Statistical Inference for Volatility and Related Limit Theorems

Nakahiro Yoshida


This chapter provides a brief overview of some recent developments in statistical inference for stochastic processes from probabilistic and statistical aspects. We will discuss mainly three topics, that is, quasi likelihood analysis for semimartingales, nonsynchronous covariance estimation, and asymptotic expansion that can apply to finance.

In Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we will discuss quasi likelihood analysis (QLA) for semimartingales. In this article, the QLA means an asymptotic theory that provides asymptotic distribution of the quasi maximum likelihood and quasi Bayesian estimators (polynomial type), large deviation estimates for the quasi likelihood random field, and tail probability estimates for these estimators with their convergence of moments as a result. One cannot avoid such kinds of tail probability estimates when developing the very basic fields in standard theoretical statistics.

Section 4.4 is devoted to the problem of nonsynchronous covariance estimation. Statistical inference for stochastic processes under an irregular sampling scheme requires new developments in limit theorems. Among various irregularities, the nonsynchronicity gives challenging problems. Ad hoc interpolation causes bias in covariance estimation. The problem is how to construct a suitable estimator and to prove probabilistic performance of the estimator. Nonsynchronicity is not standard in stochastic analysis in which time related to measurability is rigid. However, the model is defined in terms of the stochastic analysis and we need it to address limit theorems under the nonsynchronicity. What is most important in the nonsynchronous estimation is that this concept has brought relativization of time. The concept of lead-lag can be treated thanks to the relativization.

In Section 4.5, we will briefly mention Project YUIMA II in order to develop an R-package YUIMA for statistical inference and simulation for stochastic differential equations.

An asymptotic expansion scheme gives a numerical method in option pricing. In Section 4.6, we will discuss this scheme. There are three approaches: martingale expansion (global approach), mixing expansion (local approach), and small σ expansion (perturbation method). The third method has already been applied to option pricing and implemented by the YUIMA package. Recently an essential progress was made for martingale expansion. The estimator of the volatility parameter has an asymptotically mixed normal distribution, in general. In order to go into a further approximation, we need a method that gives asymptotic expansion in the mixed normal limit. A new device is necessary since classical methods of asymptotic expansion cannot apply in this situation.


Consider a d-dimensional stationary diffusion process satisfying the stochastic differential equation

Unnumbered Display Equation

Here wt is an r-dimensional standard Wiener process independent of the initial value x0, and inline and inline are unknown parameters with inline. The distribution of x0 possibly depends on the parameters. The true value of the unknown parameter will be denoted by inline.

We assume the following condition.


i. The mappings inline and inline have continuous derivatives satisfying

Unnumbered Display Equation

Unnumbered Display Equation
for some constant C.

ii. The inline matrix inline is elliptic uniformly in inline.
iii. For some constant C,

Unnumbered Display Equation

iv. inline.

In this section, we assume a mixing property for X.

[D2] There exists a positive constant a such that

Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

In order to estimate the unknown parameters with the discrete-time observations inline, where ti=ih with h=hn depending on inline, we consider a quasi-likelihood function

Unnumbered Display Equation

with inline.

For the sampling scheme, we will assume that inline, inline, and inline as inline. Moreover, we assume that for some positive constant inline, inline for large n.

The quasi log likelihood random field is defined by

(4.1) Numbered Display Equation

The scaling limit of inline gives

Unnumbered Display Equation

where ν is a unique invariant probability measure of X. The integrand on the right-hand side of the above equation is non-negative. An identifiability condition in the present situation is as follows:

[D3] There exists a positive constant inline such that inline for all inline and inline.

Without this condition, we cannot expect the existence of a inline-consistent estimator of inline. A sufficient condition for [D3] is that the parametric model can be extended continuously to a compact set including inline and inline for inline.

The Ibragimov–Has'minskii–Kutoyants (Ibragimov and Has'minskii, 1972, 1973, 1981; Kutoyants (1984, 1994, 1998, 2004) program suggests that any asymptotic behavior of a QLA estimator is deduced from that of the statistical random field inline. Guided by this philosophy, we associate with inline the statistical random field

Unnumbered Display Equation

for inline. Let inline. Then the polynomial type large deviation (PLD) inequality (Yoshida, 2005) gives

(4.2) Numbered Display Equation

for L>0, where CL is a constant depending on L.

Let us assume that inline can extend continuously to the boundary of inline. A typical estimator of the QLA is the quasi maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) inline that maximizes inline in inline. Then as a consequence of (4.2), we obtain polynomial type large deviation estimates for the tail probability of inline. Indeed, if inline, then

Unnumbered Display Equation

and this event admits (4.2). In particular, this ensures the boundedness of the moments

Unnumbered Display Equation

for p>0. It should be noted that inline is any sequence of QMLEs.

Next, set

Unnumbered Display Equation

The scaling limit of inline yields

(4.3) Numbered Display Equation

The identifiability of inline is as follows.

[D4] There exists a positive constant inline such that inline for all inline.

To deduce the properties of inline, we consider the statistical random field

Unnumbered Display Equation

for inline. The scaling is now inline. Let inline. Applying the PLD of Yoshida (2005) again, but this time for the statistical random fields inline, we obtain the PLD inequality

(4.4) Numbered Display Equation

In quite the same way as for inline, Inequality (4.4) entails polynomial type large deviation estimates for the tail probability of inline, which corresponds to one of the maximizers of inline and equivalently the boundedness of the moments of the estimator:

Unnumbered Display Equation

for p>0.

Define random fields inline on inline by

Numbered Display Equation

where inline, inline and inline, inline. By the PLD inequalities, it is possible to extend inline to a random field on inline by a discounting factor and the extended random field becomes a random variable taking values in inline, the set of continuous functions that tends to 0 as inline. inline is a separable Banach space with uniform norm.


Unnumbered Display Equation

for inline, and

Unnumbered Display Equation

for inline.

Prepare random vectors inline (i=1, 2) such that inline and inline are independent. Define inline by

Unnumbered Display Equation

We denote by CR the space of continuous functions on {(u1, u2); inline and equip the uniform topology. It is easy to prove the weak convergence

(4.5) Numbered Display Equation

in CR as inline for each R>0. In fact, the finite-dimensional convergence follows from a central limit theorem and tightness is easy to see on CR.1 Therefore, the PLD inequalities imply that the convergence (4.5) also takes place in inline. The convergence of inline follows from this convergence by the continuous mapping theorem. Since we already have the Lp-boundedness of the QMLE, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 1 For any sequence of the maximum likelihood type estimators for inline,

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline. Moreover,

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline for all continuous functions f of at most polynomial growth.

Prakasa Rao (1983, 1988) presented asymptotic results for an ergodic diffusion process under a sampling scheme. The joint weak convergence was presented in Yoshida (1992c) for a sampled diffusion process. Kessler (1997) applied a local Gaussian approximation with higher order correction terms to relax the rate of convergence of h to zero. Theorem 1 is from Yoshida (2005, 2006). Uchida (2010a) and Yoshida and Uchida (2010) proved convergence of moments of the adaptive quasi maximum likelihood estimators at a general sampling rate as well as the limit distribution. The tail probability estimate of polynomial type is inevitable for rigorously developing very basic asymptotic statistical theory, for example, prediction, model selection, asymptotic expansion, and higher-order decision theory among many fields involving such estimates. Uchida (2010b) proposed a contrast-based information criterion and proved its validity through technical arguments with the Malliavin calculus and the PLD. The PLD was applied in Masuda (2010) to drift estimation of a discretely observed Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process driven by a possibly heavy-tailed symmetric Lévy process with positive activity index.

The Ibragimov–Has'minskii–Kutoyants program applies to Bayesian type estimators for the diffusion process by the PLD. The adaptive Bayesian type estimator (ABE) is defined as follows. Here we only consider the quadratic loss function to make Bayesian estimators, for simplicity. Define a Bayesian type estimator inline by

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline is a known dummy value of inline, and inline is a prior distribution of inline, bounded from below. Given the estimator inline for inline, we define a Bayesian type estimator inline by

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline is a prior distribution of inline, bounded from below. It is possible to replace inline by another suitable estimator of inline, in general, for our purpose. A simultaneous Bayesian type estimator can be defined. However, the ABE has a computational advantage because the dimension of integration is lower. It is crucial in practical applications.

By definition, we have

Unnumbered Display Equation

and a similar representation of inline. Since each Bayesian estimator consists of integrals of a random field and its asymptotic properties are available, we can investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Bayesian estimators.

Theorem 2 For the ABE inline for inline, it holds that

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline. Moreover,

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline for all continuous functions f of at most polynomial growth.

The adaptive Bayesian type estimator was defined in Yoshida (2005) and applied to the diffusion process. A simultaneous Bayesian type estimator was also treated. Ogihara and Yoshida (2011) proposed the QLA for the jump diffusion processes and proved limit theorems and convergence of moments for the ABE as well as the QMLE. The estimator that is characterized as a root of a random estimating equation, as it is often called a “Z-estimator”, is within our scope. Obviously, finding a root is reduced to a minimum/maximum optimization problem.


Consider an m-dimensional Itô process satisfying the stochastic differential equation

(4.6) Numbered Display Equation

where w is an r-dimensional standard Wiener process on some stochastic basis inline and b and X are progressively measurable processes with values in inline and inline, respectively. The process σ is an inline-valued function defined on inline, inline being a bounded domain in inline. For example, when bt=b(Yt, t) and Xt=(Yt, t), Y is a time-inhomogeneous diffusion process.

The unknown parameter θ will be estimated based on the data inline with tk=kh for h=hn=T/n. The process b is unobservable, completely unknown to the observer. Here T is fixed and consistent estimation of the drift term is impossible unless the diffusion is degenerate. This is a semiparametric estimation problem.

Asymptotic theory of estimation of the volatility parameter with high frequency data observed on a fixed interval has been developed. Dohnal (1987) showed the local asymptotic mixed normality (LAMN) property for the likelihood. Genon-Catalot and Jacod (1993, 1994) proposed contrast functions for diffusion processes, proving the asymptotic mixed normality of the minimum contrast estimator.

We will see the asymptotic mixed normality and convergence of moments of both the maximum likelihood type estimator and the Bayesian type estimator for a quasi-likelihood function. The Ibragimov–Has'minskii–Kutoyants scheme is applied. A key point is to obtain the polynomial type large deviation inequality for the statistical random field.

The quasi log likelihood function is given by

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline, the nondegeneracy of which will be assumed. The unknown drift process b is not used.

The quasi maximum likelihood estimator inline is defined as

(4.7) Numbered Display Equation

The quasi Bayesian estimator (QBE) inline for the prior density inline is defined by

(4.8) Numbered Display Equation

We assume that inline is continuous and inline. The true value of θ is denoted by inline.

Let inline. Define the random field inline (inline) by

Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline with

Unnumbered Display Equation

and ζ is a inline-dimensional standard normal random variable independent of inline.

We need standard regularity conditions to derive asymptotic properties of the estimators though we do not write them here. See Uchida and Yoshida (2011) for details. That said, we should recall a problem of identifiability. A key index that evaluates the separation of statistical models is

Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

Naturally, the field inline came from inline. Differently from the ergodic case, inline is random since it involves Xt. A quantitative estimate of inline is necessary to construct a QLA that can catch more information about the estimators than just limit theorems. We set the following condition.2

[H2] For every L>0, there exists cL>0 such that

Unnumbered Display Equation
for all r>0.

Condition [H2] enables the PLD to be obtained for inline:

(4.9) Numbered Display Equation

and the convergence

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline for the extended inline, where ds means stable convergence (with respect to the original universe). Let ζ denote a inline-dimensional standard normal vector, on an extension of the original probability space, independent of inline.

In this way, we have for the QMLE

Theorem 3 (a) inline as inline. (b) For all continuous functions f of at most polynomial growth,

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline.

For the QBE, by setting inline,

(4.10) Numbered Display Equation


(4.11) Numbered Display Equation

Theorem 4 (a) inline as inline.(b) For all continuous functions f of at most polynomial growth,

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline.

Condition [H2] implies the PLD inequality (4.9). The limit theorem with a mixed Gaussian limit and the tightness argument imply inline in inline for every R>0. The PLD plus inline implies the QLA in the above theorems. Hence, the problem is how to verify [H2]. A sufficient condition for [H2] is that

Unnumbered Display Equation

However, it is too naïve as it breaks, for example, in a simple model

Unnumbered Display Equation

This statistical model is completely degenerate at t=0. The state of separation between models strongly depends on randomness remaining in the limit. The existence of a local section of a certain tensor bundle validates [H2], even in such a nondegenerate case (Uchida and Yoshida, 2009, 2011).

For a concluding comment, there are still important questions related to QLA: jump diffusions in finite-time horizon, irregular sampling, nonsynchronous sampling, and inference under microstructure noise.


4.4.1 Consistent estimator

Let inline be a two-dimensional Itô process defined on a stochastic basis inline with inline. A semiparametric problem is to estimate the (possibly random) “parameter” inline. If the two sequences of data are synchronously observed, the sum of products of increments of X and Y up to T

Unnumbered Display Equation

is a natural estimator of θ because it converges in probability to θ if the maximum lag of the time points tends to 0 in probability, as is well known. Indeed, we can regard RCOVT as a definition of [X, Y]T.

If the sampling times of X and Y are different, the estimation problem becomes nontrivial. In the nonsynchronous sampling scheme, we consider families inline and inline of partitions of the interval [0, T] corresponding to the observing times of X and Y, respectively.3 The increments are given by inline and inline.

If one wants to apply the “realized volatility” estimator to the nonsynchronous data, an interpolation such as previous-tick interpolation and linear interpolation will be necessary. However, it is known that such a naïve synchronization causes estimation bias. Nonsynchronicity causes the “Epps effect”.

For estimation of θ, Hayashi and Yoshida (2005) proposed

Unnumbered Display Equation

This estimator has some advantages. No interpolation is used so it does not depend on any tuning parameter such as the grid size. It is a finite sum and no cut-off number is involved. The summation is essentially one-dimensional. It attains asymptotically minimum variance.

Theoretical statistics requires some basic asymptotic properties: consistency of the estimator, asymptotic distribution of the error, efficiency and optimality, and precise approximation to the error distribution. The estimator inline is consistent: inline whenever inline (Hayashi and Yoshida, 2005; Hayashi and Kusuoka, 2008).

4.4.2 Functional limit theorem

We will discuss a limit theorem of the nonsynchronous covariance estimator. Suppose that (X, Y) satisfies the stochastic differential equations

Unnumbered Display Equation

on the stochastic basis inline. Here inline and inline are standard Wiener processes with correlation inline, and aX, aY, bX, bY, and inline are progressively measurable processes such that inline a.s. for every T>0.

Let inline and inline denote sampling times of X and Y, respectively. They are sequences of stopping times that are increasing a.s., inline and inline and S0=0, T0=0. We assume that the observation times depend on inline, e.g., Si=Si(n). We define a functional version of the nonsynchronous covariance process by

Unnumbered Display Equation

Write inline for an interval inline. The length of I is denoted by |I|. Let Ii=[Si−1, Si) and Jj=[Tj−1, Tj). We associate the sampling scheme {(Si), (Tj)} with the following nondecreasing functions:

Unnumbered Display Equation

Assume that there exist positive numbers inline and random functions hk such that for every inline, inline as inline for inline, inline. Introducing a strong predictability of sampling times, Hayashi and Yoshida proved stable convergence of the nonsynchronous covariation process inline:

(4.12) Numbered Display Equation

as inline, where inline is a Wiener process independent of inline and the process γ is given by

(4.13) Numbered Display Equation

See Hayashi and Yoshida (2008a, 2008b, 2011) for details.

Example 1 (Poisson sampling) The partitions inline are given by independent Poisson random measures on [0, T] with intensities npi, i=1, 2. Suppose that inline is independent of (X, Y). If the functions inline, inline, and ρ are continuous, then the sequence inline converges in distribution to a centered Gaussian random variable with variance

Unnumbered Display Equation

For nonsynchronous covariance estimation, Malliavin and Mancino (2002) proposed a Fourier transform based estimator. Hoshikawa et al. (2008) compared the performance of various nonsynchronous covariance estimators. Mykland (2010) considered the HY-estimator from the aspect of Gaussian analysis. Bergomi (2010) pointed out the HY-estimator appears in the context of option pricing.

For nonsynchronicity with microstructure noise, Ubukata and Oya (2008) discussed detection of microstructure noise and estimation of the autocovariance. Robert and Rosenbaum (2010a, 2010b) gave a new insight into the nonsynchronous covariance estimator under microstructure noise, introducing the notion of the uncertainty zone. Recently, Bibinger (2011a, 2011b) proposed a rate-optimal estimator of a new version of the nonsynchronous covariance estimator to overcome the microstructure noise. There are many studies on variance estimation in the presence of microstructure noise. Among which are Zhou (1996), Bandi and Russell (2005), Bandi et al. (2008), Zhang et al. (2005), and Hansen and Lunde (2006).

As for the power and bipower variations, Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2004) discussed robustness of the estimator. Barndorff-Nielsen et al. (2006) proved central limit theorems for power and bipower variations. Podolskij and Vetter (2009) provided a central limit theorem for the modulated bipower variation that has rate n1/4. Hayashi et al. (2008) proved asymptotic mixed normality for a general irregular sampling scheme.

It is possible to derive asymptotic expansion of the HY-estimator in the case without feedback to the diffusion coefficient, where the first order limit is central (Dalayan and Yoshida, 2011).

4.4.3 Application of YUIMA

In the R-package YUIMA (see Section 4.5), all simulation schemes, subsampling, and inference are designed to work on both regular or irregular sampling times. For an example, we apply YUIMA package to nonsynchronous covariance estimation. High frequency data consisting of nonsynchronously observed stock prices of four companies (“ba”, “ge”, “gm”, “cc”) were input and combined to make the YUIMA object “all.yuima”. We applied function “cce” to output covariance estimates for all pairs of companies, and obtained the table below.

> load(file=“ba.data”)
> load(file=“ge.data”)
> load(file=“gm.data”)
> load(file=“cc.data”)
> all.yuima<-cbind.yuima(ba.data,ge.data,gm.data,cc.data)
> cce(all.yuima)

Table 4-1

4.4.4 Lead–lag estimation

What is most important in the nonsynchronous estimation is that this concept has brought relativization of time. If the observed multidimensional data had time lags between elements, the standard estimation methods for synchronously observed semimartingales would lose validity. Indeed, such a phenomenon is observed in high-frequency financial data. The lag estimation will be the first question in this situation.

Let inline and inline be Itô processes for a suitable filtration, and assume that inline is given by inline. Estimation of inline deserves investigation because it gives information of the leader/follower relation between two companies that is, when inline; X is regarded as the leader and Y as the follower.

Suppose that X and Y are possibly nonsynchronously, randomly observed on the time interval [0, T] and write I and J for subintervals corresponding to two consecutive data of X and Y, respectively. Denote by inline the interval inline. Hoffmann et al. (2010) proposed the lead–lag estimator

Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

We introduce parameter inline for asymptotic analysis. In typical examples, the intensities of the observation times on [0, T] are proportional to n. Write inline for inline. The intervals I and J form triangular arrays of sequences of subintervals depending on n. We can prove the consistency of inline with the rate of convergence.

Theorem 5 Under certain regularity conditions,

Unnumbered Display Equation

on the event inline for a sequence of positive constants inline tending to 0 as inline such that inline as inline. Here rn is the maximum length of the interarrival times of observations in [0, T].

The YUIMA package is equipped with the lead–lag estimator. We obtained lead–lag (s) and correlation between each pair of stock prices as follows.

ba-cc 1.4751087 0.2348809
ba-ge −18.1460249 0.1311659
ba-gm −4.1453611 0.1692068
cc-ge −27.4679106 0.1760048
cc-gm 120.3912058 0.2170557
ge-gm 1.7497747 0.1282431

An extension to a multi-lag model is considered by Kato et al. (2011).


In modern finance, most of the theoretical results rely on the assumption that the underlying dynamics of asset prices, currencies exchange rates, interest rates, etc., are continuous time stochastic processes described by stochastic differential equations. Continuous time models are also at the basis of option pricing and this problem often requires Monte Carlo methods. Moreover, any computational method requires identification of a model by estimation or calibration in any case empirically from the real data. Most ready-to-use tools in computational finance rely on pure discrete time models, like ARCH, GARCH, etc., and very few examples of software handling continuous time processes in a general fashion are available also in the R community. There still exists a gap between what is going on in mathematical finance and applied finance. The YUIMA package is intended to fill this gap.

The Yuima II Project is an open source and collaborative effort of several mathematicians and statisticians aimed at developing the R package named YUIMA for inference and simulation of stochastic differential equations. The YUIMA package is an environment that follows the paradigm of methods and classes of the S4 system for the R language. The package can treat stochastic differential equations in a very general type, e.g., one or multidimensional, driven by Wiener process, fractional Brownian motion, and processes with or without jumps specified through Lévy processes.

The YUIMA package offers the infrastructure on which complex models and inference procedures can be built. In particular, the basic set of functions includes:

1. Simulation schemes for various types of stochastic differential equations driven by noises such as Wiener, fractional Brownian, and Lévy.
2. Various types of subsampling schemes including irregular and random samplings.
3. Asymptotic expansion formulas for precise approximation of the expected value of a general irregular functional of diffusion processes that can apply option pricing.
4. Efficient quasi-likelihood inference for diffusion processes and diffusion processes with jumps.

Proof-of-concept (but fully operational) examples of statistical procedures have been implemented, like change point analysis in volatility of stochastic differential equations, nonsynchronous covariance estimation, lead–lag estimation, various test statistics, and model selection. A preliminary version of YUIMA by Project YUIMA II is now available at R-forge https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/yuima/.

A systematically constructed GUI facilitates data analysis and simulation for stochastic processes. NS Solutions Corporation and The Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, are conducting a joint study (Azzurro Project) on “The Application of Advanced Mathematical Statistics Theories in the Financial Industry”. NS Solutions Corporation is developing financial software using a result of this study.


4.6.1 Martingale expansion

For a process X=(Xt) defined by the stochastic integral equation

Unnumbered Display Equation

we consider a quadratic form of the increments of X with a strongly predictable kernel:

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline and tj=j/n.

The asymptotic property is of interest as the realized volatility takes this form. For the normalized error

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline, the limit theorem of mixed normal type is well known. Here we are interested in the second-order approximation of the distribution of Zn.

Zn admits the stochastic expansion

(4.14) Numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

The expression of Nn is involved and omitted.

For a reference variable, we will consider the d1-dimensional random variable

Unnumbered Display Equation

Asymptotic expansion of the distribution was presented by Yoshida (1997) for the variable (Zn, Fn) having the stochastic expansion (4.14) when inline. Joint distribution is inevitable in statistical applications. Related works are Mykland (1992, 1993). The expansion of Yoshida (1997) was applied to derive asymptotic expansion for an estimator of the linearly parameterized volatility. A distributional expansion was presented in Yoshida (2001) for martingales with jumps.

As mentioned above, the limit distribution of the realized volatility is mixed normal in general. This means that the statistics becomes “nonergodic”. The higher order inference theory in nonergodic statistics was not developed by lack of probabilistic devices. The classical methods for convergence to a process with independent increments do not work. Recently asymptotic expansion for a martingale with a mixed normal limit was obtained (Yoshida, 2008, 2010a).

Two random symbols inline and inline are used to describe the second order terms of asymptotic expansion. The adaptive random symbol inline corresponds to the classical second order term given in Yoshida (1997). The anticipative random symbol inline is new and it has a representation in terms of the Malliavin calculus. See Yoshida (2010a) or the site of Yoshida (2009, 2010b) for details. The full random symbol is given by

(4.15) Numbered Display Equation

With this random symbol, the expansion formula is written by a certain adjoint operation:

(4.16) Numbered Display Equation

where inline is Watanabe's delta function and rn=n−1/2 in the present case.

Theorem 6 Assume a certain nondegeneracy condition for (Zn, Fn). Then for any positive numbers M and γ,

Unnumbered Display Equation

as inline, where inline is the set of measurable functions inline satisfying inline for all inline.

While the formula (4.16) is general, the function pn(z, x) is very explicitly written in the present problem we started this section with. See the above mentioned papers.

It is possible to give the asymptotic expansion of the conditional law inline in the same framework we applied for the expansion of the joint law inline.

Statistical applications by the martingale expansion were presented in Yoshida (1997) and Sakamoto and Yoshida (1998a). Also see Fukasawa (2011) for finance. The martingale expansion is purely distributional; that is, the first order limit has a relationship to Zn only through distribution.

Another efficient but classical expansion of purely distributional type is mixing expansion in the central limit. There the underlying process is assumed to bear a mixing property. In this direction, see Kusuoka and Yoshida (2000) and Yoshida (2004) for asymptotic expansion of a functional of semimartingales. There are studies on this line (Sakamoto and Yoshida, 1998b, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010; Uchida and Yoshida, 2001, 2006; Kutoyants and Yoshida, 2007). Masuda and Yoshida (2005) treated a stochastic volatility model.

4.6.2 Small σ expansion

Watanabe's theory (1987) was applied to statistical estimation problems for a stochastic differential equation with small perturbations (Yoshida, 1992b). Related studies are Yoshida (1993), Dermoune and Kutoyants (1995), Sakamoto and Yoshida (1996), Uchida and Yoshida (2004b), and Masuda and Yoshida (2004).

As for finance, this method was applied to option pricing in Yoshida (1992a) as a by-product of statistical applications. In this direction, there are many studies: Kunitomo and Takahashi (2001); Uchida and Yoshida (2004a); Takahashi and Yoshida (2004, 2005); Osajima (2006); Takahashi and Takehara (2009); Anderson and Hutchings (2009); Antonov and Misirpashaev (2009); Li (2010). A general asymptotic expansion formula for a functional of diffusion process is now available on YUIMA.


This work was in part supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research No. 19340021; the Global COE program “The Research and Training Center for New Development in Mathematics” of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo; JST Basic Research Programs PRESTO; and by a Cooperative Research Program of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. This chapter is a report for the author's talk at Asymptotic Statistics, Risk and Computation in Finance and Insurance, December 15, 2010. The author thanks the organizers of the conference for the opportunity to present the talk.


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1. The pointwise convergence inline in particular means that inline is locally asymptotically normal (LAN) at inline if we abuse this terminology for the quasi likelihood.

2. We keep the same name for this condition as Uchida and Yoshida (2009, 2011).

3. It does not matter up to the first order asymptotic results whether the observations at T are available or not.

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