
Part 1: Let’s Get into Feng Shui

1 What Is Feng Shui?

The Feng Shui IQ Test

What Feng Shui Is Not

What Feng Shui Is

Who Practices Feng Shui?

Feng Shui’s Beginnings in the East

Feng Shui Moves West

Feng Shui and You

What Do I Need to Practice Feng Shui?

Twenty Ways to Benefit from Feng Shui

Pinyin and Wade-Giles: Chinese Romanization

2 Western Intellectual Heritage and the Holy Grail

Mind Power 101

Twelve Percent of the Whole

Faux Feng Shui and the Western Mind

In Search of the Holy Grail

United We Stand

Scientific Holistic Theories

Theoretical Holistic Theories

Nature Speaks Mathematics, Too

Fascinating Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio

Other Profound Patterns

A New World Vision for the Millennium

3 The Great Wall of Knowledge and the Rise of Feng Shui

Made in China

China’s Greater Nature

Skywatcher for Hire

The Art of Astrology

The Science of Astronomy

Confucianism and Daoism

Experience Versus Experiment

Reversal Is the Movement of the Dao

Change Is in the Wind

The Masked Origin of the Yijing

Changing Patterns

How Does Feng Shui Fit In?

Neolithic Feng Shui

The Form School of Feng Shui

The Compass School of Feng Shui

Feng Shui Today

4 Qi Wiz! It’s Life’s Force!

What Is Qi?

Qi Around the World

Qi on the Move

The Three Forces of Qi Energy

Heaven Qi

Earth Qi

Human Qi

Feeling Qi’s Power

Sheng Qi

Sha Qi

Poison Arrow Qi

The Holy Trinity, Chinese Style

Part 2: The Fundamental Principles of Feng Shui

5 The Principle of Yin and Yang

The Big Bang, Chinese Style

The Nothing of Everything

Yin: The Feminine Side

Yang: The Masculine Side

The Symbol of Taiji—Opposites Do Attract

Which Way Is Up?

Yin and Yang Culture Clash

Western Yang

Eastern Yin

Yin and Yang and Feng Shui

6 The Principle of the Five Phases

What Are the Five Phases?

If It’s Fire, It Must Be Summer

The Productive Cycle

The Controlling Cycle

The Weakening Cycle

A Spoonful of Sugar

Mirror, Mirror …

The Five Phases of Buildings

The Five Phases Quiz

7 The Principle of the Eight Trigrams

Motion over Matter—Qi’s Pattern of Movement

Eight Is Enough

Meet the Bagua Family

The Cyclic Pattern of the Bagua

Patterns of Numbers

8 What’s Your Gua?

Determining Your Gua

Ming Gua Formula: Male

Ming Gua Formula: Female

The Ming Gua Quick Reference Chart

Your Ming Gua Personality

Gua 1 Water

Gua 2 Earth

Gua 3 Wood

Gua 4 Wood

Gua 6 Metal

Gua 7 Metal

Gua 8 Earth

Gua 9 Fire

Are You Compatible?

The Eight Wandering Stars

Changing Your Fortune

Wandering Star Auspice

Part 3: Understanding Your Environment

9 Turtles, Tigers, and Dragons, Oh My: Evaluating Your Environment

Here a Totem, There a Totem

Circus of the Stars

Read All About It: Heaven Falls to Earth!

In Search of the Dragon’s Lair

Climb Every Mountain

Have a Seat

City Slickers

Rolling on the River or Easing on Down the Road

10 Home Sweet Home: Evaluating Your House and Its Surroundings

Church Bells and Power Poles

Land Sakes Alive!

Over Hill, Over Dale

Lots of Plots

House of Shapes

A Grand Entrance

Room for Improvement

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Working Nine to Five

Moving Day

Part 4: Feng Shui Mechanics

11 The Flying Stars, Part 1

What Is the Flying Star System?

Ancient Beginnings

The Hetu River Map

The Luoshu Writing

The Magic Square of Three

The Nine Imperial Palaces

Here’s to the Nines

Feng Shui and Nine

12 The Flying Stars, Part 2

Determine Your Home’s Sitting and Facing Directions

Determine Your Apartment’s Facing Direction

Using a Compass to Determine Your Dwelling’s Trigram

Space: The 24 Mountains

Do You Know Where Your House Is?

The Luopan Charted

Assembling a Simple Floor Plan

Great Grids!

A Pie Is Eight Slices

13 The Flying Stars, Part 3

Time: Three Cycles and Nine Periods

It’s All in the Numbers

In Sync with Greater Nature

The Attack on America

A Number Is Worth a Thousand Words

The Ruler Principle

Wheel of Fortune

In Sickness and in Health: The Timeliness of the Stars

Hail Period 8

14 The Flying Stars, Part 4

Oh, My Flying Stars!

Constructing a Flying Star Chart

Flying Forward, Flying Backward

More Flying Forward, More Flying Backward

Great Charts!

15 The Flying Stars, Part 5

Yin and Yang, Mountain and Water

Fortunate Mountain Fortunate Water

Reversed Mountain and Water

The Double Facing Star Chart

The Double Sitting Star Chart

Locked for Prosperity House

16 The Flying Stars, Part 6

Understanding the Water, Mountain, and Time Stars

The Water Star

The Mountain Star

The Time Star

The Central Palace

It’s All in the Stars: The Star Combination Chart

A Simple Analysis

17 The Flying Stars, Part 7

The Annual Star

The Annual Star Chart

Flying the Annual Star

The Annual Star for 2006

The Annual Star for 2007

The Annual Star for 2008

Part 5: Practical Application

18 Apartment Hunting We Will Go

Doing Your Homework

There’s No Place Like Home

Eenie, Meenie, My Unit!

The Analysis

19 Home Is Where the Hearth Is

Divided We All

Ward Family Dynamics

Flying the Stars

20 Does Your Office Measure Up?

Labor Pains

First Things First

Dui Have a Match?

Won’t You Please Come In?

Sitting Pretty

Staff Dynamics

A Means to an End

Part 6: Fate or Free Will: What’s Your Destiny?

21 Introducing the Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

What Is the Chinese Zodiac?

Twelve Animals, Twelve Earthly Branches

What’s Your Animal Sign?

Who Are Your Friends?

Who Are Your Foes?

Good Year/Bad Year

Personality Profiles

The Industrious Rat

The Methodical Ox

The Unpredictable Tiger

The Lucky Rabbit

The Dynamic Dragon

The Wise Snake

The Independent Horse

The Sensitive Sheep

The Mischievous Monkey

The Meticulous Rooster

The Devoted Dog

The Nurturing Pig

22 The Four Pillars of Destiny, Part 1

How Free Is Free Will?

Portending the Future

What Are The Four Pillars of Destiny?

Time, Chinese Style

The Ten Heavenly Stems

The Twelve Earthly Branches

The Cycle of Sixty

Calculating Your Four Pillars

Princess Diana’s Four Pillars

23 The Four Pillars of Destiny, Part 2

The All-Important Day-Master

Day-Master Relations

Star Cycles

The Timeliness of Your Day-Master and the Stars

Bill Clinton’s Star Chart

Princess Diana’s Star Chart

Your Life’s Purpose

Star Relations

24 The Four Pillars of Destiny, Part 3

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Princess Diana’s Garden

Prince Charles’s Garden

Strong or Weak Chart?

The Strong Day-Master

The Weak Day-Master

25 The Four Pillars of Destiny, Part 4

The Phases of Our Lives

Professional Phases

The Actions of Phases

The Royal Phases

Phase Mates

26 The Four Pillars of Destiny, Part 5

The Axiom of Luck

Lucky You

Wheel of Fortune

Ronald Reagan’s Chart

Prince William’s Chart

It Was a Very Good Year


A Glossary

B Common Questions and Practical Answers

C Learn More About Feng Shui

D Chinese Periods and Dynasties

E Learn More About Taking a Proper Compass Reading Using the 24 Mountains

F Quick Reference Charts

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