Chapter 19

Ten Tips for Using Office 2016

Microsoft Office is famous for burying tons of useful features that most people never know about, so this chapter is about exposing some of Office 2016’s features so you can take advantage of them and make Office 2016 more convenient (and safer) for you to use.

Saving Office 2016 Files

Most people dump their documents inside a folder in the Documents folder. Store too many documents in this folder, however, and you’ll find it’s nearly impossible to find anything. To make retrieving files easier, it’s a good idea to store different data in its own folders, such as storing tax-related information in a special Tax Returns folder or invoices in a special 2017 Invoices folder.

Left to its own devices, of course, Office 2016 will cheerfully save all your files in the Documents folder, so you’ll need to tell Office 2016 where you want it to save files.

In addition to defining a default folder to store files, you can also define a default file format for your Office 2016 programs. This can be especially useful if you need to share files with others, such as people still stuck using an older version of Microsoft Office (97/2000/XP/2003).

Finally, to protect your data (as much as possible) from inevitable computer crashes and hard drive failures, Office 2016 programs include a special AutoRecover feature, which saves a temporary copy of your file at fixed intervals, such as every ten minutes. That way, if the power goes out, you lose only those changes you made in the last ten minutes and not all your changes.

remember Access doesn’t offer an AutoRecover feature because it automatically saves any changes to your data anyway.

To customize the location, format, and AutoRecover feature of an Office 2016 program, follow these steps:

  1. Load the Office 2016 program you want to customize (such as Word or PowerPoint).
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Click Options.

    An Options dialog box appears.

  4. Click Save in the left pane.

    The Options dialog box displays various Save options, as shown in Figure 19-1.

  5. (Optional) Click in the Save Files in This Format list box and choose a file format, such as the 97–2003 format, to save files that are compatible with previous versions of Office.
  6. (Optional) Click in the Default local file location text box and type the drive and folder that you want to define as your default folder. (Or click the Browse button and then choose a folder.)
  7. (Optional) Select the Save AutoRecover information every check box, click in the Minutes text box, and type a value or click the up/down arrows to define a value, such as 7 minutes.
  8. Click OK.

FIGURE 19-1: The Options dialog box lets you define default settings to save a file.

Password-Protecting Your Files

To prevent prying eyes from peeking at your Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files, you can password-protect them. That way, if someone wants to open, view, or edit your files, she must use your password. If someone doesn’t know your password, she won’t be able to view — let alone edit — your files.

warning You (or anyone) can buy programs off the Internet that can crack an Office 2016 password-protected file. For real security, don’t rely on Office 2016’s password-protection feature.

To password-protect a file, follow these steps:

  1. Load Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Choose Save As.

    The Save As window appears.

  4. Click the Browse button.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  5. Click the Tools button.

    A pull-down menu appears, as shown in Figure 19-2.

  6. Choose General Options.

    The General Options dialog box appears.

  7. (Optional) Click in the Password to Open text box and type a password.

    Another dialog box appears and asks you to confirm the password by typing it again.

  8. Type the password again and then click OK.
  9. (Optional) Click in the Password to Modify text box and type a password.

    This password can be different from the password you typed in Step 6. Another dialog box appears and asks you to confirm the password by typing it again.

  10. Type the password again and then click OK.
  11. Click Save.

FIGURE 19-2: The Tools button appears in the bottom-right corner of the Save As dialog box.

remember You can create a password or remove passwords altogether by repeating the preceding steps and retyping a new password or deleting the password completely.

Guarding Against Macro Viruses

Macro viruses are malicious programs designed to attach themselves to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. When an unsuspecting victim opens an infected file, the virus can spread and do something nasty, such as deleting your files or deleting the entire contents of your hard drive.

To stop these pests from wrecking your files, get an antivirus program, avoid downloading or accepting any files from unknown people, and turn on Office 2016’s built-in macro-protection feature, which can disable macros or restrict what macro viruses and worms can do even if they infect your computer.

To turn on macro protection, follow these steps:

  1. Load Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Click Options.

    The Options dialog box appears.

  4. Click Trust Center.

    The Trust Center options appear in the right pane.

  5. Click the Trust Center Settings button.

    The Trust Center dialog box appears.

  6. Click the Macro Settings options displayed, as shown in Figure 19-3.
  7. Select one of the following radio buttons:
    • Disable all macros without notification: The safest but most restrictive setting, this prevents any macros (valid or viruses) from running when you open the file.
    • Disable all macros with notification: This is the default setting; it displays a dialog box that lets you turn on macros if you trust that the file isn’t infected.
    • Disable all macros except digitally signed macros: Blocks all macros except for the ones “authenticated” (previously defined as “trusted”) by the user.
    • Enable all macros: This setting runs all macros, which is the most dangerous setting.
  8. Click OK until you return to the Save As dialog box.
  9. Click Save.

FIGURE 19-3: The Trust Center dialog box.

Customize the Ribbon

Some people love the Ribbon interface of Office 2016, while others only tolerate it. No matter what your feelings toward the Ribbon interface may be, you can customize which icons appear on it so it only displays those features you need (and use) most often.

To customize the Ribbon interface, follow these steps:

  1. Load an Office 2016 program, such as Word or Excel.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Click Options.

    The Options dialog box appears.

  4. Click Customize Ribbon in the left pane.

    The Options dialog box displays two columns. The left column displays all additional commands you can place on the Ribbon, while the right column lists all currently displayed tabs and commands, as shown in Figure 19-4.

  5. (Optional) Clear a check box in the right column to hide an entire tab from view.

    Hiding tabs can be handy when you never use a particular group of commands and you want to simplify the Ribbon interface.

  6. (Optional) Click the New Tab button to create a new tab. Then you can click a command in the left column and click the Add button to place commands on a new tab of your own design.
  7. (Optional) Click the Reset button.

    The Reset button lets you restore the default settings of a single tab or the entire Ribbon. Use this feature to make your copy of Office 2016 look like everyone else’s.

  8. Click OK.

FIGURE 19-4: You can customize which tabs and commands appear on the Ribbon.

remember Customizing the Ribbon can make your copy of Office 2016 work exactly the way you want. However, if other people need to use your copy of Office 2016 (or if you need to use someone else’s copy of Office 2016), you may find that using different Ribbon interfaces can get confusing.

Send Feedback to Microsoft

If you find something useful (or useless) in Office 2016, you can send feedback directly to Microsoft. If enough people like (or complain) about the same item, hopefully Microsoft will modify future versions of Office to make the program easier to use.

To send a compliment (smile) or a complaint (frown) to Microsoft, follow these steps:

  1. Load an Office 2016 program, such as Word or Excel.
  2. Click the smiley face icon on the far right.

    A pull-down menu appears, letting you choose between sending a smile or a frown, as shown in Figure 19-5.

  3. Click either Send a Smile or Send a Frown.

    A Microsoft Office Feedback window appears, as shown in Figure 19-6.

  4. Click in the top text box, then type a message explaining your compliment or complaint.
  5. Select or clear the Include screenshot check box.
  6. Select or clear the Include email address check box.

    If you select the Include email address check box, you can type an email address so someone from Microsoft can get back to you.

  7. Click the Send a Smile (or Send a Frown) button to send Microsoft your feedback.

FIGURE 19-5: You can send a compliment or a complaint to Microsoft.


FIGURE 19-6: The Microsoft Office Feedback window lets you send text and a screenshot of the current Office program you’re using.

When in Doubt, Right-Click the Mouse

As a shortcut to giving commands to Office 2016, remember this simple guideline: First select, and then right-click.

So if you want to change text or a picture, first select it to tell Office 2016 what you want to modify. Then right-click the mouse to display a pop-up menu of the commands. These pop-up menus display a list of only relevant commands for the item you just selected.

Freezing Row and Column Headings in Excel

One problem with creating large spreadsheets in Excel is that your identifying row and column headings may scroll out of sight if you scroll down or to the right of your worksheet.

To prevent this from happening, you can “freeze” a row or column that contains identifying labels. That way, when you scroll through your worksheet, your frozen row or column always remains visible.

To freeze a row or column in an Excel worksheet, follow these steps:

  1. Click the View tab.
  2. Click the Freeze Panes icon in the Window group.
  3. Click one of the following:
    • Freeze Panes: Divides a worksheet into multiple panes
    • Freeze Top Row: Always displays the top row, no matter how far down you scroll
    • Freeze First Column: Always displays the first column, no matter how far to the right you scroll

remember To unfreeze a row or column, repeat Steps 1 through 3 but click Unfreeze Panes in Step 2.

Displaying Slides Out of Order in PowerPoint

When you display a PowerPoint presentation, your slides typically appear in the order that you arranged them, starting with the first slide. If you want to display your slides in a different order in the middle of a presentation, follow these steps:

  1. Load your presentation in PowerPoint and press F5.

    The first slide of your presentation appears.

  2. Type the number of the slide you want to view and press Enter.

    If you want to jump to the fifth slide in your presentation, type 5 and press Enter. If you jump to the fifth slide, clicking the mouse or pressing the spacebar next displays the sixth slide, and then the seventh, and so on.

tip Print a list of your slide titles and slide numbers on a sheet of paper so that you know which slide number to type to view a particular slide.

Reduce Spam in Outlook

If you have an email account, you will get spam, that unwanted email that clogs millions of inboxes every day with obnoxious offers for mortgage refinancing, low-cost prescription drugs, or celebrity pornography. Unless you actually enjoy deleting these messages manually, you can use Outlook to filter your email for you.

Setting up Outlook’s junk email filter

Outlook can move suspected spam to a special junk email folder automatically. Because Outlook looks for keywords in spam, be aware that it will never be 100-percent effective in identifying spam, but it can identify the more blatant spam and save you the time and effort of deleting the messages yourself.

To define Outlook’s spam filter, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Home tab.
  2. Click the Junk icon in the Delete group.

    A menu appears, as shown in Figure 19-7.

  3. Click Junk Email Options.

    The Junk Email Options dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 19-8.

  4. Select one of the following radio buttons:
    • No Automatic Filtering: Turns off the Outlook spam filter.
    • Low: Identifies and moves most obvious spam to the Junk Email folder.
    • High: Identifies and moves nearly all spam into the Junk Email folder along with some regular email messages, too, so check the Junk Email folder periodically to look for valid messages.
    • Safe Lists Only: Identifies and moves email messages into the Junk Email folder, except for those messages sent from addresses listed in your Safe Senders List or Safe Recipients List.
  5. Click OK.

    The Options dialog box appears again.

  6. Click OK.

FIGURE 19-7: The Junk menu.


FIGURE 19-8: The Junk Email Options dialog box lets you define how aggressively you want Outlook’s spam filter to work.

Creating a Safe Senders list

A Safe Senders list lets you define all the email addresses you want to accept messages from, and Outlook routes all email from other email addresses directly to your Junk Email folder.

The advantage of a Safe Senders list is that it guarantees you will never receive spam. On the downside, though, it also guarantees that if someone tries to contact you whose email address doesn’t appear on your Safe Senders list, you will never get that valid message, either.

To create a Safe Senders list, follow Steps 1 through 4 in the preceding section, “Setting up Outlook’s junk email filter,” to display the Junk Email Options dialog box. Then follow these steps:

  1. In the Junk Email Options dialog box (refer to Figure 19-8), click the Safe Senders tab.

    The Safe Senders tab of the Junk Email Options dialog box appears.

  2. (Optional) Select (or clear) the Also trust email from my Contacts check box.

    Selecting this check box tells Outlook that if you store someone’s email address in your Contacts list, you will also accept email from that person.

  3. (Optional) Select (or clear) the Automatically add people I email to the Safe Senders List check box.

    This tells Outlook that if you send email to someone, you’ll accept his or her messages in return.

  4. (Optional) Click the Add button.

    The Add Address or Domain dialog box appears.

  5. Type a complete email address. (Or type a domain name — for example, if you trust everyone from to send you valid email, type in this dialog box.)
  6. Click OK.
  7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 for each additional email address or domain you want to add.
  8. Click OK until all the dialog boxes disappear.

remember If you click the Safe Recipients tab, you can repeat these steps to define another list of email addresses that you’ll accept as valid.

Creating a Blocked Senders list

If a particular email address persists in sending you spam, you can choose to selectively block that single email address or domain. To create a Blocked Senders list, follow Steps 1 through 4 in the earlier section, “Setting up Outlook’s junk email filter,” to display the Junk Email Options dialog box. Then follow these steps:

  1. In the Junk Email Options dialog box (refer to Figure 19-8), click the Blocked Senders tab.

    The Blocked Senders tab of the Junk Email Options dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Add Address or Domain dialog box appears.

  3. Type an email address or domain name and then click OK.

    The Options dialog box appears again.

  4. Click OK until all the dialog boxes disappear.

Using Office 365 and Office on Android and iOS

Office 2016 gobbles up a huge chunk of hard-drive space and bombards you with waves of features that you’ll probably never need (or use) in a million years. In case you want to use Microsoft Office but don’t want to pay its hefty upfront cost, you might like Office 365 instead.

Office 365 provides versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint that you can access over the Internet. As long as you have an Internet connection and a browser, you can use Office 365 to create, edit, and share files with others.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of Office 365 is that multiple people can collaborate on a single document from anywhere in the world. Instead of swapping files back and forth (and risk losing track which file may be the latest one), Office 365 lets you store a single copy of your document online for everyone to access.

Of course, the biggest drawback of Office 365 is that you need an Internet connection to use it. However, as Internet access becomes cheaper and more accessible, this disadvantage shouldn’t be a problem for most people.

Even better, anyone with a browser can use Office 365, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux users. Office 365 is basically Microsoft’s answer to Google Docs, so if the idea of using a word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation program over the Internet appeals to you, then give Office 365 a try.

In case you don’t like the idea of accessing Office 2016 through the Internet, grab a tablet running Android or iOS. By using Office for Android or iOS, you can create and edit Office files when you’re away from your computer.

Now you can still be productive with your favorite Microsoft Office programs without lugging around a heavy and bulky laptop computer running the full version of Windows 10.

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