
All great projects (and you, the reader, will decide whether this is a great project) are the result of not one person, but rather a team of inspired individuals who come together for a common cause. It is with my greatest admiration and appreciation that I acknowledge the following people—without each and every one of them, this dream would not be a reality.

First and foremost, my wife, Sue Robbins, the smartest, most compassionate, kind, caring, and selfless person I have ever known. I still wonder every day how I got so lucky. Sue is as much a part of this project as I am.

My kids, Jaimie and Tanner, who are my greatest inspiration. Every day I do my best work in hopes of making them proud.

My parents, to whom this book is dedicated, who for as long as I can remember, in my darkest days, have said it is always going to be okay, and in my brightest moments are my biggest cheerleaders.

Dan Clements, my writer, who took the time to attend my seminars, watch my videos, read my writings, and spend countless hours with me on the phone to capture my voice in print. Dan is a gifted writer and my only hope is that this is not the end of our partnership, but just the beginning.

The entire RRi team, our cherished extended family. It humbles me to watch how much they believe in what we do as an organization and the lengths they will go to Deliver the Unexpected to the people we have the privilege of serving.

Our editors at Wiley, who patiently guided us through the complicated process of publishing a book and held us accountable to the deadlines required to see this project to the finish.

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