< Top 10 of Everything

Top 10Culinary Highlights



Frites or frietjes (in Dutch) with mayonnaise

Belgian frites (fries) are, quite simply, the best in the world. They are deep-fried in good-quality oil not once but twice, so they end up golden brown and bien croustillantes (crisp). Frites can be a side-dish or – served with a dollop of mayonnaise – a meal in themselves.

2Shellfish and Crustaceans

Seafood plays a major role in Belgian cuisine. Mussels-and-chips (moules-frites) is virtually the national dish. Oysters (raw) and scallops (cooked) are also popular. A favourite lunchtime entertainment is to pick one’s way through a plateau de fruits de mer (seafood platter).


The North Sea ports are the base for active fishing fleets, which bring in daily catches of sole, skate, sea bass, cod and hake. To see the sheer variety of the catch, visit the Vismarkt (fish market) in central Bruges. Place Sainte-Catherine in Brussels is a centre for fish restaurants.


It may be a standard dish of any restaurant or bistro, but steak-frites (steak and chips/fries) can be excellent – just what you need on a cold night. You will understand why the meat is good when you visit a butcher’s shop: standards are high, because Belgian customers are knowledgeable and demanding.

5Steak Américain

Belgians have enough confidence in their beef to eat it raw – as Steak Américain. A toast cannibale is a snack form of this.


Belgian food pays heed to the seasons. Winter is the time for warming game recipes, such as the classic dish faisan à la brabançonne, pheasant cooked with caramelized endives. Rabbit, hare, venison, wild boar, pigeon, duck and guinea fowl are also much cherished. Much of the ”game“ is now farm-raised.

7Cooking with Beer

Several of Belgium’s classic dishes are cooked with beer – notably the beef stews called carbonnades flamandes or vlaamse stoverij. In some restaurants (such as Den Dyver in Bruges), almost the entire menu involves beer.

8Belgian Endive


Chicons au gratin (Belgian endive)

A great Belgian invention. When trying to overwinter chicorée lettuce in around 1840, a Brussels gardener found it produced succulent, salad-like shoots. They can be eaten raw, but their sweet, slightly bitter flavour really emerges when they are cooked, either as a vegetable accompaniment or in dishes such as chicons au gratin. Chicon is the French word, witloof the Dutch; in English, it’s endive or chicory (but it’s confusing, as these terms can also refer to lettuce).


Every village and community in Belgium has a good pâtisserie; most shopping streets have several. These supreme concoctions of fresh fruit, chocolate, cream, crème pâtissière and, of course, pastry, are an integral part of Belgian life.


Waffles (gaufres/wafels) are a great Belgian tradition. There are two kinds: the crispy Brussels dusted with icing sugar, or the doughy Liège with sugar crystals baked in. The perfect portable snack, waffles are eaten as a snack at fun fairs, at the seaside and in shopping streets.

Top 10 Classic Belgian Dishes

1Carbonnades Flamandes/Vlaamse Stoverij

A beef stew cooked in Belgian beer – rich, succulent and sweet, and best eaten with frites and mayonnaise.


Mussels steamed, until they open, in white wine flavoured with celery, onion and parsley; usually served in something resembling a bucket, accompanied by a plate of frites.


A creamy, comforting dish of chicken (or fish) with vegetables in broth; a traditional dish of Ghent.

4Chicons au Gratin

Belgian endives wrapped in ham and baked in a creamy cheese sauce.

5Anguilles au Vert/Paling in ‘t Groen

Eels cooked in a sauce of fresh green herbs.


Deep-fried potato croquettes filled with fresh shrimps; an excellent starter or snack.

7Salade Liégeoise

A warm salad of potatoes and green beans, or salade frisée, with fried bacon bits.


Mashed potato mixed with a vegetable, such as carrots or celeriac, or a meat purée.

9Flamiche aux Poireaux

A quiche-like tart, made with leeks.

10Jets d’Houblon

Hop-shoots – a spring-time by-product of brewing, usually served in a cream sauce. They taste a bit like asparagus.

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