Chapter 19

Home Is Where the Hearth Is

In This Chapter

image Dividing a split-level house

image Analyzing the ming gua family dynamics

image Using Flying Star to harmonize the house

image Studying and remedying interior forms

John and Jane Ward, along with their two young children Timothy and Mary, live in a split-level house in a quiet, family-oriented neighborhood. The rectangular house is properly located in the middle of a block, with comparable-sized houses flanking theirs. The house is not overly dark (yin) nor overly bright (yang). In fact, the outside forms are ideal. Yet inside, the family doesn’t feel comfortable. They can’t sleep. They argue. The kids avoid the family room.

In this chapter, we’ll examine the Ward’s house with feng shui eyes. Regarding the Flying Star number combinations, give yourself a pop quiz by determining the remedy before you read our suggestions.

Divided We All

Built in 1959, the house falls in Period 5 (1944-1964). Belonging to the Kan trigram and mountain Ren, it sits N1 and faces S1 at 167°.

A split-level house.

Looking at the front of the house, the left side comprises one floor. The right side is split-level, comprising two floors. We often are asked how to divide a split-level house. Do you divide each floor separately? No! One pie chart covers the entire house. Let’s take a closer look.

Orienting the floor plan so that its sitting side is flush with the bottom of this page, the right side (it’s the left side if you’re looking at the front of the house from the outside) comprises the living room and kitchen. Near the center of the house is one set of stairs that leads down to the family room, guestroom/office, and bathroom. The adjacent set of stairs leads up to the master bedroom, children’s bedrooms, and bathroom. If you overlay the mark designating the center of the house on the upper floor plan with the mark designating the center of the house on the lower floor plan, the division lines perfectly align.

The family room, guestroom/office, and bathroom comprise the lower floor. The bedrooms comprise the upper floor.

Ward Family Dynamics

Before we analyze the Ward’s house, let’s analyze how they relate to each other. John Ward is a gua 7 metal person. Being the head of household suits his authoritative nature. Although others see him as rigid and stern, he’s actually quite flexible and calm. He relates best with his wife, Jane, who’s a metal gua 6 person. Conversely, although others see her as amiable and cooperative, she has an inner sternness. Nevertheless, they’re very compatible, even if they’re stubborn!

Regarding their relations with their children, John and Jane need to learn that adopting a sweet rather than a spicy tone will yield more positive results. This advice will prove helpful when relating to their gua 4 wood daughter Mary. Their relationship with her is combative. John and Jane innately seek to control her every move. While they are chopping Mary’s tree, Mary is busy controlling her brother Tim—a gua 2 earth person. Even though his relationship with his parents is generally agreeable (earth produces metal), his stubbornness gets him in trouble. Basically, John and Jane need to harness their inward and outward softness to successfully mediate disputes and restore harmony to their family unit.


Referring to the chart, John, Jane, and Tim share the same favorable directions, but in different orders: W, SW, NE, and NW. What’s good for them is not good for Mary. Her favorable directions are N, E, S, and SE. We’ll put this information to good use later on in this chapter.

Flying the Stars

Beginning in the center, traveling up to the facing cell, we’ll move clockwise around the floor plan as we examine the number combinations and possible remedies. Note: M stands for Mountain Star; W for Water Star; and T for Time Star.

Center: 1M (water) 9W (fire) 5T (earth)

Water (1M) controls fire (9W). Although it’s a controlling relationship, it is a favorable combination bringing career advancement and monetary gain. This is the innate fortune of the house. Interestingly, however, the Period 5 house was born Reversed Mountain and Water, with the ruling water star 5 (governing wealth) located on the mountain side of the facing cell and the ruling mountain star 5 (governing health and relationships) located on the water side of the sitting cell. The misalignment most likely brought misfortune and illness to the dwelling’s first occupants, the inauspiciousness ending when Period 6 arrived on February 5, 1964.

South Entrance 5M (earth) 4W (wood) 9T (fire)

Wood (4W) controls earth (5W). This is a dominating relationship bringing the possibility of breast tumors and troubled relationships. The number 9 time star activates the combination, making it especially inauspicious. Moving metal is needed to lessen 5’s naughtiness. A wind chime in the outside entryway or bells hanging on the inside door will work well.

Southwest Living Room 7M (metal) 6W (metal) 2T (earth)

Metal (7M) assists metal (6W). Although productive, the combination brings disagreements. The innately ugly number 2 earth star strengthens the inauspicious forecast. Unfortunately, a five-phase remedy will not help remedy the problematic qi. The Ward family should not hold family discussions here. However, rearranging the furniture will help the family and their guests feel more comfortable in this room. We suggest moving the love seat to the north wall (see the “after” floor plan in the next illustration). As you learned in Chapter 10, a person sitting with his back exposed feels insecure. The love seat was positioned very inauspiciously with its back to the main entrance and to the staircases leading to the upper and lower floors. The new arrangement is open and inviting.

West/Northwest Kitchen 3M (wood) 2W (earth) 7T (metal) and 2M (earth) 1W (water) 6T (metal)

Wood (3M) burdens earth (2W), and earth (2M) blocks water (1W). These are controlling relationships bringing conflict, accidents, and abdominal pain. The kitchen is the most unfavorable area in the house. Moving metal is needed to ward off trouble. The appliances take care of the remedy in the northwest section. In the west, we advise installing a chiming pendulum clock. Regarding the dining table, notice that it’s stationed against the south wall. Because the room is narrow, it is not practical to pull out the table for each meal. Repositioning it near the west wall is also inconvenient. Therefore, we suggest the Wards frame the children’s report cards and art on the wall they will be facing during mealtime. Mary and Timothy can look at their accomplishments instead of staring at an uninspiring blank wall.


North Bathroom 6M (metal) 5W (earth) 1T (water)

A remedy is not necessary. Bathrooms (garages and basements) are not important. Nevertheless, we suggest the Wards keep the bathroom door closed.

Northeast Guestroom/Office 4M (wood) 3W (wood) 8T (earth)

Wood (4M) assists wood (3W). The combination attracts burglars. To discourage theft, the Wards must take preventative measures by keeping the backdoor locked at all times. The window in the guestroom/office must also be securely locked, especially when they are not home. Adding the fire phase will also help. A red floor runner for the hallway and a red rug in the guestroom/office room will work. Installing a lamp with a red light bulb or red shade (see Chapter 6) is another option. Regarding the layout, the Wards could make better use of this space. We suggest they remove the double bed, replacing it with a sofa bed. Removing the bed will open up the space. Next, the desk must be relocated. Again, sitting with your back exposed is a feng shui no-no! Also, facing a wall blocks creativity and concentration. Reposition the desk to the opposite side of the room (see the “after” floor plan).

East/Southeast Family Room 8M (earth) 7W (metal) 3T (wood) and 9M (fire) 8W (earth) 4T (wood)

Earth (8M) produces metal (7W), and fire (9M) produces earth (8W). This is the best area in the house, bringing financial gain and happiness. The area also hosts the ruling mountain and water stars for Period 8 (February 4, 2004 to February 3, 2024). In the east section of the room, fire is needed to activate the benevolent 8 mountain star. Fire will also melt the inherently unfavorable number 7. In the southeast, a water feature (a table fountain or a fish tank) will activate the ruling 8 money star. However, the water star must also be supported environmentally. Keep the window open to allow the water (wealth) star to flow into the dwelling. Outside, virtual water (the street) activates the money star. It is strengthened even more when the Wards pull into their driveway and walk to the front door. We suggest installing a fountain or a bird bath in this area. Regarding the room’s layout, move the entertainment center to the south wall, reposition the couch against the north wall, and add another couch on the east wall. The room is open and inviting. There’s even space for a game table (see the “after” floor plan).


North Bathroom 6M (metal) 5W (earth) 1T (water)

A remedy is not necessary. Bathrooms are not important. Nevertheless, we suggest the Wards keep the bathroom door closed.

Northeast Master Bedroom 4M (wood) 3W (wood) 8T (earth)

Wood (4M) assists wood (3W). The combination brings disruptive behavior. Fire is needed to brighten 4’s romantic propensity and burn 3’s bad nature. Currently, the Wards’ bed rests against the east wall. For John, east corresponds to his H3 direction. For Jane, east corresponds to her worst direction—H4. Flip-flop the bed to the west wall. For John, west is his F1 direction. For Jane, it’s her F4 direction. At night, the bedroom door should be kept partially closed.

East Mary’s Bedroom 8M (earth) 7W (metal) 3T (wood)

Earth (8M) produces metal (7W). This is a highly auspicious combination bringing romance and financial gain. If this room were bigger, we would relocate John and Jane here. Fire is needed to ensure Mary’s good health. However, the 8 mountain star must be supported environmentally. Therefore, the eastern window must be kept closed, especially at night. Currently, her bed rests against the north wall. For Mary, north corresponds to her F1 direction. Although favorable, it is a highly charged direction, which might cause insomnia. Move her bed to the south—her F3 direction bringing good health and harmonious relations.

Feng Facts

If possible, a bed and desk should be placed against an uninhibited wall—one that doesn’t have anything else against it.

Southeast Timothy’s Bedroom 9M (fire) 8W (earth) 4T (wood)

Fire (9M) produces earth (8W). Timothy’s room promotes happiness and financial success. Although it is not necessary to activate the money star in a child’s room, adding a fish tank soothes the soul. Currently, his bed rests against the north closet wall. For Tim, north corresponds to H4. South corresponds to H2. West (F3) is the only other option. However, positioned this way, there isn’t room for his desk. Therefore, we suggest that Tim and Mary switch bedrooms (see the “after” floor plan).

Like all houses, there are innately good areas and innately bad areas. By balancing the qi in each area, the Wards will encourage good prospects and discourage bad ones. And by making simple adjustments to each room’s layout, they will foster harmony—the tenant of feng shui.

The “after” floor plan.

In the next chapter, we’ll examine an office.

The Least You Need to Know

image Split-level homes require one pie chart.

image You can improve family dynamics by understanding each person’s ming gua.

image Rearranging existing furniture will foster harmonious relations.

image Be open to switching bedrooms, if need be.

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