Chapter 17

The Flying Stars, Part 7

In This Chapter

image Determining the annual star

image Using the annual star chart

image Flying the annual star: how the annual star affects the mountain, water, and time stars

image Looking at the annual star for 2006, 2007, and 2008

This is the final chapter about the Flying Star system. Here, you’ll receive the last piece of the puzzle—the annual star. After you’ve incorporated the annual star into your chart, you can fully evaluate your chart to create a productive atmosphere fostering better well-being.

The Annual Star

Each year, the nine heavenly stars visit earth. One of the stars is the leader and is stationed in the central palace along with the mountain, water, and time stars governing the chart. Who’s the leader of the annual stars? The nine stars take turns being leader, with the term of office being one solar year beginning variously on the third, fourth, or fifth day of February. Because there are nine stars, it takes nine years to complete a cycle. The cycle we’re currently in began in the year 2000, with the number 9 as leader. In 2006, the leader is the number 3; in 2007, the leader is the number 2; in 2008, the leader is the number 1. The year 2009 marks a new 9-year cycle. The other numbers follow suit in a descending order.

To determine the annual star for any particular year, use this simple formula:

1. Add up all the digits for the year in question. For example, let’s calculate the annual star for 2009: 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11.

2. Add the resulting number until you get a single-digit number. Continuing with our example: 1 + 1 = 2.

3. Subtract the resulting number from 11. The answer is the annual star number. In the case of 2009, 11 – 2 = 9.

Let’s calculate another year. How about 2013?

2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6

11 – 6 = 5

The number 5 is the annual star for 2013.

Get the idea? What star prevailed during your birth year?

The Annual Star Chart

For your convenience, we’ve assembled the following quick-reference table. Notice how the numbers descend with the progression of years.


To figure out the annual stars previous to 1991, count up. To figure out the annual stars beyond 2026, count down.

Flying the Annual Star

The annual star, or number, flies in exactly the same manner as the time star (the period star). It flies forward, the ascending numbers filling the remaining eight cells by following the directional sequence: NW, W, NE, S, N, SW, E, SE.

When a star occupies the central palace, it’s less influential than the other stars because it’s “locked” or “imprisoned” in the chart. However, if the design of the house leaves the center open (if there’s an atrium, patio, or courtyard in the center, for example), then the numbers are freed. The heaven qi from the facing palace (the water star) will positively or negatively affect the numbers situated in the facing cell, and the heaven qi from the sitting palace (the mountain star) will positively or negatively affect the numbers situated in the sitting cell.

As a visiting star, an annual star can affect a house in three ways:

image An annual star can act on its own to affect the relationship between the mountain, water, and time stars in question. If an annual star is timely, it will affect the area positively. If the annual star is untimely, it will affect the area negatively.

image An annual star can activate a combination (mountain-water, mountain-time, water-time) if the phase it’s correlated with produces the phase attached to the mountain or water star in question.

image An annual star can activate a combination (mountain-water, mountain-time, water-time) if the number is the same as the mountain or the water star in question. In this case, the annual star assists the mountain and/or time star.

We will demonstrate this idea by carrying over the example from the previous chapter of the house built in Period 7, sitting W2 and facing E2. If you’re uncertain about the relationship between the phases and to which number each phase corresponds, it’s a good idea to use the first illustration in Appendix F for a handy reminder.

The Annual Star for 2006

Beginning in the central palace, moving up to the facing cell, and traveling clockwise around the chart, let’s take a look at how the annual star affects the other stars. Again, M stands for mountain star, W for water star, T for time star, and A for annual star. The number in bold adjacent to the time star corresponds to the annual star.

The annual star 3 (2006) and how it relates to a Dui house built in Period 7, sitting W2 and facing E2.

Center: 9M (fire) 5W (earth) 7T (metal) 3A (wood)

Fire (9M) produces earth (5W). Although a productive relationship, it is not a healthy one. Here, the number 9 is encouraging the highly inauspicious number 5’s proclivity for misfortune. It’s also melting the recently retired number 7’s metal—a number that’s still useful for the remainder of the Lower Cycle ending February, 2044. Although the numbers comprising the central cell cannot cause fortune or misfortune, they represent the innate nature of the dwelling. In this case, it is inharmonious. In this example, the 3 wood annual star, which fuels 9 fire, is a bad omen. Fortunately, its influence is minimal within the confines of the central cell.

East: 2M (earth) 7W (metal) 5T (earth) 1A (water)

Earth (2M) produces metal (7W). Although productive, it’s a nasty combination. Inherently ugly numbers 2 and 5 must be dealt with so that the number 7 water (money) star can bring financial gain. Metal will not only reduce the threatening earth stars, it will strengthen the number 7 star, which in 2006 is being weakened by water.

Southeast: 1M (water) 6W (metal) 6T (metal) 2A (earth)

Metal (6W) produces water (1M). This productive combination heralds the possibility of promotion and career success. However, the stress associated with more responsibility may cause an abundance of nervousness. This is because 1’s water is draining 6’s energy, a number associated with the head. The annual 2 earth (an inherently auspicious number) activates the 1M-6W and 6W-6T combinations. Add metal this year to lessen the harmful impact of the number 2 annual star.

South: 5M (earth) 1W (water) 2T (earth) 7A (metal)

Earth (5M) blocks water (1W). This is a controlling relationship, the combination bringing the probability of ear-, kidney-, and genital-related disorders. The annual 7 metal activates the 5M-1W combination, increasing the dire probability. Moving metal is needed here to thwart the untimely and inherently inauspicious numbers 2 and 5. Also, metal will bridge earth and water, reverting the cycle to a productive one.

Southwest: 3M (wood) 8W (earth) 4T (wood) 9A (fire)

Wood (3M) burdens earth (8W). The highly favorable number 8 is located on the water or wealth side. To increase the chance for financial success, install a water remedy here. But remember, a window must be open in this area to allow the water qi to enter. The visiting 9 activates the 3M-8E combination, effectively brightening the auspicious 8 earth star’s benevolence. Also, 9 bridges wood and earth, restoring balance to the sequence.

West: 7M (metal) 3W (wood) 9T (fire) 5A (earth)

Metal (7M) pierces wood (3W). In the last chapter, we determined earth was needed to diminish the possibility of robbery and legal entanglements. Earth would restore the cycle to a productive one: wood produces fire; fire produces earth; earth produces metal. However, in 2006, the unfavorable 5 earth visits. It activates the 7M-3W combination, making the disastrous prospects even stronger. Moving metal is needed to repress 5 earth.

Northwest: 8M (earth) 4W (wood) 8T (earth) 4A (wood)

Wood (4W) burdens earth (8M). Because the advantageous number 8 is situated on the mountain (health and relationships) side, we must thwart the possibility of spousal affairs (brought on by the untimely number 4) by installing the fire phase. Fire will revert the cycle to a productive one. Fire will also reduce the visiting 4 wood, which activates the unfavorable 8M-4W combination. Strengthen 8’s mountain by keeping the windows closed, especially at night.

North: 4M (wood) 9W (fire) 3T (wood) 8A (earth)

Wood (4M) produces fire (9W). In the previous chapter, we determined that a remedy is not needed because 9’s fire would intensify 4’s romantic nature, making the area good for a couple seeking a pregnancy. Because 9 is a timely money star, the area also makes a favorable home office. In 2006, the annual 8 acts on its own to bring good fortune. This year add fire to fuel 8’s auspiciousness.

Northeast: 6M (metal) 2W (earth) 1T (water) 6A (metal)

Earth (2W) produces metal (6M). Although this is a productive relationship, in the previous chapter, we determined metal is needed to suppress the unfavorable and untimely number 2’s promotion of illness and money loss. Metal will also strengthen 6’s inherently auspicious quality of bringing authority and fame. Although the annual 6 brings metal, overall, a metal remedy is still needed to strengthen the innately favorable numbers 6 and 1 and to weaken the innately unfavorable 2.

The bottom line: In 2006, the annual star affects the southeast, west, and northern areas of this house. Now, let’s see how the annual star 2 for the year 2007 affects the same home.

The Annual Star for 2007

Beginning in the central palace, moving up to the facing cell, and traveling clockwise around the chart, let’s take a look at how the annual star affects the other stars. Again, M stands for mountain star, W for water star, T for time star, and A for annual star. The numbers in bold adjacent to the time star correspond to the annual star.

The annual star 2 (2007) and how it relates to a Dui house built in Period 7, sitting W2 and facing E2.

Center: 9M (fire) 5W (earth) 7T (metal) 2A (earth)

Fire (9M) produces earth (5W). Although a productive relationship, it is not a healthy one. The number 9 is not only encouraging the highly inauspicious number 5’s penchant for misfortune, it is also melting the recently retired and still useful star 7’s benevolence. Although the numbers comprising the central cell cannot cause fortune or misfortune, they represent the innate nature of the dwelling. In this case, it’s inharmonious. For 2007, the sinister visiting 2 star activates, and thereby strengthens, the combinations 9M-5W and 5W-7T. Don’t take any unnecessary risks this year. Be mindful of your health, wealth, and spirit. The imprisoned number 2 will soon go.

East: 2M (earth) 7W (metal) 5T (earth) 9A (fire)

Earth (2M) produces metal (7W). In 2007, the annual 9 fire activates the 2M-7W and 2M-5T combinations, making the probability for monetary gain even brighter. Metal is needed to strengthen the money star 7 and to reduce the numbers 2 and 5 that cause misfortune and illness.

Southeast: 1M (water) 6W (metal) 6T (metal) 1A (water)

Metal (6W) produces water (1M). This is a productive combination, fostering the likelihood of promotion and career success. No remedy is needed. However, the stress associated with more responsibility may be accompanied by a nervous breakdown. This is because 1’s water is draining 6’s energy, a number associated with the head. The visiting and inherently good-natured 1 activates the 1M-6W combination, making the likelihood of good fortune more probable.

South: 5M (earth) 1W (water) 2T (earth) 6A (metal)

Earth (5M) blocks water (1W). This is a controlling relationship, the combination bringing the possibility of ear-, kidney-, and genital-related disorders. Moving metal is needed here to thwart the untimely and inherently inauspicious numbers 2 and 5. Also, metal will connect earth and water, reverting the cycle to a productive one. The annual 6 activates the 5M-1W combination. More metal is needed here to revert these cycles to productive ones: Earth produces metal; metal produces water.

Southwest: 3M (wood) 8W (earth) 4T (wood) 8A (earth)

Wood (3M) burdens earth (8W). The highly favorable number 8 is located on the water or wealth side. To increase the chance for financial achievement, install a water feature and open the window in this area, allowing good fortune to flow in. The visiting annual 8 star activates the 3M-8W and 8W-4T combinations, making this room especially good for a home office.

West: 7M (metal) 3W (wood) 9T (fire) 4A (wood)

Metal (7M) pierces wood (3W). It’s a controlling combination bringing the possibility of robbery and lawsuits. Unfortunately, the annual 4 star strengthens this dire possibility. Yet, the annual 4 also activates the 3W-9T combination, bringing career promotion. Add earth to restore the cycle to a productive one: Wood produces fire; fire produces earth; earth produces metal.

Northwest: 8M (earth) 4W (wood) 8T (earth) 3A (wood)

Wood (4W) burdens earth (8M). The advantageous and ruling star 8 is situated on the mountain (health and relationships) side. To create a mountainlike affect, keep the windows closed in this area, especially at night. The visiting 3 wood activates the 8M-4W and 4W-8T combinations. Fire is needed to thwart spousal affairs brought on by the untimely number 4. Fire will revert the cycle to a productive one: Wood produces fire; fire produces earth.

North: 4M (wood) 9W (fire) 3T (wood) 7A (metal)

Wood (4M) produces fire (9W). The number 9’s fire intensifies 4’s romantic nature, making the area good for a couple seeking a pregnancy. Because 9 is a timely money star, the area also makes an auspicious home office. Although the annual number 7 doesn’t activate a combination, it acts on its own to chop the wood stars (3 and 4). Add fire to brighten the romantic 4 and to melt the annual 7 metal star.

Northeast: 6M (metal) 2W (earth) 1T (water) 5A (earth)

Earth (2W) produces metal (6M). Although this is a productive relationship, metal is needed to suppress the unfavorable and untimely number 2’s promotion of illness and money loss. Metal will also strengthen 6’s inherently auspicious quality of bringing authority and fame, which is being corroded by the time (water) star. The menacing number 5 visits this year, activating the 6M-2W and 2W-1T (divorce) combinations. More metal, or moving metal, will mitigate its nasty effects. If possible, relocate your master suite to a more auspicious area this year.

The bottom line: In 2007, things change in the southeast and west sections.

The Annual Star for 2008

Beginning in the central palace, moving up to the facing cell, and traveling clockwise around the chart, let’s take a look at how the annual star affects the other stars. Again, M stands for mountain star, W for water star, T for time star, and A for annual star. The numbers in bold adjacent to the time star correspond to the annual star.

The annual star 1 (2008) and how it relates to a Dui house built in Period 7, sitting W2 and facing E2.

Center: 9M (fire) 5W (earth) 7T (metal) 1A (water)

Fire (9M) produces earth (5W). Although a production relationship, it’s an unfavorable one bringing financial and health hazards. The number 9 fire star is spurring 5’s innate ugliness. The number 9 is also melting the number 7, which is trying to reduce the sinister earth star. Fortunately, the number 1 annual star doesn’t activate a combination. However, it does work on its own to corrode the benevolent metal time star and extinguish the mountain fire star.

East: 2M (earth) 7W (metal) 5T (earth) 8A (earth)

Earth (2M) produces metal (7W). Although the combination promotes the probability for financial gain, the number 5 time star activates its equally sinister earth brother—2M. Fortunately, the annual and ruling 8 star is able to communicate with 2 and 5 by using their shared earth language. Nevertheless, add metal to lessen possible harm brought on by the evil numbers 2 and 5. Metal will also strengthen the money star 7.

Southeast: 1M (water) 6W (metal) 6T (metal) 9A (fire)

Metal (6W) produces water (1M). This is a very favorable combination bringing career success. Although the annual fire star doesn’t activate a combination, it works on its own to brighten the auspicious probability. Although no remedy is needed, be mindful of an overabundance of stress and anxiety. This is a good area for a home office.

South: 5M (earth) 1W (water) 2T (earth) 5A (earth)

Earth (5M) blocks water (1W). This is an unfavorable combination bringing ailments related to the ears, kidneys, and genital area. The annual and inherently mean-spirited number 5 is making matters worse by activating the 5M-1W and 5M-2T combinations. Heavy metal or moving metal is needed to thwart 2 and 5’s dreadful impact. This is not a good area for a master bedroom. If possible, relocate to another room this year until the annual 5 leaves.

Southwest: 3M (wood) 8W (earth) 4T (wood) 7A (metal)

Wood (3M) burdens earth (8W). This is a controlling relationship that brings financial gain. Because the ruling 8 star is on the wealth side, activate financial success by opening a window to let the money qi flow in. Also, add a water feature. Although the annual 7 metal star doesn’t activate a combination, it works on its own to foster good fortune.

West: 7M (metal) 3W (wood) 9T (fire) 3A (wood)

Metal (7M) chops wood (3W). This combination, bringing possible robbery and litigation over money, is being strengthened or brightened by the number 9 fire star. The visiting star 3 wood, which activates the 7M-3W and 3W-9T (temper tantrums) combinations, is encouraging the inauspicious forecast. Add earth to restore balance: Wood produces fire; fire produces earth; earth produces metal.

Northwest: 8M (earth) 4W (wood) 8T (earth) 2A (earth)

Earth (8M) burdens wood (4W). This is a controlling relationship promoting spousal affairs brought on by the untimely number 4. Because the ruling number 8 is on the mountain side, keep the windows closed in this area, especially at night. The visiting and menacing number 2 activates the 8M-4W and 8M-8T combinations. No harm is done because the benevolent ruling stars overrule 2’s naughty behavior. Add fire to reduce 4 wood and strengthen the good earth stars, restoring flow to the sequence: Wood produces fire; fire produces earth.

North: 4M (wood) 9W (fire) 3T (wood) 6A (metal)

Wood (4M) produces fire (9W). This is a favorable combination for a couple seeking to get pregnant. This is because the 9 fire star is brightening 4’s romantic nature. However, in 2008, you might have to try harder because the annual 6 metal is chopping 4’s wood. Add fire to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Fire will also melt the visiting star’s metal.

Northeast: 6M (metal) 2W (earth) 1T (water) 4A (wood)

Earth (2W) produces metal (6M). An unfavorable combination bringing possible financial disaster, metal is needed to reduce the threatening number 2. Metal will also fortify the inherently good number 6, which is being corroded by the water time star. The annual 4 wood does not activate a combination.

The bottom line: In 2008, things do not change.

Okay, feng shui enthusiasts, go to it! You now have all the tools. You understand how to use them. Take this time now to review your own chart. Implement the appropriate five-phase remedy to balance your dwelling’s qi.

In the next part, we’ll present three case studies to help facilitate your comprehension of Flying Star.

The Least You Need to Know

image The annual star changes each year beginning variously on the third, fourth, or fifth of February.

image The annual star’s reign lasts for one solar year.

image The annual star can activate a combination by sharing the same number as the mountain or water star or by producing the mountain or water phase in question.

image You must consider the annual star to ensure a proper Flying Star analysis.

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