

A, B


* values, 54244

@keyframes, 53233

3D transforms, 54951

browsers, 54446

conculsion, 54849

CSS3, 476

definition, 52830

delay, 53637

direction, 53839

features, 54748

fill-mode, 53941

flash and JavaScript, 475

guidelines, 55153

iteration-count controls, 537

JavaScript, 54647

keyframes, 52628

name and duration, 53032

play-state, 54142

properties, 54244

timing functions, 53336

user interface, 475

Audio, 140

browser support, 141


AAC, 141

MP3, 141

MP4, 141

Vorbis, 141

WAV, 141

common video attributes, 140

jPlayer, 142

media API, 140

source, 14142

C, D

Canvas, 142

adding/implementing, 143

2D context, 14451

in IE, 15152


Darkroom, 155

Picozu Editor, 15657

Sketchpad, 15556

combining video and audio

9elements, 157

Ambilight, 158

video destruction, 159


3D Tetris, 154

Canvas Rider, 15354

Cut the Rope, 15253

pixel-based, 143

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). See Transitions, See CSS3


browser, 54446

conculsion, 54849

features, 54748

comparison, transitions and animations, 5046

differences, 504


2D transforms, 499500

3D transforms, 500501

browser, 499

conculsion, 503

fallback, 502

features, 502

Internet Explorer, 501

polyfills, 5012

CSS Layout

web devices, 28788

monitoring sizes, 289


basics, 209


streamlining design, 21314

workarounds and hacks, 21415


current and wider overview, 241

Good CSS Developers Pledge™, 244

IE Filters, standards and performance, 24546

in action, vendor prefixes, 24243

Opera effect, 22526

-prefix-free, 244

vendor prefixes, 241

calculating specificity, 22123

cascade, 221

context, 21112

contextual awareness, 209


declarations, 22526

naming conventions, 227

rule sets, 22627

single line vs. multi-line, 22325

CSS 1 and CSS 2.1, 21011

essential links, 56264

feature detection, 24647

frameworks and toolkits, 232


anatomy of a rule/rule set, 215

At-rules, 219

combinators, 219

declaration, 216

declaration block, 216

functional notation, 21718

keywords, 216

property, 215

selectors, 219

units, 217

value, 215

vendor-specific extensions, 219

go forth and make awesome, 56162

hardware acceleration and performance, 556

inheritance, 223


calc() and attr() functions, 55859

counters module, 55658

filter property, 56061

list-style-type, 556

variables, mixins and nesting, 560

lint, 23839

maintainable CSS

Object Oriented CSS, 23536

pattern primer/components library, 23335

principles, 233

systems and practical, maintainable CSS, 235

three-fold process, 23233

maturity levels, 213

modularity, 21213

module status, 25052

normalize.css, 23132


definition, 247

PIE, 24849

Selectivizr, 248

progressive enhancement

in action, 240

principles, 23940


basics, 230

Meyer’s reset reloaded, 23031

style sheets, 230

shorthand, 21921

specifications, 555

validation, 23738

W3C, 211

web standards, 210

Cufón, 379


Ex-presentational elements, 76

a element, 88

block link, 8889

browser caveats, 8990

b element, 76, 7879

cite element, 9496

dl element, 92

definition, 93

metadata, 93

em element, 80

em elements, 76

extending HTML5. See Extending HTML5

hr element, 76, 8183

i element, 76, 7778

mark element, 9798

ol element, 90

reversed attribute, 92

start and value attribute, 91

type attribute, 91

ruby annotations, 98

for East Asian languages, 1013

for English, 100101

s element, 76

s element with del and ins, 8387

small element, 76, 81

strong element, 76, 80

time element, 1036

u element, 76, 87

Extending HTML5, 106

class and rel attributes, 106

custom data attribute, 107

data element, 107

meta element, 106

methods, 106

microdata, 113

global identifiers, 118

in-page references, 117

itemprop value, 115

itemscope and itemprop, 115

making own vocabulary, 125

multiple properties, 117

nested items, 116

RDFa, 126 vocabularies, 11924

tools and browser support, 124

typed items and globally unique names, 118

using meta, 117

vs. microformats, 114

microformats, 108

contact information, using hcard, 11113

licensing information, using rel-license, 10910

using XFN, 11011

rev and profile attributes, 106


Farhner Image Replacement (FIR), 376

Flash of unstyled text (FOUT), 38283

font.js, 38485

Google’s WebFont Loader, 383


Gilder/Levin method, 377


linear gradients

angle, 455

color values, 455, 45759

diagonal, 45657

side-or-corner, 455

vertical, 45556

radial gradients

circular, 460

ColorZilla, 46364

ellipse, 46061

ellipse top left, 46162

position, 459

shape, 459

size, 459

syntax, 459

repeating gradients

diagonals, 46465

radial gradient, 46566

H, I


semantics via ARIA landmark roles, 7778

semantics via div class, 7377

HTML5, 8

boilerplate page, 31

polyfills and alternatives, 3233

type attribute, 3132

browsers, 27

block-level elements, 3031

IE print protector, 30

shiv, 2930

with unknown elements, 2729

character encoding, 23

coding styles, 20

design principles, 1113


Hello World page, 24

in HTML4 style, 25

in loose style, 2526

in strict style, 26

in XHTML 1.0 style, 2425

HTML 4, 8

improvements, 10

language declaration, 2123

memory, 24

meta charset attribute, 20

myths, 1316

revisit the Miss Baker page, 3638

validation, 33

lint, 3536


WaSP. See Web Standards Project (WaSP)

web page, 1819

WHATWG and W3C, 9

XHTML 1.0, 8

XHTML 2.0, 9

XMLNS attribute, 23

J, K

JavaScript, 54647

JavaScript image replacement (JIR), 37778


Leahy and Stuart Langridge method, 37677

M, N

Matrix transformation

2D functions, 488

3D transform, 490

definition, 488

rotation, 48990


Darkroom, 155

Sketchpad, 155


Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS)

classes, 236

concepts, 23536

overriding principles, 236

P, Q

Plain Old Semantic HTML (POSH), 3

Progressive Internet Explorer (PLE), 24849



border-box value, 41819

content-box, 42021

padding-box value, 41920


border-box, 42223

content-box, 42324

padding-box, 42122


auto, 42425

contain keyword, 42526

cover keyword, 42628


border-radius, 446

nine slices overlaid, 443

Opera, 444

stretch and round values, 445

stretch options, 445

syntax, 443


background image, 43839

diameter, 43637

different values, 44041

equal, 438

horizontal and vertical radius, 43940

image elements, 442

margin and padding, 437


blur radius, 44748

inset keyword, 447, 449

multiple shadows, 44950

negative offset values, 45152

rgba, 447

vendor prefix, 448


CSS3 Pie, 46768

Modernizr, 467

types, 466

color and transparency

HSLa, 41517

opacity, 41718

RGB, 41113

RGBa transparency, 41315

CSS3 effects

hover and focus states, 47071

basic styles, 468

border-radius, 469

Collison, Simon, 47172

rgb and hsla, 46869

text-shadow, 46970


linear-gradient, 45459

radial gradients, 45966

multiple backgrounds

background-repeat, 43233

first background image, 43031

html element, 430

individual images, 429

parallax effect, 43435

Patrick Lauke’s, 436

second body element, 43132

Silverback app, 42829

third image, 43334


Chrome, 452

faux 3D anaglyph, 45253

Mark Otto, 453

typography, 452

WebKit browser, 453


Rich media, 119

audio, 140

browser support, 141

codecs, 14041

common video attributes, 140

jPlayer, 142

media API, 140

source element, 14142

canvas, 142

adding/implementing, 14352

combining video and audio, 15759

games and applications, 15257

pixel-based, 143

resources, 160

flash, 119

Dan’s approach, 121

open web standards, 121

proprietary formats vs. open standards, 12021

SVG. See Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

video, 122

browser support, 12628

containers and codecs, 12526

DOM media elements, 13536

markup, 122

object tag, 122

poster and controls attributes, 122

source element, 12831

standard global attributes, 123

tools, 13639

track element, 13135


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 160

implementation, 161

circle, 163

gradient, 163

rectangle, 162

shape elements, 162

SVG element, 161

inline SVG, 160

resources, 164

vs. canvas, 160

scale() transform function, 48586


attribute and substring

contains/asterisk (*) operator, 25859

ends with/$ operator, 258

equals (=) operator, 256

required attribute, 255

starts with/caret (^) operator, 25657

tilde (~) operator, 256

title attribute, 255

vertical bar ( | ) operator, 256

browser support, 281

combinators, 25455

CSS 2.1, 25253

CSS1, 252

CSS3, 253

future, 282

negation pseudo-class, 28081


before and after, 27879

<figcaption> element, 278

CSS1 and CSS2, 27778

exploring further, 27980

href attribute, 279

structural pseudo-classes

first-child, 26769

last-child, 269

nth-child, 26972

nth-last-child, 272

only-child, 272

first-of-type, 27273

last-of-type, 273

nth-of-type, 27375

nth-last-of-type, 276

only-of-type, 277

empty, 277

root class, 277

target pseudo-class

hover:focus, 26263

first-of-type selector, 266

target, 266

article, div and sections, 265

highlighted section, 26364

section element, 26667

tabbed interface, 26465

z-index property, 265

UI element states pseudo-classes

checked and enabled, 261

disabled attribute, 26061

login form, 260

user interface module, 26162

W3C table, 28386

sIFR, 378

skew() transform, 48688

Structural elements

aside element, 62, 64

class names, 45

div, section and article, 46

basic structures, 4951

comparison, 4748

preferences, 4849

figure element, 63, 65

flow and phrasing elements, 43

heading element levels, 6062


article, 5254

h1-h6, 51

header and footer, 51

hgroup, 51


semantics via ARIA landmark roles, 7778

semantics via div class, 7377

HTML5 accessibility

alt attribute, 8083

axis attribute, 84

issues, 84

longdesc attribute, 83

summary attribute, 8384

universal access, 79

outlining algorithm, 55

media-independent semantics, 44

nav element, 62, 63

outlining algorithm, 55

implicit section, 56

in action, 56

sectioning root elements, 58

untitled section, 57, 5860

page layout, 6772

sectioning content elements, 66

workflow, 4243

T, U

Timing-function, transitions


equivalent, 51420

fallback, 51819

preset values, 515


frame-based animation, 520

functions, 51617

preset values, 516


2D CSS transforms, 477

3D/flat, 496

backface-visibilities, 49798

conculsion, 478


2D transforms, 499500

3D transforms, 500501

browser, 499

fallback, 502

Internet Explorer, 501

polyfills, 5012

CSS values and units, 478

features, 502


3D rotation, 484

default, 47881

matrix(), 48890

perspective and perspective(), 49192

perspective-origin, 492

rotate(), 483

scale() and scale3d(), 48586

skew(), 48688

transforms via transform-origin, 49396

translate(), 48182

translate3d(), 482

guidelines, 55153

meaning, 476

transform-style, 496

Transforms via transform-origin, 49396


browsers, 52123

conculsion, 52526

features, 52324

guidelines, 55153

modules, 506

properties, 506

box properties, 5089

CSS animations, 50712

duration, 514

faking transition, 513

multiple values, 521

positioning properties, 509

shorthand order, 521

SVG properties, 510–11, 51011

text properties, 508

timing-function, 51420

transition-delay, 520

vendor code, 507


flickering animation, 525

fuzzy, z-index and hardware acceleration, 52425

steps, 524

translate() transform function, 48184


Video, 122

browser support, 12628

containers and codecs

H.264, 126

MPEG-4, 126

Ogg, 125

Theora, 126

VP8, 126

WebM, 125

DOM, 13536

markup, 122

object tag, 122

poster and controls attributes, 122

source element, 12831

standard global attributes, 123


JW Player, 137

MediaElement.js, 138

Playr, 13738

SublimeVideo Player, 139

VideoJS, 139

track element, 131

attributes, 131

subtitles in multiple languages, 132

WebVTT, 13235


Web Standards Project (Wasp)

accessibility, 6

benefits, 3

browser wars, 2

crafted approach, 7

definition, 2

semantic markup, 3

uncertainty, 46

W3C, 2

web trifle, 4

Web typography

anatomy, 37475


font family, 389

font-size, 390

rem unit, 390

vertical spacing, 389

Cufón, 379

Farhner Image Replacement, 376

fonts, 373

Gilder/Levin method, 377

grid design

automatic vertical rhythms, 395

baseline grid, 39495

ems, 39394

pixels, 39193

vertical rhythm, 39091

hanging punctuation, 4067

history, web type, 37576

JavaScript image replacement, 37778

Leahy/Langridge method, 37677

non-latin type

OpenType format, 408

text-emphasis-style, 4078

word-break, 407

Phark method, 377

quotes, 4056

sIFR, 378

SVG fonts, 379

typeface, 373

web fonts

@font-face, 380, 38586

being, 380

bulletproof syntax, 382

commercial foundries, 386

declaration, 38182

disadvantages, 388

flash of unstyled text, 38283

font services, 38788

Font Squirrel, 386

font.js, 38485

Google’s WebFont Loader, 383

icons, 388

Kernest, 386

rule, 38081

web type

font-stretch, 397

font-weight property, 39597

hyphens, 4023

letter space, 39899

soft hyphen, 4035

synthesize text, 397

text overflows, 39798

vertical-align properties, 398

white-space, 4012

word-space, 399400

word-wrap/break-word, 400401

WebSRT (Web Subtitle Resource Tracks), 132

WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks), 13235

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2

X, Y, Z

XHTML Friends Network (XFN), 11011

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