
Part 1: Decoding the Catechism

1 Not Your Grandmother’s Catechism

What Catechism Is, and Is Not

A New Approach

Understanding Catechesis

What’s in It for You?

It’s Not as Scary as It Looks

Pop Quiz

Survey Says …

2 A Little History, Please

Catechism 101

Theology Degree Not Required

In the Beginning

Getting Started

How to Use It

Extra Resources

The Next Step

Part 2: A Profession of Faith

3 Why We Believe

The Desire to Know God

God Meets Man—and Woman

God’s Plan Revealed!

Isn’t That Divine?

Is All This in the Bible?

Responding to Transcendent Love

4 God the Father

Two Creeds, One Message

What’s in a Name?

Understanding the Trinity

Father and Son

Everlasting Spirit

Spirit of Controversy

The Trio of One

5 Opposing Forces

How Did We End Up Here?

Good, Bad, and Evil

What Are Angels?

Why Me?

Original Sin

How Is Sin Possible?

Satan’s Legacy

6 Son of God Is Born

God Becomes Man

He Is the Christ, and the Messiah

Son of God

Lord of Lords

The Incarnation

He Is Body and Soul

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

The Immaculate Conception

A Virgin Birth

Mother to Us All

7 The Journey of Jesus Christ

The Meaning of His Life

Birth and Baptism

Temptation in the Desert

Signs and Wonders


Agony and Death

Resurrection and Ascension

8 Spirit of God

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

Signs of the Spirit

The Spirit at Work


The Spirit in the Church Today

9 The Holy Catholic Church

Mission Possible

People of God

The Church’s Role

What About Everyone Else?

Other Christians


Are Only Catholics Saved?

The Pope and Bishops

Calling All Faithful

Lay Men and Women

Consecrated Life

Religious Vocations

10 A Potpourri of Piety

Communion of Saints

How Does Mary Help?

The Power to Forgive Sins

Life Everlasting

Resurrection of the Body

Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory

The Final Judgment

New Hope

Part 3: A Mystery Not Meant to Be Solved

11 Mass: It’s Not Just for Sundays

What Is Liturgy?

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

Signs and Symbols

Words and Actions

Making Music

Sacred Images

A Church for All Seasons

The Liturgical Year

Liturgy of the Hours

Location, Location, Location

12 Sacraments of Initiation

I Baptize Thee …

Water, Water, Everywhere

Rite of Baptism

Anyone, Any Time

Baptismal Benefits

Sacrament of Confirmation

Sealed with the Spirit

From Pentecost On

Eucharist: The Greatest Mystery

Last Supper, First Communion

A Never-Ending Sacrifice

Really, This Is My Body

13 Sacraments of Healing

Understanding Confession

Penance Is Not Punishment

How to Repent

Forgiveness Rules!

Anointing of the Sick

Spiritual Care of the Suffering

The Who and Why of Anointing

14 Sacraments of Commitment

That’s an Order

The Priesthood

Ordination Explanation

What Are Deacons?

I Now Pronounce You …

What Makes Marriage Holy?

Unbreakable Vows

Conjugal Love

Domestic Church

Sacramentals and Devotions

Christian Funerals

Part 4: Living the Good Life

15 Morality: The Root of All Dignity

Choosing Free Will

The Voice in Your Head

Virtue over Vice

Cardinal Virtues

Theological Virtues

Gifts and Fruits

Sin: The Sequel

16 Our Place in the World

The Human Vocation

Working for the Common Good

Social Justice and Solidarity

Moral Law

Natural Law

Old Law

New Law

Learning to Be Grace-Full

Church as Mother, Teacher

17 The First Three Commandments

#1: God First—No Matter What

Faith, Hope, and Charity

Virtue of Religion

Superstition and Magic

Rejecting God

#2: Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain

#3: Keeping Holy the Sabbath

Sunday Obligations

For God’s Sake, Rest

18 #4: Honor Thy Father and Mother

It’s a Family Affair

Duties of Children and Parents

Citizens of the World

Authority Figures

For God and Country

19 #5: You Shall Not Kill

Crime and Punishment

Seamless Garment




Human Dignity

In the Name of Science

Respecting the Body

War and Peace

20 #6: You Shall Not Commit Adultery

A Primer on Catholic Sexuality

Chastity Is Not a Dirty Word

Offenses Against Chastity

Teaching on Homosexuality

Sex in Marriage

Birth Control

The Gift of Children

On the Offense


Divorce Decrees

Other Serious Offenses

21 #7: You Shall Not Steal

Private Property, Public Promises

Care for Creation

Economic Justice

Right to Work

Just Wage

Worldwide Solidarity

Loving the Poor

22 The Last Three Commandments

#8: To Tell the Truth

Beyond Lying

Keeping Secrets

Communications and Sacred Art

#9: Not Lusting After Another

#10: Not Keeping Up with the Joneses

Banishing Greed and Envy

Poverty of Spirit

The Greatest Desire

Part 5: Turning Toward Heaven

23 Why Do We Pray?

The Old Masters of Prayer





Jesus Teaches Us

Mary: The New Eve

Prayer Essentials

Blessings and Adoration

Petitions and Intercessions

Thanksgiving and Praise

24 The Way of Prayer

Sources of Prayer

Spirit of Prayer

In Communion with Mary

The Rhythm of Prayer

Vocal Prayer



On the Battlefield of Prayer

The Enemy Within

Prayer Interferences

Hello? Is This Thing On?

Pray Without Ceasing

25 The Prayer of All Prayers: The Our Father

The Sum of Its Parts

Daring to Call God “Father”

The Seven Petitions

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Will Be Done

Give Us This Day

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Lead Us Not into Temptation

Deliver Us from Evil

The Final Doxology


A Glossary

B Additional Resources

C A Treasury of Catholic Prayers

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