
TextExpander Quick Start

If you have never used TextExpander, I suggest that you Meet TextExpander and Run the Snippet Creation Assistant. After that, explore how to Create and Use Complex Snippets. Those two chapters should give you a sense of what TextExpander is and what it can do; after that, feel free to read around as your fancy dictates.

If you have used TextExpander before, you might benefit from reviewing Customize Group Settings and Set Expansion Options, and be sure to read Don’t Forget These Fine Features!, ahead a page or so. If you’re an advanced user, you may find that Script with Snippets can take you even further than you have gone before.

For all readers, I strongly suggest that you learn how to Back Up Your Snippets Automatically.

Preliminary steps:
Broaden your horizons:
Get organized:
Cover your assets:
Flex your scripting muscles:
Go mobile:
  • If you have an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad, visit Use TextExpander touch to see how you can use your snippet collection on the run.
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