
Alcazares, Palacios and Castillos

1. Real Alcazar, Seville

This sumptuous palace and extensive gardens constitute a world of royal luxury. The architectural styles are a blend of mainly Moorish traditions – note the lavish use of the horseshoe arch, glazed tilework and wood ceilings (for further details see Real Alcázar, Seville).

2. La Casa de Pilatos, Seville

Few palaces are more opulent than this 15th–16th-century mansion. A mix of Mudéjar (Christian-Islamic), Flamboyant Gothic and Renaissance styles, it is also adorned with Classical sculptures, including a 5th-century BC Greek Athena and important Roman works. A noble residence to this day, it is filled with family portraits and antiques from the last 500 years (for further details see Casa de Pilatos).

3. Ayuntamiento, Seville

Seville’s town hall dates from the 16th century, with later modifications added in the 19th century. The original sections are in Plateresque style, begun by architect Diego de Riaño in 1526 – note the mix of motifs used on the main façade (on Plaza de San Francisco). Inside, a collection of art features paintings by Zurbarán and Velázquez (for further details see Ayuntamiento).

4. Palacio del Marques de la Gomera, Osuna

This 18th-century palace is a striking example of the Spanish Baroque style. The cornice is composed of waves and volutes, lending it a sense of movement. The family escutcheon crowns the carved stone doorway, which also has elaborate pillars. The palace is now a popular hotel and restaurant.prac_infoC/San Pedro 20 • 954 81 22 23

5. Fortaleza de la Mota, Alcala la Real

This Moorish castle, crowning the hill above the town, is the chief attraction here. Created by Granada’s rulers in the 14th century, it incorporates 12th-century structures and earlier elements, since the strategically situated town dates from pre-historic times. After the Christian reconquest in 1341, additions to the fortress continued until the 16th century. The keep houses an interpretation centre, “Life on the Frontier”.

6. Castillo de Santa Catalina, Jaen City

Restored by the Christians, this 13th-century castle towers above the town and affords spectacular views.prac_infoOpen 10am–2pm, 5–9pm Tue–Sun (summer); 10am–2pm, 3:30–7:30pm Tue–Sun (winter) • 953 12 07 33 • Adm

7. Castillo de Burgalimar, Banos de la Encina

This Moorish castle is one of the best preserved in Andalucía. Its horseshoe-arched main gate bears an inscription dating its construction to AD 967. Some 14 square towers provide vistas far and wide.prac_infoVisit by appt • 953 61 32 00 • Free

8. Palacio de Jabalquinto, Baeza

This splendid 15th-century palace is a study in originality. The façade’s columns defy categorization, while the gallery evokes the Renaissance style, as does the double-tiered patio. The latter also sports a monumental Baroque staircase (for further details see Palacio de Jabalquinto, Baeza).

9. Castillo de La Calahorra

One of the few castles newly built after the Christian reconquest, this was also one of the first in Spain to be built according to Italian Renaissance tenets. Despite its forbidding situation and exterior, its inner courtyard is exquisite, with staircases, pillars and arches carved from Carrara marble.prac_infoOpen 10am–1pm, 4–6pm Wed • 958 67 70 98 • Adm

10. Castillo de Velez Blanco

In Italian Renaissance style, this structure has the grace of a fairytale castle. Unfortunately, it was gutted in the early 1900s, but a reconstruction of one of the patios gives you some idea of its original splendour.prac_infoOpen 10am–2pm & 4–6pm (Apr–Sep: 5–8pm) Wed–Sun • 607 41 50 55 • Free

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