Putting the SCALEit Method into Action

Now that you have finished reading Scale or Fail, it’s time to put the SCALEit Method into action so that you can benefit immediately. Here are five steps to implement now:

  1. Work as a team. Share this book with your team, so they can support you to implement the concepts and processes In the SCALEit Method. Decide as a team which aspect of the method you need to work on first (Strategic Vision, Cash Flow, Alliance of the Team, Leadership, or Execution). Focus on one area per quarter. Download your bonus tools at: www.ScaleorFail.com/bonus.
  2. Put your plans in place. Set your off-site quarterly and yearly planning meetings with your team. Use the tools discussed in this book to work through your challenges, plan solutions, and organize your execution and follow-through.
  3. Subscribe to my weekly program. Allie & You: The Business Success and Lifestyle Show at www.SubscribetoAllie.com.
  4. Follow me on Facebook. This can be found at: www .Facebook.com/allisonsfans.
  5. Get high-level support. Founders and CEOs who create tremendous success have coaches. They do not do it on their own. Working with a business mentor and participating in a mastermind group is the smartest move you can make for your company. Receiving this on-going direction and accountability will fast-track your success and remove the heartache and headache of running your company. Don’t do it alone. Go to: www.PinnacleGlobalNetwork.com to learn more. Or, call 888-844-3550 or email us at [email protected]. Speak to one of our Business Mentors to see how we can support you.
  6. Scaling your company is not an overnight process. It may take a few years to implement everything in this book – and even longer for the processes to become part of your company’s infrastructure and culture. Work each aspect of the SCALEit Method and mindset on a daily basis and you will see dramatic growth within your company. Enjoy the moments that make up your journey and have fun along the way!
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