
How to Use a Function

Most functions require specific kinds of arguments, which must be input into the function correctly. For example, if a function calls for a matrix and a data.frame is input, the function will return an error. Since external tables are often read into the R workspace as data.frames, using a data.frame for a matrix is quite a common error. This chapter covers calling a function, using arguments, and accessing output.

Calling a Function

Calling a function is straightforward. The name of the function is entered at the R prompt followed by a set of parentheses which may or may not contain arguments, depending on the function. If the function does require arguments, the arguments are separated by commas within the parentheses.

Sometimes the argument name must be used, but not always. For values that are entered without names, R assigns the values to the arguments which are unnamed in the call, starting with the first unnamed variable and continuing in order until the unnamed arguments are exhausted. The order of the arguments is the order of the arguments within the parentheses of the function definition.

To illustrate the use of arguments, an example follows using a function named ). The function ) calculates a quantile of the normal distribution given the mean, the standard deviation, and alpha. The function returns the (1-alpha/2) x 100th percentile of the distribution. The arguments ‘se’ and ‘alpha’ are given default values and ‘mu’ is not.

The example starts with a definition of the function, which is followed by five different calls to the function:

> = function(mu, se=1, alpha=.05){
  q_value = qnorm(1-alpha/2, mu, se)
>, se=1, alpha=0.05)
[1] 1.959964

In the first call, each of the arguments are specified by name. In R, arguments can be in any order if specified by name.

[1] 1.644854

In the second call, the values for the arguments are entered without names. Since the arguments are entered in order, the function knows which argument to assign to which value. The argument ‘mu’ takes on the value of ‘0’, ‘se’ the value of ‘1’, and ‘alpha’ the value of ‘0.10’, which is the order of the arguments within the parentheses in the function.

>, alpha=0.20)
[1] 1.281552

In the third call, the first argument is entered without a name and the third argument is entered with a name. The second argument takes on the default value. The argument ‘mu’ takes on the value of ‘0’, ‘se’ the value of ‘1’, and ‘alpha’ the value of ‘0.20’.

>, 4)
[1] 11.83986

In the fourth call, values for the first two arguments are entered without names and the third argument takes on the default value. The argument ‘mu’ takes on the value of ‘4’, as does ‘se’. The argument ‘alpha’ takes on the default value of ‘0.05’.

> se=1, 0, 0.2)
[1] 1.281552

In the fifth call, the second argument is named and the first and third are not, so ‘mu’ takes on the value ‘0’ and ‘alpha’ takes on the value ‘0.2’, while ‘se’ takes on the value ‘1’. Note that the named argument can be placed anywhere in the list.


Given a function, a listing of the arguments to the function can be found at the help page for the function. For some functions, the user must know something about the theory behind the function to understand the arguments, but for many functions the arguments are straightforward. As noted in the last section, arguments with default values do not have to be given a value when the function is called.

Arguments to a function must be of the correct mode and class. On the help page of a function, descriptions of the arguments are listed in the ‘Arguments’ section, sometimes giving the mode and(or) class, but not always. Sometimes the mode and(or) class is obvious. Sometimes more information can be found in the ‘Details’ section. Sometimes looking in the ‘Examples’ section is enough to clear up the form of an argument.

One argument which needs a little explaining is the “. . .” argument. The “. . .” argument tells the user that there are more arguments that may be entered. The arguments would be to a lower-level function called by the higher-level function. An example follows.

The example starts by listing two vectors, ‘x’ and ‘y’, and then continues with two calls to the function lm( ) with two different values for the argument ‘tol’. (The function lm( ) fits a linear model.) On the help page for lm( ) there is no argument ‘tol’. However there is the argument “. . .” , indicating that lm( ) calls another function for which an argument can be entered.

The function ) is a lower level function which lm( ) calls and ) has the argument ‘tol’. (The argument ‘tol’ gives the tolerance for the QR decomposition as to whether a matrix is singular.) In the first call to lm( ) the default value for ‘tol’ is used, since ‘tol’ is not specified. In the second call, lm( ) passes the value for ‘tol’ to ).

> x
[1] 2.001 2.000 2.000
> y
[1] 4.03 4.00 4.01
> lm(y~x)
lm(formula = y ~ x)
(Intercept)            x
     -45.99        25.00
> lm(y~x, tol=.001)
lm(formula = y ~ x, tol = 0.001)
(Intercept)            x
      4.013           NA

In the first call, the default value for ‘tol’ is 1.0e-7, so ) does not find a linear dependency in the matrix consisting of a column of ones and ‘x’. As a result two coefficients are fit.

In the second call, ‘tol’ is set to 1.0e-3 and lm( ) determines that there is a linear dependency in the matrix consisting of a column of ones and ‘x’, so only one coefficient is fit.

The Output from a Function

The output from a function will vary with the function. Plotting functions mainly give plots. Summary functions give summarized results. Functions that test a hypothesis give the results from the test.

Most packaged functions print some results directly to the screen, but most packaged functions also have output which can be accessed through subscripting. For example, looking at the help page of the function lm( ), under the ‘Value’ Section, coefficients, residuals, fitted.values, rank, weights, df.residual, call, terms, contrasts, xlevels, offset, y, x, model, and na.action are all values which can be accessed from a call to the function.

The most common method used to access values is with the ‘$’ operator, although index subscripting can be used too. For most functions the output is of mode list. The elements of the list can be of any mode.

For the first simple regression model fit in the last section, the accessible fifteen values are as follows:

> a.lm = lm(y~x)
> a.lm$coef
(Intercept)           x
    -45.995      25.000
> a.lm$res
            1             2             3
-4.336809e-19 -5.000000e-03  5.000000e-03
> a.lm$fit
    1     2     3
4.030 4.005 4.005
> a.lm$rank
[1] 2
> a.lm$weights
> a.lm$df
[1] 1
> a.lm$call
lm(formula = y ~ x)
> a.lm$terms
y ~ x
list(y, x)
y 0
x 1
[1] "x"
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
list(y, x)
        y         x
"numeric" "numeric"
> a.lm$contrasts
> a.lm$xlevels
named list()
> a.lm$offset
> a.lm$y
> a.lm$x
named list()
> a.lm$model
     y     x
1 4.03 2.001
2 4.00 2.000
3 4.01 2.000
> a.lm$na.action

In the example, the call to lm( ) was assigned a name, but lm( ) could have been subscripted directly. An example is lm(y~x)$coef. Values accessed from a call to a function are often used in another function.

Running an R function takes a little care, but with some experimentation and determination, the results can be very useful.

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