‘Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else. Judge everyone and everything for yourself.’ Henry James

The job interview is your opportunity to meet the applicants and ask questions about their qualifications. Just as the interviewer is assessing whether the applicant is a good fit for the job, the department and the company, the applicant is evaluating those same factors too.

one-third of job candidates lie about their experience, education or employment history on their applications or CVs

Interviewing is a craft. You won’t excel at it right away, but you can become quite skilled as your experience grows.


In an interview you should:

Describe the actual job activities Explain what a typical day is like and what kinds of successes and challenges employees encounter.

Describe the work environment Is it collaborative or independent?

Ask a few questions that require simple, factual responses Watch out for hesitancy or for answers that don’t match the job application or CV.

Ask for examples that demonstrate abilities and skills in particular areas Ask the applicant to describe two or three similar experiences that relate to the job description.

Press for specifics Just how, exactly, was the applicant’s previous experience ‘like’ the requirements of the job?

Look out for unsubstantiated claims of expertise Always press for specifics and ask for examples.

curriculum vitae (CV): a written description of work experience, educational background and skills


Concluding the interview Let the candidate know when she might next hear from you, your timeline for filling the position, and whether to anticipate another round of interviews.

Keep your thoughts to yourself Never give a candidate the impression that you intend to hire her, whether you do or not.

Take up references No matter how well a candidate interviews, always check references to verify the facts she has put on the job application.

Make an offer Telephone your first choice to offer the job. You’re enthusiastic and excited, so let it show. Review the terms and give a time period for her to consider your offer – 48 hours is reasonable. Call back promptly and, if the job offer is accepted, send a confirmation letter by post.

If your first-choice candidate declines Find out why; there may be a chance to get her to reconsider. If not, move on to your second choice.


When interviewing, the standard advice is always to ask open-ended questions to avoid monosyllabic yes or no answers. But creating open-ended questions is harder than you might think. If you are stuck, here is a trick. Instead of starting a question with a verb, use an interrogative:

• Who? • What? • Which? • Where?

• When? • Why? • How?

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