First and foremost, thank you so much to all of the artists who have generously agreed to have their art displayed on the pages of this book. I am in admiration of all your talent and skill, and getting to talk with you all and share your art has been such a joyful part of this process.

Incredibly grateful to the wonderful community of Urban Sketchers around the world, with an extra-loud shout-out to my home chapter of Urban Sketchers here in New York City. Thanks especially to Mark and Raylie, for welcoming me into the group with open arms and for all the work you do for the group.

Huge thanks to Joy, David, John and everyone at Quarry for your work making this book a reality. Thanks, Danna, for having first eyes on the first draft.

Thank you to all the phenomenal teachers and mentors I’ve had over the years, and every student, as I’ve learned so much from you, too.

Thanks to Sarah and Caitlyn, for always being a quick text away. Thanks to Hilary, for being the best big sister a girl could have and for being my favorite travel companion. Thanks for always letting me stop to sketch! I’m forever grateful to my parents, for always supporting my artistic journey even if they didn’t always understand it. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for everything.

Last but not least, thanks to everyone who picks up a copy of this and continues to support my work. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do.

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