Chapter 17

Group Recruiting: Holding Opportunity Events

In This Chapter

arrow Knowing best practices for different types of opportunity events

arrow Recruiting in a group

arrow Staging and planning events

Group recruiting requires a different approach than one-on-one recruiting does, but the great news is that it can be exponentially more effective. Group recruiting is when you share your company’s products, profits, and programs with a group of people. Here’s the exciting part: The group of people don’t have to be, and actually would rarely be, all your own prospects.

You can do group recruiting at any number of different events, for your entire team to bring guests to. This means that your newest team members — those who are the most excited, the most scared, and the least knowledgeable — can bring their prospects to the event and leave with a new team member (see Chapter 16 for much more on working with new team members).

As a direct selling leader, you’ll hold various kinds of events: team meetings, product launches, host-appreciation events, and take-a-looks (just to name a few). The next section talks more about these.

tip Encourage team members to bring a guest with them to every opportunity event, and you’ll start to see your downline team growing exponentially.

One thing I discovered when I ran my team was that if I planned an “opportunity night,” then team members who didn’t have anyone to bring simply didn’t show up. But when I included the opportunity in our regularly scheduled meetings and encouraged team members to bring a guest, we had a more exciting evening. Representatives felt confident enough to bring their leads to a meeting, and people who didn’t have any leads still felt comfortable coming and participating. This meant more bodies in the room and a lot more energy. As a leader, you want your team to come to your events feeling confident about recruiting because they know that you are there to help.

Independent representatives often have a fear of recruiting when they start their businesses. They say things like, “I don’t know enough yet,” and, “I haven’t read through the entire compensation plan, nor do I understand it enough to answer questions,” and, “I’m still so new, I can’t be a leader.”

It’s your job as a leader to make sure your new reps understand that you’re there to help them every step of the way. Your new team members will feel more secure in attending opportunity events if they know that for the most part you will be doing the recruiting for them. That is, you will be doing the recruiting talk, discussing the company, and answering any questions. Remind your reps that you will continue to be with them and their new recruits every step of the way until they feel more confident in their abilities.

remember Creating this kind of encouraging space for your reps helps create momentum for your entire team.

Looking at the Best Types of Opportunity Events

The best types of events are where enthusiasm and excitement are built through recognizing achievements, sharing tips on how to succeed in direct sales, reinforcing individual goals and vision, and talking about the amazing benefits of this opportunity.

There are several types of opportunity events that you can hold:

  • Take-a-look: These types of events can be done weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly in your home. Take-a-looks are evenings when representatives on your team can come with their potential leads to learn more about the opportunity. Take-a-looks are casual events, often held right after work. You will have a kit set up and serve light food such as pizza or vegetables and dip, cheese and crackers, salad, and so on.

    The first part of the take-a-look is the meet and greet, where people mingle and get to know each other. After they have eaten and networked, you go over the kit, talk about what direct selling means, and share the benefits of your company’s business opportunity.

    If you have a team spread across the country, you can also do this on the phone using a conference line. The main objective is to create a casual atmosphere where your team can bring their leads to learn more about starting a business of their own.

  • Team meeting: Depending on your company culture, this may be a weekly or monthly gathering. I always encouraged everyone to bring along potential recruits. The reps would get to stand and introduce their guests, which served as recognition. Having guests at team meetings is a great way for them to see a variety of different representatives that they can relate to, see a meeting in action, and envision what it would be like to be a part of your organization.
  • Host-appreciation events: These are most exciting when you make them team-wide events, inviting anyone who hosted a party for any member of your team. On the invitation and promotions, be sure to mention that there will be prizes for the top sales, best-attended party, and any other category appropriate to your company. Hosts are always your best recruiting candidates, and a room full of them is super exciting. You can use the time to honor the hosts by saying something like this:

    “Thank you all so much for supporting our representatives. We certainly do value and appreciate you. Many of us started out as hosts just like you.” Then go on with your regular opportunity talk.

  • Service seminars: These are great to invite the general public to. They can be more than just events for team members who didn’t attend the annual conference. These events can be set up as seminars where you discuss things like the latest fashion trends, how to perfect your spring cleaning, eat healthier, become a label detective, and so on. Have team members invite guests, because the value added by the information creates an exciting atmosphere for ending the presentation with a recruiting talk. This causes people to become interested in learning more about the business, and you can continue with a recruiting talk.
  • Product launches: These events show off your new products. Depending on the company, there may be a couple opportunities for these, such as when your company launches a new catalog or additional seasonal products. These can be a lot of fun. Invite your past hosts and guests to preview the new products. Product launches are perfect opportunities to get new bookings, as well as turn those hosts and guests into new recruits.

Recruiting at Events

Once you establish that you will be giving recruiting talks at all your events, you’ll discover that team members are likely to bring recruiting leads. Your talks boost their confidence. And because you’re recruiting to help your team members succeed, you’ll find that you become more confident when delivering your recruiting talk as well.

This dynamic lends itself to great recruiting results. I remember how I felt when I heard team members telling each other, “If you bring them, she’ll get them to join!” It really was one of the highlights of my week.

remember Don’t be concerned that these recruits won’t be your “personal” or “frontline” recruits. They will help your team members, and ultimately you, build a very solid and successful business.

Explaining the business model

No matter what type of opportunity event you choose to hold, I always like to start the recruiting portion of my meeting with a brief description of the direct selling business model. Although most people would say they know what direct selling is, most don’t understand how it actually works. I remember once, when I had been a representative of a company for many years and had built a very large and profitable sales organization, a friend asked my mother, “Hasn’t she collected all the product she wants yet?” She didn’t realize that I was making a substantial income on every sale I made — she thought I was being compensated with product alone.

So, take time to briefly explain what direct sales is. You can say something like this:

  • “No matter what stage of life you’re in, being in direct sales can offer you many opportunities. Whether you need some extra spending money, want to stay at home with young children, or are looking to take a well-deserved vacation, a business in direct sales can give you the income every month to help you achieve the things you want most.
  • “Whatever your why is, this business can fit in many different areas of your life. It has provided me a wonderful journey and source of income throughout the different stages of mine.”

This is a great time to ask, “How many of you have ever dreamed of owning your own business?” According to studies I have conducted over the years, approximately 80 percent of people dream of owning their own business. But fewer than one out of ten ever takes that chance.

You can then explain to the group that the reason people don’t take this chance is usually two-fold: The first reason is the risk factor — risk of money and risk of time. Starting a business such as a restaurant, bakery, florist, or a gift boutique could require as much as a few hundred thousand dollars in startup costs, and you may expect very little income for the first few years. It also requires a substantial investment of time — you can go weeks without spending time with your family.

The second reason is that even though you may be passionate or good at baking or designing floral arrangements, that doesn’t mean you know how to run a business, or that you necessarily want the responsibilities involved. You may not want to deal with bookkeeping, hiring and firing, inventory, shipping, operations, and so on.

You then contrast that kind of thing with direct sales. You can say something like this:

  • “Direct sales is a wonderful way to try your hand at owning your own business with very low start-up costs. There is no risk involved. To join this company, for example, you just need $___ to purchase your business starter kit, and you’ll get about $___ worth of products and business aids to start your business immediately.
  • “The average party with us results in about $___ to $___ in sales, which will earn you on average $___ to $___. You’ll easily pay back the cost of your kit within your first two parties. However, if you decide the business isn’t for you, you haven’t really lost anything. You’ll have earned some income and if nothing else, you can continue to enjoy your own purchases at a discounted price. But you may discover that you love it, and this could be the beginning of a whole new, exciting journey.
  • “Now the other thing that holds people back from starting their own business is having to wear all the hats. With direct selling, you get to focus on sharing your love for these great products. You don’t have to worry about selections, warehouses, inventory, bookkeeping, merchant accounts, and so on. The company handles all that for you, and even provides you with your own personal website. So, you get to enjoy all the benefits of being an independent business owner, without all the risk and all of the responsibility that usually comes with it. You just get to do the fun part of the business: sharing the love of the product.”

Emphasizing the five needs direct sales fulfills

Next you should address the five needs and desires that direct selling meets:

  • Financial freedom or income: You can make extra income or you can make a very nice full-time income. You can create and choose what you want depending on how many hours you have to put into it. A lot of people do direct sales as a fun hobby, sharing the products with friends and family for some extra spending money. Others do one or two parties a week for a part-time income. And then some work on average at least two parties per week and start to build a team to make a very nice full-time income.

    remember The amazing thing about direct sales is that you generate the income you deserve. You are in charge of your own business and get from it exactly what you put into it. You determine when you’re open for business and how much money you want to make.

  • Flexibility of time: Your direct sales business can work around your existing priorities and responsibilities. You can work your business at 2 p.m. or 2 a.m. — it’s completely up to you. College students can schedule parties around major exams and classes. Moms can remain at home with their children and choose to work when they want to. Those with a full-time job can schedule their business around family and work commitments.
  • Friendships: Another major benefit you get from starting a direct sales business are the friendships you create with other reps. With your business, you’ll network and make connections with like-minded people who all share the same passion as you. Your team members will become some of your best friends as well as your biggest motivators and cheerleaders. Annual conference/convention is an amazing time to get to meet more people within your company and establish those connections.
  • Recognition: Representatives are constantly rewarded by their companies with great gifts, ranging from small rewards to incentive trips that amount to fully paid vacations. Many 9–5 jobs rarely provide the recognition people deserve for their hard work, or the appreciation. Direct sales not only gives you an income you deserve and a schedule you want, it celebrates all of your achievements. And the friendships you make along the way also join in on these celebrations.
  • Self-esteem and personal growth: Although very few people actually join for this reason, I rarely see anyone who doesn’t experience an increase in their confidence and self-esteem through the new skill sets they learn, the recognition they receive, and the meaningful connections that they make.

Sharing the three Ps: Products, programs, and profits

There are three main things to talk about when doing group recruiting: products, programs, and profits.


Who is the product marketable to and how marketable is it? Talk about whether there are any age barriers to your product or gender barriers. When representing a consumable product, you should emphasize that a representative can build her client base and continue to serve it. Personally, I love the compound effect of continuing to get new customers while servicing existing ones.


Tell the group what types of programs the company has to support you in your direct selling business. These include the Fast Start program your company probably offers, the training programs, the host program, and any regular incentive programs that occur. Other programs your company may offer include merchant accounts provided on your website that take credit cards, newsletters for you and your customers, and professional fundraising programs that allow you to simply facilitate the program and earn the commission.


Finally, you talk about money. I suggest being forthright. You can also inject a little bit of humor into a subject many people find uncomfortable. I would usually say something like this:

  • “So, now you’re saying to yourself, ‘Okay, it sounds like you’ve got a great product and you’ve got great programs, but how much money can I really make?’”
  • “The answer is that you can make a lot of money or you can make a little bit of money, depending on how much time and effort you’re willing to give. You can make the amount of money you want!
  • “Our reps start out making __ percent on sales, which will typically earn you about $___ to $___ for an average party. Many of our representatives have $800 parties or $1,000 parties and end up walking away with $___ for themselves. Our best party last month generated about $____ in sales. Just imagine what you can make for just a few hours of fun with a group of friends. So, just on the basis of selling, you certainly can make a very good income.
  • “Then you can start to share this amazing business with your friends and I highly recommend that you do so, because it is so much more fun to have a friend along. As those people join, you make additional income. We have new leaders that are making an extra $___ in a month, just from sharing the business opportunity. And that can be you in no time.
  • “So, that is just a little bit about the product, the programs, and the profits. I know this was a lot of information presented very quickly. Now I want you to ask yourself, ‘What do I have to lose?’
  • “And you know what, the answer is: really not much. The business starter kit costs $___, and you should earn that back within a couple of parties. You literally get to give something a try, and if it’s not for you, you can simply walk away without a lot of loss. The real question is what do you have to gain? The answer is everything — a world of possibilities. The opportunity to make great friends, to present a product you already like, to call something your own, and to make an income that you never dreamed was really possible. So, the possibilities are actually limitless.”

Encouraging them to make a decision

At this point, it’s effective to have them make a decision. I offer three choices on a small card that I placed on their seats before the event started:

  1. I’m interested in purchasing products.
  2. I’d like to host a party and receive the products free.
  3. I’d like to represent the products and start earning an income.

The card also has a space for their contact information, as well as the name of the person who invited them. Once they fill them out, I ask them to put them in one of three baskets that correlate to the number they circled on the card.

The basket method was very effective for me. I recommend it because it heightens excitement when you do a drawing for gifts for the three baskets. Make the gift for basket 2 worth more than basket 1, and basket 3’s worth more than basket 2’s. Do a drawing from baskets 1 and 2. Then, using the cards from basket 3 (starting a business), welcome each new team member up to the front of the room. You will welcome each one of the people to your company. From those, you can do a drawing from the third basket. This is great recognition for them and affirms that they are going to be starting their new business.

Planning and Staging Events

Events are part of creating excitement and motivation for a direct selling team. They don’t have to be expensive, but they do need to be well thought out. Follow this checklist to execute the perfect opportunity event:

  • Pick a location and facility to host the event in a central location for you, your team, and your attendees. It could be a banquet hall, hotel, restaurant, coffee shop, or even your home, depending on your budget and size of attendees.
  • You and your team should invite all past leads with an invitation, an email, and a phone call. Send invitations at least two weeks before the event and invite more guests as you meet them and get closer to the date.
  • Always ask for an RSVP and reconfirm the day before the event with a reminder call, email, or text.
  • Promote your opportunity event at all your other events, including home parties, online parties, and one-on-one appointments.
  • Keep a master RSVP list so you know how many guests to plan for.
  • Have each recruiter confirm their leads’ attendance with you one to two days prior to the event.
  • Have a check-in table with a master list of attendees. You can assign someone on your team to help with this.
  • Have a sign-in sheet that asks for name, contact information, and name of person who invited them. Use this as a follow-up sheet.
  • Have them fill out a customer information slip in exchange for a chance at a door prize. The survey should include space for their name, contact information, and what their interests are (purchasing product, hosting a party, or starting a business).
  • Have recruiting packets, host packets, catalogs, and any other promotional material ready to pass on to interested attendees.
  • Have a business starter kit on display. You should also have an additional kit of all the products or if you are doing a product launch, have a section featuring the newest products.
  • Offer light refreshments like cookies, water, coffee, fruit, and so on.
  • Create an agenda. Go over the industry, products, profits, and programs, and so on.
  • Present testimonials. Select some members from your team to give short one- or two-minute presentations about their success with the business. Try to have three of these planned — one from every walk of the business. Someone new, a stay-at-home mom, someone who does the business as a full-time career, a working woman, and so on. Additional testimonials could be a host who had an outstanding party and wants to share how great of an experience it was.
  • Ask each leader who is participating in the event to bring a product for the door prizes. Confirm these ahead of time.
  • Sell raffle tickets for door prizes donated by the leaders. This will help you cover the expenses you incurred for the meeting. (Be sure to check for municipal gambling regulations. You can typically find this information online.)
  • Assign and delegate tasks to your team such as meet and greet, registration, people to set up displays, tear down, and so on.
  • Make a list of materials that you may need. Assign volunteers to help collect these items: name tags, pens, music, starter kit, prizes, host packets, recruiting packets, catalogs, and so on.

You’re not going to use all these methods every time. For smaller events, you may take a different approach than your larger events. Assess the size of your venue, the size of your team, and how many guests will be attending.

When you create a venue for people to bring their guests so that they can learn more about the business opportunity, you can start signing team members for the entire organization, helping people achieve their promotions week after week.

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