
rerouting your vibes from awful to, 149–150

and Team Abundance versus Team Scarcity, 150–152


and affection, 65

and happiness set point, 235–241

honoring, 167–168

Acknowledging your Big-Deal Self, xxiv


of others, absorbing, 192 (See also Borrowing superpowers)

parlaying delusion into, 158–162

Advancement trajectory, 194

Affection, equating achievement and approval with, 65

Affirmations, 58–59

Age expectations, 232

Amos’s Armish Market, 174–176

Angelou, Maya, 115

Anger, from suppressed issues, 92–93


and attire in dressing up your dream, 164–165

judgments of, 49–50, 60


examining your need for, 79–80

love and affection seen as, 65

Approval seeking, xviii–xix, 76–85, 100

defined, 71

forms of, 76

and personal responsibility, 79

results of, 77–79

strategies to move away from, 79–85

Attitude, borrowing (see Borrowing superpowers)

Audacity, xi–xiii

to accept and support someone else’s mission, 224–226

and Big Deal Energy, xii–xv, xviii–xx, 69–70

borrowing, 179–180 (See also Borrowing superpowers)

definition of, xvi, 82–83

external influences on (see External influences)

fear of, xvii–xviii

to follow inner GPS, 18 (See also Intuition [inner GPS])

gendered judgments of, xv–xvii

increasing or decreasing your, 249–250

levels of, xx

paradox of (see Paradox of an audacious life)

in reaching your dream, 161

what holds us back from or contributes to, xx–xxi

(See also specific topics)

Audacity remorse, 220–224


authorization of, 51–52

and borrowing superpowers, 180

your people’s approval of, 80


of authenticity/genuineness, 51–52

of your intuition, 5–6, 16, 130


Baltimore, Maryland, 6–7

BDE (see Big Deal Energy)

Becoming your own bestie, 210–220

by getting to know yourself better, 215–217

by reframing how you think about yourself, 215

by setting goals that matter to you, 217–220


defining your, 232

reconditioning your reaction to, 56

in self-sourced endorsements, 163–164

in what you can do, 124–125

in your Big-Deal Self, xv, 52

in your dream, 161

Belonging, price of, 209

Bestie, becoming your own (see Becoming your own bestie)

Bestie blinders, 148–150

Big Deal book club, 261–264

Big Deal Diary, xxiii–xxiv

borrowing superpowers, 199–201

dressing up your dreams, 170–171

external influences, 246–248

fake-news fears, 57–60

inner good girl, 100–102

intuition, 27–30

jealousy, 153–154

listening less, 126

paradox of audacity, 227–228

purpose, function, and value of, 27

Big Deal Dreams (see Dressing up your dreams)

Big Deal Energy (BDE), xii–xiv

to activate audacity, xix–xx, 69–70

compounding your, 69

defining, xviii–xix

evaluating where to invest, 23–25

feeling, 53

individual differences in, 241

in reaching your dream, 161

from rejoicing in rejection, 81–82

as secret superpower, xix (See also Borrowing superpowers)

unlocking, xii–xv, 49

Big Deal moments, sharing, 54

Big Leagues program, 259–260

Big moves, having to tell people about, 8–9

Big-Deal Self:

acknowledging your, xxiv

believing your, xv, 52

convincing yourself of, 158 (See also Dressing up your dreams)

knowing your, xiii, xv

loving your, xv

price of being your, 10–11

stepping into, xxi–xxiii

and what makes you different, 23–26

Blame, 44

Borrowing superpowers, 173–201

Creator cape for, 181, 188–193

efficacy of, 179

formula for, 181–182

options for, 181

results of, 178–179

for sales, 173–178

Seeker cape for, 181–183

selecting super squad for, 193–198

from those you are jealous of, 129–130

Warrior cape for, 183–187, 205–206

Boston marathon, 233–234

Boundary setting (see Saying no)


borrowing, 74 (See also Borrowing superpowers)

medium, 48–54

Brian (brother), 233–238

Bridesmaids (movie), 210

Brown, Shelley, 13, 206


distinguishing your self from your, 44

double standard in, 68–69

permission asking in, 73–75

using Warrior cape in, 183–187

women’s opportunity to be heard in, 104–105


Canfield, Jack, 41


evolving, 214

reactions igniting, 165

success and, 55–56

Changing your mind, 209, 222–224, 238

Cheer squad, 196–198

Choosing, 12–14, 169, 207–210 (See also Decision making)

Cleopatra, xvi

Clinical Psychological Science, 163

Clubhouse, 123


loss of, 210, 213–214

online, 45–46

sense of, 210

surrounding yourself with, 212–213


evolved into competition, 138–148

healthy, 131–133, 137–138

and rerouting your vibes from awful to abundant, 149–150

on Team Scarcity, 151–152

unhealthy, 131–134, 137


evolving comparison into, 138–148

healthy, 131–138, 147

as power source, 132, 135–136

on Team Abundance, 151

Complacency, 141

“Condescending” haters, 108–109

Conrad, Lauren, 68

Courage, 211

COVID-19 pandemic:

and Boston marathon, 233–234

Good News network started in, 119

loss of community during, 213

negative effects of, 111

oldest looking players contest during, 50

reinvention during, 82

Waiters and Creators in, 112–114

wearing Creator cape during, 188–191


waiting versus, 112–114

of your home, 232

The Creator cape, 181, 188–193

Creators, 112–114

Curie, Marie, xvi, xvii


Dating, 233

Death, reflecting on, 241–245

Decision making:

based on kindness, 20, 22–23

changing your mind in, 209, 222–224

deletion decisions, 9, 77–78

in double-standard world, 69

external influences on (see External influences)

habits affecting (see Inner good girl)

intuition in, 12–14 (See also Intuition [inner GPS])

others’ reactions to your (see Reactions of others)

persisting in your decisions, 220–222

and sleep quality, 20–21

uncertainty in, 207–208

Defending others, 196

Deletion decisions:

and approval seeking, 77–78

others’ reactions to, 9

Delusion, parlayed into action, 158–162 (See also Dressing up your dreams)


saying no to, 22–23

success and, 55

Different, discovering your, 23–26

Digital health strategy, 137

Distanced self-talk, 163–164

Double standard, 66–69

Dressing up your dreams, 155–171

by buying dream dress, 164–165

and parlaying delusion into action, 158–162

by powering up with Post-its®, 163–164

by spreading the word, 167–170

and truth versus lies, 155–158

and waiting on wishes, 166–167


Earhart, Amelia, xvii

Edge, maintaining, 141

Efficiency, T2T strategy for, 121–122

Emotional uncertainty, 208–211


borrowing (see Borrowing superpowers)

positive and negative vibes, 148–150

Enthusiasm, 166

Epictetus, 103

Evans, Tami, 150–151


of others, 28, 217 (See also External influences)

of ourself, 28, 218

success and, 55

Experience, borrowing (see Borrowing superpowers)

External influences, 229–248

and happiness set point, 235–241

and reflecting on death, 241–245

types of, 230–233


Facts versus feelings exercise, 223–224


enjoying state of, 247

fear of, 31–38, 78–79

learning from, 32

and loss of faith in self, 36–37

mourning period following, 45

others’ reactions to, 38–41

releasing feelings about, 46

separating your self from, 44

stories about, 33–36

from subjective standpoint, 38

success scars from, 45

Faith in self:

loss of, after failure, 36–37

in unfriending outside approval, 80–81

Fake news (see Fear(s))

Faking it (see Borrowing superpowers)

Fanzo, Brian, 47–48

Favorite, need to be the, 94–98

Fear(s), 31–60

of audacity, 7–8

being stuck in cycle of, 245

of failure, 31–38, 78–79

as fake news, 40–42, 51, 52

following failure, 37

imperviousness to, 31–32

of others’ reactions, xvii–xviii, 8–9, 20, 38–41, 244–245 (See also Inner good girl)

paralyzing, 36–38, 45

as protection, 41–42

of rejection, 38–41

that you’ll look stupid, 47–54

that you’ll screw up, 42–46

that you’ll succeed, 54–56


and online disinhibition effect, 119

processing, 84


about failure, releasing, 46

of Big Deal Energy, 53

emotional uncertainty, 208–211

facts versus feelings exercise, 223–224

of freedom, 208

of gratitude, 142–143

with mantras, 247

Fight for greater issues, Warrior cape for, 183–187

Finding genius, 127–130

Finding new options, Seeker cape for, 181–183

Fisher, Carrie, 92


feeling of, 208

success as, 219

Friend flirting, 194–195


Gallop, Cindy, 127–130

Gassner-Otting, Laura, 123–124

Gender differences:

being a woman in male dominated industries, 232

in changing minds, 222

in concern with looking stupid, 50–51

and double standard, 66–69

and positive and negative evaluations of traits, xvi, 67–68

women’s equality issues, 98–99

and women’s opportunity to be heard, 104–106

Genius, jealousy as, 127–130

Genuineness, authorization of, 52

Germanotta, Stefani, 111

Getting to know yourself better, 215–217

Ghosting your inner good girl, 69–70, 90, 98–101

Ghosts of childhood, 65–66

Giving up, 223


of borrowing superpowers, 199

and happiness set point, 238

of living a life you love, 3

reaching your, 234–235

that matter to you, 217–220

“Good girl”:

inside you (see Inner good girl)

at universal level, 66–69

Gratitinis, 141–144


feeling of, 142–143

honoring accomplishments with, 167–170

radical, 142–143, 215

Greater good, fighting for, 183–187

Gregorek, Jerzy, 207

Grit, building, 82

Gut guide (see Intuition (inner GPS))



limiting, 56 (See also Inner good girl)

swapping, 140–141

Hamilton, Bethany, 48


and reflection on death, 242

set point for, 235–241

Harassment, fighting, 184–187

Hartman, 155–156, 158, 159, 203, 216, 242


during COVID-19 pandemic, 112–113

“how dare you,” 114–117

identifying, 108–110

listening less to, 106–111

listening to, 106–107

online trolls, 118–119

plan for dealing with, 107

truth tellers versus, 107–108

who judge how you get stuff done, 120–122

your hater voice inside you, 122–125

Health issues, people pleasing and, 85–86

Healthy interactions, 29

Healthy jealousy:

as competition in action, 132–138

unhealthy jealousy versus, 130–132

Hedonic treadmill/adaptation, 233–235

Highlights with Erin King podcast, 32, 192

“Holding you back” reactions, 38–39

Holiday, Ryan, 242

Holler, Judi, 54–55, 163

Home, creating your, 232

“How dare you” haters, 114–117

How you get stuff done, judgments of, 120–122

How you think about yourself, reframing, 215

Hustle, taking break from the, 230–231


Identity, owning your, 232 (See also Authenticity)

Impostor syndrome, 51, 125, 126

Inheritance systems, 66–67

Inner good girl, 61–102

and approval seeking, 70, 71, 76–85

evaluating your, 62–64

ghosting your, 69–70

and ghosts of childhood, 65–66

and global good girl ghosting society, 98–99

and need to be the favorite, 94–98

and permission asking, 70–76

and perpetual people pleasing, 70, 71, 85–91

and resentment from suppressed issues, 92–94

and saying no, 86–91

typical triggers of, 70–71

and universal “good girl” concept, 66–69

Inner hater voice, 122–125

Intuition (inner GPS), xix, 1–30

attempting to silence, 10–11

authorizing your, 5–6, 16, 130

creating space for, 12–13

and fear of success, 56

guts needed to go with, 14–18

ignoring your, 11

individual nature of, 208

and kindness, 19–23

for knowing how, who, and where, 130

listening to, 5–13

and living a life you love, 2–4

others’ reactions when you follow, 8–9, 16–17, 20

and sleep quality, 20–21

and thinking about changing your mind, 223

and what makes you different, 23–26


James, Neen, 150–151

Jealousy, 127–154

and bestie blinders, 148–150

and embarrassing moments, 144–147

and evolving comparing into competing, 138–148

as genius, 127–130

healthy, 130–138

and Team Abundance versus Team Scarcity, 150–152

unhealthy, 130–132, 147

Jump Digital Media, 33, 46


Kim (Cool Kim), 148–149, 174–179

Kindness, 19–23, 126


doing versus, 153

genius feeling of, 128–130

in reaching your dream, 161

of your Big-Deal Self, xiii, xv

Krasinski, John, 119


Lady Gaga, 111

Lauren (sister-in-law), 213

Learning from failure, 32

Leveling up, xxi

catch with, 11

competition inspiring, 133

with gratitinis, 142

starting place for, 4–5

(See also A life you love)


in parlaying delusion into action, 158–162

truth versus, 155–158

Life journey:

reflecting on, 241–245

reframing, 238–241

A life you love, 2–3

benefits of, 18

big mistake in identifying, 4–6

choosing, 12–14

as a goal, 3–4

identifying (see Intuition [inner GPS])

Limiting habits, 56 (See also Inner good girl)

Limitless (Gassner-Otting), 123


gender expectations for/differences in, 104–106

to haters, 106

to others’ negative opinions, 106

value of, 103–104

to your inner GPS, 5–13

Listening less, 103–126

to the hater voice inside you, 122–125

to haters, 106–111 (See also Haters)

to “how dare you,” 114–117

to online trolls, 118–119

to those who judge how you get stuff done, 120–122

and Waiters versus Creators, 112–114


in paradox of audacious life, 208–215

reframing, 215

and social media use, 140

when things crash and burn, 221

“Looking out for you” reactions, 38

Looking stupid, fear of, 47–54


equating achievement and approval with, 65

online, 78

from your cheer squad, 196–198

Loving your Big-Deal Self, xv


Madeline (friend), 225–226

Mantras, 247–248

Marcus Aurelius, 242

Massive Deal Energy, 69

Medium brave moments, 48–54

Memories, of negative reinforcement, 66

Mind, rewiring, 40


borrowing (see Borrowing superpowers)

of “rising tide lifts all boats,” 151


in achieving your dream, 165

as power, 67

and success, 218–219

Motivational relationships:

finding, 192–193

super squad of, 193–198

(See also Borrowing superpowers)


“Name-swapping” experiments, 67–68

Negative reinforcement, memories of, 66

Negative self-talk, 122–126

Nightingale, Florence, xvi–xvii

Nosey haters, 108


O’Connor, Cara, 14–18, 182–183

O’Connor, Carly, 14–15

Online communities:

of, 45–46

Socialite Agency’s creation of, 46

Online disinhibition effect, 119

Online trolls, 118–119

Oscars, 160–161


Paradox of an audacious life, 203–228

becoming your own bestie, 210–220

changing your mind about decisions, 222–224

emotional uncertainty in, 208–211

paradox of the, 224–226

persisting in your decisions, 220–222

Paralyzing fear, 36–38, 45

Parenting, 22, 231

and ghosts of childhood, 65–66

influence of, 110, 220–221

Parks, Rosa, xvi, xvii

Passion, 166


importance of, 244–245

“your people,” everyone else versus, 80, 81, 84

(See also Reactions of others)

People pleasing:

healthy, 71

perpetual (see Perpetual people pleasing)


gender-biased, xvi, 67–69

power of, 52–53

Permission asking, 71–76

catch-22 with, 73–74

in corporate environment, 73–75

defined, 70–71

phrases used in, 76

recognizing lack of need for, 72

Perpetual people pleasing, 70

defined, 71

and learning to say no, 86–91

and need to be the favorite, 94–98

pausing your, 85–86

and resentment from suppressed issues, 92–94

Persisting in your decisions, 220–222, xiii, xv

creation and development of, 34, 35

failure of, 34–36, 43, 46

investor meeting for, ix–xiii

online community of, 45–46

Political views, 231


for borrowing audacity, 190

powering up with, 163–164

Potential, xix


competition as source of, 132, 135–136

of external forces (see External influences)

of money, 67

Price of belonging, 209

Procrastination, xiv–xv, 54–55

Productivity, 194


fear as, 41–42

super squad players for, 196

PUB method, 160


Radical gratitude, 142–143, 215

Reactions of others, 203–207

audacity extinguished by, xiv–xv

fear of, xvii–xviii, 8–9, 20, 38–41, 244–245 (See also Inner good girl)

influence of (see External influences)

judgments of how you get stuff done, 120–122

and kindness, 19–23

“looking out for you” versus “holding you back” reactions, 38–39

online, 118–119

our perceptions of, 52

as reflections, 17, 39

size of, 39–40

and their need to be the favorite, 96–97

when you dress up your dreams, 165

when you follow your intuition, 12–14, 16–17

(See also What others think)

Real you:

being, 233 (See also Authenticity)

and internet approval seeking, 79

role you versus, 57–58

“your people’s” approval of, 80


facing, 156–157

turning dreams into (see Dressing up your dreams)

Reality check, combining gratitude and, 141–144


on death, 241–245

reactions of others as, 17, 39


of how you think about yourself, 215–217

of life journey, 238–241

of rejection, 83–84


with Creator cape, 188–193

during pandemic, 82

realities of, 221–222


fear of, 38–41

others’ successes felt as, 93–94

rejoicing in, 81–85

and saying no, 86–87

when borrowing superpowers, 176, 178–179

Religion, defining your, 232

Resentment, releasing, 92–94

Resilience, building, 82

Role you, real you versus, 57–58

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 101


Saying no, 101

to demands of others, 22–23

techniques for, 86–91

Scarcity mentality, 93–94, 151–152

Screwing up:

fear of, 42–46

successes from, 46

The Seeker cape, 181–183

Self-reliance, 211


distanced, 163–164

“good girl” (see Inner good girl)

negative, 122–126

(See also Intuition [inner GPS])

Sexism, 67–69, 105 (See also Gender differences)

Shannon (sister), 213

SheNoters, 150–151


need for, 216–217

quality of, 20–21

“Small-minded” haters, 109

Social media:

and approval seeking, 78–79

comparing yourself to others on, 131–132, 140–141

hate groups on, 111

posting opinions on, 110

profiles on, 52

“The Social Media Spa,” 191

Socialite Agency, 46, 114–117, 159

Some Good News network, 119

Spreading the word, 167–170


about failure, 33–36

of success, 32–33

Stupid, fear of looking, 47–54


discounting of, 32–33

from failures, 40, 45–46

fear of, 54–56

freedom as, 219

honored with gratitude, 167–170

of others, 93–94, 132, 136

personal vision of, 218–220

suiting up for, 164–165

Success scars, 40, 45

Super squad, 193–198

for borrowing superpowers, 193–198

defensive players on, 196

finding women for, 197

offensive players on, 193–196

sideline sisters/cheer squad on, 196–198

Super-connectors, 197


Big Deal Energy as, xix

borrowing (see Borrowing superpowers)

for different scenarios, 177

in real life, 180

in sales, 173–178

Suppressed issues, releasing resentment from, 92–94



super squad for borrowing superpowers, 193–198

Team Abundance, 150–152, 193, 226

Team Scarcity, 150–152

Technology, reprogramming relationship with, 140–141 (See also Social media)

Time planning, 237–238

Timothy 2:12, 105

Todd (investor), xi, xii, 34

Travel, 232

Truth, lies versus, 155–158

Truth tellers, haters versus, 107–108

T2T method, 121–122



in decision making, 207–208

emotional, 208–211

Unhealthy interactions, 29

Unhealthy jealousy, 130–132


Vee, Gary, 124

Vibes, positive and negative, 148–150


Waiters, 112–114


creating versus, 112–114

on wishes, 166–167

The Warrior cape, 181, 183–187, 205–206

Webster, Noah, xvi

Webster, Tamsen, 150–151

What others think, xi–xv

about what you should do, 5

caring about, xviii–xix (See also Inner good girl)

when you change your life, 16–17

(See also Reactions of others)

What’s right for you:

knowing, xix (See also Intuition [inner GPS])

and what makes you different, 23–26

Wishes, waiting on, 166–167

Women’s equality issues, 98–99


affirmations, 58–59

watching your, 167

Work-life balance, 121, 231


“Your people,” everyone else versus, 80, 81, 84

Yousafzai, Malala, xvii, 48

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