
Classes of Objects

In R, objects belong to classes as well as modes and types. Classes tell something about how an object is structured. S3 and S4 differ with regard to classes. In S3, there are specific classes into which an R objects falls. In S4, the user defines a class for an S4 object. Classes in S3 are called informal classes, whereas classes in S4 are called formal classes. This chapter covers only S3 classes.

Some Basics on Classes

S3 classes are attributes of S3 objects and are not usually assigned by the user. Given an object, the class of the object can be found by using the function class(). If an object has not been given a class in the package to which the object belongs, then the class of the object is just the mode of the object. For example, an object of mode function is also of class function.

The output from many functions will have a class attribute specific to the function. For example, the class of the output from a linear model fit with the function lm() is lm. Also, objects can belong to more than one class. An example is a model fit using the generalized linear model function glm(). The classes of the output are glm and lm.

On a more technical side, according to the help page for class(), the classes of an object are the classes from which an object inherits. So, the output of lm() inherits from lm and the output from glm() inherits from both lm and glm.

One useful function for classes is the function methods(). Entering methods(class=name), where name is the name of a class, will show functions specifically written to be applied to objects of the class. For example:

> methods(class=matrix)
 [1] anyDuplicated.matrix as.raster.matrix*
 [4] boxplot.matrix       determinant.matrix   duplicated.matrix
 [7] edit.matrix*         head.matrix          isSymmetric.matrix
[10] relist.matrix*       subset.matrix        summary.matrix
[13] tail.matrix          unique.matrix
   Non-visible functions are asterisked

Entering ?class at the R prompt gives more information about classes and inheritance.


Although there is no class vector, the vector merits discussion as one of the most basic kinds of objects. For vectors, the class is just the mode of the vector, except for integer vectors, which take on the class integer. Another reason vectors are important is that for the functions, where name is the name of an atomic mode, except for the mode NULL, returns a vector.

The functions vector(), as.vector(), and is.vector() exist and operate somewhat like the similar functions for the modes. The function vector() takes the arguments mode and length and creates a vector of the given mode and length. The acceptable modes are the atomic modes—except NULL, the list mode, and the expression mode. Other modes give an error.

For the atomic modes,

vector(mode="name", length=n)

behaves the same way as


where name is the name of the mode and n is the length argument. Note that name must be in quotes in the call to vector(). For the list mode, vector() returns a list of NULLs of length given by the length argument. With the mode set equal to expression, vector() gives an expression with NULLs for arguments, where the number of NULLs is given by the length argument.

The function as.vector() tries to coerce an object to a vector. For some objects, as.vector() just passes the object through and does not create a vector. For some other objects, an error is returned if the function as.vector() is run.

For matrices and arrays, dimensional information is removed by as.vector() (for example, names of columns in a matrix and the number of rows and columns), and a vector of the elements of the matrix or array is returned. The elements of the vector are ordered starting with the first dimension of the matrix or array and continuing through the dimensions. For example:

> a = array(1:8,c(2,2,2))
> dimnames(a) = list(c("d11","d12"),c("d21","d22"),
+ c("d31","d32"))
> a
, , d31
    d21 d22
d11   1   3
d12   2   4
, , d32
    d21 d22
d11   5   7
d12   6   8
> as.vector(a)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Here the c() function is used to create the vector of the dimensions for the 2x2x2 array() and to create names for the three dimensions of the array.

For objects of mode list, as.vector() passes the list through. Depending on the structure of the list, is.vector() operating on the result can give either TRUE or FALSE. The mode does not change.

For objects of mode function, as.vector() returns an error.

For objects of mode call, as.vector() passes the object through but does not create a vector. The mode does not change.

For objects of mode name, as.vector() returns an error.

For objects of mode expression, as.vector() passes the expression through and the result gives TRUE for is.vector(). The mode does not change.

For the S4 mode, as.vector() returns an error.

The function is.vector() returns TRUE if the object is a vector and FALSE otherwise, although some objects that do not look like vectors return TRUE.

More information about vector(), as.vector(), and is.vector() can be found by entering ?vector at the R prompt.

Some Common Classes

Some common S3 classes are integer, numeric, matrix, and array. Objects of class integer and numeric are vectors. Matrices are just that—objects made up of elements in rows and columns, all of the same mode. Arrays are like matrices, but they can have more than two dimensions.

Some other common S3 classes are ts and mts, for time series; factor, for factors; Date, for dates; and POSIXct, for dates with times, all of which are numeric.

Some common classes of mode list are data.frame, for data frames; POSTXlt, for dates and times; and most output from higher-level functions in the packages such as lm and glm.

The Matrix Class: matrix

Objects of class matrix are matrices made up of elements of one of the atomic modes, except NULL, or of the modes list or expression. The three functions matrix(), as.matrix(), and is.matrix() exist and behave similarly to the functions for atomic modes.

The function matrix() creates a matrix. The function takes five possible arguments. The first argument is an object of atomic, list, or expression mode. The second argument is nrow, the number of rows. The third argument is ncol, the number of columns. The fourth argument is byrow, which tells R to create the matrix going across rows rather than down columns. The default value is FALSE. The byrow argument is useful for scanning tabular atomic data into a matrix. The fifth argument is dimnames, which assigns names to the rows and columns within the call to matrix(). The default value for dimnames is NULL.

Using the array a from the section on vectors, two examples of creating a matrix follow:

> matrix(a,3,3)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    4    7
[2,]    2    5    8
[3,]    3    6    1
Warning message:
In matrix(a, 3, 3) :
  data length [8] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [3]
> matrix(a,3,3,byrow=T,dimnames=list(NULL,c("c1","c2","c3")))
     c1 c2 c3
[1,]  1  2  3
[2,]  4  5  6
[3,]  7  8  1
Warning message:
In matrix(a, 3, 3, byrow = T, dimnames = list(NULL, c("c1", "c2",  :
  data length [8] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [3]

Note that R gives a warning if the product of the number of rows and columns is not a multiple of the number of elements in the first argument. The warning message does not affect the result.

For the atomic modes, if just the first argument is given, R creates a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of elements in the object and the number of columns equal to one. If just nrow or ncol is given, R creates a matrix out of the object in the first argument with the given number of rows or columns, filling out as many of the columns or rows that it takes to use up all of the elements in the first argument—cycling if necessary. If both nrow and ncol are present, R will go through the elements of the first argument until the matrix is full, cycling as necessary. The byrow argument can be used to cycle the first argument across rows rather than down columns.

For objects of the list mode, matrix() creates a matrix that describes the contents of each top level element of the list. The description gives the mode of the element and the size of the element. If the element of the list is not of a legal mode, then a ? is placed in the cell of the matrix. Referencing cells on the matrix returns the contents of the list for the cell. The following code gives an example:

> a.list = list(matrix(1:4,2,2), c("abc","cde"), 1:3,
> a.list
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    3
[2,]    2    4
[1] "abc" "cde"
[1] 1 2 3
function ()
> matrix(a.list,2,2)
     [,1]        [,2]
[1,] Integer,4   Integer,3
[2,] Character,2 ?
> matrix(a.list,2,2)[2,2]
function ()

Objects of mode expression are legal for matrix(), but the result does look like a matrix. Depending on the number of columns and/or rows given, the arguments in the expression will be duplicated.

The function as.matrix() attempts to coerce an object to class matrix and is mainly used with data.frames. If the argument to as.matrix() can be coerced to a vector and is not a matrix or data.frame, then as.matrix() creates a single column matrix of the coerced elements. The mode is matrix. If the object is a matrix, as.matrix() just returns the matrix and maintains row and column names.

If the object is a data.frame, then as.matrix() coerces the data.frame to a matrix. (A data.frame is a special kind of list for which the elements all have the same length and are of the atomic modes.) If there is a column in the data.frame that contains character data or raw data, then the entire data.frame is coerced to character. Otherwise, the data.frame is coerced to a logical matrix if all of the columns are logical, to an integer matrix if an integer column is present but no numeric or complex columns are present, to a numeric matrix if a numeric column is present and no complex columns are present, and to a complex matrix if a complex column is present.

Data frames can also be converted to a matrix using the data.matrix() function. The function data.matrix() converts a data frame to a matrix by coercing all of the elements in the data frame to numeric. For complex elements, the imaginary part is discarded. The function coerces character columns to NAs and factor columns to integers, starting with 1. (When a data frame is created, columns of mode character are changed to factors by default. See the section on data.frame() for how data.frame() can handle columns of mode character.)

The following example shows the results for as.matrix() and data.matrix(), using a data.frame called a.df:

> a.df = data.frame(c("a","a"),1:2,c(F,T),1:2+.5,1:2+7i)
> dimnames(a.df) = list(c("1","2"),c("char", "int", "log", "doub", "comp"))
> a.df
  char int   log doub comp
1    a   1 FALSE  1.5 1+7i
2    a   2  TRUE  2.5 2+7i
> mode(a.df)
[1] "list"
> class(a.df)
[1] "data.frame"
> as.matrix(a.df)
     char int log     doub  comp
[1,] "a"  "1" "FALSE" "1.5" "1+7i"
[2,] "a"  "2" " TRUE" "2.5" "2+7i"
> as.matrix(a.df[,2:5])
      int  log   doub comp
[1,] 1+0i 0+0i 1.5+0i 1+7i
[2,] 2+0i 1+0i 2.5+0i 2+7i
> class(a.df[,1])
[1] "factor"
> data.matrix(a.df)
     char int log doub comp
[1,]    1   1   0  1.5    1
[2,]    1   2   1  2.5    2
Warning message:
In data.matrix(a.df) : imaginary parts discarded in coercion

The function is.matrix() tests whether an object is of class matrix. The function returns TRUE if the class of the argument is matrix and FALSE otherwise. If an object of mode and class expression is used to create a matrix or is coerced to a matrix, the result will have class matrix, even though the structure of the result is not matrixlike.

More information on matrix(), as.matrix(), and is.matrix() can be found by entering ?matrix at the R prompt. More information about data.matrix() can be found by entering ?data.matrix at the R prompt.

The Array Class: array

The array class is a class of data that is organized using dimensions, such as a multidimensional contingency table. Matrices can be set up as two-dimensional arrays and vectors can be set up as one-dimensional arrays. Both, however, will have class matrix, even though array() creates the objects.

The function array() creates an array out of an object. The function takes three arguments. The first argument is any object that can be coerced to a vector. The second argument is a vector that contains the size of each dimension and is of length equal to the number of dimensions. The third argument is a list of names for each of the dimensions and can be omitted. The default value is NULL.

The following is an example of setting up an array:

> b.array = array(1:12, c(2,3,2),
+ dimnames=list(c("",""),c("d21", "d22", "d23"),NULL))
> b.array
, , 1
 d21 d22 d23
   1   3   5
   2   4   6
, , 2
 d21 d22 d23
   7   9  11
   8  10  12

Other than there being more than two dimensions, array() behaves the same as matrix().

The function as.array() attempts to coerce an object to class array. The object must be of the atomic modes—except for the NULL mode—or of the list or expression modes. Otherwise, as.array() returns an error. For the atomic modes, as.array() behaves like as.matrix(). For the list and expression modes, as.array() just passes the object through, but changes the class of the object to array. The mode is not changed.

The function is.array() tests an object to see if the class of the object is array. The function returns TRUE if the class is array and FALSE otherwise.

More information about array(), as.array(), and is.array() can be found by entering ?array at the R prompt.

The Time Series Classes: ts and mts

Classes ts and mts refer to objects that have a starting point, an end point, and a frequency or period defined, and for which observations are assumed to be at equal intervals. The default time series class for a vector of time series observations is ts. For a matrix of concurrent time series observations, the default classes are mts, ts, and matrix. The class of the time series can be changed when the time series object is created.

Time series objects can be created out of vector, matrix, some list, and expression objects—as well as some other classes of objects such as factor and Date—using the function ts(). Objects of mode array give an error. All of the atomic modes are legal as arguments for the function ts(), except the NULL mode. For list objects, depending on the contents and structure of the list, the ts() function will create a, sometimes strange, time series object.

If the argument to ts() is a data frame, then the data frame is coerced to a matrix by the function data.matrix(). For any object to be used as an argument to ts(), the first element of the object must be atomic. For matrix arguments, the different time series go across the columns and time goes down the rows.

The function ts() takes eight arguments. The first argument is the object to be changed into a time series. The second argument is start and gives a value for the start of the series. The third argument is end and gives a value for the end of the series. The fourth argument is frequency, which give the periodic frequency for the series. The fifth argument is deltat, which is the inverse of the frequency. Either frequency or deltat is supplied, not both.

The sixth argument is ts.eps, which gives the acceptable tolerance for comparing frequencies between different time series. The seventh argument is class, which tells R what class to assign to the time series object. The eighth argument is names and gives names to the time series for time series matrices. If no names are given, R assigns the names Series 1, Series 2, and so forth.

The second, third, fourth, and fifth arguments can be confusing. R treats monthly or quarterly data as a special case when regarding printing and plotting. Other types of periodic data have to be treated specially. For monthly data, setting start equal to

start = c('year', 'month number')
and frequency equal to
frequency = 12
or deltat equal to
deltat = 1/12,

where year is the starting year and month number is the number of the starting month (1 for January, 2 for February, and so on), assigns months and years to the points in the object being converted to a time series.

To generate a monthly time series, include end with

end = c('year', 'month number'),

where year is the ending year and month number is the number of the ending month. The function ts() will cycle the first argument until the time series is filled out.

For quarterly data, follow the same steps but use a frequency of four. For example:

> d.qua
     [,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.53 5.48
[2,] 7.07 3.51
[3,] 5.91 4.10
[4,] 6.89 8.49
[5,] 1.51 5.33
> d.qua.ts = ts(d.qua, start=c(2000, 3), frequency=4)
> d.qua.ts
        Series 1 Series 2
2000 Q3     1.53     5.48
2000 Q4     7.07     3.51
2001 Q1     5.91     4.10
2001 Q2     6.89     8.49
2001 Q3     1.51     5.33

On a more general level, say there is daily data for one week and three days and the starting week is number 32. Let be the data. Then the time series can be created as follows:

 [1]  0.908 -3.311 -0.702 -0.273  0.574 -0.428 -0.834 -0.531 -3.020 -0.060
> d.ts = ts(, start=c(32,1), end=c(33, 3), frequency=7)
> d.ts
Time Series:
Start = c(32, 1)
End = c(33, 3)
Frequency = 7
 [1]  0.908 -3.311 -0.702 -0.273  0.574 -0.428 -0.834 -0.531 -3.020 -0.060
> print(d.ts, calendar=T)
       p1     p2     p3     p4     p5     p6     p7
32  0.908 -3.311 -0.702 -0.273  0.574 -0.428 -0.834
33 -0.531 -3.020 -0.060

Note that the default for printing the time series is not in periods—except for frequencies of 4 and 12, for which R assumes that the data is monthly or quarterly. The printing of periods can be turned on and off with the calendar argument to print().

If one number, instead of two, is used for each of start and end, then only the quantities (n+i/f) can be used as the starting and end points, where n is the integer of the first period, f is the frequency, and i can take integer values between zero and (f-1). The quantity (n+i/f) must be taken out to at least five decimal places if entered manually unless the argument ts.eps is changed from the default value of 1.0E-5. The value of ts.eps is set in options(). R is very picky here.

The function as.ts() attempts to coerce an object to class ts. Objects that are vector—or matrixlike—will coerce. Arrays will not, functions will not, names will not, and calls will not; expressions and lists will.

The function is.ts() tests if an object is of class ts and returns TRUE if so and FALSE otherwise.

More information about ts(), as.ts(), and is.ts() can be found by entering ?ts at the R prompt.

The Factor Classes: factor and ordered

The class factor is the class of objects that are factor levels. Ordered factors belong to two classes, ordered and factor. Ordered factors have ordered factor levels. Factors and ordered factors are used in modeling for which at least some categorical data is present. The mode of factors and ordered factors is numeric and the levels are associated with integers that increase in value from one. However, when printed, the nominal levels are given.

The factor levels are usually ordered alphabetically or numerically by default, depending on the mode of the argument, but the R help page for factor warns that the levels may be sorted by another method.

The three functions factor(), as.factor(), and is.factor() exist, as well as ordered(), as.ordered(), and is.ordered(). The second set of functions behaves the same as the first set with regard to creating and testing factor objects, so we only discuss the first set of functions here.

The function factor() creates a vector of factor levels and an associated list of levels. The function has six arguments. The first argument is the object from which the factors will be generated. The argument must be of an atomic mode other than raw. The second argument is levels and sets the order of the factor levels. The levels argument is optional.

The third argument is labels and assigns labels to the levels. The third argument is optional and defaults to the values of the elements of the object. The fourth argument is exclude and gives any levels to be excluded in the result. Excluded levels are set to <NA>. The argument is optional and defaults to NA.

The fifth argument is ordered, which is in factor(), but not in ordered(). The argument ordered tells factor() to create a factor with ordered levels. The function factor() with ordered set to TRUE gives the same result as the function ordered(). The sixth argument is nmax and is described as the maximum number of levels to use. Avoid using nmax. The argument does not appear to work and can crash R.

Converting between factors and the original data is sometimes of interest. If labels have not been assigned in factor(),


returns the original values of the object, where mode is the mode of the original object and fac.obj is the factor object. Note that the function,


returns the integers associated with the levels, even if the original object was not of mode numeric. If labels have been assigned, then usually the original data cannot be extracted.

An example follows:

> a.log = c(T,T,F,T)
> a.log
> afl = factor(a.log)
> afl
> as.logical(levels(afl))[afl]
> as.numeric(afl)
[1] 2 2 1 2
> af2 = factor(a.log, levels=c(T,F))
> af2
> as.logical(levels(af2))[af2]
> as.numeric(af2)
[1] 1 1 2 1
> af3 =factor(a.log, labels=c("flab","tlab"))
> af3
[1] tlab tlab flab tlab
Levels: flab tlab
> as.logical(levels(af3))[af3]
> as.numeric(af3)
[1] 2 2 1 2
> as.character(levels(af3))[af3]
[1] "tlab" "tlab" "flab" "tlab"

The as.factor() function operates the same way as factor(), but only takes one argument, an object to be made into a factor.

The is.factor() function tests if an object is a factor and returns TRUE if so and FALSE otherwise.

There is also a related function, addNA(). The function creates a factor object with a level for missing data (NAs). The function takes on two arguments. The first argument is an object from which an object of class factor can be created. The second argument is ifany. The ifany argument is logical and takes on the value TRUE if the extra level is only added when NAs are present and the value FALSE if the extra level is to always be included.

More information about the seven functions can be found by entering ?factor at the R prompt.

The Data Frame Class: data.frame

The class data.frame is a matrixlike class of mode list. Data frames and how to use them are important. Many of the data sets that are available for R are data frames. When data is read from external sources, many of the functions that do the reading create data frames. Learning how to work with and create data frames pays high dividends.

Data frames contain atomic data in rows and columns. Within a column, all of the data must be of the same mode. Across columns, the mode can change. Because data frames do not have to be of just one mode, data frames are a special kind of list.

Accessing elements of the data frame can be done like matrices or like lists, which makes data frames more versatile than the usual list. By default, the columns take names that reflect what is or is not in the original objects making up the data frame.

The functions data.frame(),, and all exist in R. In data.frame() the objects to be included in the data frame are listed first, separated by commas. The objects can be any object of atomic mode or lists made up of atomic columns, or just raw data. If an object is made up of more than one column, like some matrices and lists, then each column in the original object becomes a column in the data frame. Otherwise, each object becomes a column. If the columns had names in the original objects, the names are brought into the data frame by default.

The objects used to make up the data frame do not have to be of the same length (or number of rows for matrices), but must be multiples of each other in length. The number of rows in the data frame will equal the length of the longest column. The data in the other columns will cycle until the column has the right number of rows. For example:

> a.list
     a1 a2
[1,]  1  7
[2,]  2  8
[3,]  3  9
[4,]  4 10
[5,]  5 11
[6,]  6 12
[1] "abc" "cde"
> data.frame(a.list, 1:3)
  a1 a2 X1.3
1  1  7             abc    1
2  2  8             cde    2
3  3  9             abc    3
4  4 10             cde    1
5  5 11             abc    2
6  6 12             cde    3

Note that R has created names for the third and fourth columns and that the third and fourth columns both cycle.

The function data.frame() has four arguments in addition to the objects that will make up the data frame. The first argument is row.names, which assigns names to the rows and by default is NULL, that is, no names are assigned. The second argument is check.rows, which is a logical argument and will check for consistency of row lengths and row names if set to TRUE. The default is FALSE. The third argument is check.names, which is also logical and which checks that column names are syntactically correct and corrects names that are not. The default for check.names is TRUE.

The last argument is stringsAsFactors. By default, data.frame() converts any column containing character data into a factor. The argument stringsAsFactors is a logical variable. If set to TRUE, factors are created. If set to FALSE, character columns remain columns of mode character.  The actual default value is default.stingsAsFactors(). The value of default.stringsAsFactors() is set in options() (Chapter 15) and by default is TRUE but can be changed in options().

The function I() can be used in the setting up of data frames. The function is another way to stop data.frame() from converting a character vector to factors. Also, I() ensures that for a matrix the column structure is maintained in the data frame. An object in the data.frame() call enclosed in I() will be treated as one element of the data frame, even if the object contains more than one column. Objects enclosed in I() do not cycle. For example:

> mat
     one two
row1   1   6
row2   2   7
row3   3   8
row4   4   9
row5   5  10
> a.char
 [1] "a1"  "a2"  "a3"  "a4"  "a5"  "a6"  "a7"  "a8"  "a9"  "a10"
> data.frame(mat,a.char)
   one two a.char
1    1   6     a1
2    2   7     a2
3    3   8     a3
4    4   9     a4
5    5  10     a5
6    1   6     a6
7    2   7     a7
8    3   8     a8
9    4   9     a9
10   5  10    a10
Warning message:
In data.frame(mat, a.char) :
  row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
> data.frame(mat,a.char)[[3]]
 [1] a1  a2  a3  a4  a5  a6  a7  a8  a9  a10
Levels: a1 a10 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9
Warning message:
In data.frame(mat, a.char) :
  row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
> data.frame(I(mat),a.char)
Error in data.frame(I(mat), a.char) :
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 5, 10
> data.frame(I(mat),I(a.char[1:5])) mat.two a.char.1.5.
row1       1       6          a1
row2       2       7          a2
row3       3       8          a3
row4       4       9          a4
row5       5      10          a5
> data.frame(I(mat),I(a.char[1:5]))[[1]]
     one two
row1   1   6
row2   2   7
row3   3   8
row4   4   9
row5   5  10
> data.frame(I(mat),I(a.char[1:5]))[[2]]
[1] "a1" "a2" "a3" "a4" "a5"

If row names are not entered in the call to data.frame(), row names are taken from the first column if the first column has row labels and does not cycle. Otherwise, row names are set to 1, 2, 3, and so forth. For example:

> z.vec
 istrue isfalse
> mat[1:4,]
     one two
row1   1   6
row2   2   7
row3   3   8
row4   4   9
> y.vec
fac1 fac2 fac3 fac4
"y1" "y2" "y3" "y4"
> data.frame(z.vec, mat[1:4,], y.vec)
  z.vec one two y.vec
1  TRUE   1   6    y1
2 FALSE   2   7    y2
3  TRUE   3   8    y3
4 FALSE   4   9    y4
Warning message:
In data.frame(z.vec, mat[1:4, ], y.vec) :
  row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
> data.frame(mat[1:4,], y.vec, z.vec)
     one two y.vec z.vec
row1   1   6    y1  TRUE
row2   2   7    y2 FALSE
row3   3   8    y3  TRUE
row4   4   9    y4 FALSE

The function attempts to coerce an object to a data frame. If the object is a list made up of atomic elements or is an object of an atomic mode, then creates a data frame out of the object. Otherwise data.frame() gives an error.

The function takes three arguments, row.names, optional, and stringsAsFactors. The arguments row.names and stringsAsFactors behave the same way as in data.frame(). The argument optional is a logical variable that, if set to TRUE, tells that setting row names and converting column names are optional. If set to TRUE and if row.names is set to NULL, the row names are set to “”. The default value for optional is FALSE.

The function tests if an object is of class data.frame and, if so, returns TRUE. Otherwise returns FALSE.

The functions as.matrix() and data.matrix() can be used to convert a data frame to a matrix. See the section on the matrix class for more information about the two kinds of conversions.

For more information about data.frame(), enter ?data.frame at the R prompt. For more information about and, enter ? at the R prompt. For more information about I(), enter ?I at the R prompt.

The Date and Time Classes: Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt, and difftime

Sometimes working with dates and times is useful, as when printing and plotting against time. R provides classes for dates and for dates and times. The classes are Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt. Objects of class Date or POSIXct are of mode numeric and objects of class POSIXlt are of mode list. Of the three types of functions usual for the classes given above, only the functions as.Date(), as.POSIXct(), and as.POSIXlt() exist for date and date and time objects.

To just get a date and time stamp in R, enter date() at the R prompt, which returns the day of the week, date, and time. The result is of mode and class character. The system date functionSys.Date() returns the system date and is of numeric mode and class Date. The system date and time function is Sys.time() and returns the system date, time, and time zone and is of mode numeric and classes POSIXct and POSIXlt.

Dates are returned in the format “Year-Month-Day” and times are returned in the format “hour:minute:second.” There are a number of functions that operate on the date and time classes, including weekdays(), which returns the day of the week of objects of class Date, POSIXlt, or POSIXlt. More functions can be found at the help page for DateTimeClasses by entering ?DateTimeClasses at the R prompt.

The function as.Date() creates a date object. The arguments to as.Date() are the object to be converted to a date; format, which gives the format of the object in terms of year, month, and day; origin, which is an origin for the first argument and must be of class Date or POSIXct; and tz for the time zone.

If origin is used, the object to be converted can be any numeric object. If origin is given, the function adds or subtracts the values of the object to or from the date given by the origin argument and converts the result to a date. An example of weekly spacing is

> as.Date(0:3*7, "2000-1-1")
[1] "2000-01-01" "2000-01-08" "2000-01-15" "2000-01-22"

If dates are used as the object and the dates are not in a “year-month-day” format, then the format of the dates must be given. The format is a character variable where the placement of the year is by %Y, the day by %d, and the month by %m, such as

> as.Date("1/20/2000", format="%m/%d/%Y")
[1] "2000-01-20"

Note that the format is the format of the object to be converted, not the format of the result.

The argument tz is for the time zone. Some time zones are recognized, some are not. See the help page for as.Date() for more information.

The function is.Date() tests if an object is a date and returns TRUE if so and FALSE otherwise.

The functions as.POSIXct() and as.POSIXlt() take the same arguments as Date() except that the dates can contain time, too. The default format for time is %H:%M:%S for hours, minutes, and seconds. For example:

> as.POSIXct("1/13/2000 00:30:00", format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
[1] "2000-01-13 00:30:00 CST"

Dates and dates and times can be operated on by addition and subtraction. Decimals for times are converted correctly. Dates in function Date() are incremented by days; times in the date time functions are incremented by seconds. Examples follow:

> as.POSIXct(Sys.time())+1:4*1000
[1] "2014-01-12 15:08:03 CST" "2014-01-12 15:24:43 CST"
[3] "2014-01-12 15:41:23 CST" "2014-01-12 15:58:03 CST"
> mode(as.POSIXct(Sys.time())+1:4*1000)
[1] "numeric"
> as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())+1:4*1000
[1] "2014-01-12 15:08:34 CST" "2014-01-12 15:25:14 CST"
[3] "2014-01-12 15:41:54 CST" "2014-01-12 15:58:34 CST"
> mode(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())+1:4*1000)
[1] "numeric"
> as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()+1:4*1000)
[1] "2014-01-12 15:09:14 CST" "2014-01-12 15:25:54 CST"
[3] "2014-01-12 15:42:34 CST" "2014-01-12 15:59:14 CST"
> mode(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()+1:4*1000))
[1] "list"

Dates can also be differenced. The class for the difference between dates or dates and times is difftime. The functions difftime() and as.difftime() exist but are not covered here. An example of a date difference is

> (Sys.Date()- as.Date("2000-1-1"))
Time difference of 5125 days
> mode(Sys.Date()- as.Date("2000-1-1"))
[1] "numeric"
> class(Sys.Date()- as.Date("2000-1-1"))
[1] "difftime"

More information about date and time functions can be found by entering ?Date, ?as.Date, ?as.POSIXct, ?as.POSIXlt, or ?DateTimeClasses at the R prompt.

Names for Vectors, Matrices, Arrays, and Lists

A chapter on objects would not be complete without information on how to set names for vectors, matrices, arrays, and lists. Dimension names are always of character mode. For objects of more than one dimension, the name objects are of mode list.

To see what names a vector has or to assign names to a vector, the names() function is used. The function just has one argument, the object. For example:

> cde
 [1] 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
> names(cde)
> names(cde) = paste("v",1:10,sep="")
> cde
 v1  v2  v3  v4  v5  v6  v7  v8  v9 v10
 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30
> names(cde)
 [1] "v1"  "v2"  "v3"  "v4"  "v5"  "v6"  "v7"  "v8"  "v9"  "v10"
> mode(names(cde))
[1] "character"
> class(names(cde))
[1] "character"

You can also assign names to vectors at the time the vector is created directly.  For example:

> a.vec = c(a=1,b=2,c=3)
> a.vec
a b c
1 2 3

Some objects of mode list are vectors. For such lists, assigning names to the top levels of the list is done with names() or by direct assignment.

For matrices there are three possible functions used to see the names or to assign names: rownames(), colnames(), and dimnames(). The functions rownames() and colnames() have three arguments, the R object, do.NULL, and prefix. The argument do.NULL is logical with default value TRUE, which tells the function to do nothing if the row or column names are NULL. If do.NULL is FALSE, the row or column names are indexed with the prefix equal to the value of the argument prefix. For example:

> mat
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    3
[2,]    2    4
> colnames(mat)
> colnames(mat) = colnames(mat, do.NULL=F, prefix="cl")
> mat
     cl1 cl2
[1,]   1   3
[2,]   2   4

Note that the right-hand side of the third expression only returns the names of the columns and does not do the assignment.

The function dimnames() can be used to assign names to matrices and arrays. If dimnames() operates on an object, then the names of all of the dimensions in the object are returned as a list. If names are assigned using dimnames(), the object on the right side of the assignment must be a list the same number of elements as there are dimensions in the object and with each element either being NULL or of the same length as there are elements in each dimension of the matrix or array. For example:

> a
, , d31
    d21 d22
d11   1   3
d12   2   4
, , d32
    d21 d22
d11   5   7
d12   6   8
> dimnames(a)
[1] "d11" "d12"
[1] "d21" "d22"
[1] "d31" "d32"
> dimnames(a) = list( c("11","12"),c("21","22"),c("31","32") )
> a
, , 31
   21 22
11  1  3
12  2  4
, , 32
   21 22
11  5  7
12  6  8

More information about names can be found by entering ?names, ?rownames, or ?dimnames at the R prompt.

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