Creating and Hosting a Cloud Solution

For simple websites, users can leverage prebuilt templates as just discussed. For custom solutions, however, businesses will need developers to create the corresponding solution. Regardless of the specific processing the application performs, the steps to create and deploy a cloud-based solution are similar:

  • Use a programming language to create the solution.

  • Select a PaaS to house the solution.

  • Upload the solutions to the PaaS.

Looking at a Simple Solution

To let you see the cloud-development process, assume we want to create a webpage that displays the message Hello, Cloud World! To begin, we will create a simple HTML page using an editor, such as the Windows Notepad accessory that has our code, as shown in FIGURE 18-5.

The filename of the Notepad is Hello. File, edit, format, view, and help are the menus at the top. The code is shown as follows: Line 1: open angle bracket exclamation DOC Type h t m l close angle bracket. Line 2: open angle bracket h t m l close angle bracket. Line 3: open angle bracket body close angle bracket. Line 4: Hello comma Cloud World exclamation. Line 5: open angle bracket slash body close angle bracket. Line 6: open angle bracket slash h t m l close angle bracket.

FIGURE 18-5 Creating the HTML code to display a Hello, Cloud World! message.

Next, we will want to house our solution at a specific domain name. To acquire the domain name, we can use a provider such as In this case, I selected the domain

I am now ready to select a PaaS to house my solution. As we have discussed, there are many PaaS providers in the cloud, which include the “big 3:” Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Because my site is simple, I selected, which also provides email support so I can send and receive emails using my domain name.

When you use a PaaS provider to host you website, the PaaS will provide you within an Internet Protocol (IP) address, such as that points to your site. In this case, I used to account to point that address to my domain.

My final step is to upload my application code to my cloud server. To do so, I use FTP, the File Transfer Protocol. There are many FTP programs you can use to upload your solutions. For simplicity, I used the FTP application provided by Windows to upload my file as shown in FIGURE 18-6.

The window represents Command Prompt f t p class-files dot com. Line 1: 220 Microsoft F T P Service. Line 2: 200 O P T S U T F 8 command successful hyphen U T F 8 encoding now ON. Line 3: User open parenthesis class hyphen files dot com colon open parenthesis none double close parenthesis colon Kris Jamsa. Line 4: 331 Password required. Line 5: Password colon. Line 6: 230 User logged in. Line 7: f t p close angle bracket c d w w w. Line 8: 250 C W D command successful. Line 9: f t p close angle bracket put Hello dot h t m l. Line 10: 200 PORT command successful. Line 11: 125 Data connection already open semicolon Transfer starting. Line 12: 226 Transfer complete. Line 13: f t p colon 70 bytes sent in 0.20 seconds 0.35 K bytes slash sec. Line 14: f t p close angle bracket.

FIGURE 18-6 Using FTP to upload a solution to a server in the cloud.

After my upload completes, I can use my browser to display the solution, as shown in FIGURE 18-7.

A screenshot displays the address bar of the browser as w w w dot class hyphen files dot com slash hello dot h t m l. Hello comma Cloud World exclamation is shown in the content pane.

FIGURE 18-7 Using a browser to display a cloud-based solution.

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