
I feel truly blessed to be able to imprint my teachings, experiences, and insights on these pages and share them with those who are ready to make a big impact on this world. Bringing a vision into being is not a solo job. Thank goodness I learned early on that asking for help was a smart thing to do. So many loving people have supported me on the way.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to . . .

The love of my life – my husband, Mike Rees. Waiting for me while I sat in a room to write for hours and hours on end, day after day, was not easy. Thank you for being my true champion. I did it, Babe!

To my daughter, Gabriella. I love being your mom. You are such a bold and beautiful soul with smarts and wits abounding. Be willing to leap into the unknown. That is how you learn how to fly.

I love you, Mom. Thanks for always being there and believing in me. Your strength and perseverance inspire me every day. You’ve encouraged me to write since I was a little girl. See? I listened!

Thanks, Dad. I have a sense that you have already read these pages as I wrote them. I would not be doing this work if it had not been for you. You taught me that, if I wanted something, I needed to go create it – just as you have before me. Thank you for passing on your stubbornness, passion, and determination. I wear them well, and I miss you every day.

To my brother, Jeff, and my sister, Wendy. Thank you for always being there, no matter what. I love you both. Jeff – hopefully this will get translated into Spanish!

Thank you, Susan, for being my best friend and soul sister all these years through all the ups, downs, and in-betweens. Your resilience and wise way of looking at the world helps keep my head clear and my feet on the ground. Love you, tons!

To my dear friend, Lori Stephenson-Strickland. Thank you for sharing your wise soul. I love being on this journey with you.

Here’s to Colette Carlson for our endless happy hour talks that close the place down. You are such a gift in my life.

Thank you to my dear friend, Christine Rasmussen, for all of your love and support. You light up the world with your wisdom.

Thanks to my incredible Business Mentoring Team at Pinnacle Global Network. You are all lighting the world on fire with your big hearts and savvy business know-how. Thank you for being so committed to our clients and helping them grow, scale, and shine among the stars. We are in this together and I could not do this work without you. Thank you, Melissa Woods, for leading our team of CEOs so well. Our lives were definitely meant to be intertwined once again. Gina Ruby, Giles Fabris, Stewart Borie, Phil Black, Tammy Moore, and Chris Friend: You all rock – and that is a fact.

Thank you to Jennifer DeWitt, who is truly the greatest ninja of all time. You are such an incredible support to the team, our clients, and me, and you keep my brain on straight every single day. That is quite a feat in itself.

And Jared Salas, you have stayed the course with me all these years. Thank you for your endless creativity and dedication. You are the only person who worries more than me about the details of our events. I am so grateful.

Thank you, Robin Richter, for trusting me all these years! I so appreciate you.

Now, for my mentors and coaches . . .

Sid Wolf, you continue to inspire me from the heavens. I miss you tons.

Thank you to Markus Heon for being such a great coach and friend, and kicking my butt for 20 years in the gym and in my life.

Mark Leblanc, it’s all your fault, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there.

Thanks to Cameron Herold, for believing in me and helping me grow; Joe Stumpf, for your generosity and writing the idea about Pinnacle on that infamous napkin; Joe Polish, for being the genius that you are; Michael Bernoff for being my brother from another mother and such a support in this wild and wonderful business world.

Richie Gaona, thanks for helping me face my fears, teaching me to fly, and saving my life a million times; Tamara Ogden, thanks for bringing out my glow all these years with your uncanny make-up talent, and Keith Munyan for sharing your photography finesse with me.

My gratitude to Gary M. Krebs, editor extraordinaire: thank you for helping me turn my work into words that I hope will be read for years to come. I am so happy I found you.

Thank you to my literary agent, Bill Gladstone, who has believed in me for the past 10 years. I finally wrote it, my second literary baby. I so appreciate your vote of confidence and Scale or Fail has found a perfect home with John Wiley & Sons. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your enthusiastic and talented team.

To all of my incredible clients: it is an honor to be on this path with you. You blow me away with your courage. Thank you for your willingness to take the leap with me in the Pinnacle Global Network.

And, finally, to all of you who take the time to read these pages, may they lead you to your dreams so that you can get your greatest work out into the world.

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