concurrency, A Taste of ConcurrencyA Taste of Concurrency
Actor model of, Glossary
event-based, Glossary
Java and, If You Are a Java Programmer…
problems of shared, synchronized state, The Problems of Shared, Synchronized State
traditional, using threading and events, Traditional Concurrency in Scala: Threading and EventsEvents
events, EventsEvents
one-off threads, One-Off Threads
using java.util.concurrent, Using java.util.concurrent
using Actors, ActorsEffective Actors
Actors in abstract, Actors in Abstract
Actors in Scala, Actors in ScalaEffective Actors
conditional operators, Conditional Operators
Console.println( ) method, A Taste of Scala
constant identifiers, Operator? Operator?
default argument values, Method Default and Named Arguments (Scala Version 2.8)
defining, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
constructors, A Taste of Concurrency, Constructors in ScalaCalling Parent Class Constructors
case class, Case Classes
constraints on, advantages and disadvantage of, Constructors in Scala
parent class constructors, calling, Calling Parent Class Constructors
context-free grammars, External DSLs with Parser Combinators, Glossary
contract, Variance Under Inheritance
defined, Glossary
contractual constraints in Design by Contract, Better Design with Design By Contract
contravariance or contravariant, Glossary
contravariant subclassing, Variance Under Inheritance
covariance or covariant, Glossary
covariant specialization, Self-Type Annotations and Abstract Type Members
covariant subclassing, Variance Under Inheritance
@cps (continual passing style) annotation, Annotations
cross-cutting concerns, Glossary
cross-platform installer (lzPack), Installing Scala
curried functions, Currying, Function Types
currying, Glossary


data types, The Scala Type SystemRecap and What’s Next
abstract, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types, Understanding Abstract Types
parameterized types versus, Parameterized Types Versus Abstract Types
AnyVal types, conversion to Java primitives, AnyVal Types and Java Primitives
defined, Glossary
documentation for Scala type system, Recap and What’s Next
existential types, Existential Types
importing types and their members, Importing Types and Their Members
inferring type information, Inferring Type InformationInferring Type Information
infinite data structures and lazy vals, Infinite Data Structures and Laziness
Nothing and Null, Nothing and Null
parameterized types, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types, Understanding Parameterized Types
path-dependent types, Path-Dependent Types
pattern matching on type, Matching on Type
reflection, Reflecting on Types
Scala’s sophisticated type system, Introducing Scala
self-type annotations, Self-Type AnnotationsSelf-Type Annotations
static versus dynamic typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
structural types, Traits As Mixins, Structural Types
type bounds, Type BoundsViews and View Bounds
type hierarchy in Scala, The Scala Type Hierarchy
value types, Value TypesSelf-Type Annotations
variance under inheritance, Variance Under Inheritance
variance in Scala versus Java, Variance In Scala Versus JavaVariance In Scala Versus Java
variance of mutable types, Variance of Mutable Types
decimal integer literals, Integer Literals
declaration site, Variance Under Inheritance, Glossary
annotations in, AnnotationsAnnotations
order of declaration, traits and, Stackable Traits
visibility modifiers in, Visibility Rules
declarative composition of traits, Stackable Traits
declarative programming, Glossary
decompilers (scalap, javap, and jad), The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools
deep matching, Matching on Case Classes
def keyword, A Taste of Scala, Method Declarations
default argument value, Glossary
definitions, method, Method Declarations
dependency injection (DI)
defined, Glossary
Spring Framework, The Spring Framework
using Cake Pattern, Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake PatternDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
derived types, Glossary
access to members of parent types, Visibility Rules
Design by Contract, Variance Under Inheritance, Better Design with Design By Contract
BankAccountSpec object (example), Better Design with Design By Contract
defined, Glossary
design patterns, Design PatternsDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern, Glossary
alternative to Visitor Pattern, The Visitor Pattern: A Better AlternativeDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
dependency injection (DI) implementation, Cake Pattern, Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake PatternDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
diamond of death (problem with multiple inheritance), Effective Design of Traits
do-while loops, Scala do-while Loops
Scala tools and APIs, For More Information
Scala type system, Recap and What’s Next
DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages), Domain-Specific Languages, Domain-Specific Languages in ScalaRecap and What’s Next
benefits and drawbacks of, Domain-Specific Languages in Scala
defined, Glossary
external DSLs with parser combinators, External DSLs with Parser CombinatorsGenerating Paychecks with the External DSL
generating paychecks with external DSL, Generating Paychecks with the External DSLGenerating Paychecks with the External DSL
parser combinators, About Parser Combinators
payroll external DSL, A Payroll External DSLA Payroll External DSL
Scala implementation of external DSL grammar, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL GrammarA Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
internal DSL for payroll application (example), Internal DSLsInternal DSLs: Final Thoughts
apply methods, Apply Methods
implicit conversions and user-defined types, Implicit Conversions and User-Defined Types
infix operator notation, Infix Operator Notation
payroll API, Internal DSLsA Payroll Internal DSL
payroll internal DSL, A Payroll Internal DSL
payroll rules DSL implementation, Payroll Rules DSL ImplementationPayroll Rules DSL Implementation
internal versus external, Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts
duck typing, Structural Types
defined, Glossary
dynamic typing, Glossary
versus static typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
dynamically typed languages, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…


eager matching, A Simple Match
EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) grammar notation, External DSLs with Parser Combinators
external payroll DSL grammar, A Payroll External DSL
Eclipse IDE
developing Scala applications, Developing Scala applications
installing Scala plugin, Eclipse
Eiffel language, Better Design with Design By Contract
Either object, The Scala Type Hierarchy
else clause (if statements), Scala if Statements
Emacs editor, Text Editors
defined, Glossary
visibility rules and, Visibility Rules
Ensuring class, Better Design with Design By Contract
enumerated types, Enumerations
Enumeration class, Enumerations
Enumeration.Value class, Enumerations Versus Pattern Matching
enumerations, Enumerations, Enumerations Versus Pattern MatchingEnumerations Versus Pattern Matching
advantages and disadvantages of, Thoughts On Annotations and Enumerations
case classes and pattern matching versus, Thoughts On Annotations and Enumerations
HttpMethod object (example), Enumerations Versus Pattern MatchingEnumerations Versus Pattern Matching
scala.Enumeration class, Enumerations Versus Pattern Matching
eq method (AnyRef), The ne and eq Methods
equality of objects, Equality of Objects
equals method, The equals Method
case class comparisons, Case Class Inheritance
equals operator (==), Conditional Operators
events, Glossary
using for concurrency, EventsEvents, Glossary
exception handling, pattern matching using try, catch, and finally clauses, Using try, catch, and finally Clauses
@throws annotation and, Annotations
@unchecked annotation and, Annotations
and alternatives to, Exceptions and the Alternatives
throwing, Using try, catch, and finally Clauses
executing a script, A Taste of Scala
existential types, Views and View Bounds, Existential Types
defined, Glossary
examples of, Existential Types
expectations, Specs
exponentials with floating-point literals, Floating-Point Literals
for expression, Scala for Comprehensions
if statements as, Scala if Statements
extends keyword, Traits As Mixins, Parent Classes
external DSLs, Domain-Specific Languages in Scala, External DSLs with Parser Combinators
(see also DSLs)
internal DSLs versus, Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts
extractors, Glossary
translating regular expression capture groups to, Matching on Regular Expressions
unapply methods, Unapply
use in pattern matching case statements, Case Classes


factory methods, apply method as, Apply
family polymorphism, Self-Type Annotations and Abstract Type Members
Fibonacci sequence, calculating, Infinite Data Structures and Laziness
fields, Class and Object Basics
comparison to Java class-level, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
defined, Glossary
indistinguishable from accessor methods, overriding, When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access PrincipleWhen Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
mutable, A Taste of Concurrency
order of initialization, using lazy vals, Lazy Vals
overriding abstract and concrete fields, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields
overriding abstract and concrete fields in classes, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Classes
overriding abstract and concrete fields in traits, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in TraitsOverriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Traits
referencing object field, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
visibility and access to, Visibility Rules
in for expressions, Filtering
in functional programming, Filtering
final declarations, attempting to override, Attempting to Override final Declarations
final keyword, Glossary
finishing problem (in DSL design), Internal DSLs: Final Thoughts
first class, Glossary
floating-point literals, Floating-Point Literals
fluent interface, Payroll Rules DSL Implementation
folding data structures, Folding and ReducingFolding and Reducing
for comprehensions, Scala for ComprehensionsExpanded Scope
expanded variable scope, Expanded Scope
filters in, Filtering
simple example, A Dog-Simple Example
using Options with, Options and for Comprehensions
yielding collections, Yielding
yielding successive blocks of dynamically formatted XML, A Real-World Example
foreach method, Traits As Mixins
traversal operations in functional programming, Traversal
formal parameters, Glossary
FP (see functional programming)
free variables, Glossary
fsc (fast scala compiler) tool, The fsc Command-Line Tool
function literals, Traits As Mixins
closures and, Function Literals and Closures
defined, A Taste of Scala, Glossary
passing to foreach, A Taste of Scala
passing to method for pattern matching, A Taste of Concurrency
function types, Function Types
defined, Glossary
Function.curried method, Currying
Functional Java project, ScalaCheck
functional programming, Functional Programming in ScalaRecap: Functional Component Abstractions, Glossary
call by name and call by value, Call by Name, Call by Value
component model and, Recap: Functional Component Abstractions
currying, Currying
data structures, Functional Data Structures
lists, Lists in Functional Programming
maps, Maps in Functional Programming
definition of, What Is Functional Programming?
filtering operations, Filtering
folding and reducing operations, Folding and ReducingFolding and Reducing
functions in mathematics, Functions in Mathematics
implicit conversions, Implicits
implicit function parameters, Implicit Function Parameters
implicits, caution with, Final Thoughts on Implicits
lazy vals, Lazy Vals
mapping operations, Mapping
mixed paradigm in Scala, Introducing Scala
Options object, Functional Options
partial functions, Partial Functions
pattern matching, Pattern Matching
recursion, Recursion
in Scala, Functional Programming in ScalaPurity Inside Versus Outside
function literals and closures, Function Literals and Closures
tail calls and tail-call optimization, Tail Calls and Tail-Call Optimization
traversal of data structures, Traversal
variables, immutable values of, Variables that Aren’t
FunctionN object, The Scala Type Hierarchy
defining traits for, Function Types
variance under inheritance, Variance Under Inheritance
functions, Functional Programming in Scala
(see also functional programming)
defined, Glossary
higher order, Functions in Mathematics, Glossary
overloaded, Glossary
Scala, using in Java, Using Scala Functions in Java
futures, Effective Actors


Gang of Four (GOF) patterns, Design Patterns
generator expressions, Generator Expressions
<- (left-arrow) operator, A Dog-Simple Example
defined, Glossary
in for comprehensions, Options and for Comprehensions
generics, Introducing Scala, Java and Scala GenericsJava and Scala Generics
defined, Glossary
Java, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types
using from Scala, Java and Scala Generics
Scala, using from Java, Java and Scala Generics
variance under inheritance, differences between Java and Scala, Variance Under Inheritance
context-free, Glossary
EBNF notation for external payroll DSL grammar, A Payroll External DSL
parsing expression grammars (PEGs), Glossary
guards, pattern matching on, Matching on Tuples (and Guards)


Hadoop library, Hadoop
Haskell, QuickCheck tool, ScalaCheck
hexadecimal integer literals, Integer Literals
higher-order functions, Functions in Mathematics, Glossary


I/O (input/output)
automatic importation of methods by Scala, A Taste of Scala
NIO (non-blocking I/O), Events
identifiers, characters allowed in, Operator? Operator?
IDEs (integrated development environments), Integration with IDEsText Editors
developing Scala applications, Developing Scala applications
installing Scala plugin, Eclipse
developing Scala applications, Developing Scala applications
installing Scala plugins, IntelliJ
developing Scala applications, Developing Scala applications
installing Scala plugins, NetBeans
text editors, Text Editors
if statements, Scala if Statements
immutable values, Glossary
immutable variables, Introducing Scala
declaring, Variable Declarations
imperative languages, A Taste of Concurrency
imperative programming, Glossary
implicit arguments, Glossary
implicit conversions
caution with, Final Thoughts on Implicits
defined, Glossary
defining custom object and conversion method, Implicit Conversions
in functional programming, Implicits
in internal DSL payroll implementation, Implicit Conversions and User-Defined Types
Int into RichInt, Generator Expressions
Predef.any2ArrowAssoc method, The Predef Object
rules for compiler to find and use conversion methods, Implicit Conversions
implicit function parameters, Implicit Function Parameters
caution with, Final Thoughts on Implicits
implicit keyword, Implicits
defined, Glossary
implicit typing, Glossary
import statements, A Taste of Concurrency
importing Java types and their members, Importing Types and Their Members
relative path used in, Imports are Relative
infinite data structures, Glossary
laziness and, Infinite Data Structures and Laziness
using lazy vals to manage, Lazy Vals
infix notation, Operator? Operator?
defined, Glossary
infix operator notation, Infix Operator Notation
infix types, Infix Types, Glossary
case class, Case Class Inheritance
defined, Glossary
definition, Class or Trait?
linearization of object hierarchy, Linearization of an Object’s HierarchyLinearization of an Object’s Hierarchy
multiple, problems with, Effective Design of Traits
single inheritance plus traits in Scala, Effective Design of Traits
variance under, Variance Under InheritanceImplementation Notes
instance, Class and Object Basics, Glossary
instantiate, Glossary
integer literals, Integer Literals
IntelliJ IDEA
developing Scala applications, Installing the Scala plugins
installing Scala plugins, IntelliJ
interactive mode, scala command, A Taste of Scala
@interface keyword (Java), Annotations
internal DSLs, Domain-Specific Languages in Scala, Internal DSLs: Final Thoughts
(see also DSLs)
external DSLs versus, Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts
interned strings, Symbol Literals
interpreter, starting, A Taste of Scala
interpreting versus compiling, A Taste of Scala
invariance and invariant, Glossary
invariant subclassing, Variance Under Inheritance
invariants, Better Design with Design By Contract
inversion of control (IoC), Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern, Glossary
IOHandlerActorAdapter object, Events
Iterable object, Traversal
filtering methods, Filtering
fold and reduce methods, Folding and Reducing
map method, Mapping
Iterator Pattern, Design Patterns


jad tool, The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools
Java, If You Are a Java Programmer…
annotations, Annotations
aspect-oriented programming, AspectJ, Introducing Traits
DI (dependency injection), Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
importation of data types into Scala, Importing Types and Their Members
interfacing with type system, using existential types, Existential Types
invoking method name identical to Scala reserved word, Operator? Operator?
JDK (Java Development Kit), Introducing Scala
JVM (Java Virtual Machine), If You Are a Java Programmer…
reflection methods, Reflecting on Types
libraries, interoperability with Scala, Java Library InteroperabilityHadoop
AspectJ, AspectJAspectJ
Hadoop, Hadoop
Spring Framework, The Spring Framework
Terracotta, Terracotta
package concept for namespaces, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
regular expressions, Matching on Regular Expressions
Scala interoperability with, Java InteroperabilityScala Names in Java Code
AnyVal types and Java primitives, AnyVal Types and Java Primitives
Java and Scala generics, Java and Scala Generics
JavaBean properties, JavaBean Properties
Scala names in Java code, Scala Names in Java Code
using Scala functions in Java, Using Scala Functions in Java
static methods, companion objects and, Companion Objects and Java Static MethodsCompanion Objects and Java Static Methods
static typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
variance, Variance In Scala Versus JavaVariance In Scala Versus Java
java command, scalac Command-Line Tool class, Annotations
java.lang.String class, Implicit Conversions
java.nio package, Events
java.util.concurrent package, Using java.util.concurrent
conventions for, JavaBean Properties, The Spring Framework
vetoable events, Stackable Traits
javac compiler, Introducing Scala
Javadoc-style @return annotation, Generating Paychecks with the External DSL
javap tool, The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools
JavaRebel tool, JavaRebel
JavaTokenParsers, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
JDK (Java Development Kit), Introducing Scala
join points, AspectJ
JUnit, Traits As Mixins
running specifications, Specs
JVM (Java Virtual Machine), If You Are a Java Programmer…
JVM version of Scala, Introducing Scala
installing, Installing Scala


lazy evaluation, infinite data structures and, Infinite Data Structures and Laziness
lazy values, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Traits, Lazy Vals
Post class (example), A Real-World Example
lazy, defined, Glossary
left-associative method invocations, Precedence Rules
Java library interoperability, Java Library InteroperabilityHadoop
AspectJ, AspectJAspectJ
Hadoop, Hadoop
Spring Framework, The Spring Framework
Terracotta, Terracotta
miscellaneous smaller Scala libraries, Miscellaneous Smaller Libraries
notable Scala libraries, Other Notable Scala Libraries and Tools
Lift web framework, Lift
linearization of object hierarchy, Linearization of an Object’s HierarchyLinearization of an Object’s Hierarchy, C.super, Glossary
algorithm for reference types, Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy
hand calculation for C2 (example), Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy
LinkedList class that uses Nodes (example), Views and View Bounds
Liskov Substitution Principle, Class or Trait?
List class
apply and unapplySeq methods, Apply and UnapplySeq for Collections
declaration, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types
Nil case object, Nothing and Null
Scala implementation, A Closer Look at ListsA Closer Look at Lists
List object
apply method, parameterized, Parameterized Methods
folding, Folding and Reducing
lists in functional programming, Lists in Functional Programming
literals, LiteralsSymbol Literals
boolean, Boolean Literals
character, Character Literals
defined, Glossary
floating-point, Floating-Point Literals
integer, Integer Literals
string, String Literals
symbol, Symbol Literals
load-time weaving, AspectJ
do-while, Scala do-while Loops
for loops or comprehensions, Scala for ComprehensionsExpanded Scope
generator expressions in, Generator Expressions
looping through and matching XML, Looping and Matching XML
trampoline, Trampoline for Tail Calls
while, Scala while Loops
lower type bounds, Lower Type Bounds, Understanding Abstract Types


Mac OS X
installing Scala, Installing Scala
TextMate editor, Text Editors
mailbox for Actors, The Mailbox, Glossary
main method, A Taste of Scala, Glossary
Manifests, Manifests
Map companion object, The Predef Object
Map values, The Predef Object
Map.apply method, The Predef Object, Mapping
MapReduce, Hadoop, Glossary
maps in functional programming, Maps in Functional Programming
MatchError object, Sealed Class Hierarchies
mathematics, functions in, Functions in Mathematics
Maven build tool, Build Tools
members, Class and Object Basics, Glossary
importing, Importing Types and Their Members
memoization, Purity Inside Versus Outside, Glossary
support by packrat parsers, Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts
messages, Glossary
metadata, Annotations
(see also annotations)
adding to declarations, Annotations
default values and, Annotations
metaprogramming, The Seductions of Scala
MetaScala library, MetaScala
method chaining, Infix Operator Notation
methods, Class and Object Basics
abstract types as arguments, Parameterized Types Versus Abstract Types
adding new methods to classes, Implicit Conversions
class-level, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
declarations, Method DeclarationsNesting Method Definitions
default and named arguments, Method Default and Named Arguments (Scala Version 2.8)
nesting method definitions, Nesting Method Definitions
defined, Glossary
defining, A Taste of Scala
Java static methods and companion objects, Companion Objects and Java Static MethodsCompanion Objects and Java Static Methods, Using Scala Functions in Java
operators as, Operator? Operator?
infix notation, Operator? Operator?
overriding, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
overriding accessor methods indistinguishable from fields, When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access PrincipleWhen Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
parameterized, Parameterized Methods
without parentheses and dots, Methods Without Parentheses and Dots
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
referencing object method, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
Meyer, Bertrand, Better Design with Design By Contract
MINA (Apache), Events
events provided by, Events
mixin composition, Introducing Scala, Mixin Composition, Effective Design of Traits
using traits, Introducing Scala
mixins, Introducing Traits
defined, Glossary
invasive, Effective Design of Traits
traits as, Traits As MixinsTraits As Mixins
components and, Scalable Abstractions
contract of, Better Design with Design By Contract
multiple inheritance, Glossary
mutable fields, A Taste of Concurrency
mutable values, Glossary


Naggati library, Events
named arguments, Method Default and Named Arguments (Scala Version 2.8), Glossary
namespaces, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
relationship to Scala’s nested package syntax, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
ne method (AnyRef), The ne and eq Methods
nested classes, Nested Classes
invoking method name identical to Scala reserved word, Operator? Operator?
regular expressions, Matching on Regular Expressions
.NET version of Scala, Introducing Scala
developing Scala applications, Developing Scala applications
installing Scala plugins, NetBeans
new operator, A Taste of Scala
Nil case object, Nothing and Null
NIO (non-blocking I/O), Events
NioSocketAcceptor object, Events
NodeSeq class, and \ methods, Syntactic Sugar
NodeSeq object, Reading XML
None class, Option, Some, and None: Avoiding nulls
nonterminals, A Payroll External DSL, Glossary
Nothing type, Variance In Scala Versus Java, Nothing and Null
Null object, Nothing and Null
avoiding using Option, Some, and None classes, Option, Some, and None: Avoiding nullsOption, Some, and None: Avoiding nulls
Options versus, Using Nulls Versus Options


object system (Scala), The Predef ObjectRecap and What’s Next
classes and objects, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
package objects, Package Objects
linearization of object hierarchy, Linearization of an Object’s HierarchyLinearization of an Object’s Hierarchy
Predef object, The Predef Object
sealed class hierarchies, Sealed Class HierarchiesSealed Class Hierarchies
type hierarchy, The Scala Type Hierarchy
object-oriented programming (OOP), Basic Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
case classes, Case ClassesCase Class Inheritance
classes and objects, basics of, Basic Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
companion objects, Companion ObjectsCompanion Objects and Java Static Methods
constructors, Constructors in ScalaCalling Parent Class Constructors
defined, Glossary
equality of objects, Equality of Objects
mixed paradigm in Scala, Introducing Scala
nested classes, Nested Classes
overriding members of classes and traits, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming In ScalaWhen Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
parent classes, Class and Object Basics
reusable software components and, Recap: Functional Component Abstractions
visibility rules, Visibility RulesFinal Thoughts on Visibility
basics of, Basic Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
deep matching on contents, Matching on Case Classes
defined, Glossary
instantiation in Scala, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
in Scala, Introducing Scala
versus class-level members, A Taste of Scala
ObservableClicks trait (example), Stackable Traits
working with VetoableClicks trait (example), Stackable Traits
Observer Pattern, Traits As Mixins, Design Patterns
trait implementing, Traits As Mixins
octal integer literals, Integer Literals
Odersky, Martin, Introducing Scala, Introducing Scala
Open-Closed Principle (OCP), Sealed Class Hierarchies
violation by Visitor Pattern, The Visitor Pattern: A Better Alternative
operator characters, Operator? Operator?
defined, Glossary
encoding in Java identifiers, Scala Names in Java Code
in identifiers, Operator? Operator?
operator notation, Glossary
infix operator notation, Operator? Operator?, Infix Operator Notation
operator overloading, Glossary
operator precedence, Precedence Rules
operators, Operator? Operator?
conditional, Conditional Operators
Option class, Option, Some, and None: Avoiding nullsOption, Some, and None: Avoiding nulls
alternatives to exceptions, Exceptions and the Alternatives
functional operations on, Functional Options
nulls versus, Using Nulls Versus Options
using with for comprehensions, Options and for Comprehensions
or operator (||), Conditional Operators
overloaded functions, Glossary
overloaded methods, Class and Object Basics
explicit return type requirement, Inferring Type Information
override keyword, A Taste of Concurrency, Traits As Mixins, Overriding Members of Classes and Traits
overriding class and trait members, Overriding Members of Classes and TraitsWhen Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
abstract and concrete fields, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields
in classes, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Classes
in traits, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in TraitsOverriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Traits
abstract and concrete methods, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
abstract types, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in ClassesOverriding Abstract Types
accessor methods indistinguishable from fields, When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access PrincipleWhen Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
final declarations, Attempting to Override final Declarations


package objects, Package Objects, Glossary
packages, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
defining using nested package syntax in Scala, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
root package for Scala library classes, Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces
packrat parsers, Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts, Glossary
Pair class, The Predef Object
apply method, Apply
Pair object, The Predef Object
parameterized methods, Parameterized Methods
parameterized types, A Taste of Scala, Abstract Types And Parameterized Types, Understanding Parameterized Types
abstract types versus, Parameterized Types Versus Abstract Types
defined, Glossary
Manifests, Manifests
parameterized methods, Parameterized Methods
value types created from, Parameterized Types
constructor, initialization of vals and vars, Variable Declarations
implicit function parameters, Implicit Function Parameters
order of, named arguments and, Method Default and Named Arguments (Scala Version 2.8)
required return type annotations, Inferring Type Information
parent classes, Parent Classes, Glossary
parser combinators, external DSLs with, External DSLs with Parser CombinatorsGenerating Paychecks with the External DSL
generating paychecks with PayrollParserCombinators, Generating Paychecks with the External DSLGenerating Paychecks with the External DSL
payroll external DSL, A Payroll External DSLA Payroll External DSL
Scala implementation of external DSL grammar, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL GrammarA Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
Parsers object, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
documentation of composition operators, A Payroll External DSL
~ case class, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
parsing expression grammars (PEGs), Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts, Glossary
partial application, Glossary
partial functions, Partial Functions, Glossary
path-dependent types, Path-Dependent Types, Glossary
C.super, C.super
C.this, C.this
p.Success case class (example), A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
period-delimited path expressions, path.x
pattern matching, A Taste of Concurrency, Pattern MatchingConcluding Remarks on Pattern Matching
binding nested variables in case clauses, Binding Nested Variables in Case Clauses
on case classes, Matching on Case Classes
defined, Glossary
on enumerations, Enumerations Versus Pattern Matching
extractors in case statements, Case Classes
in functional programming, Pattern Matching
matching on tuples and guards, Matching on Tuples (and Guards)
polymorphism versus, A Taste of Concurrency
on regular expressions, Matching on Regular Expressions
on sequences, Matching on Sequences
simple match of boolean values, A Simple Match
on type, Matching on Type
using on XML structures, Looping and Matching XML
using try, catch, and finally clauses, Using try, catch, and finally Clauses
using with case classes, enumerations versus, Thoughts On Annotations and Enumerations
variables in matches, Variables in Matches
pattern matching identifiers, Operator? Operator?
payroll external DSL (example), A Payroll External DSLA Payroll External DSL
payroll internal DSL (example), A Payroll Internal DSL
PEGs (parsing expression grammars), Internal Versus External DSLs: Final Thoughts, Glossary
performance, Introducing Scala
Pimp My Library design pattern, Implicit Conversions, Glossary
plain identifiers, Operator? Operator?
pointcuts, AspectJ
family polymorphism, Self-Type Annotations and Abstract Type Members
pattern matching versus, A Taste of Concurrency, Concluding Remarks on Pattern Matching, Pattern Matching
postconditions, Better Design with Design By Contract, Glossary
postfix notation, Operator? Operator?, Glossary
@Pre annotation, Annotations
pre-initialized fields, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Traits
precedence, operator, Precedence Rules
preconditions, Better Design with Design By Contract, Glossary
Predef object, The Predef Object
any2ArrowAssoc method, The Predef Object
declaring types and exceptions, The Predef Object
documentation, The Predef Object
implicit conversion methods for value types, The Scala Type Hierarchy
items imported or defined by, The Predef Object
require and assume methods, using for contract enforcement, Better Design with Design By Contract
stringWrapper method, Implicit Conversions
primary constructor, Constructors in Scala, Glossary
primitive data types, Glossary
instances of value types corresponding to, Class and Object Basics
Java, conversion of AnyVal types to, AnyVal Types and Java Primitives
println function, A Taste of Scala, A Taste of Scala
partially applied (example), Partial Functions
private keyword, Constructors in Scala, Visibility Rules
private visibility, Private Visibility
scoped, Scoped Private and Protected VisibilityScoped Private and Protected Visibility
production, Glossary
production rules, A Payroll External DSL
projection functions, Exploring XML
protected keyword, Visibility Rules
protected visibility, Protected Visibility
scoped, Scoped Private and Protected VisibilityScoped Private and Protected Visibility
public visibility, Public Visibility
pure (side-effect-free functions), Glossary


QuickCheck (Haskell), ScalaCheck


Range object, Infinite Data Structures and Laziness
Range.Inclusive class, Generator Expressions
raw strings in regular expression pattern matching, Matching on Regular Expressions
recursion, Nesting Method Definitions, Glossary
explicit return type annotation, Inferring Type Information, Inferring Type Information
in functional programming, Recursion
tail-call, Tail Calls and Tail-Call Optimization
foldLeft and reduceLeft, Folding and Reducing
reducing data structures, Folding and ReducingFolding and Reducing
Reductio tool, ScalaCheck
reference types, Class and Object Basics, Glossary
linearization algorithm for, Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy, Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy
listed, The Scala Type Hierarchy
parent of, AnyRef, The Scala Type Hierarchy
testing equality, The ne and eq Methods
referential transparency, Glossary
refinement in compound type declarations, Compound Types
defined, Glossary
reflection, Reflecting on Types
Regex class, Matching on Regular Expressions
regular expressions
matching on, Matching on Regular Expressions
use in parsing, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
reified types, Glossary
relative imports, Imports are Relative
REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop), Glossary
Request case class, Events
requirements specification, Specs
reserved words
listing of reserved words in Scala, Reserved Words
not allowed in identifiers, Operator? Operator?
@Retention annotation, Annotations
@return annotation, Generating Paychecks with the External DSL
return keyword, A Taste of Scala, Inferring Type Information
return type for methods, Inferring Type InformationInferring Type Information
required explicit declarations of, Inferring Type Information
using Option, Some, and None types, Option, Some, and None: Avoiding nulls
RichInt class, Generator Expressions
RichString class, Implicit Conversions
right-associative method invocations, Precedence Rules
dynamic typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
exceptions, Exceptions and the Alternatives
method resolution in, Structural Types


sbaz tool, For More Information, The sbaz Command-Line Tool
installing ScalaCheck, ScalaCheck
SBT (simple build tool), Build Tools
benefits of, The Seductions of Scala
code examples, A Taste of ScalaA Taste of Scala
combining with other languages, The Seductions of Scala
installing, Installing Scala
introduction to, Introducing Scala
official website, Installing Scala
resources for more information, For More Information
scala command, For More Information, A Taste of Scala, The scala Command-Line ToolLimitations of scala versus scalac
-cp option, A Taste of Scala, The scala Command-Line Tool
commands available in scala interactive mode, The scala Command-Line Tool
documentation, The scala Command-Line Tool
interactive mode, A Taste of Scala
invoking scripts, The scala Command-Line Tool
limitations of, versus scalac, Limitations of scala versus scalac
options, The scala Command-Line Tool
running in interpreted mode, The scala Command-Line Tool
script or object specified for, The scala Command-Line Tool
scala-tool-support package, Text Editors
scala.actors.Actor class, Actors in Scala
@scala.reflect.BeanProperty annotation, JavaBean Properties, The Spring Framework
scalability, Scala support for, Introducing Scala
scalable abstractions (see components)
scalable language (Scala), Introducing Scala
scalac compiler, For More Information, scalac Command-Line Tool
-X options, scalac Command-Line Tool
-Xscript option, Limitations of scala versus scalac
command options, scalac Command-Line Tool
compiling code into JVM .class file, A Taste of Scala
plugin architecture, scalac Command-Line Tool
scala command versus, Limitations of scala versus scalac
ScalaCheck, ScalaCheck
scaladoc tool, For More Information, The scaladoc Command-Line Tool
Scaladocs, Glossary
ScalaObject class, The Scala Type Hierarchy
$tag method, The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools, Glossary
scalap tool, The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools
ScalaTest, ScalaTest
Scalax library, Scalax
Scalaz library, Scalaz
defined, Glossary
expanded variable scope in for comprehensions, Expanded Scope
package objects, Package Objects
of private and protected visibility, Scoped Private and Protected VisibilityScoped Private and Protected Visibility
scripting languages, popularity of, If You Are a Java Programmer…
sealed class hierarchies, Sealed Class HierarchiesSealed Class Hierarchies
sealed keyword, Glossary
self types, Introducing Scala
self-type annotations, Self-Type AnnotationsSelf-Type Annotations
and abstract type members, Mixin Composition
defined, Glossary
TwitterClientComponent (example), Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
Seq class, first and firstOption methods, Exceptions and the Alternatives
matching on, Matching on Sequences
Range.Inclusive class, Generator Expressions
sequential composition, A Payroll External DSL
combinator operators, A Scala Implementation of the External DSL Grammar
@serialVersionUID annotation, Annotations
Set companion object, The Predef Object
Set values, The Predef Object
sets in functional programming, Sets in Functional Programming
short-circuiting operators (&& and ||), Conditional Operators
side-effect-free, Glossary
signature, Class and Object Basics, Glossary
single inheritance, Glossary
Single Responsibility Principle, Introducing Traits
singleton objects, A Taste of Scala, Companion Objects and Java Static Methods
eliminating need for Singleton Pattern, Design Patterns
methods defined in companion objects, Using Scala Functions in Java
singleton types, Singleton Types, Glossary
singletons, Glossary
Scala classes declared as, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
sleeping barber problem (demonstrating Actors), Actors in DepthActors in Depth
SMTP mail server (example), EventsEvents
codec for SMTP, Events
conversation with server, Events
setup, Events
SmtpHandler class, Events
Some class, Option, Some, and None: Avoiding nulls
@specialized annotation, Annotations
Specs library, Domain-Specific Languages, SpecsSpecs
using for BDD specification exercising combined Button and Subject types, Traits As Mixins
Spring Framework, The Spring Framework
stable types, Glossary
state, Glossary
static members, Scala and, Classes and Objects: Where Are the Statics?
static typing, Glossary
versus dynamic typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
StaticAnnotation class, Annotations
annotations derived from, Annotations
Stream class, Infinite Data Structures and Laziness
strict, Glossary
String class, Implicit Conversions
implicit conversion to RichString, Implicit Conversions
string literals, String Literals
strong versus weak typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
structural types, Traits As Mixins, Structural Types
defined, Glossary
subtypes, Glossary, Glossary
super keyword, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
supertype, Glossary
@switch annotation, Annotations
symbol literals, Symbol Literals
symbols, Apply and UnapplySeq for Collections
defined, Glossary
in method names and other identifiers, Operator? Operator?


$tag method (ScalaObject), The scalap, javap, and jad Command-Line Tools, Glossary
tail calls, Tail Calls and Tail-Call Optimization
@tailRec annotation and, Annotations
foldLeft and reduceLeft operations, Folding and Reducing
trampoline for, Trampoline for Tail Calls
tail-call recursion, Glossary
@tailRec annotation, Annotations
TDD (Test-Driven Development), Traits As Mixins, Test-Driven Development in ScalaScalaCheck
defined, Glossary
Design by Contract and, Better Design with Design By Contract
ScalaCheck tool, ScalaCheck
ScalaTest tool, ScalaTest
Specs library, SpecsSpecs
terminals, A Payroll External DSL, Glossary
Terracotta library, Terracotta
test double, Glossary
text editors, Text Editors
TextMate editor, Text Editors
this keyword, A Taste of Concurrency, Class and Object Basics
self versus, in self-type annotations, Self-Type Annotations and Abstract Type Members
self-type annotations, Self-Type Annotations
super versus, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
threading in Scala, Traditional Concurrency in Scala: Threading and Events
one-off threads, One-Off Threads
using java.util.concurrent, Using java.util.concurrent
@throws annotation, Annotations
trait keyword, Traits As Mixins
traits, Introducing Scala, Introducing TraitsRecap and What’s Next
aspects versus, AspectJ
constructing, Constructing Traits
class or trait, Class or Trait?
initializing values in traits, Constructing Traits
defined, Glossary
effective design of, Effective Design of TraitsEffective Design of Traits
functions as instances of, Function Types
implementing components with, Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
as mixins, Traits As MixinsTraits As Mixins
vetoing click events, Stackable Traits
overriding accessor methods indistinguishable from fields, When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
overriding members of
abstract and concrete fields, Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in TraitsOverriding Abstract and Concrete Fields in Traits
promotion of mixin composition, Mixin Composition
stacking, Stackable Traits
trampolines, Trampoline for Tail Calls, Glossary
try, catch, and finally clauses, Using try, catch, and finally Clauses
tuples, Tuples
defined, Glossary
pattern matching on, Matching on Tuples (and Guards)
value type, syntax for, Tuples
ways to create two-item tuple, The Predef Object
Twitter client, component model for (example), Dependency Injection in Scala: The Cake PatternDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern
type alias, Enumerations
type annotations, A Taste of Scala
defined, Glossary
required explicit type annotations, Inferring Type Information
self-type annotations, Self-Type AnnotationsSelf-Type Annotations
type bounds, Variance In Scala Versus Java, Type BoundsViews and View Bounds
defined, Glossary
List class, Scala implementation, A Closer Look at ListsA Closer Look at Lists
lower, Lower Type Bounds
upper, Upper Type Bounds
using in abstract type declarations, Understanding Abstract Types
views and view bounds, Views and View Bounds
type constructors, Glossary
type designators, Type Designators, Glossary
type erasure, Class and Object Basics
defined, Glossary
getClass method on JVM, Reflecting on Types
type inference, Inferring Type InformationInferring Type Information, Glossary
type projections, Type Projections, Glossary
type system, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…, The Scala Type System
(see also data types)
Scala, Introducing Scala
type variance, Variance Under Inheritance, Glossary
(see also variance under inheritance)
type variance annotations, Glossary
types, The Scala Type System
(see also data types)
defined, Glossary
typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…


unapply method, UnapplyUnapply
unapplySeq method for collections, Apply and UnapplySeq for Collections
@unchecked annotation, Annotations
Unicode characters, Character Literals
Uniform Access Principle, Visibility Rules, When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
universe (sbaz remote repository), The sbaz Command-Line Tool
upper type bounds, Upper Type Bounds, Understanding Abstract Types


val keyword, A Taste of Scala
in declaration of read-only variable, A Taste of Scala
using in declaration of immutable variable, Variable Declarations
vals, lazy (see lazy values)
Value class, Enumerations Versus Pattern Matching
Value object, Glossary
value types, Class and Object Basics, Value Types
defined, Glossary
function types, Function Types
implicit conversions by Predef object methods, The Scala Type Hierarchy
infix types, Infix Types
listed, The Scala Type Hierarchy
parameterized types, Parameterized Types
singleton types, Singleton Types
tuples, Tuples
type designators, Type Designators
type projections, Type Projections
use in type bounds expressions, Understanding Abstract Types
Value.toString method, Enumerations
values, Glossary
var keyword, A Taste of Concurrency
variable identifiers, Operator? Operator?
variable-length argument lists, A Taste of Scala, The Predef Object
binding nested variables in case clauses, Binding Nested Variables in Case Clauses
declarations, Variable Declarations
defined, Glossary
expanded scope in for expressions, Expanded Scope
immutable values in functional programming, Variables that Aren’t
in matches, Variables in Matches
mutable and immutable, Introducing Scala
in static and dynamic typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
variance annotations, Understanding Parameterized Types
summary of, Variance Under Inheritance
variance under inheritance, Variance Under Inheritance
abstract versus parameterized types, Parameterized Types Versus Abstract Types
variance in Scala versus Java, Variance In Scala Versus JavaVariance In Scala Versus Java
variance of mutable types, Variance of Mutable Types
versions, Scala, Installing Scala
VetoableClicks trait (example), Stackable Traits
view bounds, Views and View BoundsViews and View Bounds, Glossary
implementing LinkedList class that uses Nodes, Views and View Bounds
views, Implicit Conversions, Views and View BoundsViews and View Bounds, Glossary
Vim editor, Text Editors
visibility, Visibility RulesFinal Thoughts on Visibility, Glossary
fine-grained visibility rules in Scala, Fine-Grained Visibility Rules
private, Private Visibility
protected, Protected Visibility
public, Public Visibility
scoped private and protected visibility, Scoped Private and Protected VisibilityScoped Private and Protected Visibility
summary of visibility scopes, Visibility Rules
Visitor Pattern, alternative to, The Visitor Pattern: A Better AlternativeDependency Injection in Scala: The Cake Pattern


weak versus strong typing, If You Are a Ruby, Python, etc. Programmer…
weaving, load-time, AspectJ
web application frameworks, Lift
web page for this book, How to Contact Us
code examples, Getting the Code Examples, For More Information
while loops, Scala while Loops
implementing using by-name parameters and currying, Call by Name, Call by Value
with keyword, Traits As Mixins
wrapper classes in Scala, Implicit Conversions
Rich wrapper classes defined in scala.runtime package, Implicit Conversions


XML, Herding XML in ScalaRecap and What’s Next
exploring using NodeSeq tools, Exploring XML
looping and matching, Looping and Matching XML
reading, Reading XML
writing, Writing XML
blogging system (example), A Real-World ExampleA Real-World Example


yield keyword, Yielding
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