
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


accounts and Accounts page

client push installation, 254, 255

Exchange Server, 707, 707

Network Access, 461462, 462

software update settings, 385

actions and Actions page

application deployment, 336

client installation, 265

scheduled tasks, 275, 276

software updates, 392, 392

Active Directory (AD)

discovery methods, 5152, 235237, 236237

forests, 237238, 238

groups, 240, 241

heartbeat, 240242, 243

network, 242

scheduling, 242243, 243244

system, 239, 239

users, 240

management points, 180181

permissions, 135

schema, 3738

site boundaries, 4445

system health validator points, 185

Windows Intune, 728729, 729730

Active Directory Container dialog box, 235, 236

Active Directory Domain Services, 52

Active Directory Membership setting, 404, 408, 411

Active Scripting option, 749

active software update points setup, 413

ActiveSync connections, 705, 714715

Activity Management Technology (AMT), 17

enrollment point, 199203

out-of-band service points, 191192, 192193

Add Application Catalog Website To Internet Explorer Trusted Sites Zone option, 230

Add-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint command, 410

Add Configuration Items dialog box, 640, 641

Add Distribution Point Groups dialog box, 483

Add Distribution Points dialog box, 483

Add Driver To Boot Images page, 498, 499

Add Driver To Packages page, 498, 498

Add Exchange Server Wizard

Account page, 707, 707

Discovery page, 707708, 708

General page, 705706, 706707

Settings page, 708

Application settings, 713, 714

Email Management settings, 711712, 711

General settings, 709, 709

Password settings, 709710, 710

Security settings, 712713, 713

Add Game Center Friends option, 747

Add New Collection Alerts dialog box, 288, 691, 692

Add Operating System Installer Wizard, 468469, 469470

Add Partner Software Updates Catalogs page, 438, 439

Add Roles And Features Wizard, 399

Add Site System Roles Wizard, 161163, 162, 577, 577

Application Catalog Web Service Point, 195197, 197198

Application Catalog Web Site Point, 197, 198

Endpoint Protection Point role, 209210, 209

fallback status points, 189190, 190

management points, 179, 179180

mobile device and AMT enrollment points, 200203, 201202

out-of-band management, 191192, 192193

Reporting Services, 193194, 194, 586587, 587

SCEP, 673, 674

Software Update Point, 203208, 203208

state migration points, 186189, 186188, 462, 463

system health validator, 185

Add Software Updates window, 640, 641

Add User Account screen, 524

Add User Or Group dialog box, 601

ADForestDisc.log file, 238

AdminConsole.msi file, 101

Administration Security report, 590

AdministrationConfig-EN.MSI file, 730

administrative console

Asset Intelligence, 18

reports, 593594, 594

software upgrades, 366

upgrading, 86

WSUS, 402

administrative folder migration, 78

administrative users

creating, 789790

overview, 785, 786

Administrator Comments setting, 324


application deployment, 325

computer accounts as, 152

mobile device enrollment, 721722, 721722

software updates, 366

ADR (Automatic Deployment Rules), 364, 370, 687688

ADsgdis.log file, 240

ADSysDis.log file, 239

ADusrdis.log file, 240

Advanced page

antimalware policy, 683, 683

System Center Updates Publisher, 437

Advanced Settings page for Wi-Fi profiles, 666, 667

advertisement migration, 74

AfterBackup.bat file, 802803

Agent Extensions Manage The Deployment Of Applications And Software Updates option, 230



Asset Intelligence, 564

settings, 227232, 228229, 390391, 390

planning, 60

AI. See Asset Intelligence (AI)

AIUpdateSvc.log file, 211

AIUSMSI.log file, 211

AIUSsetup.log file, 211

alerts and Alerts page

Application Deployment, 299

client, 268270, 269

client health, 287288, 288

cloud distribution points, 222, 223

configuration baselines, 646

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 432433, 432

Deploy Software Wizard, 338339, 338

deployment templates, 372

SCEP, 690691, 691692

Alerts report, 590

All… collections, 785

All Instances Of The Objects That Are Related To The Assigned Security Roles option, 786

All security scope, 778

All Software Updates node, 423

All Systems collection, 359

Allow Clients On A Metered Internet Connection To Download Point Or Remote Distribution Point settings, 433

Allow Clients To Share Content With Other Clients On The Same Subset option, 326, 433

Allow Clients To Use A Fallback Source Location For Content option, 326

Allow Mobile Devices That Cannot Be Provisioned option, 709

Allow Password Recovery option, 711

Allow Signed Content from Intranet Microsoft Update Service Location option, 393

Allow Simple Password option, 711

Allow Task To Be Run On Demand option, 278

Allow This Application To Be Installed option, 320

Allow User Policy Request From Internet Clients option, 230

Allow Users To Interact With This Program option, 330

Allowed Message Formats option, 712, 748

Allowed Period Of Time Users Can Postpone A Required Restart To Complete The Endpoint Protection Installation (hours) setting, 231

Always Send Do Not Track Header option, 751

AMT (Activity Management Technology), 17

enrollment point, 199203

out-of-band service points, 191192, 192193

Android operating system

mobile device management, 703

Windows Intune, 734, 737739, 738

answer files, 157159

antimalware policy, 679685, 680685

App Rating option, 752


applications, 349, 350

virtual environment migration, 75

Apple operating system

mobile device management, 703

support, 29

Windows Intune, 734, 739, 740

Application Administrator Properties window, 777, 777

Application Administrator role, 597599, 774775

Application Author role, 598, 775

Application Catalog

application deployment, 340, 341

application information, 308

customizing, 197

distribution points, 295

primary devices, 355

User Device Affinity, 355

Application Catalog Customizations page, 197

Application Catalog tab for sample application, 320321, 320

Application Catalog Web Service Point role, 46, 195199, 196198, 720, 721

Application Catalog Website Point role, 46, 195199, 196198, 391

Application Deployment, 291

Application References, 296

client experience, 339342, 340342

Create Application Wizard, 311314, 311313

dependencies, 298

Application References, 296

BITS-enabled IIS, 300

configuring, 345, 345

default client settings, 300308, 301302

distribution points, 299300

management points, 299

Deploy Software Wizard, 333339, 334338

Detection Method tab, 346

distribution point changes, 293296

elements, 308310, 309310

flow options, 296298

new features, 291293, 292

process, 310311, 311

properties, 310, 310

Requirements tab, 346347, 349

Ribbon options, 314319, 315318

sample application, 319323, 319320

supersedence, 343344, 344345

troubleshooting, 358361, 359360

types, 296297, 323333, 324325, 327329, 331333, 349355, 350351, 353354

User Device Affinity, 355358, 356358

Application Deployment Manager role, 598, 775

application management, 14

Application References, 296

Application Settings window, 713, 714

Application Store option, 748

Application Virtualization (App-V), 1819


configuration items, 642643

migration, 75

properties, 308, 309

Applications Management function, 6

Applications node, 291, 292, 311

Applications That Depend On This Application option, 344

Applications That Supersede This Application option, 344

Apply This Software Metering Rule To The Following Clients option, 557

archive_reports.sms file, 548549

archiving backup snapshots, 802803, 803

ASC keyword, 612

Asset Intelligence (AI), 563

catalog, 566568

enabling, 575576, 577

functionality, 18

home page, 569571, 570

maintenance tasks, 564565, 565

migrating, 78

reports, 571575, 590

requirements, 563566

software licenses, 578581, 578, 580

synchronization points, 569, 576578, 577

validation states, 568569

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point Connection Settings page, 577

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point role, 46, 210211, 211

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point Settings page, 577, 577

Asset Manager role, 596597, 597, 775

Assets and Compliance workspace, 524, 524

assigned security scopes and collections, 785, 786

assigning policies, 687, 687

Associate Assigned Security Roles With Specific Security Scopes And Collections option, 786

Associated Security Roles dialog box, 601

ATM Provisioning Certificate page, 192, 193

ATM Service Point page, 191, 192

Authentication Method page, VPN profiles, 661, 662

Autofill option, 749

Automatic Client Upgrade tab, 271

Automatic Deployment Rules (ADR), 364, 370, 687688

automatic operations

client remediation, 266267, 267

client upgrades, 270271, 270

management point queries, 182

operating system image captures, 477480, 478480

publishing updates, 442

Automatic package conversion state, 105

Automatic Synchronization While Roaming option, 756

Automatic VPN page

mobile devices, 766, 767

profiles, 663, 664

Automatically Configure Used Device Affinity From Usage Data option, 502

Automatically Detect This Information About This Application option, 312

Automatically Distribute Content For Dependencies option, 335

Automatically Download Content When Packages Are Assigned To Distribution Points option, 425

Automatically Remove Previously Installed Antimalware Software Before Endpoint Protection Client Is Installed option, 231

Available Software Updates dialog box, 379

awebsctrl.log file, 199

awebsvcMSI file, 198


Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)

Application Deployment, 300

client settings, 230, 300, 301

Computer Client Agent, 391

distribution points, 165, 177

Background Intelligent Transfer setting, 230

Backup ConfigMgr Site Server task, 797798, 801

archiving backup snapshots, 802803

configuring, 805806, 806

considerations, 801802

copying backups, 802

log files, 804

Backup Site Server Properties dialog box, 828, 828

Backup Site Server task, 805, 806

backups, 801

central site, 801802

considerations, 801802

copying to other locations, 802

excluded items, 798800

log files, 804

restoring, 807810, 809

site servers, 805806, 806

snapshots, 802803, 803

troubleshooting, 807

bank software, 567

bare metal operating system deployment, 452, 492497, 492, 494

baseline configuration, 631

clients, 643644, 643

initial, 639640

options, 644

rules, 640644, 641, 645

BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio), 585, 616618


task sequences, 507508, 508

Windows To Go, 505

BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service)

Application Deployment, 300

client settings, 230, 300, 301

Computer Client Agent, 391

distribution points, 165, 177

/BITSPriority property, 248249

Block The Following Applications In ROM option, 713

Bluetooth option, 754

Boot Image page, 476, 477

boot images

customized, 77

legacy, 522523

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, 512513, 512

operating system deployment, 453454, 453

packages, 466467

for PXE, 467468, 467

task sequences, 476, 477

bootable media

non-task sequences, 116119, 117

task sequences, 459


client installation, 244246, 245246

distribution points, 308

migrating, 7475

sites, 4445

Boundary Groups page

distribution points, 172173

secondary site servers, 145

state migration points, 188189, 188

branch office migration. See P2V Migration Toolkit

BranchCache feature, 4344

Browser option, 713

Browser page, 748749, 750

Build And Capture A Reference Operating System Image task sequence, 457

build-and-capture task sequence, 460

Build And Capture Task Sequence Wizard, 468

build phase in migration, 82

Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), 585, 616618

business IT alignment, 11



BranchCache feature, 4344

reports, 607

calcplus.msi file, 631

Calculator Plus utility, 628629

Calendar Synchronization option, 748

Camera option, 754

Capacity Management process, 8

capacity planning, 47

capture images

adding, 482483

automatic building and capturing, 477480, 478480

creating, 471476, 472477

distributing and deploying, 483

reference computers, 480481, 481482

task sequences, 458

capture media, 459


application. See Application Catalog

Asset Intelligence, 566568


applications, 319

configuration items, 629

Categorize option, 319

CCM registry key, 148149, 149

CCMAdmins property, 250

CCMAllowSilentReboot property, 250

CCMALWAYSINF property, 249

CCMCERTISSUERS property, 249

CCMCERTSEL property, 249

CCMCERTSTORE property, 249

ccmclean.exe utility, 100

CCMDebugLogging property, 250

CCMEnableLogging property, 250

CCMEval.exe file, 279

ccmeval.log file, 262, 279280, 282, 283

ccmeval process, 266, 279283, 279, 282

ccmeval.xml file, 262, 279, 282, 283

CCMEval.xsd file, 279

CCMEVALHOUR property, 251


CCMEvalReports.xml file, 279280

CcmEvalTask.log file, 267

CCMFIRSTCERT property, 249

CCMHOSTNAME property, 249

CCMHTTPPort property, 251

CCMHTTPSPort property, 251

CCMInstallDir property, 250

CCMLogLevel property, 250

CCMLogMaxHistory property, 250

CCMLogMaxSize property, 250

CcmNotificationAgent.log file, 695

CCMrepair task, 283

ccmsetup-ccmeval.log file, 262

ccmsetup.exe utility

manual installation, 252253

properties, 247252

central administration sites (CAS), 123

checklist, 126127

implementing, 127136, 129135

recovering, 811817, 812816

roles, 3839

software update points setup, 403407, 404406

Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA), 2

centralized power management, 19

.cer files, 215

Certificate Enrollment Wizard, 220221, 221

Certificate Export Wizard, 217219, 217218

Certificate Properties page, 764, 764

Certificate Registration Point role, 46

Certificate Template Name option, 764

Certificate Type option, 764

Certificate Validity Period option, 765


Mac client installation, 262263

management, 215

creating, 216218, 216217

exporting, 216219, 217218

uploading, 222, 222

profiles, 656660, 657660

service, 219221, 219221

Certificates page, 758759, 758

Certificates To Install On Mobile Devices option, 759

certmgr.log file, 772

-certpw property, 261

CEViewer (Collection Evaluation Viewer), 852853, 853

change and configuration management, 12

Change Management process, 7

Check Application Title with Inventory Information task, 564

child sites

recovering, 817

software update points setup, 407408, 409

Choose Mapping page, 502, 502

Choose Target Collection page, 493, 516

ciagent.log file, 646

Classic Software Distribution, 292

classifications and Classifications page

Add Site System Roles Wizard, 207, 207

software updates

classes, 386

configuring, 415, 415

metadata, 369

-clean property, 261

Clean Up Migration Data dialog box, 102, 102

cleaning up migration data, 102, 102

Client Activity Detail tab, 283, 284

client agents

Asset Intelligence, 564

settings, 227232, 228229, 390391, 390

client-based troubleshooting tools, 856859, 857860

Client Check Detail tab, 284, 285

Client Check node, 286, 287

Client Computer Communication Settings page, 139, 139

client health, 266, 273

alerts, 268270, 269, 287288, 288

automatic remediation, 266267, 267

determining, 267268, 268

evaluation results, 283286, 284285

monitoring, 268, 286287, 286287

overview, 273274

scheduled tasks, 274275, 274275

Actions page, 275, 276

CCMEval, 279283, 279, 282

Conditions page, 276, 277

History page, 278, 278

Settings page, 277278, 277

Triggers page, 275, 276

Client Language Selection page, 131

client.msi file, 176, 247, 256

Client Policy Polling Interval (Minutes) setting, 230

Client Policy Requests During The Following Days setting, 285

Client Policy settings, 229, 391

Client Push Installation Properties dialog box, 256, 256

Client Push report, 590

Client Replace task sequence, 514

Client Status report, 590

Client Status History reports, 268

Client Status Settings Properties dialog box, 267268, 268, 284, 285

Client Status Summary reports, 268

Client Time To Request Policy reports, 268

Client Troubleshooting Tool (CliSpy), 856857, 857


application deployment, 339342, 340342

backing up, 799

Compliance Settings, 627, 627

configuration baselines, 643644, 643

deleted, 551552

health. See client health

information migration, 66

installation, 227

boundaries, 244246, 245246

command-line properties, 247252

discovering network objects. See discovering resources

group policy, 257

health, 266271, 267270

imaging, 258

Linux/Unix, 259262, 260

login scripts, 258

Mac, 262265, 264

manual process, 252253

push, 253256, 255257

settings, 227232, 228229

software distribution, 258

software updates, 257

supported operating systems, 232234

troubleshooting, 266

verifying, 265266, 265


processes, 550

reports, 547

log files, 835836

MIF storage location, 539

migrating, 66, 86, 9899

notifications, 694695, 695

planning, 5960

requirements, 2432

settings and deployment, 52

default, 300308, 301302

hardware inventory, 529530

Software Metering, 560, 561

software update points, 381

software update settings, 392, 392

upgrades, 270271, 270

CliSpy (Client Troubleshooting Tool), 856857, 857

Cloud Backup option, 753

cloud integration

distribution points, 215216, 222225, 223224

management certificates. See management certificates

overview, 213214

requirements, 214

service certificates, 219221, 219221

Cloud page, 752753, 752

Cloud Services setting, 230

clusters, 49

cmclient.pkg file, 263

CMEnroll tool, 263264

CMtrace.exe program, 266, 361, 646, 836, 837

CMTracelog utility, 156157

Collect IDMIF files option, 539

Collect MIF files option, 539

Collect NOIDMIF files option, 539

Collected File Properties dialog box, 544, 544

Collection Evaluation Viewer (CEViewer), 852853, 853

collections, 14, 53, 784

application deployment, 308

creating, 789790

default, 785

deployment templates, 371

enabling, 691

migrating, 6869, 7173, 7274, 8990, 90

software inventory, 534535

working with, 784

Collections setting

application deployment, 334

software update deployments, 428

Collections That Cannot Be Migrated dialog box, 71, 72

columns in packages, 105

command line

client installation properties, 247252, 260262

WSUS 3.0 Administration Console installation, 402

comments in application deployment, 335

Comments setting, 335

communications, site, 50

Company Contact Information page, 735, 735

Company Logo page, 735, 736

company-owned device wipes, 769

Company Resource Access feature, 656

certificate profiles, 656660, 657660

reports, 590

VPN profiles, 660663, 661664

Wi-Fi profiles, 665667, 665668

Completion page

distribution points, 173, 173

reporting role, 587

secondary site servers, 147

compliance and Compliance Settings, 12, 623

clients, 230, 627, 627

Company Resource Access feature, 656

certificate profiles, 656660, 657660

VPN profiles, 660663, 661664

Wi-Fi profiles, 665667, 665668

configuration items. See configuration items (CIs)

configuration packs, 647648, 648650

new features, 624625, 624

overview, 623624

purpose, 625

remote connection profiles, 654656, 655656

reports, 646647

software updates, 377378

user data and profiles, 650654, 651654

Compliance and Settings Management reports, 590

Compliance Resource Access Manager role, 599, 775

Compliance Rules page, 634635, 635

Compliance Settings Manager role, 599, 775

Compliant status, 447

compmon.log file, 165

component servers, 46, 165

Component Status folder, 177

Component Status messages, 838839, 839

computer accounts as administrators, 152

Computer Agent settings, 230231, 301304, 302

computer client agents

Asset Intelligence, 564

settings, 227232, 228229, 390391, 390

Computer Maintenance setting, 392393

Computer Restart settings, 231, 304, 305, 391

Computer Synchronization option, 709


information importing, 492493, 492

names, 242

unknown, 495497, 495496

Computers for a Specific Console User report, 565

Computers With Multiple Users (Shared) report, 565

Conditions page, 276, 277

/config property, 249

ConfigMgr 10 registry key, 149, 150

ConfigMgr Report Administrators group, 596

ConfigMgr Report Users group, 597

ConfigMgr Server option, 437

ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log file, 101, 136

ConfigMgrAutoSave.ini file, 157

ConfigMgrBackup.ini file, 811, 817

ConfigMgrInstallation.adm template, 257

ConfigmgrMacClient.msi file, 263

ConfigMgrPostRecoveryActions. html file, 821, 822

ConfigMgrPrereq.log file, 101, 126, 136

ConfigMgrSetup.log file, 136, 817

ConfigMgrSetupWizard.log file, 136, 817

ConfigMgrUnattendRecover CAS.ini file, 819

configuration baselines, 631

clients, 643644, 643

initial, 639640

options, 644

rules, 640644, 641, 645

configuration items (CIs)

Compliance Rules page, 634638, 635

creating, 628629

Detection Methods page, 631632, 632

General page, 628630, 628, 630

Settings page, 632634, 633, 635

Summary page, 638, 638

types, 625626

Configuration Manager Client Will Force A Mandatory Device Restart option, 331

Configuration Manager console

certificate profiles, 658

user data and profiles, 651

Configuration Manager overview

Active Directory schema, 3738

client notifications, 694695, 695

client settings and deployment, 52

cloud communication, 215

console upgrading, 100101

content management, 5253

deployment, 6063

intelligence gathering, 2123

migration needs, 2324

troubleshooting, 845

disaster recovery, 56

environment design, 5661

hierarchies and sites, 3844, 38, 44

Mac client installation, 262264, 264

major features, 1220, 13

migration, 5456

mobile devices. See device settings management for mobile devices

resource discovery, 5152

role-based administration, 5354

site boundaries and boundary groups, 4445

site communications, 50

site security mode, 51

site system design, 4749

site system roles, 4547

SQL considerations, 4950

SSRS installation, 588

system requirements, 2436

Windows Intune, 731, 732

Configuration Manager Properties dialog box, 560, 561, 644, 645

Configuration Manager Status Message Viewer window, 840, 840

Configuration Manager Trace Log Viewer tool, 857

configuration.mof file, 529530, 541, 541

configuration packs, importing, 647648, 648650

configuration settings, migrating, 7778

Configure Automatic Updates option, 393

Configure Client Setting dialog box, 543545, 544, 546

Configure ConfigMgr Integration dialog box, 511, 511

Configure Manager Alerts option, 433

Configure Network page, 484, 518

Configure The Network page, 493

Confirm Object Delete dialog box, 558

Confirm Settings page, 674

Confirmation page

configuration packs, 649, 650

System Center Updates Publisher, 443, 443

Connect-MsolService command, 731

Connection page

mobile devices, 765766, 766

VPN profiles, 661, 662

connectors for Windows Intune, 731737, 732737

connectorsetup.log file, 772

Console Users on a Specific Computer report, 565


library, 4243

backing up, 799

software updates, 366

managing, 5253

migrating, 66

prestaging, 43

replicating, 50

validating, 43, 44

distribution points, 171172, 172, 294

secondary site servers, 145, 146

Content Library Explorer, 853, 854

Content Library Transfer tool, 854, 855

Content Location settings

application deployment type, 325

operating system images, 456

operating system installers, 456

Content Locations settings

boot images, 454

sample application, 321, 322

Content Ownership Tool, 855, 855

Content page

application deployment type, 325, 325

Deploy Software Wizard, 335, 335

Content Rating page, 751752, 751

Content Validation page

distribution points, 171172, 172, 294

secondary site servers, 145, 146

contentwebrole.cspkg file, 224

Continual Service Improvement phase, 45

Converted package conversion state, 106

Cookies option, 749

copying backups to other locations, 802

COUNT command, 612

Create A Deployment Alert When The Threshold Is Higher Than The Following option, 339

Create A Deployment Alert When The Threshold Is Lower Than The Following option, 338

Create A New Custom Task Sequence task, 457

Create A New Deployment Package option, 425

Create A New Task Sequence page, 483

Create Antimalware Policy dialog box, 679685, 680685

Create Application Wizard, 309, 309, 311314, 311313, 323324, 333339, 334338

Create Automatic Deployment Rule Wizard, 389

Create Boot Image Using MDT dialog box, 512, 512

Create Certificate Profile Wizard, 658660, 658660

Create Cloud Distribution Point Wizard, 222224, 223

Create Configuration Baseline Wizard, 638, 639640

Create Configuration Item Wizard

Compliance Rules page, 634638, 635

Detection Methods page, 631632, 632

General page, 628630, 628, 630

mobile devices, 743, 743

Automatic VPN page, 766, 767

Browser page, 748749, 750

Certificate Properties page, 764, 764

Certificates page, 758759, 758

Cloud page, 752753, 752

Connection page, 765766, 766

Content Rating page, 751752, 751

Device page, 745747, 746

Email Management page, 747748, 747

Encryption page, 756757, 756

General page, 743744, 743

Internet Explorer page, 749751, 750

Mobile Devices Settings page, 743744, 744

Password page, 744745, 744

Peak Synchronization page, 754, 755

Platform Applicability page, 761762, 762

Roaming page, 754, 755

SCEP Enrollment page, 763, 763

Security Configuration page, 768, 769

Security page, 753754, 753

Store page, 747748, 748

Summary page, 765

Supported Platforms page, 761, 761

System Security page, 759760, 759

Trusted Root CA Certificate page, 762, 763

Wi-Fi Profile page, 767, 768

Windows Server Work page, 760, 760

Wireless Communications page, 757758, 757

Settings page, 632634, 633, 635

Summary page, 638, 638

Create Custom Client Device Settings dialog box, 397, 397, 676678, 677

Create Deployment Type option, 316

Create Enrollment Profile window, 263

Create MDT Task Sequence dialog box, 513515, 513, 515

Create New Task Sequence page, 493

Create Package and Program Wizard, 354, 354, 506507, 507

Create Prestage Content File option, 316, 316

Create Prestage Content File Wizard, 316, 316

Create Remote Connection Profile Wizard, 655656, 655656

Create Rule dialog box, 636637, 637

Create Secondary Site Wizard, 141147, 142146

Create Setting dialog box, 632634, 633

Create Site System Server Wizard, distribution points, 166173, 166173

Create Software Metering Rule Wizard, 556557, 557

Create Subscription Wizard, 609, 610

Create Task Sequence Media Wizard, 496, 496, 504505, 504505

Create Task Sequence Wizard

bare-metal machines, 493494, 494

for deployment, 484487, 484487

media boot, 475476, 475477

PXE boot, 471474, 472473

virtual hard drives, 517

Create User Data And Profiles Configuration dialog box, 651654, 652654

Create Virtual Environment dialog box, 349, 350

Create Virtual Hard Disk Wizard, 517, 518

Create VPM Profile Wizard, 661664, 661664

Create Wi-Fi Profile Wizard, 665667, 665668

Create Windows Intune Subscription Wizard, 731736, 733736

Credentials Synchronization option, 753

criteria for update searches, 421423, 422423

custom labels, 567

Custom Schedule dialog box

hardware inventory, 538

network discovery, 243, 244

custom security scope, 779781, 779

Custom Severity page, 389390

Customer Experience Improvement Program page, 133

customer service, 11

Customizations tab, 454

customized boot images, 77



migration, 84, 84

package conversion, 105, 106, 111

status messages, 838, 839

Data Access tab

boot images, 454

operating system images, 456

operating system installers, 456

data gathering in migration, 66, 68, 8688, 87, 102

Data Gathering Status dialog box, 86, 87

data library, 42

Data Preview page, 493, 516

Data Replication Service (DRS), 845846, 848849, 849

Data Roaming option, 756

data source and Data Source tab

authentication accounts, 587

boot images, 454, 467, 467

operating system images, 455

operating system installers, 456

report properties, 604

data types, 847848, 848

Database Information page, 132, 132, 138, 138, 814, 814

Database Replication troubleshooting, 845849, 846, 848849


moving, 823824, 824

validating, 153, 154

dataldr.log file, 551

DataLib folder, 174176, 175

Date Published setting, 320

dcmagent.log file, 646

Deadline Behavior setting, 431

Default Actions page, 682, 682

Default Application Catalog Website Point setting, 230, 391

Default Browser option, 749

Default Client Malware Policy, 687

Default security scope, 778

Default Settings dialog box

BITS, 300, 301

Computer Agent, 301304, 302

Computer Restart, 304, 305

Endpoint Protection, 676, 676

inventory, 533, 534

Software Deployment, 304, 305

software inventory, 542, 543

User and Device Affinity, 306, 306


client settings, 300308, 301302, 627, 627

collections, 785

hardware inventory, 541542

MIF storage location, 539

define and capture phase in migration, 82

definition files in SCEP, 687690, 688689

Definition Updates page, 685, 685

Delete option, 317

deleted clients, 551552


applications, 317

software metering rules, 558

Deliver phase, MOF, 10

delta discovery, 242

delta inventory information, 528

Delta Synchronization Interval option, 707

dependencies and Dependencies tab

Application Deployment

Application References, 296, 298

BITS-enabled IIS, 300

configuring, 345, 345

default client settings, 300308, 301302

distribution points, 299300

management points, 299

types, 333, 333

Asset Intelligence, 572

Deploy Configuration Baselines Wizard, 643644, 643

Deploy Software Updates Wizard

languages, 387

packages, 372373

settings overview, 373

software updates, 389, 427434, 429432

Deploy Software Wizard

Alerts page, 338339, 338

Content page, 335, 335

Deployment Settings page, 336, 336

General page, 333335, 334

operating system image capturing, 477479, 478479

Scheduling page, 337, 337

task sequences, 487488, 488

User Experience page, 337338, 337

deploy stage, 11

Deploy User Data and Profiles Configuration Policy dialog box, 650651, 651


application. See Application Deployment

clients, 52

Configuration Manager, 6063

images, 483

intelligence gathering, 2123

migration needs, 2324

operating system. See operating system deployment (OSD)

packages, 372373, 424427

SCEP, 670

software updates, 373374, 378380

downloading, 424427, 424, 426

finding, 420423, 421423

groups, 427

monitoring, 445449, 445448

rules, 374376, 375

templates, 371372

status messages, 841842

task sequences, 487491, 488491

troubleshooting, 845

Deployment Deadline settings, 230

Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM), 520

Deployment Monitoring Tool, 857858, 857

Deployment Name setting, 428

Deployment Options setting, 326

Deployment Package page

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 434

software updates, 424, 424

deployment phase in migration, 82

Deployment Settings page, 336, 336, 488, 488

Deployment Status window, 490, 491

Deployment Types tab, 308309, 321, 322, 324

Deployments node, 358359, 359

depth management of mobile devices, 199, 702, 715716

device enrollment, 721

administrator configuration, 721722, 721722

user configuration, 722728, 723727


Application Catalog web service point, 720, 721

distribution point, 720, 720

enrollment point, 717718, 717

enrollment proxy point, 716717, 716

management point, 718719, 718

Microsoft enterprise certification authority, 719, 719

Windows Intune, 728730, 729730

DESC keyword, 612


configuration items, 629, 634

deployment packages, 425

software metering rules, 557

design, site system, 4749

Detail Level setting, 429

Detection Method page, 297, 328, 328, 346, 631632, 632

Detection Rule dialog box, 328, 353, 353

Determine Behavior Based On Return Codes option, 331

device drivers, 459, 497499, 497499

device enrollment, 721

administrator configuration, 721722, 721722

user configuration, 722728, 723727

Device Management reports, 590

Device page, 745747, 746

Device Restart Behavior setting, 431

device settings management for mobile devices, 742

Automatic VPN page, 766, 767

Browser page, 748749, 750

Certificate Properties page, 764, 764

Certificates page, 758759, 758

Cloud page, 752753, 752

Connection page, 765766, 766

Content Rating page, 751752, 751

Device page, 745747, 746

Email Management page, 747748, 747

Encryption page, 756757, 756

General page, 743744, 743

Internet Explorer page, 749751, 750

Mobile Devices Settings, 743744, 744

Password page, 744745, 744

Peak Synchronization page, 754, 755

Platform Applicability, 761762, 762

Roaming page, 754, 755

SCEP Enrollment page, 763, 763

Security page, 753754, 753

Security Configuration page, 768, 769

Store page, 747748, 748

Summary page, 765

Supported Platforms, 761, 761

System Security, 759760, 759

Trusted Root CA Certificate page, 762, 763

Wi-Fi Profile page, 767, 768

Windows Server Work, 760, 760

Wireless Communications, 757758, 757

Devices For Certificate Enrollment option, 764

DHCP with PXE, 465

Diagnostic Data Submission option, 747

-dir property, 260

Direct Push When Roaming option, 712

Direct Rule type for collections, 784

Disable Alternate Sources option, 231

DisableCacheOpt property, 250

DisableSiteOpt property, 250


password change requirements, 731

software metering rules, 555556

disaster recovery, 56, 797

backups, 801807, 803, 806

central sites, 811817, 812816

maintenance options, 819821

monitoring, 817, 817

multisite environments, 818

planning, 797798

post-recovery tasks, 821822, 822

restores, 807810, 809

starting, 811

unattended, 818819

discovering resources

Active Directory, 235237, 236237

forests, 237238, 238

groups, 240, 241

heartbeat, 240242, 243

network, 242

scheduling, 242243, 243244

system, 239, 239

users, 240

Add Exchange Server Wizard, 707708, 708

out-of-band management, 17

overview, 234235

Discovery page, 707708, 708

disk space, 845

Disks category, 458

DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management), 520

dismgr.log file, 772

Display in Software Center option, 338

Display Name Properties window, 545, 545

display names for software inventory, 534535, 545, 545

Display This As A Featured App option, 321

distmgr.log file, 177, 465

Distribute Content option, 318

Distribute Content Wizard, 483

Distribute The Content For This Package To Preferred Distribution Point option, 425


boot image packages, 466467

images, 483

software. See software distribution

Distribution Point page, 144, 144, 166168, 167

distribution point role, 46, 720, 720

distribution points, 4144, 44, 165176, 166176

changes, 293296

cloud integration, 215216, 222225, 223224

dependencies, 299300

high availability, 49

managing, 52

migrating, 66, 7980, 83, 85, 8889

operating system deployment, 455, 489

operating system support, 3436

PXE on, 464465, 465

reassigning, 85

software requirements, 177

software updates, 425

status messages, 844

troubleshooting, 177, 177

upgrading, 9398, 9495, 97

Distribution Points page, 425, 489

Distribution Priority setting, 425

Distribution Settings page

boot images, 454

operating system images, 456

operating system installers, 456

sample application, 321, 322

software updates, 425, 426


package migration, 75

status messages, 843

.dmg files, 352, 353

dmpdownloader.log file, 772

dmpuploader.log file, 772

DNSSUFFIX property, 251

Do Not Expire A Superseded Update Until The Software Update Is Superseded For A Specified Period option, 406, 413

Do Not Synchronize From Microsoft Update Or The Upstream Update Server option, 405

Do Not Synchronize From Microsoft Update Or Upstream Data Source option, 412

Document Synchronization option, 753


profiles, 686

Windows Intune, 728729, 729730

Download Location page, 378, 426427, 434

Download Only Content Changes To The Distribution Point option, 426

Download Settings For Non-preferred Distribution Points settings, 433

Download Settings For Slow Or Unreliable Network settings, 433

Download Settings page, 372

Download Software Updates From A Location On My Network option, 426

Download Software Updates From The Internet option, 426

Download Software Updates Wizard, 387, 424427, 424, 426

Download Updates Software Wizard, 369

downloading software updates, 424427, 424, 426

/downloadtimeout property, 248

DP Job Manager, 852, 852

drive letters for images, 487, 487

Drive Settings page

distribution points, 168169, 168

secondary site servers, 145, 145

drive space requirements for clients, 25

Driver Details page, 498

drivers, device, 459, 497499, 497499

Drivers category for task sequences, 458

Drivers tab for boot images, 454

DRS (Data Replication Service), 845846, 848849, 849

Duplicate Template dialog box, 219


Edit Device Ownership dialog box, 769, 769

Edit Inventory Classes dialog box, 576, 576

Edit Primary Devices node, 357, 358

Editions tab, 456

EICAR test malware, 695699, 696698


alerts, 692693, 693

mobile devices, 711712, 711, 747748, 747

report subscriptions, 610611

Email Attachments option, 712

Email Download While Roaming option, 754

Email Management page, 747748, 747

Email Management Settings page, 711712, 711

embedded devices, 432

Empower Users feature, 365

Enable Automatic Site-wide Client Push Installation option, 254

Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, 220

Enable Hardware Inventory On Clients option, 538

Enable Software Updates on Clients option, 397

Enable System Center Operations Manager Maintenance Mode option, 339


Asset Intelligence, 575576, 577

collections, 691

Software Metering Client Agent, 553

software metering rules, 555556, 556

Encrypted Backup option, 753

encryption and Encryption page

client inventory reports, 547

mobile devices, 756757, 756

endpoint protection. See System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP)

Endpoint Protection client agent, 675679, 676677

Endpoint Protection Manager role, 776

Endpoint Protection Point role

adding, 209210, 209

configuring, 672675, 674

description, 46

reports, 599

EndpointProtectionAgent.log file, 695

Enforcement phase in software updates, 448

enrollment, device, 721

administrator configuration, 721722, 721722

mobile devices, 737741, 738, 740742

user configuration, 722728, 723727

Enrollment Point Connection Account option, 718

enrollment point role, 46, 717718, 717

Enrollment Point setting, 716

Enrollment Profile window, 263

enrollment proxy point role, 46, 199203, 201202, 716717, 716

Enrollment setting, 231

EnrollmentService.log file, 771

EnrollmentWeb.log file, 771

Enrollsrvmsi file, 203

Enrollsvc.log file, 203

Enrollweb.log file, 203

Enrollwebmsi file, 202

Entended Key Usage option, 765

Enter A Password To Access The Application Store option, 748

environment variables, 634

EPCtrlmgr.log file, 210, 675

EPMgr.log file, 210, 674675

EPsetup.log file, 210, 675

Error Lookup window, 836, 837

Error status

in-console monitoring, 446447

package conversion, 106

Estimated Install Time (Minutes) option, 330

Evaluation phase in software updates, 448

event logs, 565566

Exclude Collections Rule, 784

Excluded Settings page, 683, 683


malware scanning items, 683, 683

software inventory files, 547548, 548

expired software updates, 365

Explicit Content In Media Store option, 752

Export Application Wizard, 318319, 318


applications, 318, 318

management certificates, 216219, 217218

reports, 621

service certificates, 220221, 220221

software updates, 76

synchronization with, 418419

extending hardware inventory, 540542, 541

ExtractContent.exe file, 818


fallback, 173

fallback status point role, 4647, 189191, 190

fat images, 460

FEP (Front Endpoint Protection) vs. SCEP, 669

file-based report subscriptions, 609, 610

file collection for software inventory, 534

File Encryption On Mobile Device option, 756

File Encryption On Mobile Devices option, 713

file formats for management certificates, 216, 217

file library, 42

file system validation, 150, 151

FileLib folder, 174, 176, 176

files for software updates, 369

FileSystemFile.log file, 547, 548


embedded devices, 432

software updates, 364

financial management, 8, 11

Find All Mobile Devices In The Exchange Organization option, 708


management points, 180181

software updates, 420423, 421423

firewalls, 685686, 686

flat hierarchies, 774

folder migration, 78

Folder Redirection screen, 651, 652

/forcereboot property, 248

forest discovery, 52, 237238, 238

Foxit Reader Properties dialog box, 319333, 319320, 322325

FQDNs (fully qualified domain names), 225

Fraud Warning option, 749

free drive space requirements for clients, 25

Front Endpoint Protection (FEP) vs. SCEP, 669

Fryer, Andrew, 2

FSP property, 251, 260

fspMSI.log file, 191

Full Administrator role, 599, 776

full antimalware scans, 680

Full Content update option, 442

Full Synchronization Schedule option, 707

fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), 225


general configuration items, 642

General Information page, 313314, 313

application deployment, 309, 309

sample application, 319320, 319

General Items page, 324, 324

General License Statement, 580581, 580

General settings

Add Exchange Server Wizard, 705706, 706

boot images, 453454, 453

client push installation, 254, 255

configuration items, 628630, 628, 630, 632, 633

Create Application Wizard, 311312, 311

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 428429, 429

Deploy Software Wizard, 333335, 334

mobile devices, 743744, 743

operating system images, 455

operating system installers, 456

reports, 602

sample application, 319

SCEP, 673

secondary site servers, 142143, 143

site system roles, 162, 162

software metering, 554557, 555, 557

software updates, 384385

state migration points, 462

synchronization points, 577

task sequences, 457, 487

Windows Intune, 732, 732

General Settings window, 709, 709

Generate System Center Operations Manager Alert When A Software Installation Fails option, 339

Getting Started page

central administration sites, 129, 129

primary sites, 136138, 137

global conditions in migration, 75

Global Conditions node, 347, 349

global data replication, 50, 847, 848

global roaming, 37

Go To Intranet Site For Single Word Entry option, 751


determining, 2223

software updates, 380

governance, 12

group policies and GPOs

client installation, 257

SCEP, 673

settings, 393


Active Directory, 52, 240, 241

boundary, 4445

distribution points, 52, 294295, 844

software updates, 364, 370, 427

validating, 151152, 152

GUIDs for cloud distribution points, 225


hard drives, virtual, 516517

creating, 518519, 518519

managing, 519522, 520522

task sequences, 517518

hardware inventory, 528529

client settings, 231, 529530

configuration.mof file, 529530

configuring, 537540, 538

extending, 540542, 541

MIF files, 532533

Registry, 541542

reporting classes, 530532

troubleshooting, 550

Hardware Inventory Client Agent, 564

Hardware Inventory During The Following Days setting, 285

Hardware Inventory option, 231

hardware reports, 572573, 590

hardware requirements

Asset Intelligence, 568

clients, 25

Hash Algorithm option, 765

health, client. See client health

heartbeat discovery, 51, 240242, 243, 548

Heartbeat Discovery During The Following Days setting, 285

hidden reports, 602

hierarchies, 38, 38

central administration sites, 3839

design and implementation, 124

distribution points, 4144, 44

flat, 774

planning, 5859

primary sites, 3940

secondary sites, 4041

software update points, 380381

Hierarchy Maintenance tool, 819821

high availability, 49

history and History page

reports, 607608

SCEP, 697, 697

scheduled tasks, 278, 278

HTTP option, 719

HTTP security mode, 51

-httpport property, 261

HTTPS option, 719

HTTPS security mode, 51

-httpsport property, 262

Hyper-V Manager, 518, 518


Icon option, 321

Identification registry key, 148, 149

Idle Time Before Mobile Device Is Locked setting, 745

Idle Time In Minutes Before Mobile Device Is Locked setting, 711

IDMIF files

description, 532533

storage location on clients, 539

If Software Updates Are Not Available On Preferred Distribution Point settings, 433

If The Running Task Does Not End When Requested, Force It To Stop option, 278

Ignore Mobile Devices That Are Inactive For More Than (Days) setting, 708

-ignoreSHA256validation property, 262

Image Capture Wizard, 481, 481

Image Destination page, 481, 481

Image Information page, 481


boot. See boot images

client installation, 258

creating, 471476, 472477

drive letters, 487, 487

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, 512513, 512

offline servicing, 520522, 521522

operating system, 455456

automatic building and capturing, 477480, 478480

deploying, 482483

reference computers, 480481, 481482

task sequences, 458

Images tab

boot images, 454

operating system images, 455

Immediately Expire A Superseded Update option, 406, 413

Import Certificate dialog box, 759, 759

Import Computer Information Wizard, 492, 492

Import Configuration Data Wizard, 649, 649650

Import Information page, 312, 312313

Import New Driver Wizard, 498499, 498499

Import Software License Wizard, 578580, 578, 580

Import User Device Affinity Wizard, 355, 356


application information, 312, 312313

certificates, 759, 759

computer information, 492493, 492

configuration packs, 647648, 648650

drivers, 498499, 498499

reports, 603, 620621

software licenses, 578581, 578, 580

software updates, 77, 439, 440

update synchronization with, 418419

user device affinity, 355, 356, 502, 502

In-App Purchases option, 748

in-band management, 17

in-console software updates deployment monitoring, 445448, 445448

In Progress status, 447

Inactive Client Details reports, 268

incident management function, 6

Include Collections Rule, 784

Include Updates page, 485, 494

Infrared option, 713

Infrastructure Administrator role, 599600, 776

Install An Existing Image Package task sequence, 457

Install Applications page, 486, 486, 494

Install Configuration Manager Client Wizard, 256, 257, 485, 518

Install Endpoint Protection Client In Client Computers option, 231

Install page, 135, 135, 816, 816

Install Permissions settings, 230

Install Profile dialog box, 739

Install script, 259

Install The Configuration Manager Client page, 494

Install The Windows Operating System page, 493, 518

INSTALL.WIM file, 468469, 487

Install Windows page, 483, 484, 486


client. See clients

site system roles, 160163, 161162

software update points, 382384

System Center Updates Publisher, 436, 436

WSUS, 398401

Installation Behavior setting, 329

Installation Deadline setting, 430

Installation Program setting, 327

Installation program visibility settings, 330

Installation Progress window, 481, 489, 489

Installation Properties tab, 256, 256

Installation Source Files page, 142143

Installation Start In option, 327

Installed Updates tab, 456

installers, operating system, 456

instances, SSRS, 585

Intel Activity Management Technology, 17

interaction of site system roles, 160161

Internet-based clients for software update points, 381382

Internet Explorer page, 749751, 750

Internet FQDN setting, 403, 407

Internet option for software updates, 434

Internet Sharing From Mobile Devices option, 709

interoperability with Configuration Manager 2007, 80

intranet-based clients for software update points, 381

Intranet Security Zone option, 751

Inventoried Software Titles node, 567568

inventory, 13, 527528

hardware. See hardware inventory

scheduling, 536537


collecting, 533535, 534

configuring, 542550, 543545

troubleshooting, 550552

viewing, 535536, 535, 545546, 546

Inventory Reporting Detail setting, 542

InventoryAgent.log file, 550552

IP address ranges, 44

IP subnets, 44

IPv6 prefix, 44

IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 29

IT Operations Management function, 6

IT Service Continuity Management process, 89

IT service management (ITSM), 12

ITIL, 29

MOF, 912

IT Service Management Forum (itSMF), 2


jobs, migration, 66, 84, 8992, 9092


-keepdb property, 261

Key Size (Bits) option, 765

Key Storage Provider (KSP) option, 764

Key Usage option, 765

keys for management certificates, 216218, 217218

Keywords option, 321


labels in Asset Intelligence, 567

Language Selection page, 387, 427, 434


deployment, 325, 372

software metering rules, 557

software updates, 387, 415, 416, 434

Languages page, 207, 387, 415, 416

LaunchMedia.cmd command, 480

legacy boot images, 522523


content, 4243

ITIL, 29


Asset Intelligence, 578581, 578, 580

central administration sites, 130

reports, 574575

link states, 846

Link Text option, 321

linked reports, 619

Linux operating system

application deployment, 354355, 354

client installation, 259262, 260

client support, 234

support for, 3032

Linux/Unix Configuration Manager, 259

lite management of mobile devices, 199, 702

Account page, 707, 707

configuration results, 714715, 714715

Discovery page, 707708, 708

General page, 705706, 706

Settings page, 708

Application settings, 713, 714

Email Management settings, 711712, 711

General settings, 709, 709

Password settings, 709710, 710

Security settings, 712713, 713

load balancing, 49

local installation, 128

Localized Application Name option, 321

Localized Description option, 321

Locate Driver page, 497, 497

locations for deployment templates, 372

log files

application deployment, 360361

backup process, 804

client, 835836

client notifications, 695, 695

management points, 182183, 834835

SCEP, 675

site servers, 832834

for troubleshooting, 832837

Windows event, 565566

login scripts, 258

/Logon property, 248

Logon Requirement option, 329

logos, reports, 595596, 596


Mac Computer Enrollment Wizard, 264, 264

Mac operating system

application deployment, 352354, 353

client installation, 262265, 264

client support, 234

support, 29

Macclient.dmg file, 263

maintenance plans, 827831, 828

maintenance windows, 387389, 388

malware, 670

antimalware policy, 679685, 680685

assigning policy, 687, 687

scenario, 695699, 696698

Windows Firewall policies, 685686, 686

Malware Detection alerts, 690

Malware Outbreak alerts, 690

Manage Administrative Categories dialog box, 630, 630

Manage Endpoint Protection Client On Client Computers option, 231

Manage layer for MOF, 10

management certificates, 215

creating, 216218, 216217

exporting, 216219, 217218

uploading, 222, 222

Management information format (MIF) files, 532533, 539

Management Point page, 179, 179

Management Point Database page, 179, 180

management point role, 47, 718719, 718

management points

dependencies, 299

finding, 180181

high availability, 49

inventory, 550

log files, 182183, 834835

overview, 178179, 179180

proxy, 180181

queries, 182

server locator point functionality, 182

software requirements, 183

troubleshooting, 183

Manual package conversion state, 105

manual synchronization, 377

Manually Copy The Content In This Package To The Distribution Point option, 426

Manually Define This Information option, 312

MAPS (Microsoft Active Protection Service), 670671, 671

Maximum Allowed Run Time (Minutes) setting, 330

Maximum Custom MIF File Size (KB) setting, 539

Maximum Run Time settings, 388389

Maximum Size For HTML Email (Automatically Downloaded) setting, 748

Maximum Size For Plain Text Email (Automatically Downloaded) setting, 748

Maximum Size Of An Attachment (Automatically Downloaded) setting, 748

Maximum Time To Keep Calendar Entries setting, 712

Maximum Time To Keep Email setting, 712, 748

MDT. See Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT)

media boot task sequences, 475476, 475477

Media Properties page, 504, 504

media task sequences, 459

Media Type page, 475, 476, 496


central administration sites, 135

SQL, 128, 135

messages. See status messages

metadata in software updates, 368369, 414, 419, 442

Metadata Only option, 442

Metered Internet Connections setting, 231

metering software. See Software Metering feature

Microsoft Active Protection Service (MAPS), 670671, 671

Microsoft Active Protection Service page

antimalware policy, 684, 684

Endpoint Protection Point role, 209, 209

Microsoft Application Virtualization Management, 1819

Microsoft Calculator Plus utility, 628629

Microsoft Certificate Service, 262

Microsoft Configuration Manager folder, 150, 151

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT)

backing up, 800

boot images, 512513, 512

installing, 510511

integrating, 511, 511

scenarios, 510

task sequences, 513515, 513, 515

Microsoft enterprise certification authority role, 719, 719

Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC), 670

Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF), 910

Microsoft Software License Terms page, 130

Microsoft Update catalog, 376

Microsoft Volume License Statement, 578579

MIF (Management information format) files, 532533, 539

migmctrl.log file, 84, 94

migration, 65

data-gathering process, 68

distribution points, 7980

introduction, 6667

needs, 2324

objects, 5456

not supported, 79

supported, 7279, 7274

packages, 103

best practices, 110

monitoring, 110111, 111

Package Conversion Manager, 103104, 104

process, 104110, 106, 108109

planning, 8182

post-migration considerations, 101102, 102

preparing, 81

report, 591

side-by-side. See side-by-side migration

source hierarchy, 6768, 67

types, 68

wipe-and-load, 100

migration data, backing up, 800

migration points, 186189, 186188, 462464, 463

Minimum Password Length (Characters) setting, 710

MMPC (Microsoft Malware Protection Center), 670

mobile device and AMT enrollment point role, 199203, 201202

Mobile Device Management dialog box, 739

Mobile Device Management While Roaming option, 754

mobile devices, 16, 701

depth management. See depth management of mobile devices

device settings management. See device settings management for mobile devices

lite management. See lite management of mobile devices

management overview, 702704

new features, 701702

operating systems, 31

troubleshooting, 771772

wipe vs. selective wipe, 769771, 770771

Mobile Devices Settings page, 743744, 744

models, report, 613

modes, SSRS installation, 585

Modify Virtual Hard Disk Wizard, 519, 520

MOF (Microsoft Operations Framework), 910

monitoring, 53

application deployment, 358359, 359

client health, 286287, 286287

client status, 268

distribution point upgrades, 94, 95

migration, 66, 84, 84

offline servicing, 522, 522

package conversion, 110111, 111

recovery, 817, 817

SCEP, 672

software updates, 364, 445449, 445448

Movie Rating option, 752


applications, 318

reports, 619

site databases, 823824, 824

MP_Hinv.log file, 551

MP property, 248, 260

mpcontrol.log file, 183

mpMSI.log file, 183

mpSetup.log file, 183

msoidcli_64bit.msi file, 730

mtrmgr.log file, 560, 561

multicast support and Multicast page, 42, 170171, 171

Multiplayer Gaming option, 747

multiple malware detection alerts, 690

multiple product updates, 369

multisite environments, recovery in, 818



cloud distribution points, 225

computers, 242

configuration items, 629

deployment, 325, 428

management certificates, 218

packages, 425

servers, 162

software inventoried products, 534535

software metering rules, 557

Namespaces For Intranet Zone option, 751

native uninstall support, 297

Netdisc.log file, 242

Network Access Account page, 307, 307, 461462, 462

Network Access Protection (NAP), 16

Active Directory schema, 37

compliance, 232

report, 591

system health validator, 185

Network Firewall option, 760

Network Load Balancing (NLB), 382

Network Location option, 434

Network report, 591


connectivity, 845

describing, 2324

discovery. See discovering resources

software updates, 434

speed, 45

New Site Role Wizard, 577

New Table Or Matrix Wizard, 615

New Task Sequence Wizard, 483, 493

NLB (Network Load Balancing), 382

no_sms_on_drive.sms file, 168

No Specific Action deployment option, 331

NoCRLCheck property, 248, 261


description, 532533

location, 539

Nokia operating system for mobile device management, 703

non-task sequence bootable media, 116119, 117

noservice property, 248, 261

Not Applicable package conversion state, 105, 109

Notification Manager, 694695

notifications, client, 694695, 695

Number Of Failed Logon Attempts Before Device Is Wiped setting, 711

Number Of Passwords Remembered setting, 711



content-related, 53

discovering. See discovering resources

migrating, 5456, 66, 6971, 9092, 9192

security scopes, 783, 783

software updates, 369371

Off-Peak Synchronization Frequency option, 754

Office of Government Commerce (OGC), 2

Offline Files screen, 652, 653

offline image servicing, 520522, 521522

Only The Instances Of The Objects That Are Assigned To The Specified Security Scopes Or Collections option, 786

Only When A User Is Logged On option, 329

Only When No User Is Logged On option, 329

Operate phase for MOF, 10

operating system deployment (OSD), 15, 451

bare metal, 452, 492497, 492, 494

device drivers, 497499, 497499

distribution points, 455

driver catalogs, 459

enhancements, 19

images, 455456

automatic building and capturing, 477480, 478480

boot. See boot images

deploying, 482483

reference computers, 480481, 481482

installers, 456

legacy boot images, 522523

MDT, 510516, 511513, 515

migration objects, 7677

Network Access account, 461462, 462

new features, 451452

offline image servicing, 520522, 521522

process, 460

PXE on distribution points, 464465, 465

scenarios, 452

source, 468470, 469470

state migration points, 455, 462464, 463

task sequences, 457459

for capture image, 471476, 472477

deploying, 487491, 488491

developing, 483486, 484486

user device affinity, 459, 500503, 500503

user state maintenance, 524, 524

virtual hard drives, 516519,518520

Windows To Go, 504510, 504509

Operating System Deployment Manager role, 600

operating systems

client requirements, 2531

client support, 232234

mobile device management, 703704

P2V Migration Toolkit requirements, 112

report, 591

server requirements, 3236

Operations Administrator role, 600, 776

Operations Manager Alerts option, 433

operations phase, 11

Operations System Deployment Manager option, 776

Option tab for group discovery, 240, 241

optional application information, 313314

Optional Components tab, boot images, 454

Options tab for Software Center, 342, 342

ORDER BY keyword, 612

Organization Name setting, 230, 391

organizational units (OUs), 236

orphaned packages, 855

out-of-band management, 1718, 25, 591

out-of-band service point role, 47, 191192, 192193

outboundcontentmanager.log file, 772

overlapping boundaries, 45

Owners option, 320


P2V Migration Toolkit, 111112

non-task sequences, 116119, 117

requirements, 112

scenarios, 112113

steps, 113117, 114117

task sequences, 113

Package Conversion Dashboard, 105, 106, 111

Package Conversion Manager, 103104, 104

Package Conversion Wizard, 107108, 109

Package Source setting, 425


deployment, 372373, 424427

library, 42

migrating, 103

best practices, 110

monitoring, 110111, 111

Package Conversion Manager, 103104, 104

process, 104110, 106, 108109

orphaned, 855

Windows To Go, 506507, 507

Packages node, 291, 292

PackageScanReport.XML file, 111, 111

parameters for reports, 603

partner software updates catalogs, 438439, 439

Password Complexity option, 711, 745

Password Expiration In Days option, 711

Password Never Expires property, 731

Password page, 744745, 744

Password Quality option, 745

Password Settings window, 709710, 710


change requirements, 731

mobile devices, 709710, 710, 744745, 744

Patch property, 249

Patch Tuesday, 374376, 375

paths, discovery, 236

PCMTrace.log file, 111

PDP And IMAP Email option, 748

Peak Synchronization Frequency option, 754

Peak Synchronization page, 754, 755

Pending state in Asset Intelligence, 569

Period Of Time For Which All Pending Deployments With Deadline setting, 398


Application Administrator, 777, 777

central administration sites, 135

clients, 230

Configuration Manager deployment, 845

reports, 596597, 597, 601

Software Update Manager, 393394

Persist Content In The Client Cache option, 325

personal devices, mobile devices wipe vs. selective wipes, 769

Personal Wallet Software While Locked option, 747

.pfx files, 215, 222

phases in client installation, 266

Photo Synchronization option, 753

physical locations, 57

physical-to-virtual Migration Toolkit. See P2V Migration Toolkit

PkgLib folder, 174175, 175

PkgXferMgr component, 43

PKI certificates, 262263

Plan phase for MOF, 910

“Planning for Site Systems in Configuration Management” document, 133

Platform page for Windows Intune, 734735, 734

Platform Applicability page, 761762, 762

Plug-ins option, 749

POC (proof-of-concept) environments, 6061


endpoint protection, 679

antimalware, 679685, 680685

assigning, 687, 687

Windows Firewall, 685686, 686


client installation, 257

SCEP, 673

settings, 393

Policy Polling Interval (Minutes) setting, 391

Policy Spy tool, 858, 858

Polling Schedule tab, 242243, 243

POP And IMAP Email option, 712

Pop-up Blocker option, 749

Port Number setting, 717

portalwebMSI file, 199

portlctl.log file, 199


proxy points, 717

WSUS, 411, 412

post-installation phase in client installation, 266

post-migration considerations, 101102

post-recovery tasks, 821822, 822

power control in out-of-band management, 17

power management

centralized, 19

client setting, 232

report, 591

Power Viewer Tool, 858, 859


application information, 314

software update points, 410

PowerShell Execution Policy option, 231

pre-deploying user applications, 503, 503

pre-installation phase in client installation, 266

preinst.exe tool, 820821

premigration in package conversions, 110


Prerequisite Check page, 134, 134, 815, 815

Prerequisite Components page, 813814, 813

Prerequisites Downloads page, 130131, 130

Prerequisites Licenses page, 130

PrestageContent.log file, 98

prestaged content, 43, 294, 316, 316

prestaged media, 459, 504506, 504506

Primary Computer Users report, 565

Primary Site Installation page, 138

primary sites, 3940

recovering, 817

servers, 122

checklist, 127

implementing, 136140, 137140

software update points, 381382

child of CAS, 407408, 409

stand-alone, 410413, 412


application deployment type, 323

policies, 687, 687

software update distribution, 425

Privacy URL option, 321

private firewall profiles, 686

problem management, 67, 11

processing options for reports, 606607

processor requirements for clients, 25

Product Code option, 327

Product Key page, 130, 130

products in updates, 386387

Products page

Software Update Point role, 207, 208

software updates, 415, 416

third-party updates, 443, 444

Profile Settings screen, 655, 656


certificate, 656660, 657660

remote, 654656, 655656

user, 650654, 651654

VPN, 660663, 661664

Wi-Fi, 665667, 665668

Windows Firewall policies, 686

Programs tab, 327, 327

proof-of-concept (POC) environments, 6061

Properties dialog box for applications, 319

Properties Of New Template dialog box, 219

protection, endpoint. See System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP)

providers in hardware inventory, 540

provisioned systems, 191


command lines, 252

workstations, 1718

Proxy and Account Settings page, 204, 204

proxy management points, 180181

proxy settings, 437

Asset Intelligence, 577578

software updates, 385

VPN profiles, 663, 663

Wi-Fi profiles, 667

public firewall profiles, 686

publishing updates. See System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP)

Pull Distribution Point page, 169170, 169

Purpose setting in application deployment, 336

push client installation, 253256, 255257

PXE and PXE page

boot images for, 467468, 467

capture images for, 471474, 472474

configuring, 42

distribution points, 170, 170, 464465, 465

unknown computer support, 495, 495

PXE Settings page, 170, 170


queries, 1314, 182

Query Rule for collections, 784


CEViewer, 853, 853

DP Job Manager, 852, 852

quick antimalware scans, 680


RAM requirements for clients, 25

Ratings Region option, 752

RBA viewer, 793795, 794795, 855, 856

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) model, 773

RCMCtrl.log file, 848849, 849

Read-only Analyst role, 600, 776

Real-Time Protection page, 682, 682

Reassign Shared Distribution Point wizard, 9394, 94

reassigning distribution points, 85

recovery. See disaster recovery

Recursively Search Active Directory Child Containers option, 237

reference computer images, 480481, 481482

References tab for sample application, 321

refresh computer deployment scenario, 452

Refresh Interval (Hours) option, 709


64 bit applications, 634

hardware inventory, 541542

Report Builder, 614

site installation validation, 148149, 149150

Release and Deployment Management process, 8

remediation, client, 266267, 267

reminders for client software updates, 391

remote connection profiles, 654656, 655656

remote console for out-of-band management, 18

remote control, 16

remote distribution point throttling, 294

remote installation, 128

Remote Tools Operator role, 601, 776

Remote Tools option for clients, 232

Removable Storage option, 754

Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint command, 410

Repeated Malware Detection alerts, 690

repeating services point role, 47

Replace Hardware scenario, 510, 515516

replication, 50

SQL, 307

troubleshooting, 845849, 846, 848849

replication traffic reports, 591

Report Builder, 613616, 615

Report Manager, 594595, 595

Reporting Services point, 193194, 194

Reporting Services Point page, 586, 587

reporting services site system, 586587, 587

reports, 1617, 583584

Asset Intelligence, 571575

BIDS, 616618

client health, 287, 288

client inventory, 547

Compliance Settings, 646647

creating, 611618, 615

exporting, 621

hardware inventory, 530532

importing, 603, 620621

linked, 619

logos, 595596, 596

managing, 601608

migrating, 7879

migration results, 85

models, 613

moving, 619

Report Builder, 613616, 615

Reporting Services, 193194, 194

running, 593595, 594595

SCEP, 693695, 694695

security, 596601, 597, 608

software metering, 560, 562, 564, 592

software updates, 420421, 421, 448449

SQL commands, 611612

SQL Reporting Services, 19

SQL Server Reporting Services, 584589, 587, 589

status messages, 840841

subscriptions, 604605, 609611, 610

Require Administrator Approval If Users Request This Application option, 336

Require Email Encryption/Encryption Algorithm option, 757

Require Email Signing/Signing Algorithm option, 757

Require Password Settings On Mobile Devices option, 710, 744745

Require The Site Server To Initiate Connections To This Site System option, 403, 408, 411

Required Components to Use Administration UI page, 402

requirements and Requirements tab

Application Catalog Web Service Point, 198

Application Catalog Web Site Point, 198

application deployment, 297298, 346347, 349

application information, 331332, 331

Asset Intelligence, 563566, 568

clients, 2432

cloud integration, 214

distribution points, 177

Endpoint Protection points, 210

fallback status points, 190

management certificates, 215

management points, 183

mobile devices, 202

Reporting Services, 195

servers, 3236

site servers, 125127

Software Update Point role, 208

state migration points, 189

system health validator points, 186


Resource Explorer, 535536, 535, 545546, 546, 549, 550


discovery. See discovering resources

for security scopes, 781782, 782

Resources folder, 589

Restart Countdown setting, 388

restoring backups, 807810, 809

Retain Client Status History For The Following Number Of Days setting, 286

Retire/Reinstate option, 317

Retries/Retry Delay (Minutes/Renewal Threshold (%) option, 764

/retry property, 248

return codes, 298, 332, 332

Return Codes tab, 332, 332

review phase in migration, 82

Review Required Ports For PXE dialog box, 465, 465

Revision History option, 315, 315

Ribbon options, 314319, 315318

risk, 12


global, 37

mobile device settings, 754, 755

site system roles, 161

Roaming page, 754, 755

Roaming Profiles screen, 653, 653

roaming user profiles, 651, 653, 653

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model, 773

role-based administration, 5354, 773

administrative users, 785, 786, 789790

collections, 784785, 789790

overview, 773774

RBA viewer, 793795, 794795


roles, 774778, 775, 777, 787

scopes, 778783, 778779, 782783, 787792, 787792

software updates, 393394

Role-Based Administration Modeling and Auditing tool, 793, 855, 856

Role Services page, 399


mobile devices, 715716

Application Catalog web service point, 720, 721

distribution point, 720, 720

enrollment point, 717718, 717

enrollment proxy point, 716717, 716

management point, 718719, 718

Microsoft enterprise certification authority, 719, 719

site system. See site system roles

Root CA Certificate option, 765

-rootcerts property, 262

-rootkeypath property, 261


application deployment, 346347

collections, 784

configuration baselines, 631, 640644, 641, 645

configuration items, 634638, 635, 637638

software metering

adding, 556558, 557

Automatic Rule Generation, 554555, 555

enabling and disabling, 555556

migrating, 78

software updates, 364, 371, 374376, 375

supersedence, 385386

System Center Updates Publisher, 395, 440441, 441

Run Installation and Uninstall Programs in 32-Bit Process on 64-Bit Clients option, 327

Run Metering Summarization Tool, 855, 856

Run Task As Soon As Possible After A Scheduled Start Is Missed option, 278

running reports, 593595, 594595


Scan Settings page, 681, 681


antimalware policy, 679681, 680681

software updates, 397

SCCMContentLib folder, 174, 174

SCCMContentLib library, 42

SCEP. See System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP)

SCEP Enrollment page, 763, 763

SCEPInstall.exe utility, 675

Schedule Deployment Re-evaluation setting, 398

Schedule Evaluation setting, 429

Schedule Updates Wizard, 520, 521

Scheduled Scans option, 680681, 680

scheduled tasks

Actions page, 275, 276

CCMEval, 279283, 279, 282

client health, 274275, 274275

Conditions page, 276, 277

History page, 278, 278

Settings page, 277278, 277

Triggers page, 275, 276


antimalware scans, 680681, 680681

application deployment, 337, 337

content distribution, 42

deployment templates, 371

discovery, 242243, 243244, 707

inventory, 536537

report subscriptions, 609

software updates

deployments, 429430, 430

scans, 397

synchronization, 377, 385, 417, 417

Scheduling page

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 429430, 430

Deploy Software Wizard, 337, 337

schema for Active Directory, 3738

scheme extensions, 134

scopes, security, 53, 778, 778

applications, 319

creating, 779781, 779

resources, 781782, 782

scenario, 787792, 787792

viewing, 783, 783

Scratch Space setting, 512

Screen Capture option, 746

scripts for client installation, 258

SCUP (System Center Updates Publisher), 800

SCW (Security Configuration Wizard), 853, 854

search folders in migration, 78

search options for software updates, 421423, 422423

secondary site servers

implementing, 140147, 141147

overview, 122123

secondary sites, 4041

migrating, 86

recovering, 818

upgrading, 98, 98


mobile devices, 712713, 713, 753754, 753

reports, 596601, 597, 608

roles, 53, 774778, 775, 777, 787

SCEP, 670672

scopes, 53, 778, 778

applications, 319

creating, 779781, 779

resources, 781782, 782

scenario, 787792, 787792

viewing, 783, 783

sites, 51

SQL Server Reporting Services, 586

Security Administrator role, 601, 776

Security Compliance Manager, 647648, 648

Security Configuration page

mobile devices, 768, 769

Wi-Fi profiles, 665, 666

Security Configuration Wizard (SCW), 853, 854

Security Level For Internet Zone option, 751

Security Level For Intranet Zone option, 751

Security Level For Restricted Sites Zone option, 751

Security Level For Trusted Sites Zone option, 751

Security page

application, 323

boot images, 454

mobile devices, 753754, 753

operating system images, 456

operating system installers, 456

unknown computer support, 496, 496

Security Settings window, 712713, 713

Security Warning window, 439, 440

Select Application page, 505, 505

SELECT command for reports, 612

Select Deployment Package option, 425

Select Deployment Template option, 428

Select Files page, 649, 649

Select Media Type page, 475, 475, 496, 496

Select New Container dialog box, 235, 236

Selected Language option, 321

selective wipe, 769771, 770771

Self-Update option, 393

Send Password Recovery PIN To Exchange Server option, 745

Send Schedule Tool, 858, 859

server-based tools for troubleshooting, 852856, 852856

Server Deployment scenario, 510

Server Language Selection page, 131

server locator point functionality, 182


requirements, 3236

setting migration, 66

site. See site servers

Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM) process, 7

service certificates

requesting and exporting, 220221, 220

templates, 219220, 219

Service Design phase, 34

service desk function, 5

Service-Level Agreements (SLAs), 6

Service Level Management (SLM) process, 8

Service Lifecycle, 2

Service Management Functions (SMFs), 912

service management overview, 1

ITIL, 29

MOF, 912

service monitoring and control, 11

Service Operation phase, 35

/Service property, 248

Service Strategy phase, 34

Service Transition phase, 3, 5

service validation, 153, 154

Services registry key, 149, 150

Servicing tab, 456, 522, 522

Set-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint command, 382

Set-MsolUser command, 731

Set Security Scope option, 319

Set Security Scopes window, 781782

Set The Mobile Device Management Authority screen, 731, 732

Setting Summary page, 133134, 133

settings and Settings page

Add Exchange Server Wizard, 708

Application Settings, 713, 714

Email Management Settings, 711712, 711

General Settings, 709, 709

Password Settings, 709710, 710

Security Settings, 712713, 713

Application Deployment, 299

migrating, 7778

recovery process, 815, 815

scheduled tasks, 277278, 277

task sequences, 458

Settings Management feature, 16

Settings Summary page, 815, 815

Settings Synchronization option, 753

Settings Synchronization Over Metered Connections option, 753

Setup Wizard

central administration sites, 129134, 129134

primary site servers, 136140, 137140

System Center Updates Publisher, 436, 436

Show Install Status option, 147, 147

Show Message menu, 839, 839

Show Notifications For New Deployments option, 231

side-by-side migration, 83

clients, 9899

configuring, 8688, 87

distribution points, 8889, 9398, 9495, 97

process, 8386, 84

secondary sites, 98, 98

page for Windows Intune, 732, 732

-signcertpath property, 262

Signing And Encryption tab, 547

Simple Schedule option, 538

Simulate Application Deployment Wizard, 317, 317

Simulate Deployment option, 317, 317

Single Computer page, 492, 492, 515

single instance storage, 293

Site and Installation Settings page, 131, 131, 814, 814

site data, 847, 848

site database server point role, 47

Site Maintenance dialog box, 558559, 559

Site Recovery Information page, 812, 813

Site Repair Wizard, 811

Site reports, 591

Site Server and Database Recovery Options page, 812, 812

site servers

backing up, 805806, 806

checklist, 126127

cloud communication, 215

implementing, 125, 125

central administration, 127136, 129135

primary sites, 136140, 137140

secondary sites, 140147, 141147

software requirements, 125127

troubleshooting, 154157, 155156, 158

unattended installation, 157159

inventory, 551

log files, 832834

primary, 122

secondary, 122123

verifying, 147153, 148

database validation, 153, 154

file system validation, 150, 151

group validation, 151152, 152

registry validation, 148149, 149150

services validation, 153, 154

WMI validation, 153, 153

Site Settings Properties dialog box, 270271, 270

Site Status dashboard, 838, 839

Site System Installation Account setting, 404, 408, 411

site system roles, 4547

Application Catalog Web Service Point, 195199, 196198

Application Catalog Web Site Point, 195199, 196198

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, 210211, 211

component servers, 165

configuring, 139, 140

distribution points, 165176, 166176

Endpoint Protection Point, 209210, 209

fallback status points, 189191, 190

installing, 160163, 161162

management points, 178183, 179180

mobile device and AMT enrollment point, 199203, 201202

out-of-band management, 191192, 192193

overview, 163165

Reporting Services point, 193194, 194

site database servers, 184

site servers, 183184

site systems, 184

Software Update Point, 203208, 203208

state migration points, 186189, 186188

system health validator points, 184185

Site System Roles page, 139, 140

site systems, 184

backing up, 799

design, 4749

planning, 5859

Site tab, 265, 265

site-to-site communications, 308

-sitecode property, 260

sitecomp.log file, 165, 589, 772

sites, 38, 38

boundaries, 4445

central administration, 3839

communications, 50

databases, 47, 823824, 824

distribution points, 4144, 44

failure effects, 808809

maintenance tasks, 829830

migrating, 67

primary, 3940

recovering, 809810, 809, 817819

secondary, 4041

security, 51

types, 122123, 124

upgrading, 98, 98

64 bit applications, Registry, 634

Size Limit (KB) For Email Attachments (Automatically Downloaded) setting, 712

Size Limit (KB) For HTML Email (Automatically Downloaded) setting, 712

Size Limit (KB) For Plain Text Email (Automatically Downloaded) setting, 712

skpswi.dat file, 547548

SLAs (Service-Level Agreements), 6

SLM (Service Level Management) process, 8

SmartScreen option, 760

SMFs (Service Management Functions), 912

smp.msi file, 189

smpmsi.log file, 189

SMS And MMS Messaging option, 713, 754

SMS_CCM folder, 150, 151

SMS Database Monitor, 157

sms_def.mof file, 79, 529

SMS_Executive component, 155156, 155

SMS provider point role, 47

SMS Provider Settings page, 132133

SMS providers

high availability, 49

purpose, 157

settings, 132133

SMS registry key, 148

smsawebsvcsetup.log file, 198

smsbkup.ctl file, 801, 801

smsbkup.log file, 801, 807

SMSCacheDir property, 250

SMSCacheFlags property, 250251

SMSCacheSize property, 251

SMSConfigSource property, 251

smsdbmon.log file, 157, 184



Smsenrollsrvsetup.log file, 202

Smsenrollwebsetup.log file, 202

smsexec.log file, 156, 156

SMSFSPSetup.log file, 191

SMSMP property, 251

smsportwebsetup.log file, 198

smsprov.log file, 184


smspxe.log file, 465

SMSROOTKEYPATH property, 249

SMSSiteCode property, 251

smssmpsetup.log file, 189


archiving, 802803, 803

report properties, 608

Software Available Time setting, 430

software categories for Asset Intelligence, 566567

Software Center

application deployment, 339342, 341342

distribution points, 295

software updates, 365, 365

Software Deployment option, 232

Software Deployment page, 304, 305

software distribution

client installation, 258

collections. See collections

distribution points. See distribution points

packages. See packages

reports, 591

Software Distribution Component Properties dialog box, 306307, 307

Software Download While Roaming option, 754

software families for Asset Intelligence, 567

Software Install Program Might Force A Device Restart option, 331

software inventory

clients, 232

collecting, 533535, 534

configuring, 542550, 543545

Software Inventory During The Following Days setting, 286

software licenses for Asset Intelligence, 578581, 578, 580

Software Metering Client Agent, 553, 564

Software Metering feature, 15, 553

clients, 560, 561

configuring, 553554, 554

maintenance tasks, 558560, 559

overview, 553

reports, 560, 562, 564, 592


adding, 556558, 557

Automatic Rule Generation, 554555, 555

enabling and disabling, 555556

migrating, 78

Software Metering option, 232

Software Metering Properties dialog box, 554555, 555

Software Metering Summarization Progress report, 559, 559

Software Metering Usage Report Cycle action, 560, 561

software reports, 573574

software requirements

Application Catalog Web Service Point, 198

Application Catalog Web Site Point, 198

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, 210

distribution points, 177

Endpoint Protection points, 210

fallback status points, 190

management points, 183

mobile device and AMT enrollment point role, 202

Reporting Services, 195

servers, 36

site servers, 125127

Software Update Point role, 208

state migration points, 189

system health validator points, 186

Software Update Catalog, 394

Software Update Manager role, 776

reports, 601

software updates, 393394

software update point role, 47

active, 413

infrastructure, 380382

install planning, 382384

settings, 203208, 203208

software updates, 367368

testing, 396

software update points

Central Administration Site, 403407, 404406

general settings, 384385

primary sites

child of CAS, 407408, 409

stand-alone, 410413, 412

synchronization, 385387

Software Update Scan Schedule setting, 397

Software Update/Software Update Group option, 428

software updates, 1415, 363


classes, 386

configuring, 415, 415

metadata, 369

client installation, 257

client settings, 392, 392

compliance, 377378

Computer Client Agent, 390391, 390

deployments, 373374, 378380

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 427434, 429432

packages, 372373

rules, 374376, 375

templates, 371372

downloading, 424427

enabling, 232

files, 369

finding, 420423, 421423

goals, 380

group policy settings, 393

groups, 364, 370, 427

languages, 387, 415, 416, 434

maintenance windows, 387389, 388

metadata, 368369, 414, 419

migrating, 76

monitoring, 445449, 445448

new features, 364366, 365

objects, 369371

planning, 380

prerequisites, 366367

process, 376

products, 386387

properties, 389390

reports, 420421, 421, 592

role-based administration, 393394

settings, 414417, 415418

software update point role. See software update point role

Software Updates Agent, 368

Software Updates Client Agent, 397

summary details, 387

supersedence rules, 385386

synchronization, 376377, 414417, 415418

System Center Updates Publisher, 394395

templates, 366, 371372

test labs, 395396

update files, 387

Windows Server Update Services Server

console, 402

installation, 398401

Software Updates Client Agent, 396398, 397

Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle action, 392

Software Updates Scan Cycle action, 392

sorting reports, 612

source hierarchy, 6768, 67, 86

/source property, 247

source sites, migrating, 67

Specify An FQDN For This Site System For Use On The Internet option, 403, 407

Specify An FQDN For This Site System On The Intranet option, 410

Specify Intranet Microsoft Update Service Location option, 393

Specify Microsoft Active Protection Service window, 674

Specify Peak Time option, 754

Specify Sideloading Key dialog box, 351, 351

Specify The Content Destination page, 467

speed of networks, 45

splash.hta file, 129

SpyNet, 670671


considerations, 4950

memory, 128, 135

replication, 307


commands, 611612

SQL Reporting Services, 19, 799800

SQL Server Management Studio, 585

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), 193194, 584589, 587, 589

SQL Server Settings page, 143, 143

srsrp.log file, 195, 589

srsrpMSI.log file, 195, 589

srsrpsetup.log file, 195

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), 193194, 584589, 587, 589

stand-alone media for task sequences, 459

stand-alone primary sites for software update points, 381

standalone site recovery, 817

state-based distribution point groups, 43

State Message Reporting Cycle (Minutes) setting, 391

State Messaging setting, 232

State Migration page, 485, 485, 494, 494

State Migration Point page, 187188, 187, 462464, 463

state migration point role, 47

state migration points

configuring, 462464, 463

operating system deployment, 455

State Migration report, 592


Asset Intelligence validation, 563

link, 846

statistics for in-console monitoring, 445448, 445448

Status Message Details dialog box, 839, 840

status messages, 837839, 839840

default reports, 592

deployment, 841842

distribution, 843

distribution point configuration, 844

distribution point groups, 844

system, 844845

web reports, 840841

Status Messages During The Following Days setting, 286

Stop Data Gathering dialog box, 102

Stop The Task If It Takes Longer Than setting, 278

Storage Card Encryption option, 713, 756

Storage Folder Settings page, 462, 463

Store page, 747748, 748

Style folder for reports, 589

Subject Alternative Name option, 765

Subject Name Format option, 765

Subscription Schedule page, 609


reports, 604605, 609611, 610

Windows Intune, 728

summarization tasks for software metering, 559

Summarize Installed Software Data task, 564

Summary Details information for software updates, 387

Summary page, 736

Asset Intelligence, 578

certificate profiles, 660

client health, 283, 284

computer information, 493

configuration items, 638, 638

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 434, 435

device drivers, 499

distribution points, 173

image capture, 481

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, 516

mobile devices, 714, 765

remote profiles, 656

secondary site servers, 145, 146

task sequences, 477, 486

user profiles, 653, 653

VPN profiles, 663

Wi-Fi profiles, 667

superseded software updates, 365

supersedence, 378

application deployment, 343344, 344345

Application References, 296

software updates, 385386

Supersedence page for applications, 323, 323

Supersedence Rules page

Software Update Point role, 206, 206

software updates, 415, 417

Supported Platforms page, 658, 659, 761, 761

VPN profiles, 663, 664

Wi-Fi profiles, 667, 668

Supports Contacts option, 320

Suppress Any Required Computer Restart After The Endpoint Protection Client Is Installed option, 231

Supsetup.log file, 208

Suspend BitLocker PIN Entry Or Restart option, 230

swmproc.log file, 560

SWMTRReportGen.log file, 560

Sync Schedule tab, 417, 418


Asset Intelligence, 569571, 576578, 577

discovery, 707

mobile devices, 754, 755

monitoring, 448, 448

software update points, 405406, 412

software updates, 376377, 385387, 414417, 415418

Windows Azure Active Directory, 730, 730

Synchronization Point Schedule page, 578

Synchronization Schedule page

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, 210

Software Update Point role, 205

Synchronization Source page, 204205, 205

Synchronize From An Upstream Data Source Location (URL) option, 405, 412

Synchronize From Microsoft Update option, 405, 412

System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP), 1920, 669

alerts, 690691, 691692

benefits, 670672

definition files, 687690, 688689

Endpoint Protection client agent, 675679, 676677

Endpoint Protection Point role, 672675, 674

endpoint protection policies, 679

antimalware, 679685, 680685

assigning, 687, 687

Windows Firewall, 685686, 686

vs. FEP, 669

malware scenario, 695699, 696698

reporting, 693695, 694695

settings, 231

System Center Online service, 566

System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP), 129, 376, 436

backups, 800

components, 394395

configuring, 436437, 437438

importing updates, 439, 440

installing, 436, 436

partner software updates catalogs, 438439, 439

publishing updates, 442443, 442

rules, 440441, 441

third-party updates, 443445, 444

system discovery, 52, 239, 239

system health validator point role, 47, 184185

system requirements

client, 2432

servers, 3236

System Center Updates Publisher, 395

System Restart Turnaround Time setting, 388

system role. See site system roles

System Role Selection page

Asset Intelligence, 578

reporting site role, 586

state migration points, 462, 463

System Security page, 759760, 759

system status messages, 844845

system updates. See System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP)


Task Sequence Designer, 114, 115

Task Sequence Information page, 483, 493

task sequences

BitLocker, 507508, 508

capture images, 471476, 472477

deploying, 487491, 488491

developing, 483486, 484486

MDT, 513515, 513, 515

media boot, 475476, 475477

operating system deployment, 457459, 493494, 494

P2V Migration Toolkit, 113117, 114117

prestaged media, 504506, 504506

reports, 592

virtual hard drives, 517518

Technical Management function, 6

Technology setting, 325


service certificates, 219220, 219

software updates, 366, 371372

test labs, 395396

test phase in migration, 82


site backups, 806807, 806

software update points, 396

thin images, 460

third-party updates, 443445, 444

Threat Overrides page, 684, 684

thresholds for alerts, 691, 692


content distribution, 42

remote distribution point, 294

time stamps for log files, 361

timing in troubleshooting, 845

Trace Log tool, 224

Trace32 utility, 157

Triggers page, 275, 276

troubleshooting, 827

Application Catalog Web Service Point, 198199

Application Catalog Web Site Point, 198199

application deployment, 358361, 359360

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, 211

backups, 807

client-based tools, 856859, 857860

client installation, 266

component servers, 165

Configuration Manager deployment, 845

Database Replication, 845849, 846, 848849

distribution points, 177, 177

Endpoint Protection points, 210

enrollment proxy point and enrollment point, 202203

fallback status points, 191

inventory, 550552

log files for, 832837

maintenance plans for, 827831, 828

management points, 183

mobile devices, 771772

Reporting Services, 195

scenario, 850852

server-based tools, 852856, 852856

site database servers, 184

site servers, 154157, 155156, 158

Software Update Point role, 208

state migration points, 189

status messages for, 837845, 839840

Trusted CA Certificate screen, 658, 659

Trusted Publishers option, 437

Trusted Root CA Certificate page, 762, 763

TV Show Rating option, 752

Type of Deployment setting, 428


unattended site recovery, 818819

unattended site server installation, 157159

Uncategorized state in Asset Intelligence, 569

Uninstall Program option, 327

/Uninstall property, 248

Uninstall Start In option, 327

Unix operating system

application deployment, 354355, 354

client installation, 259262, 260

client support, 234

support for, 3032

unknown computer support, 495497, 495496

Unknown package conversion state, 105

Unknown status in monitoring, 446

unmanaged scenarios, SCEP in, 672673

Unsigned Applications option, 713, 754

Unsigned File Installation option, 713, 754

Update Files setting, 387

Update lists feature, 366

Update Server option, 437

Updateable state in Asset Intelligence, 569

Updated Prerequisite Components page, 138


security, 687690, 688689

software. See software updates

Updates option, 760

Upgrade Assessment report, 592


administrative console, 86

clients, 270271, 270

Configuration Manager console, 100101

distribution points, 9398, 9495, 97

secondary sites, 98, 98

uploading management certificates, 222, 222

UPN suffixes for Windows Intune, 728729, 729730

Use Default Distribution Point Groups Associated To This Collection option, 334335

Use Wake-On-LAN to Wake up Clients for Required Deployment option, 429

UsePKICert property, 248, 261

User And Device Affinity settings, 232, 306, 306

User Categories option, 321

user-centric focus for distribution points, 295

user configuration for mobile devices, 722728, 723727

user data, 650654, 651654

User Data and Profiles Health report, 593

User-defined state in Asset Intelligence, 568

User Device Affinity

application deployment, 355358, 356358

configuring, 500503, 500503

operating system deployment, 459

report, 593

User Device Affinity Usage Threshold (Days) setting, 502

User Device Affinity Usage Threshold (Minutes) setting, 502

User Documentation option, 321

User-Driven Installation scenario, 510

User Experience settings

application deployment, 328331, 329

Deploy Software Updates Wizard, 430, 431

Deploy Software Wizard, 337338, 337

deployment templates, 371

software updates, 389

task sequence deployment, 489

visual experience, 431

user facing packages, 103

user state migration data, backing up, 800

User State task category, 458

User To Accept Untrusted TLS Certificates option, 760

User To Access Control option, 760


administrative, 785, 786, 789790

discovery, 52, 240

report, 593

state management, 524, 524


Validated state in Asset Intelligence, 568


Asset Intelligence states, 568569

configuration baseline rules, 644646, 645

configuration items, 634638, 635, 637638

content, 43, 44

databases, 153, 154

file systems, 150, 151

groups, 151152, 152

registry, 148149, 149150

services, 153, 154

WMI, 153, 153

validator points, 184185

vendor updates, 395


client installation, 265266, 265

site servers, 147153, 148

database validation, 153, 154

file system validation, 150, 151

group validation, 151152, 152

Registry validation, 148149, 149150

services validation, 153, 154

WMI validation, 153, 153

version setting for software metering rules, 557

Video Chat Client option, 746


inventory information, 535536, 535

software inventory, 545546, 546, 549550

Virtual Application Name setting, 718

virtual application package migration, 75

Virtual Applications report, 593

virtual environments migration, 75

Virtual Environments That Contain This Application option, 344

virtual hard drives, 516517

creating, 518519, 518519

managing, 519522, 520522

task sequences, 517518

Virus Protection option, 760

Virus Protection Signatures Are Up To Date option, 760

Voice Assistant option, 746

Voice Assistant While Locked option, 746

Voice Dialing option, 746

Voice Roaming option, 756

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), 797798

VPN profiles, 660663, 661664


Wake on LAN feature

description, 16

report, 593

Wakeup Spy tool, 859, 860

WCM.log file, 208, 257

web applications, 355

web reports for status messages, 840841

Web Site Name setting, 716

Website Name/Port Number setting, 717718

When Any Software Update Deployment Deadline Is Reached setting, 398

Whether Or Not A User Is Logged On option, 329

Wi-Fi profiles

configuring, 665667, 665668

mobile devices, 767, 768

wildcards in Compliance Settings, 634

Windows Azure Active Directory, 730731, 730

Windows Azure cloud services. See cloud integration

Windows Azure Management Portal, 222, 225

Windows Firewall policies, 685686, 686

Windows Intune, 47, 728

connector, 731737, 732737

mobile device enrolling, 737741, 738, 740742

prerequisites, 728730, 729730

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), 153, 153, 379

Windows operating system

client support, 232234

event log settings, 565566

mobile device management, 703704

Windows 7 support, 2627

Windows 8

application deployment, 350352, 351

support for, 27

Windows Intune, 734735, 740741, 741

Windows Vista support, 26

Windows XP support, 26

Windows Phone devices, 735

Windows RT VPN Profile option, 754

Windows Server 2003 operating system support, 2728

Windows Server 2008 operating system support, 28

Windows Server 2012 operating system support, 2829

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), 15, 363

central administration sites, 134

console, 402

database backups, 800

description, 366

installing, 398401

ports, 411, 412

reporting events, 385

software update points, 381383

Synchronization Manager, 376377

Windows Server Work page, 760, 760

Windows To Go, 504

creator packages, 506507, 507

running, 509510, 509

task sequences

BitLocker, 507508, 508

prestaged media for, 504506, 504506

Windows Update Agent (WUA)

compliance, 376377

event messages, 385

software updates, 393

WinPE Creator Wizard, 117118, 118

wipe-and-load migration, 100

wipe for mobile devices, 769771, 770771

Wireless Communications page, 757758, 757

Wireless Network Connection window, 757, 758

Wireless Network Connections option, 713

Wizard Completed screen

captured image, 483

distribution points, 467

task sequences, 477

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 153, 153, 379

Work Information setting, 392

workspaces in Windows To Go, 509, 509

workstations as distribution points, 293

Write Filter Handling For Windows Embedded Devices option, 432

WSUS. See Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)

WSUSCtrl.log file, 208

wsusutil.exe utility, 76, 419

WSYNCMGR.log file, 208

wtgcreator.exe command, 506

WUA (Windows Update Agent)

compliance, 376377

event messages, 385

software updates, 393

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