Painting is one of the most relaxing and fulfilling hobbies a person could ever enjoy. So many possibilities exist for what you can create, and I love how anyone can bring their imagination to life in a unique way. Painting, no matter how simple an activity it may seem, can leave a positive effect on a person’s well-being. In my years of teaching, I’ve always emphasized how painting is a skill that can be learned and improved on through constant practice. Nobody is born an artist.

When people ask me to name the easiest medium for beginning painters, my answer is always acrylics. Acrylics are so easy to work with and so versatile. The paint adheres to a variety of surfaces, and you can achieve different effects with various techniques. Frankly, they’re just a lot of fun to use!

I’ll show you how to paint with acrylics using simple methods and demonstrations. My goal is to make it easy for anyone to follow along and get a feel for how they can use this fantastic medium. I chose subjects and exercises that are suitable for beginners and for those with some experience who just want to paint for the fun of it. I’m a self-taught artist, and the exercises and lessons in this book show you my thought processes as I work my way through a painting, from start to finish. Because I mostly learn through practical application, the tips and instructions I’ve chosen to include in the book are easy to understand, even if you don’t have any formal art training.

I’m also excited to share the special projects that reveal the seemingly limitless potential of acrylics. These projects are very close to my heart, as they led to the writing of this book! Working with acrylics has enabled me to put my paintings on different substrates, making the pieces practical and interesting. I’m always taken by surprise when people ask me to paint on items I never would have dreamed of painting on.

As I tell students in my art workshops in the Philippines, try not to focus too much on the final painting, as we all interpret subjects in unique ways. Your orange painting might turn out different from mine, and that’s perfectly okay!

I hope that the lessons in this book will inspire you to experiment further with acrylics. This is something you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. My wish is that this book will be a stepping-stone for you as you begin your creative journey.

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