Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Analysis of an Audiovisual Resource

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Functionally different corpora

1.3. Descriptive models

1.4. On the activity of analysis of audiovisual corpora

1.5. On the activity of indexation

1.6. Some reflections on the subject of the theoretical reference framework

Chapter 2. The Audiovisual Semiotic Workshop (ASW) Studio – A Brief Presentation

2.1. A working environment for analyzing corpora of audiovisual texts

2.2. Brief presentation of the ASW Description Workshop

2.3 Four approaches to analyzing an audiovisual text

2.4. Models of description and interactive working forms

Chapter 3. A Concrete Example of a Model for Describing Audiovisual Content

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Selecting the appropriate model from the library of descriptive models of description of audiovisual content

3.3. The sequences in a model of content description

3.4. Field of description and sequential organization of an analytical form

3.5. The level of schemas of definition and procedures of description

Chapter 4. Model of Description and Task of Analysis

4.1. Introduction

4.2. The structural organization of a model of audiovisual content description

4.3. The canonic syntagmatic order of a form of description

4.4. Types of analysis, analytical tasks, procedures of description and activities of description

4.5. Particular tasks in analyzing the content of an audiovisual corpus

4.6. Concluding remarks


Chapter 5. The Analytical Task of “Describing the Knowledge Object”

5.1. Introduction

5.2. A simple example of referential description

5.3. Thematic structure, topical structure and referential objects

5.4. A library of sequences for referential description

5.5. Alternative functional architectures to define sequences of referential description

Chapter 6. The Analytical Task of “Contextualizing the Domain of Knowledge”

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Contextualization by spatial location

6.3. Location and contextualization by country

6.4. Geographical-physical location and contextualization

6.5. Contextualization by temporal location

6.6. Contextualization by historical era

6.7. Historical contextualization and periodization

6.8. Thematic contextualization

Chapter 7. The Analytical Task of “Analyzing the Discourse Production around a Subject”

7.1. Introduction

7.2. Procedures of discourse production

7.3. Anatomy of the description of discourse production around a subject

7.4. Examples illustrating analysis of discourse production

7.5. Textual and discursive assessment


Chapter 8. Definition of the Domain of Knowledge and Configuration of the Topical Structure

8.1. Introduction

8.2. Some reminders and specifications

8.3. (Re-)configuring and adapting an existing topical structure

8.4. (Re-)configuring more complex topical structures

Chapter 9. The Procedure of Free Description of an Audiovisual Corpus

9.1. Introduction

9.2. Organization of the so-called “free description” procedure

9.3. The descriptive activity [Minimal designation]

9.4. The descriptive activity [Contextualized designation]

9.5. The activities of [Drafting of a summary presentation] and [Designation of the referent in the original language]

9.6. The descriptive activity [Designation of the referent by keywords]

9.7. Pragmatic and onomasiological variants of the activity of [Minimal designation]

Chapter 10. The Procedure of Controlled Description of an Audiovisual Corpus

10.1. Introduction

10.2. Organization of the procedure called controlled description

10.3. Working with several micro-thesauruses

10.4. Selecting, classifying and ranking terms using a micro-thesaurus

10.5. An approach combining controlled and free description


Chapter 11. An Overview of the ASW Metalinguistic Resources

11.1. Introduction

11.2. General overview of the ASW system of metalinguistic resources

11.3. The ASW meta-lexicon of conceptual terms

11.4. The ASW thesaurus

11.5. The schemas of definition

11.6. The sequences of description

11.7. Resources external to the ASW system

11.8. ASW Modeling Workshop

Chapter 12. The Meta-lexicon Representing the ASW Universe of Discourse

12.1. Introduction

12.2. “Conceptual term” and “theme” – a few explanations

12.3. The definitional structure of a topic

12.4. The ASW universe of discourse

12.5. The general organization of the vocabulary relating to analytical objects in the ASW universe of discourse

12.6. Questions relating to the organization of the ASW vocabulary of conceptual terms representing analytical objects

12.7. The process of developing the ASW vocabulary of conceptual terms defining analytical objects

Chapter 13. Detailed Presentation of the Conceptual Vocabulary [Object of analysis]

13.1. Introduction

13.2. The two branches [Natural object] and [Object of value]

13.3. Questions of organization of the ASW meta-lexicon

13.4. How are we to take account of different classifications?

13.5. The conceptual domain represented by the term [Functional material object]

13.6. The conceptual domain represented by the term [Social object]

13.7. The conceptual domain represented by the term [Cultural object]

13.8. Taxonomic domains belonging to the branch [Primary symbolic object]

13.9. Taxonomic domains belonging to the branch [Secondary symbolic object]

13.10. The taxonomic domains of the branch [Object “Perdurant”]

13.11. The taxonomic domains of the branch [Object “Region”]

Chapter 14. The Meta-lexicon of Activities Involved in Analyzing the Textual Object

14.1 Introduction

14.2. Four categories of textual analysis activities

14.3. The class of activities [Procedure of structural analysis of the textual object]

14.4. The class of activities [Procedure of analysis of the textual object using the ASW thesaurus]

14.5. The class of activities [Procedure of analysis using an ASW external reference]

14.6. The class of activities [Procedure of pragmatic analysis of the textual object]

14.7. Activity of analysis and schemas of indexation

14.8. The library of schemas of indexing

Chapter 15. The ASW Thesaurus

15.1. Introduction

15.2. General presentation of the ASW thesaurus

15.3. Facets and lists of standardized expressions

Chapter 16. The Configurational Building Blocks of Models of Description

16.1. Introduction

16.2. Analysis of an audiovisual text and models of description

16.3. The library of sequences making up the model of thematic description

16.4. Definition and insertion of a sequence into a model of description

16.5. Summary presentation of a library of schemas of definition

Conclusion and Perspectives


Glossary of Specialized Terms

Glossary of Acronyms


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