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1 Introducing Cloud Computing

Web 2.0 and the Cloud

Distinguishing Cloud Types

Cloud Deployment Models

Cloud Service Models

Exploring Uses of the Cloud

Introducing Scalability

Introducing Virtualization

Collecting Processing Power Through Grid Computing

Understanding Other as-a-Service Solutions

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

2 Software as a Service (SaaS)

Getting Started with SaaS

Understanding the Multitenant Nature of SaaS Solutions

Understanding OpenSaaS Solutions

Understanding Mashups

Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

3 Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Information Technology Evolution Leading to the Cloud

Benefits of PaaS Solutions

Disadvantages of PaaS Solutions

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

4 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Understanding IaaS

Improving Performance Through Load Balancing

Taking a Closer Look at Load Balancing

System and Storage Redundancy

Utilizing Cloud-Based NAS Devices

Advantages of IaaS Solutions

Server Types Within an IaaS Solution

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

5 Identification as a Service (IDaaS)

Understanding Single Sign-On (SSO)

Understanding How SSO Works

Understanding Federated Identity Management

Understanding Account Provisioning

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Understanding OpenID

Mobile-Identity Management

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

6 Data Storage in the Cloud

Examining the Evolution of Network Storage

Understanding Cloud-Based Data Storage

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud-Based Data Storage

Getting Past the Fear of Cloud-Based Data

Cloud-Based Backup Systems

Understanding File Systems

Industry-Specific Cloud-Based Data Storage

Cloud-Based Database Solutions

Cloud-Based Block Storage

Understanding Hot Versus Cold Storage

Utilizing Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

7 Collaboration in the Cloud

Collaborating in the Clouds

Questions to Ask with Respect to Collaborative Tools

Web-Based Collaboration Began with Web Mail

Instant Messaging Isn’t What It Used to Be

Cloud-Based Phone and Fax Systems

Revisiting File Sharing

The Wiki

Editing Shared Files Within the Cloud

Collaborating via Web-Logs (Blogs)

Collaborative Meetings in the Cloud

Virtual Presentations and Lectures

Using Social Media for Collaboration

Using Cloud-Based Calendar Management

Using Streaming-Video Content to Collaborate

Cloud-Based TV Content

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

8 Virtualization

Understanding Virtualization

The History of Virtualization

Leveraging Blade Servers

Server Virtualization

Hypervisor Types

Desktop Virtualization

Desktop Solutions on Demand

Virtual Networks

Data Storage Virtualization

Not All Applications Are Well Suited for Virtualization

Why Virtualize%?

Chapter Summary

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Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

9 Securing the Cloud

General Security Advantages of Cloud-Based Solutions

Understanding Hardening

Introducing Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Understanding Data-Storage Wiping

Understanding Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

Packet Sniffing

Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Monitoring Device Screens

Malicious Employees

Hypervisor Attack

Guest-Hopping Attacks

SQL-Injection Attacks

Physical Security

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

10 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity and the Cloud

Understanding the Threats

Threat: Disk Failure

Threat: Power Failure or Disruption

Threat: Computer Viruses

Threat: Fire

Threat: Floods

Threat: Disgruntled Employees

Threat: Lost Equipment

Threat: Desktop Failure

Threat: Server Failure

Threat: Network Failure

Threat: Database System Failure

Threat: Phone System Failure

Understanding Service-Level Agreements

Measuring Business Impact: The Essence of Risk Mitigation

Disaster Recovery Plan Template

Chapter Summary

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Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

11 Service-Oriented Architecture

Understanding Service-Oriented Architecture

Web Services Are Not Web Pages

Many Companies Provide Web Services

Understanding Web-Service Performance

Web Services and Reuse

Scaling Web Services

Web Services and Loose Coupling

Treating a Web Service as a Black Box

Web Service Interoperability

Understanding RESTful Services

Governing Web Services

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

12 Managing the Cloud

Know Your Service-Level Agreement (SLA)

Making the Argument for the Cloud

Leveraging Managed Service (as-a-Service) Solutions

Know Your System’s Dataflow

Understanding Shared Responsibility

Understanding Cloud Provisioning

Beware of Vendor Lock-In

Protecting Your Business with Source-Code Escrow

Ensure System Backups

Ensure System Logs and Audit Capabilities

Determine the Technical Support and Help-Desk Procedures

Determining Training Procedures

Know the Cloud Provider’s Security Policies and Procedures

Defining the Data Privacy Requirements

Know Specifics About the Economics of the Cloud and Return on Investment

Monitor Capacity Planning and Scaling Capabilities

Solution Testing and Validation

Using a Framework Such as ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

13 Migrating to the Cloud

Revisit Your Business Drivers for Cloud Migration

Common Components of a Cloud Migration

Define the System Goals and Requirements

Working with Vendors

Formalizing Your Success Criteria

Protect Your Existing Data

Use an Experienced Cloud Consultant

Know Your Application’s Current Characteristics

Keep Vendor Lock-In in Mind

Define Your Training Requirements

Establish a Realistic Deployment Schedule

Review the Budget Factors

Leveraging Reserved Instances

Identify IT Governance Issues

Understanding Cloud Bursting

Change Management Considerations

Chapter Review

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Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

14 Mobile Cloud Computing

The Evolution of Mobile Computing

Understanding the G in 4G and 5G

The Mobile-Cloud Ecosystem

Responsive Web Applications Versus Apps

Mobile Solutions and Cloud

Mobile Collaboration

Mobile Document Storage and Access

Multifactor Authentication

Geolocation Solutions

Mobile and BYOD

Streaming Media Content

Mobile Software Development Considerations

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

15 Governing the Cloud

Understanding Corporate Governance

Understanding Business Strategy

Measure What Is Important

Inspect What You Expect

Understanding Internal Controls

Extending Governance to IT

Cloud-Computing Governance

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

16 Evaluating the Cloud’s Business Impact and Economics

Business Economics 101

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Economies of Scale

Capital Expenditures

Operational Expenses

Return on Investment

Profit Margins

Understanding Chargebacks

Moore’s Law and the Cloud

Understanding Right Sizing

Defining a Large Data Center

Other Economic Key Performance Indicators

Marketing the Cloud

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

17 Designing Cloud-Based Solutions

Identifying the Team

Revisit the System Requirements

When to Select a Development Environment

Design Is a Give-and-Take Process

Designing for Accessibility

Designing for Audit

Designing for High Availability

Designing for Backup

Designing for Existing and Future Capacity

Designing for Configuration Management

Designing for Deployment

Designing for Disaster Recovery

Designing for the Environment (Green Computing)

Designing for Interoperability

Designing for Maintainability

Designing for Performance

Designing for Price

Designing for Privacy

Designing for Portability

Designing for Recovery

Designing for Reliability

Designing for Response Time

Designing for Robustness

Designing for Security

Designing for Testability

Designing for Usability

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

18 Coding Cloud-Based Applications

Placing an Application in the Cloud

Understanding Cloud-Native Solutions

Leveraging Open-Source Solutions

Understanding Load Testing

Understanding Continuous Deployment

Creating a Simple Cloud Solution

Getting Your Own Domain Name

Creating and Hosting a Cloud Solution

Looking at a Simple Solution

Choosing a PaaS Provider

Understanding Serverless Computing

Chapter Summary

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Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

19 Application Scalability

Reviewing the Load-Balancing Process

Designing for Scalability

Scaling Up, Scaling Out, or Both

Minimize Objects on Key Pages

Selecting Measurement Points

Analyze Your Database Operations

Evaluate Your System’s Data Logging Requirements

Revisit Your Service-Level Agreement (SLA)

Capacity Planning Versus Scalability

Scalability and Diminishing Returns

Performance Tuning

Complication Is the Enemy of Scalability

Chapter Summary

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Review Questions

Cloud+ Certification Review

20 The Future of the Cloud

The Internet of Things (IoT)

How the Cloud Will Change Operating Systems

Location-Aware Applications

Intelligent Fabrics, Paints, and More

Continued Expansion of Social Media

The Future of Cloud TV

Video Games and Augmented Reality

Future of Cloud-Based Smart Devices

Cloud and Mobile

Blockchain and Cloud

Faster Time to Market for Software Applications

Chapter Summary

Key Terms

Chapter Review

Cloud+ Certification Review

Appendix: Answer Key to Cloud+ Certification Review

Glossary of Key Terms


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