Using Voice, Accessibility, and Continuity

Screen capture depicting Voice message typed in iPhone. Digital capture depicting Apple Watch.

Your iPhone includes the Siri personal assistant, helpful accessibility features, and integration with your Mac and Apple Watch via the Continuity feature.

Give Commands with Siri

Dictate Text Using Siri

Gather and Share Information with Siri

Configure Siri to Work Your Way

Set Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen

Configure Other Accessibility Features

Using Your iPhone with Your Mac

Using Your iPhone with Apple Watch

Give Commands with Siri

Often, speaking is even easier than using your iPhone’s touch screen — especially when you are out and about or on the move. The powerful Siri feature enables you to take essential actions by using your voice to tell your iPhone what you want. Siri requires a fast Internet connection because the speech recognition runs on servers in Apple’s data center.

You can use Siri either with the iPhone’s built-in microphone or with the microphone on a headset. The built-in microphone works well in a quiet environment or if you hold your iPhone close to your face, but in noisy situations you will do better with a headset microphone.

Open Siri

Screen capture depicting Siri home screen.

You can open Siri from the Home screen or any app. Press and hold Side for several seconds. If you have connected a headset with a clicker button, you can also press and hold the headset clicker button for several seconds to invoke Siri. If you have chosen to allow Siri access when your iPhone is locked, you can also activate Siri while the lock screen is displayed.

The Siri screen appears. A tone indicates that Siri is ready to take your commands. If you enable the “Hey Siri” feature in the Settings app, you can also activate Siri by saying “Hey Siri.”

Send an E-Mail Message

Screen capture depicting Sending an E-Mail Message by Siri.

Say “E-mail” and the contact’s name, followed by the message. Siri creates an e-mail message to the contact and enters the text. Review the message, and then tap Send to send it.

If you prefer, you can start the message by saying “E-mail” and the contact’s name, and then pausing. Siri then prompts you for the subject and text of the message in turn.

Set an Alarm

Screen capture depicting Setting an Alarm by Siri.

Say “Set an alarm for 4:30 a.m.” and check the alarm that Siri displays.

You can turn the alarm off by tapping its switch (Icon depicting switch on. changes to Icon depicting switch off.).

You can ask a question such as “Which alarms do I have set?” to make Siri display a list of your alarms.

Set a Reminder for Yourself

Screen capture depicting Setting a Reminder for Yourself by Siri.

Say “Remind me” and the details of what you want Siri to remind you of. For example, say “Remind me to take my iPad to work tomorrow morning.” Siri listens to what you say and creates a reminder. Check what Siri has written. If the reminder is correct, simply leave it; if not, tap Change and edit it.

Send a Text Message

Screen capture depicting Sending a Text Message by Siri.

Say “Tell” and the contact’s name. When Siri responds, say the message you want to send. For example, say “Tell Victor Kemp” and then “I’m stuck in traffic, so I’ll be about 10 minutes late to the meeting. Please start without me.” Siri creates a text message to the contact, enters the text, and sends the message when you say “Send” or tap Send.

You can also say “Tell” and the contact’s name followed immediately by the message. For example, “Tell Bill Sykes the package will arrive at 10 a.m.”

Set Up a Meeting

Screen capture depicting Text Message typed by Siri.

Say “Meet with” and the contact’s name, followed by brief details of the appointment. For example, say “Meet with Don Williamson at noon on Friday for lunch.” Siri listens and warns you of any scheduling conflict. Siri then sends a meeting invitation to the contact if it finds an e-mail address, and adds the meeting to your calendar after you tap Confirm or say “Confirm.”

Dictate Text Using Siri

One of Siri’s strongest features is the capability to transcribe your speech quickly and accurately into correctly spelled and punctuated text. Using your iPhone, you can dictate into any app that supports the keyboard, so you can dictate e-mail messages, notes, documents, and more. To dictate, simply tap the microphone icon (Icon depicting microphone.), speak after Siri beeps, and then tap Done or Keyboard (Icon depicting Keyboard.).

To get the most out of dictation, it is helpful to know the standard terms for dictating punctuation, capitalization, symbols, layout, and formatting.

Insert Punctuation

Screen capture depicting Inserting Punctuation in Ongoing notes.

To insert punctuation, use standard terms: “comma,” “period” (or “full stop”), “semicolon,” “colon,” “exclamation point” (or “exclamation mark”), “question mark,” “hyphen,” “dash” (for a short dash, –), or “em dash” (for a long dash, —). You can also say “asterisk” (*), “ampersand” (&), “open parenthesis” and “close parenthesis,” “open bracket” and “close bracket,” and “underscore” (_).

For example, say “Buy eggs comma bread comma and cheese semicolon and maybe some milk period nothing else exclamation point” to enter the text shown here.

Insert Standard Symbols

Screen capture depicting Inserting Standard Symbols in Ongoing notes.

To insert symbols, use these terms: “at sign” (@), “percent” (%), “greater than” (>) and “less than” (<), “forward slash” (/) and “backslash” ( ), “registered sign” (®), and “copyright sign” (©).

For example, say “Fifty-eight percent forward slash two greater than ninety-seven percent forward slash three” to enter the computation shown here.

Insert Currency Symbols

Screen capture depicting Inserting Currency Symbols in Ongoing notes.

To insert currency symbols, say the currency name and “sign.” For example, say “dollar sign” to insert $, “cent sign” to insert ¢, “euro sign” to insert €, “pound sterling sign” to insert £, and “yen sign” to insert ¥.

For example, say “Convert dollar sign two hundred to UK pounds sterling” to enter the calculation shown here.

Control Layout

Screen capture depicting Control Layout.

You can control text layout by creating new lines and new paragraphs as needed. A new paragraph enters two line breaks, creating a blank line between paragraphs. To create a new line, say “new line.” To create a new paragraph, say “new paragraph.”

For example, say “Dear Anna comma new paragraph thank you for the parrot period new paragraph it’s the most amazing gift I’ve ever had period” to enter the text shown here.

Control Capitalization

Screen capture depicting Controlling Capitalization in Ongoing Notes.

You can apply capitalization to the first letter of a word or to a whole word. You can also switch capitalization off temporarily to force lowercase:

Say “cap” to capitalize the first letter of the next word.

Say “caps on” to capitalize all the words until you say “caps off.”

Say “no caps” to prevent automatic capitalization of the next word — for example, “no caps Monday” produces “monday” instead of “Monday.”

Say “no caps on” to force lowercase of all words until you say “no caps off.”

For example, say “Give the cap head cap dining cap table a no caps french polish period” to enter the text shown here.

Insert Quotes and Emoticons

Screen capture depicting Inserting Quotes and Emoticons in Ongoing Notes.

To insert double quotes, say “open quotes” and “close quotes.” To insert single quotes, say “open single quotes” and “close single quotes.” To enter standard emoticons, say “smiley face,” “frown face,” and “wink face.”

For example, say “she said comma open quotes I want to go to Paris next summer exclamation point close quotes” to enter the text shown here.

Gather and Share Information with Siri

You can use Siri to research a wide variety of information online — everything from sports and movies to restaurants worth visiting or worth avoiding. You can also use Siri to perform hands-free calculations. When you need to share information quickly and easily, you can turn to Siri. By giving the right commands, you can quickly change your Facebook status or post on your wall. Similarly, you can send tweets on your Twitter account.

Find Information About Sports

Screen capture depicting Finding Information About Sports by Siri.

Launch Siri and ask a question about sports. For example:

“Siri, when’s the next White Sox game?”

“Did the Lakers win their last game?”

“When’s the end of the NBA season?”

“Can you show me the roster for the Maple Leafs?”

Find Information About Movies

Screen capture depicting Finding Information About Movies by Siri.

Launch Siri and ask a question about movies. For example:

“Siri, where is the movie Terminator: Dark Fate playing in Indianapolis?”

“What’s the name of Morgan Freeman’s latest movie?”

“Who’s the star of Tigers Are Not Afraid?”

“Is Vita and Virginia any good?”

Find a Restaurant

Screen capture depicting Finding Restaurant by Siri.

Launch Siri, and then tell Siri what type of restaurant you want. For example:

“Where’s the best Mexican food in Palo Alto?”

“Where can I get sushi in Albuquerque?”

“Is there a brewpub in Minneapolis?”

“Is there any dim sum within 50 miles of here?”

Address a Query to the Wolfram Alpha Computational Knowledge Engine

“Screen capture depicting Addressing a Query to the Wolfram Alpha Computational Knowledge Engine by Siri.”

Launch Siri, and then say “Wolfram” and your query. For example:

“Wolfram, minus 20 centigrade in Kelvin.”

“Wolfram, what is the cube of 27?”

“Wolfram, tangent of 60 degrees.”

“Wolfram, give me the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide.”

Find Out What Music You Are Listening To

Screen capture depicting Finding Out What Music You Are Listening To by Siri.

Launch Siri and ask a question such as “What song is this?” or “Do you know what this music is called?” Siri monitors the microphone’s input, consults the Shazam music-recognition service, and returns a result if there is a match.

Translate to Another Language

Screen capture depicting Translating to Another Language by Siri.

Launch Siri, and then say “Translate to” and the name of the language, such as “Translate to Spanish.” When Siri prompts you for the text, speak it. Siri announces the translated text and displays it on-screen, together with a Play button (Icon depicting Play button.) that you can tap to play the audio again.

Configure Siri to Work Your Way

To get the most out of Siri, spend a few minutes configuring Siri. You can set the language Siri uses and choose when Siri should give you voice feedback. You can also decide whether to use the Raise to Speak option, which activates Siri when you raise your iPhone to your face.

Most important, you can tell Siri which contact record contains your information, so that Siri knows your name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, and other essential information.

Configure Siri to Work Your Way

Screen captures depicting Configure Siri to Work Your Way with 2 and 3 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings option.).

The Settings screen appears.

Num Tap Siri & Search (Icon depicting Siri option.).

Screen captures depicting Configure Siri to Work Your Way with 4 to 10 marked.

The Siri & Search screen appears.

Num Set the Listen for “Hey Siri” switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to be able to activate Siri by saying “Hey Siri!”

Num Set the Press Side Button for Siri switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to be able to summon Siri by pressing and holding the Side button.

Num Set the Allow Siri When Locked switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to use Siri from the lock screen.

Num Tap Language.

The Language screen appears.

Num Tap the language you want to use.

Num Tap Siri & Search (Icon depicting back button.).

The Siri & Search screen appears again.

Num Tap Siri Voice.

Screen captures depicting Configure Siri to Work Your Way with 11 to 14 marked.

The Siri Voice screen appears.

Num In the Accent box, tap the accent you want Siri to use. For example, for English (United States), you can tap American, Australian, or British.

Num In the Gender box, tap Male or Female, as needed.

Num Tap Siri & Search (Icon depicting back button.).

The Siri & Search screen appears again.

Num Tap Voice Feedback.

Screen captures depicting Configure Siri to Work Your Way with 15 to 18 marked.

The Voice Feedback screen appears.

Num Tap Always On, Control with Ring Switch, or Hands-Free Only, as needed.

Num Tap Siri & Search (Icon depicting back button.).

The Siri & Search screen appears again.

Num Tap My Info.

The Contacts screen appears, showing either the All Contacts list or the groups you have selected.

Note: If necessary, click Groups to display the Groups screen, select the groups you need, and then tap Done.

Num Tap the contact record that contains your information.

Set Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen

If you have trouble identifying the iPhone’s controls on-screen, you can use the VoiceOver feature to read them to you. VoiceOver changes your iPhone’s standard finger gestures so that you tap to select the item whose name you want it to speak, double-tap to activate an item, and flick three fingers to scroll.

VoiceOver can make your iPhone easier to use. Your iPhone also includes other accessibility features, which you can learn about in the next section, “Configure Other Accessibility Features.”

Set Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen

Screen captures depicting Setting Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen with 3 to 4 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings option.).

The Settings screen appears.

Num Tap Accessibility.

The Accessibility screen appears.

Num Tap VoiceOver.

Note: You cannot use VoiceOver and Zoom at the same time. If Zoom is on when you try to switch VoiceOver on, your iPhone prompts you to choose which of the two to use.

Screen captures depicting Setting Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen with 5 to 9 marked.

The VoiceOver screen appears.

Num Set the VoiceOver switch to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.).

Num Tap VoiceOver Practice.

A selection border appears around the button, and VoiceOver speaks its name.

Num Double-tap VoiceOver Practice.

The VoiceOver Practice screen appears.

Num Practice tapping, double-tapping, triple-tapping, swiping, and flicking. VoiceOver identifies each gesture and displays an explanation.

Num Tap Done to select the button, and then double-tap Done.

Screen captures depicting Setting Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen with 11 to 15 marked.

The VoiceOver screen appears again.

Num Swipe up with three fingers.

The screen scrolls down.

Num Tap Speaking Rate to select it, and then swipe up or down to adjust the rate. Swiping up or down is the VoiceOver gesture for adjusting the slider.

Num Tap Speech.

The Speech screen appears.

Num Choose options for voice, pronunciations, pitch, and languages.

Num Tap VoiceOver (Icon depicting back button.).

The VoiceOver screen appears again.

Num Tap Verbosity and choose which items to have VoiceOver announce.

Screen captures depicting Setting Up VoiceOver to Identify Items On-Screen with 16 to 19 marked.

Num Set the Always Speak Notifications switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) or Off (Icon depicting switch off.), as needed.

Num Tap Double-tap Timeout and set the timeout for double-tapping.

Num Tap Typing.

The Typing screen appears.

Num Choose typing options, as needed. For example, you can tap Typing Style and then tap Standard Typing, Touch Typing, or Direct Touch Typing. You can tap Typing Feedback and choose which feedback to receive for software keyboards and which to receive for hardware keyboards.

Configure Other Accessibility Features

To help you see the screen’s contents, you can turn on the zoom capability and then triple-tap the screen to zoom in and out quickly. You can also display the Zoom Controller for easy control of zoom, choose the zoom region, and set the maximum zoom level.

Apart from the accessibility features explained in this section, your iPhone supports physical accessibility features such as Switch Control and AssistiveTouch. Switch Control enables you to control your iPhone through a physical switch you connect to it. AssistiveTouch lets you use an adaptive accessory to touch the screen.

Configure Other Accessibility Features

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 3 to 4 marked.

Display the Accessibility Screen and Configure Zoom Settings

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Home screen.

Num Tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings option.) to display the Settings screen.

Num Tap Accessibility (Icon depicting Accessibility option.) to display the Accessibility screen.

Num Tap Zoom (Icon depicting Zoom option.) to display the Zoom screen.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 5 to 11 marked.

Num Set the Zoom switch to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.).

atoz The Zoom window appears if the Zoom Region is set to Window Zoom.

Num Set the Follow Focus switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to make the zoomed area follow the focus on-screen.

Num Set the Smart Typing switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to make iOS switch to Window Zoom when a keyboard appears, so that text is zoomed but the keyboard is regular size.

Num Tap Keyboard Shortcuts to display the Keyboard Shortcuts screen.

Num Set the Keyboard Shortcuts switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to enable keyboard shortcuts.

Num Specify which keyboard shortcuts you want to use by setting each switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) or Off (Icon depicting switch off.).

Num Tap Zoom (Icon depicting back button.) to display the Zoom screen again.

Num Tap Zoom Controller to display the Zoom Controller screen.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 13 to 17, B, C marked.

Num Set the Show Controller switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.).

atoz The Zoom Controller (Icon depicting Zoom Controller.) appears.

Num In the Controller Actions list, tap each button and choose the command for each action, or choose None. For example, tap Single-Tap, tap Zoom In/Out, and then tap Zoom Controller (Icon depicting back button.).

Num Set the Adjust Zoom Level switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to adjust the zoom level by double-tapping the controller and sliding your finger.

atoz You can adjust the controller’s color and its opacity when it is idle.

Num Tap Zoom (Icon depicting back button.) to display the Zoom screen again.

Num Tap Zoom Filter to display the Zoom Filter screen.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 18 to 21 marked.

Num Tap None, Inverted, Grayscale, Grayscale Inverted, or Low Light, as needed.

Num Tap Zoom (Icon depicting back button.) to return to the Zoom screen.

Num Tap Zoom Region to display the Zoom Region screen; tap Full Screen Zoom or Window Zoom, as needed; and then tap Zoom (Icon depicting back button.).

Num Drag the Maximum Zoom Level slider to set the maximum zoom level, such as 8×.

Your iPhone includes several display and text-size features to make the screen easier to view. These features include inverting the screen colors, reducing the white point to lessen the intensity of bright colors, and applying color filters for grayscale or for the protanopia, deuteranopia, or tritanopia color blindnesses.

You can also configure visual interface accessibility settings to make items easier to see. For example, you can set a larger text size, apply shading around text-only buttons, reduce the transparency of items, and darken colors.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 2 to 6 marked.

Configure Display and Text Size

Num On the Accessibility screen, tap Display & Text Size (Icon depicting Display and Text Size.) to show the Display & Text Size screen.

Num Set the Bold Text switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to make text bold.

Num Tap Larger Text to display the Larger Text screen.

Num Set the Larger Accessibility Sizes switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.).

Num Drag the slider to set the text size.

Num Tap Back (Icon depicting back button.) to return to the Display & Text Size screen.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 7 to 13 marked.

Num Set the Button Shapes switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want iOS to underline navigation buttons, such as the Back button at the top of the left screen.

Num Set the On/Off Labels switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to display I and O labels on the switches.

Num Set the Reduce Transparency switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) or Off (Icon depicting switch off.), as needed.

Num Set the Increase Contrast switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to increase contrast.

Num Set the Differentiate Without Color switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want visual differentiations to use other means than color.

Num Set the Smart Invert switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to invert the colors except for images, media files, and dark-themed apps.

Note: Enabling Invert Colors disables Night Shift.

atoz You can set the Classic Invert switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to invert all the colors.

Num Tap Color Filters.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 14 to 18 marked.

The Color Filters screen appears.

atoz The color chart displays colors using the filtering you apply. Swipe left for other charts.

Num Set the Color Filters switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.).

The list of color filters appears.

Num Tap the filter you want to apply: Grayscale, Red/Green Filter, Green/Red Filter, Blue/Yellow Filter, or Color Tint.

Num If the Intensity slider appears, drag it to adjust the intensity.

Num For Color Tint, drag the Hue slider to adjust the hue.

Num Tap Back (Icon depicting back button.).

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 19 to 21 marked.

The Display & Text Size screen appears again.

Num Set the Reduce White Point switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to reduce the intensity of bright colors.

Num Drag the slider to adjust the white point.

Num Set the Auto-Brightness switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want iOS to adjust the screen brightness to suit the lighting conditions the iPhone detects.

Note: Auto-Brightness can improve battery life by saving power. Auto-Brightness may be enabled by default.

Your iPhone includes a suite of interaction features designed to make it easier for you to interact with the touch screen and other hardware components, such as the accelerometers that detect and analyze the device’s movements. Changes you can make include setting the tap-and-hold duration and the repeat interval, adjusting the pressure needed for 3D Touch, and configuring the double- and triple-click speed for the Side button. You can also choose your default audio device for call audio.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 1 to 3 marked.

Configure Interaction Accessibility Features

Num On the Accessibility screen, tap Touch (Icon depicting Touch option.) to display the Touch screen.

Num Set the Reachability switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to be able to bring the top of the screen down to about halfway by swiping down on the bottom edge of the screen.

atoz You can tap Haptic Touch and use the controls on the Haptic Touch screen to set the duration for haptic touch.

Num Tap Touch Accommodations to display the Touch Accommodations screen.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 4 to 10, G marked.

Num Set the Touch Accommodations switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to enable touch accommodations.

Note: If the Important dialog opens, warning you that Touch Accommodations changes iPhone control gestures, tap OK.

atoz The zoom controller appears automatically when you enable touch accommodations.

Num Set the Hold Duration switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you need to adjust the hold duration.

Num Tap  +  or to set the hold duration.

Num Tap Swipe Gestures to display the Swipe Gestures screen.

Num Set the Swipe Gestures switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) to use swipe gestures without waiting for the hold duration.

Num Tap the required movement distance for a swipe gesture.

Num Tap Back (Icon depicting back button.) to return to the Touch Accommodations screen.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 11 to 18 marked.

Num Set the Ignore Repeat switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if your iPhone detects false repeat touches.

Num Tap  +  or to set the Ignore Repeat interval.

Num In the Tap Assistance box, tap Off, Use Initial Touch Location, or Use Final Touch Location, as needed, to specify how iOS should interpret touches that move across the screen.

Num Tap Touch (Icon depicting back button.) to return to the Touch screen.

Num Set the Tap to Wake switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to wake your iPhone by tapping the screen.

Num Set the Shake to Undo switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want to shake the iPhone to undo the last action.

Num Set the Vibration switch to Off (Icon depicting switch off.) if you want to disable all vibration.

Num Tap Call Audio Routing.

Screen captures depicting Configuring Other Accessibility Features with 19 to 22 marked.

The Call Audio Routing screen appears.

Num Tap Automatic, Bluetooth Headset, or Speaker to specify the audio routing for phone calls and FaceTime audio.

Num Tap Auto-Answer Calls.

The Auto-Answer Calls screen appears.

Num Set the Auto-Answer Calls switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.) if you want the iPhone to answer calls automatically after a delay.

Num Tap + or to set the delay before answering.

Using Your iPhone with Your Mac

If you have a Mac, you can enjoy the impressive integration that Apple has built into iOS and the Mac’s operating system, macOS. Apple calls this integration Continuity. Continuity involves several features, including Handoff, which enables you to pick up your work or play seamlessly on one device exactly where you have left it on another device. For example, you can start writing an e-mail message on your Mac and then complete it on your iPhone.

Understanding Which iPhone Models and Mac Models Can Use Continuity

To use Continuity, your iPhone must be running iOS 8 or a later version. Your Mac must be running Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, or a later version. Your Mac must have Bluetooth 4.0 hardware. In practice, this includes a Mac mini or MacBook Air from 2011 or later, a MacBook Pro or iMac from 2012 or later, a Mac Pro from 2013 or later, or a MacBook from 2015 or later.

Enable Handoff on Your iPhone

Screen captures depicting Enabling Handoff on Your iPhone with General and AirPlay screens.

To enable your iPhone to communicate with your Mac, you need to enable the Handoff feature. Display the Home screen, tap Settings (Icon depicting Settings option.) to open the Settings app, tap General (Icon depicting General option.) to display the General screen, and then tap AirPlay & Handoff. On the AirPlay & Handoff screen, set the Handoff switch to On (Icon depicting switch on.).

Enable Handoff on Your Mac

Screen captures depicting Enabling Handoff on Your Mac with General screens.

You also need to enable Handoff on your Mac. To do so, click Icon depicting Apple logo. on the menu bar and then click System Preferences to open the System Preferences window. Click General to display the General pane. Click Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices (Icon depicting unchecked check box. changes to Icon depicting checked check box.). You can then click System Preferences on the menu bar and click Quit System Preferences to quit System Preferences.

Make and Take Phone Calls on Your Mac

Screen captures depicting Making and Taking Phone Calls on Your Mac with iPhone capture.

When you are using your Mac within Bluetooth range of your iPhone, Continuity enables you to make and take phone calls on your Mac instead of your iPhone. For example, when someone calls you on your iPhone, your Mac displays a call window automatically, and you can pick up the call on your Mac.

Send and Receive Text Messages from Your Mac

“Screen captures depicting Sending and Receiving Text Messages from Your Mac with iPhone capture.”

Your Mac can already send and receive messages via Apple’s iMessage service, but when your iPhone’s connection is available, your Mac can send and receive messages directly via Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). This capability enables you to manage your messaging smoothly and tightly from your Mac.

Using Your iPhone with Your Apple Watch

Apple Watch puts timekeeping, notifications, and other essential information directly on your wrist. Apple Watch is an accessory for the iPhone — it requires an iPhone to set it up, to provide apps and data, and to give access to the cellular network and the Internet.

Apple Watch works with iPhone 5 and later models.

Pair Your Apple Watch with Your iPhone

Screen capture depicting Pairing Your Apple Watch with Your iPhone.

You must pair Apple Watch with your iPhone before you can use the devices together. Press and hold the side button on Apple Watch until the Apple logo appears, and then wait while Apple Watch finishes starting up.

On your iPhone, display the Home screen, and then tap Watch (Icon depicting Watch option.) to open the Watch app. Tap Start Pairing, and then follow the prompts to hold Apple Watch up to your iPhone’s rear camera so that the Watch app can recognize the pattern on the Apple Watch screen.

When the Your Apple Watch Is Paired screen appears, tap Set Up Apple Watch and complete the setup routine.

Configure Your Apple Watch Using Your iPhone

Screen captures depicting Configuring Your Apple Watch Using Your iPhone.

The Watch app on your iPhone enables you to configure your Apple Watch. On your iPhone, display the Home screen, tap Watch (Icon depicting Watch option.) to open the Watch app, and then tap My Watch (Icon depicting My Watch option.) to display the My Watch screen.

From here, you can choose a wide range of settings. For example, you can tap App Layout (Icon depicting App Layout option.) to configure the layout of the apps on your Apple Watch’s screen, or you can tap Notifications (Icon depicting Notifications option.) to choose which notifications you receive on your Apple Watch.

Install Apps on Your Apple Watch

Screen captures depicting Installing Apps on Your Apple Watch.

The Watch app on your iPhone enables you to install apps on your Apple Watch — and remove them if necessary.

When you install an iPhone app that has a companion app for Apple Watch, the app’s name appears on the My Watch screen. Tap the app’s name to display the app’s screen. You can then set the Show App on Apple Watch switch to On (Icon depicting switch off. changes to Icon depicting switch on.) to install the app.

Receive Notifications on Your Apple Watch

Screen captures depicting Receiving Notifications on Your Apple Watch.

When you receive a notification from an app you have permitted to raise notifications, your Apple Watch displays an icon showing the app and other information, such as the sender of an e-mail message. You can tap the notification to view its details.

Receive Calls on Your Apple Watch

Screen captures depicting Receiving Calls on Your Apple Watch.

When you receive a phone call, it rings on both your Apple Watch and your iPhone. You can tap Accept (Icon depicting Accept Phone call option.) to pick up the call on Apple Watch or tap Decline (Icon depicting Decline Phone call option.) to decline the call, sending it to voicemail.

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