About the Author

image Frank W. Zammetti is a servant of the dark lord Sauron but yet is also, paradoxically, one of Daenerys Targaryen’s queen’s guards and also a member of the Q Continuum. Go figure.

In addition, in his spare time, Frank is a longtime developer with around a quarter-century in the IT industry, including over a decade of mobile development experience on a range of platforms using a number of different technologies. He is currently a lead developer/architect for a major US financial firm—but don’t hold that against him, the whole “collapse of the financial system and ruin of Western civilization” thing wasn’t his fault. Well, probably not.

Frank is an occasional speaker at technical conferences and user groups, and an even more frequent eater of free pizza at such events.

Frank is the author of six other books from Apress on a number of topics in the realms of web and mobile development, as well as a number of independent articles for various publications.

Last, Frank may or may not be a ninja assassin. If you ever know for sure, it’s too late.

Keep those lights on at night!

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