Appendix D

Chinese Periods and Dynasties

Chinese history is a fascinating discipline—rich, complex, and exhaustive. Remember, the Chinese have had flourishing civilizations for thousands of years. Looking at feng shui without even a rudimentary understanding of some historical basis is unwise. So much is inextricably woven into particular periods, events, and individuals. Throughout this book, we have referred to individuals, dates, and dynasties. We hope this list will compare some of feng shui’s evolutions with that of Chinese history. Please note, although it appears some dynasties may overlap, in fact, they do not. Only a thorough investigation of Chinese history can adequately account for this.

The dates reflecting China’s legendary and prehistoric periods, and the dynastic dates of the Shang early Zhou, are speculative and subject to dispute.

Legendary Period
Three Emperors2852–2597 B.C.E.
Fuxi2852–2737 B.C.E.
Shennong2737–2697 B.C.E.
Huang Di (Yellow Emperor)2697–2597 B.C.E.
Shao Hao2597–2513 B.C.E.
Zhuan Xu2513–2435 B.C.E.
Five Rulers2435–2197 B.C.E.
Di Ku2435–2365 B.C.E.
Di Zhi2365–2356 B.C.E.
Yao2356–2255 B.C.E.
Shun2255–2205 B.C.E.
Yu2205–2197 B.C.E.
Prehistoric Period
Yangshao culturec. 5000 B.C.E.
Longshan culturec. 2500 B.C.E.
Xia dynastyc. 2100–c. 1600 B.C.E.
Historical Period
Shang dynastyc. 1600–1045 B.C.E.
Zhou dynasty1045–221 B.C.E.
Western Zhou1045–771 B.C.E.
Eastern Zhou770–256 B.C.E.
Spring and Autumn Period722–481 B.C.E.
Warring States Period403–221 B.C.E.
Qin dynasty221–206 B.C.E.
Han dynasty206 B.C.E.–220 C.E.
Western Han206 B.C.E.–24 C.E.
Eastern Han25-220 C.E.
Three Kingdoms220–280
Shu Han221–263
Jin dynasty265–420
Western Jin265–316
Eastern Jin317–420
Southern and Northern dynasties420–589
Sui dynasty581–618
Tang dynasty618–907
Five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms907–960
Song dynasty960–1279
Northern Song960–1127
Southern Song1127–1279
Liao dynasty (Khitan Tartars)916–1125
Jin dynasty (Jurchen Tartars)1115–1234
Yuan dynasty (Mongol)1271–1368
Ming dynasty1368–1644
Qing dynasty (Manchu)1644–1911
Republic of China1912–1949
People’s Republic of China1949–present
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