Chapter 9. The DOM and jQuery

So far, we’ve been using JavaScript to do relatively simple things like print text to the browser console or display an alert or prompt dialog. But you can also use JavaScript to manipulate (control or modify) and interact with the HTML you write in web pages. In this chapter, we’ll discuss two tools that will allow you to write much more powerful JavaScript: the DOM and jQuery.

The DOM, or document object model, is what allows JavaScript to access the content of a web page. Web browsers use the DOM to keep track of the elements on a page (such as paragraphs, headings, and other HTML elements), and JavaScript can manipulate DOM elements in various ways. For example, you’ll soon see how you can use JavaScript to replace the main heading of the HTML document with input from a prompt dialog.

image with no caption

We’ll also look at a useful tool called jQuery, which makes it much easier to work with the DOM. jQuery gives us a set of functions that we can use to choose which elements to work with and to make changes to those elements.

In this chapter, we’ll learn how to use the DOM and jQuery to edit existing DOM elements and create new DOM elements, giving us full control over the content of our web pages from JavaScript. We’ll also learn how to use jQuery to animate DOM elements—for example, fading elements in and out.

Selecting DOM Elements

When you load an HTML document into a browser, the browser converts the elements into a tree-like structure. This tree is known as the DOM tree. Figure 9-1 shows a simple DOM tree—the same tree we used in Chapter 5 to illustrate the hierarchy of HTML. The browser gives JavaScript programmers a way to access and modify this tree structure using a collection of methods called the DOM.

The DOM tree for a simple HTML document, like the one we made in

Figure 9-1. The DOM tree for a simple HTML document, like the one we made in Chapter 5

Using id to Identify Elements

The HTML id attribute lets you assign a unique name, or identifier, to an HTML element. For example, this h1 element has an id attribute:

<h1 id="main-heading">Hello world!</h1>

In this example, the id of "main-heading" will let us identify, and eventually change, this particular heading without affecting other elements or even other h1 headings.

Selecting an Element Using getElementById

Having uniquely identified an element with id (each id must have a unique value), we can use the DOM method document.getElementById to return the "main-heading" element:

var headingElement = document.getElementById("main-heading");

By calling document.getElementById("main-heading"), we tell the browser to look for the element with the id of "main-heading". This call returns a DOM object that corresponds to the id, and we save this DOM object to the variable headingElement.

Once we’ve selected an element, we can manipulate it with JavaScript. For example, we can use the innerHTML property to retrieve and replace the text inside the selected element:

image with no caption

This code returns the HTML contents of headingElement—the element we selected using getElementById. In this case, the content of this element is the text Hello world! that we entered between the <h1> tags.

Replacing the Heading Text Using the DOM

Here’s an example of how to replace heading text using the DOM. First, we create a new HTML document called dom.html containing this code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Playing with the DOM</title>

    <h1 id="main-heading">Hello world!</h1>

➊     var headingElement = document.getElementById("main-heading");
➋     console.log(headingElement.innerHTML);
➌     var newHeadingText = prompt("Please provide a new heading:");
➍     headingElement.innerHTML = newHeadingText;

At ➊ we use document.getElementById to get the h1 element (with the id of "main-heading") and save it into the variable headingElement. At ➋ we print the string returned by headingElement.innerHTML, which prints Hello world! to the console. At ➌ we use a prompt dialog to ask the user for a new heading and save the text the user enters in the variable newHeadingText. Finally, at ➍ we set the innerHTML property of headingElement to the text saved in newHeadingText.

image with no caption

When you load this page, you should see a prompt dialog like the one shown in Figure 9-2.

Our page with the dialog open

Figure 9-2. Our page with the dialog open

Enter the text JAVASCRIPT IS AWESOME into the dialog and click OK. The heading should update instantly with the new text, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Our page after the heading change

Figure 9-3. Our page after the heading change

Using the innerHTML property, we can change the content of any DOM element using JavaScript.

Using jQuery to Work with the DOM Tree

The built-in DOM methods are great, but they’re not very easy to use. Because of this, many developers use a set of tools called jQuery to access and manipulate the DOM tree. jQuery is a JavaScript library—a collection of related tools (mostly functions) that gives us, in this case, a simpler way to work with DOM elements. Once we load a library onto our page, we can use its functions and methods in addition to those built into JavaScript and those provided by the browser.

Loading jQuery on Your HTML Page

To use the jQuery library, we first tell the browser to load it with this line of HTML:

<script src=""></script>

Notice that the <script> tag here has no contents, and it has a src attribute. The src attribute lets us insert a JavaScript file into our page by including its URL (web address). In this case, is the URL for a specific version of jQuery (version 2.1.0) on the jQuery website.

To see the jQuery library, visit that URL; you’ll see the JavaScript that will be loaded when this <script> tag is added. The entire library is over 9,000 lines of complicated JavaScript, though, so don’t expect to understand it all right now!

Replacing the Heading Text Using jQuery

In Replacing the Heading Text Using the DOM, you learned how to replace text using the built-in DOM methods. In this section, we’ll update that code to use jQuery to replace the heading text instead. Open dom.html and make the changes shown.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Playing with the DOM</title>

      <h1 id="main-heading">Hello world!</h1>

➊     <script src=""></script>

      var newHeadingText = prompt("Please provide a new heading:");$("#main-heading").text(newHeadingText);

At ➊ we add a new <script> tag to the page to load jQuery. With jQuery loaded, we use the jQuery function $ to select an HTML element.

The $ function takes one argument, called a selector string, which tells jQuery which element or elements to select from the DOM tree. In this case, we entered "#main-heading" as the argument. The # character in a selector string means “ID,” so our selector string "#main-heading" means “the element with an id of main-heading.”

The $ function returns a jQuery object that represents the elements you selected. For example, $("#main-heading") returns a jQuery object for the h1 element (which has an id of "main-heading").

We now have a jQuery object representing the h1 element. We can modify its text by calling the text method on the jQuery object at ➋, passing in the new text for that element, and replacing the text of the heading with the user input saved to the variable newHeadingText. As before, when you load this page, a dialog should prompt you to enter replacement text for the old text in the h1 element.

Creating New Elements with jQuery

In addition to manipulating elements with jQuery, we can also use jQuery to create new elements and add them to the DOM tree. To do so, we call append on a jQuery object with a string containing HTML. The append method converts the string to a DOM element (using the HTML tags in the string) and adds the new element to the end of the original one.

For example, to add a p element to the end of the page, we could add this to our JavaScript:

$("body").append("<p>This is a new paragraph</p>");

The first part of this statement uses the $ function with the selector string "body" to select the body of our HTML document. The selector string doesn’t have to be an id. The code $("body") selects the body element. Likewise, we could use the code $("p") to select all the p elements.

Next, we call the append method on the object returned by $("body"). The string passed to append is turned into a DOM element, and it is added inside the body element, just before the closing tag. Figure 9-4 shows what our revised page would look like.

Our document with a new element

Figure 9-4. Our document with a new element

We could also use append to add multiple elements in a for loop like this:

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  var hobby = prompt("Tell me one of your hobbies!");
  $("body").append("<p>" + hobby + "</p>");

This loops three times. Each time through a loop, a prompt appears, asking users to enter one of their hobbies. Each hobby is then put inside a set of <p> tags and passed to the append method, which adds the hobby to the end of the body element. Try adding this code to your dom.html document, and then load it in a browser to test it. It should look like Figure 9-5.

Extra elements added in a loop

Figure 9-5. Extra elements added in a loop

Animating Elements with jQuery

Lots of websites use animations to show and hide content. For example, if you were adding a new paragraph of text to your page, you might want to fade it in slowly so it doesn’t appear all of a sudden.

jQuery makes it easy to animate elements. For example, to fade an element out, we can use the fadeOut method. To test this method, replace the contents of the second script element in dom.html with this:


We use the $ function to select all h1 elements. Because dom.html has only one h1 element (the heading containing the text Hello world!), that heading is selected as a jQuery object. By calling .fadeOut(3000) on this jQuery object, we make the heading fade away until it disappears, over the course of 3 seconds. (The argument to fadeOut is in milliseconds, or thousandths of a second, so entering 3000 makes the animation last 3 seconds.)

As soon as you load the page with this code, the h1 element should start to fade away.

Chaining jQuery Animations

When you call a method on a jQuery object, the method usually returns the original object that it was called on. For example, $("h1") returns a jQuery object representing all h1 elements, and $("h1").fadeOut(3000) returns the same jQuery object representing all h1 elements. To change the text of the h1 element and fade it out, you could enter:

$("h1").text("This will fade out").fadeOut(3000);

Calling multiple methods in a row like this is known as chaining.

We can chain multiple animations on the same element. For example, here’s how we could chain a call to the fadeOut and fadeIn methods to fade an element out and then immediately fade it in again:


The fadeIn animation makes an invisible element fade back in. jQuery is smart enough to know that when you chain two animations in a row like this, you probably want them to happen one after the other. Therefore, this code fades the h1 element out over the course of 3 seconds and then fades it back in over 2 seconds.

jQuery provides two additional animation methods similar to fadeOut and fadeIn, called slideUp and slideDown. The slideUp method makes elements dis appear by sliding them up, and slideDown makes them reappear by sliding them down. Replace the second script element in the dom.html document with the following, and reload the page to try it out:

image with no caption

Here we select the h1 element, slide it up over 1 second, and then slide it down over 1 second until it reappears.

What You Learned

In this chapter, you learned how to update HTML pages using JavaScript by manipulating DOM elements. As you’ve seen, jQuery gives us even more powerful ways to select elements and change or even animate them. You also learned a new HTML attribute, id, which allows you to give an element a unique identifier.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to control when your JavaScript is run—for example, once a timer has run out or when you click a button. We’ll also look at how to run the same piece of code multiple times with a time delay in between—for example, updating a clock once every second.

Programming Challenges

Try these challenges to practice more things you can do with jQuery and DOM elements.


Create an array containing the names of a few friends. Using a for loop, create a p element for each of your friends and add it to the end of the body element using the jQuery append method. Use jQuery to change the h1 element so it says My friends instead of Hello world!. Use the hide method followed by the fadeIn method to fade in each name as it’s provided.

Now, modify the p elements you created to add the text smells! after each friend. Hint: If you select the p elements using $("p"), the append method will apply to all the p elements.


How could you use fadeOut and fadeIn to cause the heading to flash five times, once a second? How could you do this using a for loop? Try modifying your loop so it fades out and fades in over 1 second the first time, over 2 seconds the second time, over 3 seconds the third time, and so on.


The delay method can be used to delay animations. Using delay, fadeOut, and fadeIn, make an element on your page fade out and then fade back in again after 5 seconds.


Try using the fadeTo method. Its first argument is a number of milliseconds, as in all the other animation methods. Its second argument is a number between 0 and 1. What happens when you run the following code?

$("h1").fadeTo(2000, 0.5);

What do you think the second argument means? Try using different values between 0 and 1 to figure out what the second argument is used for.

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