Networking and Social Networking

Screen capture depicting Personal Hotspot page. Screen capture depicting Cellular page.

You can control which cellular and wireless networks your iPhone uses and enjoy social networking wherever you go.

Using Airplane Mode

Monitor Your Cellular Network Usage

Control Cellular Data and Background Refresh

Connect Your iPhone to a Different Carrier

Turn Data Roaming On or Off

Connect Bluetooth Devices to Your iPhone

Share Items via AirDrop

Share Internet Access via Personal Hotspot

Connect to Wi-Fi Networks and Hotspots

Set Up and Enjoy Social Networking

Using Airplane Mode

Normally, you will want to keep your iPhone connected to the cellular network so that you can make or receive phone calls and access the Internet. But when you do not need or may not use the cellular network, you can turn on the iPhone’s Airplane Mode feature to cut off all connections.

Turning on Airplane Mode turns off Wi-Fi as well, but you can turn Wi-Fi on and off separately when you need to.

Using Airplane Mode

Screen captures depicting Using Airplane Mode with 1 to 2 marked.

Num Swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen to open Control Center.

Note: You can open Control Center from within most apps. If an app blocks Control Center, first display the Home screen, and then open Control Center. If all apps block you opening Control Center, tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings.), tap Control Center (Icon depicting Control Center.), and then set the Access Within Apps switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.).

atoz You can tap Airplane Mode (Icon depicting Airplane Mode on. changes to Icon depicting Airplane Mode off.) to turn Airplane Mode on quickly.

Num Tap and hold the upper-left box.

Screen captures depicting Using Airplane Mode with 3 to 5 marked.

The pop-up panel opens.

Num Tap Airplane Mode (Icon depicting Airplane Mode on. changes to Icon depicting Airplane Mode off.).

Your iPhone turns off all cellular and wireless connections.

Num To turn on Wi-Fi, tap Wi-Fi (Icon depicting Wi-Fi off. changes to Icon depicting Wi-Fi on.).

Num Tap the screen above the pop-up panel.

The pop-up panel closes.

Num Tap the screen at the top of Control Center.

Control Center closes.

Note: When your iPhone has a wireless network connection, it uses that connection instead of the cellular connection. This helps keep down your cellular network usage and often gives a faster connection.

Monitor Your Cellular Network Usage

If you use your iPhone extensively, you may need to monitor your usage of the cellular network to avoid incurring extra charges beyond your data allowance. You can check your current data usage and roaming data usage in the Cellular Data Usage area of the Cellular screen in the Settings app. However, you should also see if your carrier provides an app for monitoring data usage, because such apps frequently offer extra features, such as warning you when your phone is using data quickly.

Monitor Your Cellular Network Usage

Screen captures depicting Monitoring Your Cellular Network Usage with 2 to 4 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Home screen.

Num Tap and hold Settings (Icon depicting Settings.) to open the pop-up panel.

The pop-up panel opens.

Num Tap Cellular Data (Icon depicting Cellular Data.) to display the Cellular screen.

Note: You can also display the Cellular screen by displaying the Home screen, tapping Settings (Icon depicting Settings.), and then tapping Cellular (Icon depicting Cellular.) on the Settings screen.

Num Set the Cellular Data switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to enable cellular data.

Screen captures depicting Monitoring Your Cellular Network Usage with A to D marked.

atoz The readouts in the Cellular Data Usage area show your cellular data usage since last resetting the statistics and how much roaming data you have used.

atoz The readouts in the Call Time area show the amount of time you have spent making calls since last resetting the statistics and during your phone’s lifetime.

atoz You can reset your usage statistics by tapping Reset Statistics at the bottom of the Cellular screen.

atoz You can set the Wi-Fi Assist switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to make your iPhone automatically use cellular data when the phone’s Wi-Fi connection is poor. This switch may be set to On (Icon depicting switch on.) by default. The readout shows the amount of cellular data used.

Control Cellular Data and Background Refresh

To control your iPhone’s use of cellular data, you can turn cellular data on and off, and you can specify which apps can use cellular data. You can determine which apps and services use the most data, and then turn off greedy apps.

You can also use the Background App Refresh feature to control which apps refresh their content via Wi-Fi or cellular connections when running in the background rather than the foreground.

Control Cellular Data and Background Refresh

Screen captures depicting Controlling Cellular Data and Background Refresh with 3 to 5 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Home screen.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings.) to display the Cellular screen.

Num Tap Cellular (Icon depicting Cellular.) to display the Cellular screen.

Note: Turning off cellular data does not affect cellular voice services: You can still make phone calls, and GPS tracking still works.

Num If you need to turn cellular data off altogether, set the Cellular Data switch to Off (Icon depicting switch on. changes to Icon depicting switch off.).

Num Tap Cellular Data Options.

Screen captures depicting Controlling Cellular Data and Background Refresh with 6 to 9 marked.

The Cellular Data Options screen appears.

Num Tap Voice & Data to display the Voice & Data screen.

Note: The options on the Voice & Data screen vary depending on your carrier and region.

Num Tap the button for the service or services you want to use. In the example, you might tap 4G, VoLTE On to enable 4G cellular with Voice over LTE.

Num Tap Back (Icon depicting Back.).

The Cellular Data Options screen appears again.

Num Tap Cellular (Icon depicting Back.).

Screen captures depicting Controlling Cellular Data and Background Refresh with 10 to 14 marked.

The Cellular screen appears again.

Num If cellular data is enabled, set each app’s switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) or Off (Icon depicting switch off.), as needed.

Num To see which system services have been using cellular data, tap System Services.

The System Services screen appears.

Num Browse the list to identify any services that hog cellular data.

Num Tap Cellular (Icon depicting Back.).

The Cellular screen appears.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Back.).

The Settings screen appears.

Num Tap General (Icon depicting General.).

Screen captures depicting Controlling Cellular Data and Background Refresh with 16 to 20 marked.

The General screen appears.

Num Tap Background App Refresh.

The Background App Refresh screen appears.

Num Tap Background App Refresh; tap Off, Wi-Fi, or Wi-Fi & Cellular Data, as needed; and then tap Background App Refresh (Icon depicting Back.).

Num Assuming you chose Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi and Cellular Data, set each individual app switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) or Off (Icon depicting switch off.), as needed.

Num Tap General (Icon depicting Back.).

The General screen appears.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Back.).

The Settings screen appears.

Connect Your iPhone to a Different Carrier

Your iPhone’s SIM card makes it connect automatically to a particular carrier’s network, such as the AT&T network or the Verizon network. If your iPhone is not locked to a particular carrier’s network, you can connect the iPhone to a different carrier’s network when you go outside the area your carrier covers. For example, if you travel to the United Kingdom, you can connect your iPhone to carriers such as O2, Vodafone, Three, or EE. You may need to change the iPhone’s SIM card to connect to another network.

Connect Your iPhone to a Different Carrier

Screen captures depicting Connecting Your iPhone to a Different Carrier with 3 to 4 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings.).

The Settings screen appears.

Num Tap Cellular (Icon depicting Personal Hotspot.).

The Cellular screen appears.

Num Tap Network Selection.

Note: To connect to a different carrier’s network, you may need to set up an account with that carrier or pay extra charges to your standard carrier. You may also need to insert a different SIM card in your iPhone.

Screen captures depicting Connecting Your iPhone to a Different Carrier with 5 to 6 marked.

The Network Selection screen appears.

Num Set the Automatic switch to Off (Icon depicting switch on. changes to Icon depicting switch off.).

The list of available carriers appears.

Num Tap the carrier you want to use.

Note: When you want to switch back to your regular carrier, set the Automatic switch on the Network Selection screen to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.).

Turn Data Roaming On or Off

When you need to use your iPhone somewhere your carrier does not provide Internet service, you can turn on data roaming, which enables you to access the Internet using other carriers’ networks. Data roaming may incur extra charges, especially when you use it in another country, so keep data roaming turned off and turn it on only when you need it. Normally, you will want to use data roaming only when no wireless network connection is available.

Turn Data Roaming On or Off

Screen captures depicting Turning Data Roaming On or Off with 2 to 3 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap and hold Settings (Icon depicting Settings.).

The pop-up panel opens.

Num Tap Cellular Data (Icon depicting Cellular Data.).

Screen captures depicting Turning Data Roaming On or Off with 4 to 5 marked.

The Cellular screen appears.

atoz You can also turn off cellular data altogether by setting the Cellular Data switch to Off (Icon depicting switch off.). Do this when you need to ensure that all apps use Wi-Fi rather than cellular connections.

Num Tap Cellular Data Options.

The Cellular Data Options screen appears.

Num Set the Data Roaming switch to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.).

Note: When you need to turn data roaming off again, set the Data Roaming switch on the Cellular Data Options screen to Off (Icon depicting switch on. changes to Icon depicting switch off.).

Connect Bluetooth Devices to Your iPhone

To extend your iPhone’s functionality, you can connect devices to it that communicate using the wireless Bluetooth technology.

For example, you can connect a Bluetooth headset and microphone so that you can listen to music and make and take phone calls. Or you can connect a Bluetooth keyboard so that you can quickly type e-mail messages, notes, or documents. You can also connect your iPhone to another phone, to a tablet, to many cars’ infotainment unit, or to a computer via Bluetooth.

Connect Bluetooth Devices to Your iPhone

Screen captures depicting Connecting Bluetooth Devices to Your iPhone with 2 to 6 marked.

Set Up a Bluetooth Device

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap and hold Settings (Icon depicting Settings.).

The pop-up panel opens.

Num Tap Bluetooth (Icon depicting Bluetooth.).

The Bluetooth screen appears.

Num Set the Bluetooth switch to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.).

Num Turn on the Bluetooth device and make it discoverable.

Note: Read the Bluetooth device’s instructions to find out how to make the device discoverable via Bluetooth.

atoz Devices in the My Devices list are already paired with your iPhone. You can tap a device to connect it.

Num Tap the device’s button.

Screen captures depicting Connecting Bluetooth Devices to Your iPhone with B to C marked.

atoz For a device such as a keyboard or a computer, the Bluetooth Pairing Request dialog opens.

Num Type the pairing code on the device.

The iPhone pairs with the device and then connects to it.

atoz The My Devices list shows the device as Connected. You can start using the device.

Screen captures depicting Choosing the Device for Playing Audio or Taking a Call with 1 to 2 marked.

Choose the Device for Playing Audio or Taking a Call

Num Swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen.

Note: This example uses the Music app.

Control Center opens.

Num Tap and hold the audio controls box.

Screen captures depicting Choosing the Device for Playing Audio or Taking a Call with 3 to 5 marked.

The pop-up panel opens.

Num Tap AirPlay (Icon depicting AirPlay.).

The list of devices appears.

Num Tap the device you want to use.

atoz You can tap Audio Controls (Icon depicting Audio Controls.) to display the audio controls box again.

Num Tap outside the pop-up panel.

The pop-up panel closes.

Num Tap the screen at the top of Control Center.

Control Center closes.

Share Items via AirDrop

AirDrop enables you to share files quickly and easily with iOS devices and Macs near your iPhone. For example, you can use AirDrop to share a photo, a contact record, or an item from Wallet. You can use AirDrop in any app that displays a Share button (Icon depicting Share.).

You can turn AirDrop on when you need it and off when you do not. When AirDrop is on, you can choose between accepting items only from your contacts or from everyone.

Share Items via AirDrop

Screen captures depicting Sharing Items via AirDrop with 2 to 3 marked.

Turn AirDrop On or Off

Num Swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen.

Control Center opens.

Num Tap and hold the upper-left box.

The pop-up panel opens.

atoz The readout shows AirDrop’s status: AirDrop: Receiving Off; AirDrop: Contacts Only; or AirDrop: Everyone.

Num Tap AirDrop (Icon depicting AirDrop.).

Note: AirDrop uses Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to transfer files wirelessly without the devices having to be on the same wireless network.

Screen captures depicting Sharing Items via AirDrop with 4 to 5 marked.

The AirDrop panel opens.

Num Tap Receiving Off, Contacts Only, or Everyone, as needed.

The AirDrop panel closes.

atoz The AirDrop readout shows the AirDrop setting you chose.

Num Tap the screen above the pop-up panel.

The pop-up panel closes.

Num Tap the screen at the top of Control Center.

Control Center closes.

Screen captures depicting Sharing an Items via AirDrop with 2 to 4 marked.

Share an Item via AirDrop

Num Open the app that contains the item. For example, tap Photos (Icon depicting Photos.) on the Home screen.

Num Navigate to the item you want to share. For example, tap a photo to open it.

Num Tap Share (Icon depicting Share.).

The Share sheet appears.

atoz In some apps, you can select other items to share at the same time. For example, in Photos, you can select other photos.

Num In the AirDrop area, tap AirDrop (Icon depicting AirDrop.).

Screen captures depicting Sharing an Items via AirDrop with 5 to 6 marked.

The AirDrop panel opens.

Num Tap the icon for the device to which you want to send the item.

AirDrop sends the item.

atoz The Sent readout appears below the icon for the device.

Num Tap Done. The app and the share sheet appear again.

Share Internet Access via Personal Hotspot

Your iPhone can not only access the Internet itself from anywhere it has a suitable connection to the cellular network, but it can also share that Internet access with your computer and other devices. This feature is called Personal Hotspot.

For you to use Personal Hotspot, your iPhone’s carrier must permit you to use it. Some carriers charge an extra fee per month on top of the standard data plan charge.

Share Internet Access via Personal Hotspot

Screen captures depicting Sharing Internet Access via Personal Hotspot with 3 to 4 marked.

Set Up Personal Hotspot

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings.).

The Settings screen appears.

Num Tap Personal Hotspot (Icon depicting Personal Hotspot.).

The Personal Hotspot screen appears.

Num Tap Wi-Fi Password.

Screen captures depicting Sharing Internet Access via Personal Hotspot with 5 to 9 marked.

The Wi-Fi Password screen appears.

Num Tap Delete (Icon depicting Delete.) to delete the default password.

Num Type the password you want to use.

Num Tap Done.

The Personal Hotspot screen appears again.

Num Set the Allow Others to Join switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to allow people other than Family Sharing members to use the hotspot.

Num Tap Family Sharing.

Screen captures depicting Sharing Internet Access via Personal Hotspot with 10 to 13 marked.

The Family Sharing screen appears.

Num Set the Family Sharing switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to let Family Sharing members use the hotspot.

Num Tap the family member whose access you want to configure.

The screen for that family member appears.

Num Tap Ask for Approval or Automatic, as appropriate.

Num Tap Back (Icon depicting Back.).

The Family Sharing screen appears again.

Num Tap Back (Icon depicting Back.).

The Personal Hotspot screen appears again.

You can now connect your computer or other devices.

Screen captures depicting Stopping Using Personal Hotspot with 2 to 3 marked.

Stop Using Personal Hotspot

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

atoz The blue background for the clock readout indicates that Personal Hotspot is active and has one or more connections.

Num Tap the clock readout with the blue background.

The Personal Hotspot screen appears.

Num Set the Allow Others to Join switch to Off (Icon depicting switch on. changes to Icon depicting switch off.).

Connect to Wi-Fi Networks and Hotspots

To conserve your data allowance, use a Wi-Fi network instead of the cell phone network whenever you can. Your iPhone can connect to both private Wi-Fi networks and to public Wi-Fi hotspots. Use public Wi-Fi hotspots with caution, because they may not be secure.

The first time you connect to a Wi-Fi network, you must provide the network’s password. After that, the iPhone stores the password, so you can connect to the network without entering the password again.

Connect to Wi-Fi Networks and Hotspots

Screen captures depicting Connect to Wi-Fi Networks and Hotspots with 2 to 5 marked.

Connect to a Network Listed on the Wi-Fi Screen

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap and hold Settings (Icon depicting Settings.).

The pop-up panel opens.

Num Tap Wi-Fi (Icon depicting Wi-Fi.).

The Wi-Fi screen appears.

Num If Wi-Fi is off, set the Wi-Fi switch to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.).

The list of networks appears.

atoz A lock icon (Icon depicting lock.) indicates the network has security such as a password.

Num Tap the network you want to connect to.

Note: If the network does not have a password, your iPhone connects to it without prompting you for a password.

Screen captures depicting Connect to Wi-Fi Networks and Hotspots with 6 to 7 marked.

Note: When connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot, you may need to enter login information in Safari. In this case, Safari usually opens automatically and prompts you to log in.

The Enter Password screen appears.

Num Type the password.

Num Tap Join.

Your iPhone connects to the wireless network.

atoz The Wi-Fi screen appears again, showing a check mark (Icon depicting check mark,) next to the network the iPhone has connected to.

Screen captures depicting Connecting to a Network Not Listed on the Wi-Fi Screen with 1 to 3 marked.

Connect to a Network Not Listed on the Wi-Fi Screen

Num On the Wi-Fi screen, tap Other.

The Other Network screen appears.

Num Type the network name.

Note: If the network does not use security, tap Join.

atoz The Wi-Fi signal icons (Wi-Fi signal icons.) on the Wi-Fi screen and in the status bar show the strength of the Wi-Fi signals. The more bars that appear in black rather than gray, the stronger a signal is.

Num Tap Security.

Screen captures depicting Connecting to a Network Not Listed on the Wi-Fi Screen with 4 to 7 marked.

The Security screen appears.

Num Tap the security type — for example, WPA2/WPA3.

Num Tap Other Network (Icon depicting Back.).

The Other Network screen appears.

Num Type the password.

Num Tap Join.

Your iPhone joins the network.

Set Up and Enjoy Social Networking

Always in your pocket or purse if not in your hand, your iPhone is the perfect device for keeping in touch with family, friends, and acquaintances via social networking. You can install apps such as Facebook, Twitter, or WhatsApp; post updates or browse what others have posted; and share content easily from many apps, such as Photos.

To protect your account and data, it is a good idea to enable two-factor authentication for any social-networking app or other app that offers this security feature.

Install the Social Networking Apps You Need

Screen captures depicting Installing the Social Networking Apps You Need.

To start with, install the social networking apps you want to use. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Home screen, and then tap App Store (Icon depicting App Store.) to launch the App Store app. To find a specific app, tap Search (Icon depicting Search. changes to Icon depicting Search activated.), type the app’s name, and then tap the appropriate search result. On the screen showing the app, tap Get and follow the procedure for installing the app.

Configure Settings for a Social Networking App

Screen captures depicting Configuring Settings for a Social Networking App.

Many social networking apps have settings that you can configure in the Settings app. To do so, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Home screen, tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings.), and then tap the app’s button — for example, tap Facebook (Icon depicting Facebook.) to display the settings screen for the app. You can then configure the controls. Many apps have standard settings such as the Siri & Search screen, the Notifications screen, and the Background App Refresh switch. Some have other settings, such as the Upload HD switches in the Facebook app, which controls whether the app uploads high-definition videos and photos.

Some apps also have settings that you can configure within the app itself. For example, in Facebook, tap Menu (Icon depicting Menu.) to open the menu, and then tap Settings & Privacy (Icon depicting Settings and Privacy.).

Launch and Sign In to a Social Networking App

Screen captures depicting Launching and Signing In to a Social Networking App.

When you are ready to start using a social networking app, launch it by tapping its icon on the Home screen. For example, tap Twitter (Icon depicting Twitter.). Follow the prompts to sign in or log in. For example, in Twitter, enter your username or Twitter handle, enter your password, and then tap Log in.

The app then opens, and you can start using it as normal. For example, in Twitter, tap Tweet (Icon depicting Tweet.) to start writing a new tweet.

Share Content with a Social Networking App

Screen captures depicting Sharing Content with a Social Networking App.

You can easily share content from other apps with your social networking apps. To do so, first open the appropriate app and select the item you want to share. For example, tap Photos (Icon depicting Photos.) and select a photo to share. Next, tap Share (Icon depicting Share.) to open the Share sheet, tap the social networking app on the Activities bar, and then follow the prompts to post the photo.

If the app does not appear on the Activities bar, tap More (Icon depicting More.) at the right end of the Activities bar to display the Apps screen. Tap Edit, set the app’s switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) in the Suggestions list, and optionally drag the app by its handle (Icon depicting handle.) to the Favorites list. Then tap Done.

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