
Additional Resources

Reference Books

The Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Compendium of Texts Referred to in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1994, 2002.

Hardon, John A. Pocket Catholic Dictionary, abridged edition of Modern Catholic Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1985.

Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Washington, D.C.: USCCB Publishing, 2005.

Livingstone, E.A. Concise Dictionary of the Christian Church. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

The New American Bible for Catholics. New Jersey: World Catholic Press, 1990.

Spiritual Reading and Prayer Books

Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy. Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers. Washington, D.C.: USCCB Publishing, 1988.

Buckley, Michael (ed.) The Catholic Prayer Book. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 1986.

Haase, Albert. Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord’s Prayer with Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton. Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1993.

Martin, James. My Life with the Saints. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2006.

Pope John Paul II. Crossing the Threshold of Hope. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.

Ratzinger, Joseph (Pope Benedict XVI). Jesus of Nazareth. New York: Doubleday, 2007.

Scaperlanda, Maria Ruiz. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Mary of Nazareth. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha, 2006.

———. The Seeker’s Guide to Mary. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2002.


Holy See

The Vatican’s official site, available in six languages, provides links to everything from papal encyclicals and messages to news photos and archives.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Statements of the U.S. bishops on public policy issues, links to American Catholic dioceses, the New American Bible, and numerous other resources.

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Includes access to documents and statements by the bishops of Canada, as well as links to Canadian dioceses.

U.S. Catholic Bishops Office for the Catechism

An entire site dedicated to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, its history, Frequently Asked Questions, articles, and more.

Bible Search Engines

This site enables you to search the New American Bible translation of the Bible, including the deuterocanonical books of the Catholic Bible.

This site enables you to search the Bible by book, topic, verse, language, and Bible version. (The deuterocanoncial books of the Catholic Bible are not included here.)

Catholic Encyclopedia

A useful tool for those seeking more in-depth information on people, subjects, and facts related to Catholic topics.

Catholic Online

This site is a clearinghouse for news and feature stories from a variety of Catholic periodicals around the country.

Daily Scripture Readings

The Scripture readings for each day in the Catholic liturgical cycle are provided here in the New American Bible translation.

Mass Times for Travel

Find Mass times at any parish across the United States or around the world by zip code, city, and/or country.

Sacred Space

This site provides daily online guided prayer from the Jesuit Communication Centre in Ireland.

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