
The first person I want to thank is my extremely dedicated and talented chief-of-staff for the past decade at State Street, Marcy Wintrub. Marcy is a passionate leader of organizational change. She quickly saw the value of the disciplines I practice and has always encouraged me to share them with others. She is a gifted communicator and writer who helped immeasurably and generously to shape and deliver my message. Without Marcy, this would not be the same book.

I am indebted to my brother, Michael Mao, for the illuminating Chinese references. Michael has a B.A. from Princeton University in Oriental Studies and an M.A. from Harvard University in East Asian Languages and Civilizations.

I thank my sisters, Margo and Marjorie, for their autobiographical contributions and ongoing support as well.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the great leaders and innovators who graciously and generously provided words of wisdom to share with my readers. They are in alphabetical order: Dr. Tenley Albright, Deborah Ancona, Marc Andreessen, Dr. Eugene Chan, Gerald Chertavian, Dean Kamen, Tarkan Maner, Tom Mendoza, Admiral Michael Mullen, Nathan Myhrvold, Sam Palmisano, Jim Phalen, Linda Sanford, John Swainson, John Thompson, and Ming Tsai. I have learned so much from them and continue to benefit from their mentoring, friendship, and partnership. Their accomplishments are evidence of their principles at work. I thank each of them for their tremendous support, generosity, mentoring, and contributions to this book. It is my great good fortune to have enjoyed such incredible support and friendship!

I would like to highlight my special gratitude to Jim Phalen for his continual encouragement and enduring support during this journey.

I extend my deep gratitude to Ron Logue for contributing his Foreword to my book and for his visionary leadership during our time together at State Street. Ron inspired innovation by painting a clear picture of the future, upholding high standards of achievement, and personally recognizing those who attained them.

I would like to thank Duane Barton, Ellie Carlough, Elaine Doherty, Gregory Golden, David Knies, Anna Manville, Cathy Minehan, Dr. Randy O'Rear, Lorna Rankin, Howard Rubin, Lenny Teng, and Andrew Xue for their invaluable support.

I would like to thank Dave Conti for his talented and skillful editing and writing, done in a short timeframe, and thereby helping to accurately articulate my voice and message.

I would like to thank my agent, Joelle Delbourgo, for her assistance all along this writing journey.

I would like to thank State Street's executive leadership team for their personal encouragement and commitment to making innovation business-as-usual.

I would like to thank State Street's Global Infrastructure Services and Innovation Office—the senior managers who worked for me directly, my entire management team, and every staff member—for their many achievements, only some of which I have been able to include here. I would also like to thank the many partners who contributed so greatly to our success.

I would like to say thank you to all those who provided their support and encouragement throughout this process.

Last, but not least, are all the leaders I have worked for over the years. I thank all of you for your teaching, coaching, and support.

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