Instant Messaging Isn’t What It Used to Be

For years, users took advantage of instant messaging (IM) to send a short message to another user outside email or to have a text-based real-time chat. There is no cost for instant messaging, and the user with whom one was chatting could reside in the next cubicle or across the globe. Today, many companies still rely on instant messaging to provide text-based technical support as well as internal company messaging.

Over time, instant-messaging tools have expanded to support file sharing and even face-to-face video. FIGURE 7-3 shows a video-based instant-messaging session. Today, most web-conferencing tools such as Zoom, Teams, and Skype provide chat-message and video capabilities.

The window is titled Bently Jamsa open angle bracket bently dot jamsa at live dot com close angle bracket. File, Edit, Actions, Tools, and Help are the menus at the top. The text chats between Bently and Kris Jamsa are on the left and live video streaming of both of them is on the right.

FIGURE 7-3 Instant-messaging tools have grown from a text-based medium for message exchange to support audio and video streaming.

Used with permission from Microsoft.

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