
images  A

Apple app store

    app review guidelines


        application loader


        iTunes connect site

        portal page

Application structure

    Astro rescue game

    build.settings file

        androidPermissions element

        Astro Rescue

        build-time properties and meta information

        iphone.plist element

        orientation element

        screen 180 degrees


    config.lua file

        dynamic substitution

        imageSuffix attribute

        launchpad attribute

        virtual screen size

        width and height



    event handler

    main.lua file

        file I/O operations


        initial execution



        Astro Rescue main menu scene

        scene object

        storyboard.removeScene( ) and storyboard.removeAll( ) methods

        view object

    scene lifecycle events

    storyboard API

        Astro Rescue title scene

        basic code structure


        single line code

        triggers Corona

    transition effects



        Corona projects

        handling cross-platform audio concerns

        log messages

        utils object

        utils.lua file

Astro Rescue

    gameCore object

        gameCoreCollisionEvents.lua file

        gameCoreInputEvents.lua file







        physics.addBody( )

        shapeDefs object

    player control input (see Player control input)

    scene lifecycle handlers

        createScene( )

        enterScene( ) method

        gc:destroy( ) method

        gc:init( ) method

        gc:start( ) method

        gc:stop( ) method

        willEnterScene( ) and didExitScene( ) methods

images  B

images  C

Collision events

    code handling level

        Astro Rescue




        fuel pods

        landing pad

        mothership-landing bay

        system.vibrate( )

    collision detection


        Astro Rescue

        bounding boxes



    fuel gauge

Corona SDK


    Corona simulator

        build system

        circle object


        moveCircle( ) function

        onComplete property

        rectangle object

        welcome screen

    future aspects

    history of

        Ansca Mobile

        Bubble Ball


        NOOK Color tablet

        The Secret of Grisly Manor

    IDE support

    Lua scripting language

    mobile game development

    Particle Candy

    in school

    sprites and tween-based animations

    transition library

    Widget Candy

    writing video games, benefits

images  D

images  E

images  F

images  G, H

gameCore object

    colonist object

        appearanceRangeFrames attribute

        explosion object

        fadingIn attribute

        framesSinceLastAppearance attribute

        fuelPod object

        plasmaBall object


        shell and fill attributes


    createScene( ) method

    destroy( ) method

    drawCurrentLevel( ) method

    explosion image sheet

    gameDG variable

    isSensor attribute

    levelDG variable

    loadGraphics( ) method



    popup variable

    resetLevel( )

        callback function

        transition.cancel( )

    scale( ) method

    scoreText variable

    showMessage( ) method


        animation sequence

        colonistsOnboard attribute

        count attribute

        display.newSprite( ) method

        image sheets

        loopCount and loopDirection attribute

        name attribute

        sequenceData attributes

        thrustLeft and thrustRight attributes

        thrustVertical attribute

        time attribute

    start( ) method

    stopAllActivity( ) method

    stop( ) method

    topYAdjust variable

Google Play



images  I, J, K

images  L




    control structures

    data types










        add( )








        pcall( )

        print ( )



        return a value

        return multiple values

        setmetatable( )


        tostring ( )

        type ( )

        xpcall( )

    garbage-collection language

    host program


        list of words




        anonymous block




        statements and loops




        break statement

        for loop

        repeat construct

        while loop

    mark-and-sweep collector


        global scope


        require( ) statement

        utils.lua and module2.lua


        concatenation operator

        length operator

        logical operators

        mathematical operators

        numerics and strings


        relational comparison operators



        length operator (#)

        numeric/nonnumeric keys


        reference functions

    type of value



        block scope


        global variables


        multiple assignment form

        scope resolution



images  M, N

Menu scene

    Astro rescue main menu


        buildShapes( ) method

        createScene( ) method

        horizontal position

        menu items

        OS-related functions

        quit menu option

        target value )/transition.from( )


        append( ) method

        Astro rescue main menu

        buildShapes( ) method

        random shape-rectangle






    unused scene event handlers


images  O

Odds and ends See also SQLite database



        analytics.init( )

        API present

        Corona launchpad

    in-app purchases


        file system

        lfs.touch( ) method


    network access



        single user

        socket networking

    social gaming

        facebook integration

        game network integration


images  P, Q, R

Player control input

    accelerometer input

        audio and animations

        neutral tilt

        tilting to left

        tilting to right

    audio and animations updation

    input handling with corona

    touch input

        audio and animations

        began phase

        ended phase

        left and right thrust

        vertical thrust

images  S

Setting scene

    Astro rescue


        createScene( ) method

        DisplayObject text

        PickerWheel widget


        SegmentedControl widget

        slider widget

        spinner widget

        stepper widget

        TabBar widget

        TableView widget

        text creation code

        widget creation

        widget.newSwitch( )


    unused event handlers


SQLite database

    contacts object

    database creation


        general form

        long and short


    in-memory database

    nrows( ) method

    nrows( ) method


images  T, U

Testing and publishing

    Apple app store

        app review guidelines


    app store model

        Amazon Appstore for Android

        Google Play

        modern-day app stores


    build Android applications

        Corona window

        on-device debugging


        Java-style package


        kicking off

        release build



        typical installation

    iOS application

        Apple developer

        build window

        Dev Center web site

        on-device debugging



        provisioning profile


        store package

        Xcode organizer

        Xcode simulator

Title scene

    Astro rescue

    continuous action

    createScene( ) and enterScene( ) method



        callback function

        createScene( ) method



    destroy scene

    exit scene

    handling touch

    scene object

    unused scene event handlers

    variable declaration


images  V

images  W, X, Y, Z

Wrapping up

    lifecycle methods and event handlers

    scene creation


        display.captureScreen( )



        lifecycle methods

        line of text



        spotlight move

        turn on-spotlight effect

    touch events



        left side-spotlight

        right side-spotlight

        spotlight centered

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