
Let’s Get into Feng Shui

Part 1 is an introduction and more. You’ll learn what feng shui is and what it isn’t. You’ll learn who uses this ancient Chinese art and science and how it can benefit you. What do you need to begin your study? Besides your brain and integrity, the most important thing you’ll need is a compass. Details about what you’ll need are given in Chapter 1.

Part 1 also introduces you to, well, you. Let’s face it, Westerners think in a way that’s different from our Eastern neighbors. We’re a logical lot, preferring rational knowledge over intuitive wisdom. So, before you can embark on a journey into an age-old Eastern tradition—one that requires you to push aside your rational mind-set—you must first understand how you, the Westerner, think. You’ll also learn how the Chinese think and discover how both thought processes have come to the same conclusion—that everything and everyone is one interconnected dance of energy.

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