
Integers, Divisibility and Number Systems

2.1 Arithmetic Operations in MATLAB

Arithmetic operations in MATLAB are defined according to the standard mathematical conventions. MATLAB is an interactive program that allows you to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations. Furthermore, it has other properties that make it extremely versatile and complex, applicable to a broad range of subjects from more theoretical mathematics to the more applied.

One of the first applications of MATLAB is its use in realizing arithmetic operations as if it were a conventional calculator, but with one important difference: the precision of calculation. Operations are performed to the greatest accuracy required, or the user may specify the degree of precision in advance. This unlimited precision in calculation sets MATLAB apart from other numerical software, where the accuracy is determined by the word length of the computer, so it is essentially determined by the hardware and cannot be modified. This feature is one of the most important in symbolic calculation.

MATLAB assumes the usual arithmetic operations of sum, difference, product, division and power, with the usual hierarchy between them:

x + y sum
x - y difference
x * y or x y product
x/y division
x ^ y power

To add two numbers, simply enter the first number, type a plus sign (+) and then enter the second number. Spaces may be included before or after the plus sign to ease readability.

>> 53 + 78

ans =


We can perform the calculation of powers directly.

>> 34 ^ 56

ans =

  5. 7919e + 085

Unlike a calculator, when working with integers, MATLAB displays the exact result even when you have more digits than would normally fit across the screen. Here MATLAB returns the exact value of 34 ^ 56.

>> vpa ' 34 ^ 56' 90

ans =


These operations are used to perform calculations of varying degrees of complexity. When combining several operations in the same instruction, one must take into account the usual criteria of priority among them, which determine the order of evaluation of the expression. Consider the following example:

>> 2 * 3 ^ 2 + (5-2) * 3

ans =


Taking into account the usual order of priority of operators, the first to be evaluated is the power operation. The usual order of evaluation can be altered by grouping expressions in parentheses.

In addition to these arithmetic operators, MATLAB is equipped with a set of basic functions, and the user can also define their own functions. Both the embedded MATLAB functions and operators can be applied to symbolic or numeric constants.


Perform the following operations:

(a) (-2 + 3 - 5) (4 - 3 + 2)/(15 + 4 - 21)

(b) [(2 - 3)(4 - 3 + 5)]3 [(3 - 2) + (6 - 8 - 5)]

(c) 5 - [4 - 3 + 2 * 7 + 5] + [(3 - 6)2 (7 - 9)2]

(d) 6 - 4 * 3/2 - 7 * 2 + 8 - 6/3 - 52 + 3

(e) [5 + 3 * 2/6 - 4].[4/2 - 3 + 6]/[7/2 - 8 - 2]2

We input the above operations in the following way:

>> ((-2 + 3 - 5)*(4 - 3 + 2))/(15 + 4 - 21)

ans =


>> ((2 - 3)*(4 - 3 + 5))^3 * (3 - 2 + 6 - 8 - 5)

ans =


>> 5 - (4 - 3 + 2 * 7 + 5) + (3 - 6)^2 * (7 - 9)^2

ans =


>> 6 - (4 * 3)/2 - 7 * 2 + 8 - 6/3 - 5^2 + 3

ans =


>>  ((5 + (3*2)/6 - 4)*(4/2 - 3 + 6))/(7 - 8/2 - 2)^2

ans =



Perform the following operations:

(a) 6 a b + 3a2 + 2 a b

(b) 6 a2  + 2 a - b2  + 3 a - 5 a2  + b2

(c) 6 a b - 2 a2 – 4 a b + 3 a2

We input the above operations in the following way:

>> syms a b
>> pretty(simplify(6*a*b + 3*a^2 + 2*a*b))

                                  8 a b + 3 a

>> pretty(simplify( 6*a^2 + 2*a - b^2 + 3*a - 5*a^2 + b^2))

                                    a   +  5 a

>> pretty(simplify(6*a*b - 2*a^2 - 4*a*b + 3*a^2))

                                   2 a b + a

The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate the need to declare symbolic variables as such when they are part of non-numeric expressions.


Where H = 3 a 2 – 2a + 7, F = 6 a3 - 5 a  + 2 and G = 5 a2 + 4a -3, calculate:

a) H + F + G

b) H - F + G

c) H - F - G

We input the previous operations in the following way:

>> syms a
>> H = 3*a^2 - 2*a + 7, F = 6*a^3 - 5*a + 2, G = 5*a^2 + 4*a - 3

H =

3*a^2 - 2*a + 7

F =

6*a^3 - 5*a + 2

G =

5*a^2 + 4*a – 3

>> pretty(H+F+G)

                                2                3
                             8 a  - 3 a + 6 + 6 a
>> pretty(H-F+G)

                                2                3
                             8 a  + 7 a + 2 - 6 a

>> pretty(H-F-G)

                                  2              3
                             - 2 a  - a + 8 - 6 a

We can also perform these operations by using MATLAB’s specific symbolic computation command symop. In general, the command symop applies the specified operations (op) in quotation marks to the symbolic (sym) variables in the order presented.

>> pretty(symop(H,'+',F,'+',G))

                                2                3
                             8 a  - 3 a + 6 + 6 a

>> pretty(symop(H,'-',F,'+',G))

                                2                3
                             8 a  + 7 a + 2 - 6 a

>> pretty(symop(H,'-',F,'-',G))

                                  2              3
                             - 2 a  - a + 8 - 6 a

When it comes to symbolic operations, it is always possible to make use of the interrelationship between MATLAB and Maple.

>> pretty(sym(maple('3*a^2 - 2*a + 7 + 6*a^3 - 5*a + 2 + 5*a^2 + 4*a - 3')))

                                2                3
                             8 a  - 3 a + 6 + 6 a

>> pretty(sym(maple('3*a^2 - 2*a + 7 - (6*a^3 - 5*a + 2) + 5*a^2 + 4*a - 3')))

                                2                3
                             8 a  + 7 a + 2 - 6 a

>> pretty(sym(maple('3*a^2 - 2*a + 7 - (6*a^3 - 5*a + 2) - (5*a^2 + 4*a - 3)')))

                                  2              3
                             - 2 a  - a + 8 - 6 a

However, in this simple case it is not necessary to use Maple, because MATLAB already executes the operations correctly by introducing symbolic expressions between quotation marks.

>> syms a
>> pretty('3*a^2 - 2*a + 7 - (6*a^3 - 5*a + 2) - (5*a^2 + 4*a - 3)')

                                  2              3
                             - 2 a  - a + 8 - 6 a

2.2 Integers

The MATLAB program can work on different platforms. Depending on the power of the hardware and software, the program will work with greater or lesser precision. The precision with which MATLAB works means that there is virtually no limit to the maximum size of integers that it is capable of handling; the most typical limitation is the amount of computer memory available. Thus, all the usual operations with integers are exact, regardless of the size of the result.

If we want the result of an operation to appear on screen with a certain number of significant figures, we use the symbolic computation command vpa (variable precision arithmetic), whose syntax is:

vpa 'operation' no_of _ figures

For example, to calculate 7 to the power 400 to 500 significant figures we enter the following:

>> vpa '7 ^ 400' 500

ans =


The result of the operation is accurate, always placing a point at the end of the result. In this case the result can be expressed in fewer than 500 figures, so the solution is exact. If you request a smaller number of significant figures than the exact result has, MATLAB will round the number to the appropriate multiple of a power of 10. For example, if we perform the above calculation only to 50 significant figures we get:

>> vpa ' 7 ^ 400' 50

ans =

1. 0945006043361130854242544564866621752997548733597e338

2.3 Divisibility

MATLAB provides multiple commands relating to divisibility. The program implements a variety of functions with integer arguments which will be presented below, most of which concern divisibility. Several of these functions are only available if you have installed the extended symbolic mathematics Toolbox. A group of the commands are accessible directly, another group first requires the command  maple, and to gain access to the final group, it is necessary to load the Maple numtheory library with the command maple(‘with(numtheory)’).

Among the most typical functions with integer arguments are the following:

  • rem(n,m): the remainder of the division of n by m (valid for real n and m)
  • sign(n): the sign of n (1 if n > 0, - 1 if n < 0, n real)
  • binomial(n,m): the binomial coefficient n choose m : n! / (m! (m-n)! )
  • bernoulli(n): the nth Bernoulli number Bn: text/(et - 1) = Σ Bn(x) tn/n!   n=0…∞
  • euler(n) the nth Euler number En: 2/(et + e-t) = Σ En(x) tn/n!   n=0…∞.
  • max(n1,n2): the maximum of n1 and n2
  • min(n1,n2): the minimum of n1 and n2
  • gcd(n1,n2): the greatest common divisor of n1 and n2
  • lcm(n1,n2): the least common multiple of n1 and n2
  • maple(‘irem(n,m)’): the remainder of the division of n by m
  • maple(‘igcd(n1,n2,…,nk)’): the greatest common divisor of k numbers
  • maple(‘igcdex(n1,n2,…,nk)’): the greatest common divisor of k numbers using Euclid’s algorithm
  • maple(‘ilcm(n1,n2,…,nk)’): the least common multiple of k numbers
  • maple(‘max(n1,n2,…,nk)’): the maximum of k numbers
  • maple(‘min(n1,n2,…,nk)‘): the minimum of k numbers
  • maple(‘n!’): factorial n (n! = n(n-1) (n-2)…2.1)
  • maple(‘ifactor(n)’) or factor(n): factorizes n
  • maple(‘ithprime(k)’): returns the k-th prime
  • maple(‘seq(ithprime(k),k = 1… n’) or primes(n): returns the first n primes
  • maple(‘isprime(n)’) or isprime(n): determines whether n is prime or not
  • maple(‘type(expr,prime)’): determines if the expression is a prime
  • maple(‘type(expr,facint)’): determines if the given expression is completely factored or not
  • maple(‘isqrt(n)’): determines if n is perfect square
  • maple(‘nextprime(n)’): finds the smallest prime larger than n
  • maple(‘prevprime(n)’): finds the largest prime less than n

Among the most typical functions with integer arguments for which it is necessary to previously load Maple’s numtheory library, we have the following:

  • maple(‘with(numtheory)’) loads the numtheory library to be used before the following commands
  • maple(‘issqr(n)’): determines if n is the square of an integer
  • maple(‘issqrfree(n)’): determines if n is square-free
  • maple(‘ifactors(n)’): returns the prime factors of n and their orders
  • maple(‘factorset(n)’): returns the set of prime factors of n
  • maple(‘splitters(n)’): returns a list of the divisors of n
  • maple(‘sigma(n)’): returns the sum of the divisors of n
  • maple(‘tau(n)’): returns the number of positive divisors of n
  • maple(‘bigomega(n)’): returns the number of prime divisors of n
  • maple(‘iroot(n,m)’): returns the integer part of n1/m
  • maple(‘iquo(n1,n2)’): returns the integer part of the ratio n1/n2
  • maple(‘b(n)’): returns the nth Bernoulli number Bn
  • maple(‘fermat(n)’): returns the nth Fermat number: 2^(2^n)+1

Here are some examples:

Factorize the number 24:

>> maple ('ifactor(24)')

ans =

 (2) ^ 3 * (3)

Factorize the number 999999999999:

>> maple ('ifactor(999999999999)')

ans =

 (3) ^ 3 *(7) * (11) * (13) * (37) * (101) * (9901)

Find the remainder of the division of 17 by 3:

>> rem (17,3)

ans =


Find the remainder of division of 4.1 by 1.2:

>> rem (4.1,1.2)

ans =


Find the remainder of the division of -4.1 by 1.2:

>> rem(-4.1,1.2)

ans =


Find the greatest common divisor of 1000, 500 and 625:

>> maple ('igcd (1000,500,625)')

ans =


Find the least common multiple of 1000, 500 and 625:

>> maple ('ilcm (1000,500,625)')

ans =


Is 99991 a prime number?:

>> maple ('isprime (99991)')

ans =


Indeed, the number is prime.

Find the 100th prime number:

>> maple ('ithprime (100)')

ans =


Find the set of all numbers that divide 24:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('divisors(24)')

ans =

{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}

Find the prime factors of 12267845 together with their orders of multiplicity:

>> maple('with(numtheory)'); maple('ifactors(12267845)')

ans =

[1, [[5, 1], [113, 1], [21713, 1]]]

Find the set of prime factors of 135678743:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('factorset(135678743)')

ans =


Logically, the above number has to be prime:

>> maple ('isprime (135678743)')

ans =


Find the set of prime factors of the number 135678742:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('factorset(135678742)')

ans =

{2, 1699, 39929}

Find the list of divisors, the number of divisors and the sum of the divisors of 1000000:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('divisors(1000000)')

ans =

{1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64, 80, 100, 125, 250000, 3125, 31250, 62500, 125000, 500000, 1000000, 12500, 625, 15625, 25000, 250, 6250, 1250, 500, 2500, 200, 1000, 5000, 400, 2000, 160, 800, 4000, 50000, 10000, 100000, 20000, 200000, 40000, 320, 1600, 8000}

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('tau(1000000)')

ans =


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('sigma(1000000)')

ans =



Find the number of different ways of selecting 9 elements from 45 without repetition. Consider the same problem for three elements selected from n.

>> maple('binomial(45, 9)')

ans =


>> maple('expand(binomial(n, 3))')

ans =

1/6 * n ^ 3-1/2 * n ^ 2 + 1/3 * n


Find the remainder of the division of 2134 by 3. Also find the smallest positive integer k such that k ≡ 12 mod 8.

>> rem(2^134,3)

ans =


>> maple('chrem([12],[8])')

ans =


The syntax of the function chrem will be presented in the next section.


Find the prime factors and all the divisors of 18900. Also find the 189th prime number.

>> maple ('ifactor(18900)')

ans =


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('divisors(18900)')

ans =

{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 30, 35, 36, 42, 45, 50, 54, 60, 63, 70, 75, 84, 90, 100, 105, 108, 126, 135, 1050, 2700, 18900, 525, 1260, 180, 150, 225, 300, 450, 675, 900, 270, 1350, 540, 140, 175, 189, 210, 252, 315, 350, 378, 420, 630, 700, 756, 945, 1575, 2100, 3150, 4725, 6300, 1890, 9450, 3780}

>> maple('ithprime(189)')

ans =



Two books have 840 and 384 pages, respectively. If they are formed by sections of an equal number of pages (more than 18), calculate the number of pages per section.

>> gcd (840, 384)

ans =



Find the smallest number N that when divided by 16, 24, 30 and 32 leaves the remainder 5.

N-5 will be a multiple of 16, 24, 30 and 32, and we are asked to calculate the least number, so N-5 will be the least common multiple of 16, 24, 30 and 32:

>> maple ('(16, 24, 30, 32) ilcm')

ans =

        Therefore N = 480 + 5 = 485.


Calculate the factorial of 2000.

We have here an example of the high-precision of MATLAB:

>> maple('2000!')

ans =



Calculate the number 2^115-1 and determine whether or not it is prime. If it is compound, break it down into its prime factors. Calculate the closest prime numbers greater than and less than 2^115-1. Verify that the largest of these two numbers is indeed prime.

>> 2 ^ 115-1

ans =

  4. 1538e + 034

We can now calculate the exact value:

>> vpa ' 2 ^ 115-1' 100

ans =


Now let’s check if it is prime:

>> maple ('isprime(2^115-1)')

ans =


Thus the number is not prime.

We find the decomposition into prime factors:

>> maple ('ifactor(2^115-1)')

ans =

(31) *(47) * (2646507710984041) *(4036961) * (178481) * (14951)

We now calculate the two prime numbers closest to the above number, one less than the number and the other greater than the number, and we see that the latter is indeed prime.

>> maple('prevprime(2^115-1)')

ans =


>> maple('nextprime(2^115-1)')

ans =


>> maple('isprime(nextprime(2^115-1))')

ans =



Calculate the first 100 prime numbers.

>> maple('seq(ithprime(k),k=1..100)')

ans =

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541


Given the number 51648597:

(a) Determine whether or not it is prime.

(b) If it is composite, break it down into prime factors.

(c) Calculate the set of its prime factors.

(d) Find its prime factors with their multiplicities.

(e) Find the set of its divisors.

(f) Find the sum of its divisors.

(g) Find the number of its divisors.


>> maple ('isprime (51648597)')

ans =


Thus, it is not prime.


>> maple('ifactor(51648597)')

ans =



>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('factorset(51648597)')

ans =

{3, 7, 11, 13}


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('ifactors(51648597)')

ans =

[1, [[3, 4], [7, 3], [11, 1], [13, 2]]]


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('divisors(51648597)')

ans =

{1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 21, 27, 33, 39, 49, 63, 77, 81, 91, 99, 117, 819, 429, 297, 343, 351, 3972969, 11583, 4459, 14553, 3861, 1053, 231, 147, 1287, 441, 3003, 9009, 693, 51648597, 33957, 5733, 91091, 507, 305613, 120393, 273, 150579, 49049, 637637, 21021, 273273, 63063, 819819, 31941, 7371, 7007, 1565109, 95823, 51597, 24843, 74529, 117117, 81081, 1054053, 27027, 351351, 13377, 173901, 40131, 521703, 1911, 147147, 1912911, 361179, 4695327, 1324323, 17216199, 567567, 7378371, 17199, 223587, 39039, 10647, 13013, 13689, 16731, 50193, 57967, 3549, 4563, 5577, 637, 8281, 1001, 189189, 2459457, 441441, 5738733, 6237, 2079, 1183, 1521, 1859, 11319, 1029, 3087, 1323, 9261, 567, 3969, 27783, 539, 891, 3773, 1617, 4851, 101871, 43659, 169, 670761, 2457, 189, 143}


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('sigma(51648597)')

ans =



>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('tau(51648597)')

ans =


2.4 Modular Arithmetic

MATLAB’s elementary number theoretic cababilities can be expanded via the numtheory library of the Extended Symbolic Math toolbox, which incorporates commands related to modular arithmetic. We have the following:

  • maple(‘mroot(n1, n2, n3)’) is n11/n2 modulo n3
  • maple(‘msrqt(n1,n2)’) is n11/2 modulo n2
  • maple(‘nthpow(n1,n2)’) is the largest n such that n divides n1n2
  • maple(‘chrem([n1…nx],[m1…mx])’) is the unique integer n such that n(mod mi) = ni i=1.....x
  • maple(‘imagunit(n)’) gives √-1 modulo n
  • maple(‘mlog(p,q,r)’) gives the logarithm of p to base q modulo r
  • maple(‘phi(n)’) gives the number of positive integers less than or equal to n that are relatively prime with n
  • maple(‘invphi(n)’) the inverse phi function (i.e. returns the set of positive integers k such that phi(k)=n)
  • maple(‘jacobi(n1,n2)’) or maple(‘J(n1,n2)’) gives the Jacobi symbol of the integers n1 and n2, i.e. it returns 1 if n1 is relatively prime with n2 and n2 is positive and odd, n2 if n1 is not a positive odd integer, and -1 otherwise
  • maple(‘legendre(n1,n2)’) or maple(‘L(n1,n2)’) gives the Legendre symbol of the integers n1 and n2, i.e. it returns 1 if n1 is a quadratic residue modulo n2, and -1 if it is not (n1 is a quadratic residue modulo n2 if there exists an integer m such that m2≡n1 (mod n2))
  • maple(‘lambda(n)’) gives the size of the largest cyclic group generated by gi(mod n)
  • maple(‘mersenne(n)’) or maple(‘M(n)’) returns 2n - 1 if it is prime, and if not, returns false
  • maple(‘mcombine(n1,m1,n2,m2)’): gives an integer n such that n ≡ m1(mod n1) and n ≡ m2(mod n2). Returns FAIL if there is no such n
  • maple(‘ mipolys(n,p)’) gives the number of monic univariate irreducible polynomials of degree n over Z (mod p)
  • maple(‘mipolys(n,p,m)’) gives the number of monic univariate irreducible polynomials of degree n over the Galois field of order pm
  • maple(‘mobius(n)’) gives the positive integer equal to the Möbius function of n
  • maple(‘order(n1,n2)’) gives the order of the integer n1 in the multiplicative group modulo n2, i.e. gives the smallest positive integer m such that n1m ≡ 1(mod n2)
  • maple(‘pprimroot(n)’) gives the smallest pseudo primitive root of the positive integer n, that is, the generator of the cyclic group under multiplication modulo n containing the integers relatively prime with n, and if it doesn’t exist, gives the least positive integer not exceeding n and relatively prime to n
  • maple(‘pprimroot(n1,n2)’) gives the smallest pseudo primitive root of the positive integer n2 that is greater than n1
  • maple(‘primroot(n)’) gives the smallest primitive root of the positive integer n, that is, the generator of the cyclic group under multiplication modulo n containing relatively prime integers with n
  • maple(‘primroot(n1,n2)’) gives the smallest primitive root of the positive integer n2 that is greater than n1
  • maple(‘quadres(n1,n2)’) determines if n1 is a quadratic residue modulo n2
  • maple(‘rootsunity(p,n)’)  give all p-th roots of unity modulo n
  • maple(‘safeprime(n)’) calculates the smallest prime p greater than n such that (p-1) / 2 is also prime

Below are some examples:

To find the logarithm of 1000000 in base 8 and modulo 52 we do the following:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('mlog(1000000,8,52)')

ans =


To find the fifth root of 1000000 modulo 52:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('mroot(1000000,5,52)')

ans =


To find the square root of -1 modulo 5:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('imagunit(5)')

ans =


To check if 24- 1 and 25- 1 are primes:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('mersenne(4)')

ans =


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('mersenne(5)')

ans =


To find how many positive integers less than or equal to 15 are relatively prime with 15:

>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('phi(15)')

ans =



Find the largest integer n such that n3 divides 6561. Also find the square root of n modulo 7.

>> maple('with(numtheory)'); maple('nthpow (6561,3)')

ans =


>> maple('with(numtheory)');maple('msqrt(9,7)')

ans =



Find the integer n that simultaneously satisfies the equations n ≡ 1000 (mod 37) and n ≡ 1500 (mod 53). Also find the integer n that simultaneously satisfies the equations n ≡ 500 (mod 3), n ≡ 600 (mod4) and n ≡ 700 (mod 5). Is there an integer m such that m2 ≡ 1000 (mod 37)? Finally, find the smallest integer k such that 1500k ≡ 1 (mod 53).

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple mcombine(37,1000,53,1500)

ans =


>> maple chrem([500,600,700],[3,4,5])

ans =


>> maple legendre(1000,37)

ans =


>> maple order (1500,53)

ans =


We therefore conclude that there is such an integer m.


Find the number of monic irreducible univariate polynomials of degree 3 over the ring Z (mod 17). Find the number of monic univariate irreducible polynomials of degree 5 over the Galois field of order 711.

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple mipolys(3,17)

ans =


>> maple mipolys(5,7,11)

ans =



Find the smallest generator of the cyclic group under multiplication modulo 1500 containing integers relatively prime with 1500. Find such a generator with the condition that it be greater than 11.

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple pprimroot(1500)

ans =


>> maple pprimroot(10,1500)

ans =



Find the fifth roots of unity modulo 11. Also find the smallest prime p greater than 1000 such that (p-1)/2 is also prime.

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple rootsunity(5,11)

ans =

1, 3, 4, 5, 9

>> maple safeprime(1000)

ans =


2.5 Divisibility in Z[√n]

Via the numtheory library of the Extended Symbolic Math toolbox, MATLAB allows you to perform divisibility tasks in the ring Z[√n], where n is any integer. In this regard, the program implements the following functions:

  • maple(‘factorEQ(n,m)’) calculates the entire factorization of m in the Euclidean ring Z[n1/2]
  • maple(‘sq2factor(n)’) gives the entire factorization of n in Z[√2]
  • maple(‘sum2sqr(n)’) gives a list of pairs of numbers whose squares sum to n


Factorize the following:

(a) 38477343 in the ring Z[√11]

(b) 38434 *√33 in the ring Z[√33]

(c) 408294234124-4242 *√29 in the ring Z[√29]

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple factorEQ(38477343,11)

ans =

 (3) * (125 + 34 * 11 ^(1/2)) * (125-34 * 11 ^(1/2)) *(85 + 16 * 11 ^(1/2)) * (85-16 * 11 ^(1/2))

Written in radical form, this is:


>> maple factorEQ (38434 * sqrt (33), 33)

ans =

(33 ^(1/2)) * (- 23 + 4 * 33 ^(1/2)) * (5/2 + 1/2 * 33 ^(1/2)) * (5/2-1/2 * 33 ^(1/2)) * (11 + 2 * 33 ^(1/2)) ^ 2 * (58 + 7 * 33 ^(1/2)) * (58-7 * 33 ^(1/2))

Written in radical form, this is:


>> maple factorEQ (408294234124-4242 * sqrt (29), 29)

ans =

-(2) *(1/2 + 1/2 * 29 ^(1/2)) * (1/2-1/2 * 29 ^(1/2)) *(5/2-1/2 * 29 ^(1/2)) ^ 4 * (11 + 2 * 29 ^(1/2)) *(4 + 29 ^(1/2)) * (38 + 7 * 29 ^(1/2)) *(955872689/2 + 331629325/2 * 29 ^(1/2))

Written in radical form, this is:



Factorize the following in Z[√2]:

a) (1-√2)-4

b) 83424959

c) 9232-932*√2

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple sq2factor ((1-sqrt (2)) ^(-4))

ans =

(2 ^(1/2) + 1) ^ 4

Written in radical form, this is:


>> maple sq2factor (83424959)

ans =

 (9503 + 1855 * 2 ^(1/2)) *(9503-1855 * 2 ^(1/2))

Written in radical form, this is:


>> maple sq2factor (9232-932 * sqrt (2))

ans =

(2 ^(1/2)) ^ 5 * (2-^(1/2)-1) * (1 + 3 * 2 ^(1/2)) * (5 + 2 ^(1/2)) * (17 + 59 * 2 ^(1/2))

Written in radical form, this is:


2.6 Diophantine Equations

Via the numtheory library of the Extended Symbolic Math toolbox, MATLAB can attempt to solve Diophantine equations, i.e., it can find integer solutions of certain equations, inequalities, systems of equations and systems of inequalities. In this regard, the program implements the following functions:

  • maple(‘kronecker({ineq1,…,ineqx},{var1,1,…,var1,m},{var2,1,…,var2,n})’) gives the Diophantine approximation, in the inhomogeneous case, of the specified inequalities with respect to the given two sets of variables
  • maple(‘minkowski({ineq1,…,ineqx},{var1,1,…,var1,m},{var2,1,…,var2,n})’) gives the Diophantine approximation, in the homogeneous case, of the specified inequalities with respect to the given two sets of variables
  • maple(‘thue(f(x,y) = m,[x,y])’) solves the equation for f(x,y)∈Z[x, y] irreducible over Q[x,y] and integer m
  • maple(‘thue(f(x,y)≤m, [x, y])’) solve the inequality for f(x,y)∈Z[x, y] irreducible over Q[x, y] and integer m


Solve (integer solutions) the following equations and inequalities in Z[x,y]:

a) x2 + x y + y2= 19

b) abs(x3 + x2 y - 2 x y2 - y3)≤ 5

c) abs(x5 + x4 y - 4 x3 y2 - 3x2 y3 + 3x y4 + y5) ≤ 10

d) x3 + y3 = 5


>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple thue(x^2 + x*y + y^2 = 19,[x,y])

[x = 5, y = - 3], [x = - 2, y = - 3], [x = 2, y = - 5], [x = - 2, y = 5],
[x = - 5, y = 3], [x = 2, y = 3], [x = - 5, y = 2],
[x = - 3, y = - 2], [x = 5, y = - 2], [x = 3, y = 2],
[x = - 3, y = 5], [x = 3, y = - 5]


>> maple thue(abs(x^3 + x^2*y-2*x*y^2-y^3) < = 5 [x, y])

[x = 0, y = 0], [x = 1, y = 0], [x = 1, y = 1], [x = 5, y = 4],
[x = - 5, y = - 4], [x = - 2, y = 1], [x = - 1, y = 0],
[x = - 1, y = 1], [x = - 1, y = 2], [x = - 1, y = - 1],
[x = 1, y = - 2], [x = 1, y = - 1], [x = - 4, y = 9], [x = 0, y = 1],
[x = 0, y = - 1], [x = 2, y = - 1], [x = 4, y = - 9,]
[x = - 9, y = 5], [x = 9, y = - 5]


>> maple thue(abs(x^5 + x^4*y-4*x^3*y^2-3*x^2*y^3 + 3*x*y^4 + y^5) < = 10, [x, y])

[x = 0, y = 0], [x = 1, y = 0], [x = 1, y = 1], [x = - 1, y = 1],
[x = - 2, y = 1], [x = 0, y = 1], [x = 0, y = - 1],
[x = - 1, y = - 1], [x = - 1, y = 0], [x = 1, y = - 1],
[x = 2, y = - 1]


>> maple thue(x^3 + y^3 =5,[x,y])

Error, (in thue) this binary form is not irreducible


Solve the following Diophantine system in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous cases:

|ez1 + 21/2z2 - s1 | ≤ 10-2

|31/3 z1 + π z2 - s2 | ≤ 10 -4

>> maple('with(numtheory)');
>> maple minkowski ({abs (exp(1)*z1 + 2^(1/2)*z2 - s1 ) <=10^(-2),
   abs (3^(1/3)*z1 + Pi*z2 - s2 ) <=10^(-4)}, {z1,z2},{s1,s2})

         [z1 = 7484], [z2 = -2534], [s1 = 16760], [s2 = 2833]

>> maple kronecker ({abs (exp(1)*z1 + 2^(1/2)*z2 - s1 ) <=10^(-2),
   abs (3^(1/3)*z1 + Pi*z2 - s2 ) <=10^(-4)}, {z1,z2},{s1,s2})

         [z1 = - 1014], [z2 = 5300], [s1 = 4739], [s2 = 15188]

2.7 Number Systems

MATLAB allows you to work with number systems to any base, as long as the extended symbolic math Toolbox is available. It also allows you to express all kinds of numbers in different bases. The following functions are available:

  • maple(‘convert(decimal,base,n_base)’) or dec2base(decimal,n_base) (base 10) converts the specified decimal number to the base n_base
  • base2dec(number,B) converts the given number in base B to decimal
  • maple(‘convert(decimal,binary)’) or dec2bin(decimal) converts the specified decimal number to base 2 (binary)
  • maple(‘convert(decimal,octal)’) converts the specified decimal number to base 8 (octal)
  • maple(‘convert(decimal,octal,n)’) or dec2hex(decimal)  converts to base 8 (octal) the specified decimal number with n digits of precision
  • maple(‘convert(decimal,hex)’) converts the decimal number specified to base 16 (hexadecimal)
  • maple(‘convert(binary,decimal,binary)’) or bin2dec (binary) converts the specified binary number to decimal
  • maple(‘convert(octal,decimal,octal)’) converts the octal number to decimal
  • maple(‘convert(hexadecimal,decimal,hex)’) or hex2dec (hexadecimal) converts the specified base 16 number to decimal
  • maple(‘convert([a,b,…,c],base,old_base,new_base)’) converts the number whose digits in the old base are: c… ba, to the new base. The result is a list with the figures placed in the reverse order to the usual ordering
  • maple(‘convert(decimal,double,option)’) converts a decimal number to a double-precision hexadecimal according to the given option (ibm, mips and vax)
  • maple(‘convert(hexad,double,maple,option)’) converts the given double-precision hexadecimal number to a Maple format hexadecimal according to the given option (ibm, mips and vax)


Express the decimal number 2342424 in base 2. Also express the decimal number 242345341 in base 16.

>> maple ('convert(2342424,binary)')

ans =


>> maple('convert(242345341,hex)')

ans =



Express the binary number 100101 in base 10, and express in base 10 the hexadecimal number ffffaa00. Find in base 10 the result of the operation of hexadecimal numbers fffaa2 + ff – 1.

>> maple ('convert(100101,decimal,binary)') or  base2dec('100101',2)

ans =


>> maple ('convert (FFFFAA0, decimal, hex)') or  base2dec ('FFFFAA0', 16)

ans =


>> maple ('convert (FFFAA2, decimal, hex) + convert(FF,decimal,hex) - 1')

ans =


>> base2dec ('FFFAA2', 16) + base2dec('FF',16)-1

ans =



Calculate in base 5 the results of the operation:

a25aaff616 + 6789aba12 + 11002218 + 356713 – 1250

We first convert the base 12 number 6789aba to decimal:

>> base2dec('6789aba',12)

ans =


or we can also use the function convert:

>> maple('convert([10,11,10,9,8,7,6],base,12,10)')

ans =

[0, 5, 7, 0, 4, 8, 9, 1]

Let us not forget that this form of the function convert returns the result with the figures in the reverse order to the usual ordering.

We now transform the base 3 number 1100221 to decimal:

>> base2dec('1100221',3)

ans =


We can also perform this operation as follows:

>> maple('convert([1,2,2,0,0,1,1],base,3,10)')

ans =

[7, 9, 9]

The number in base 10 is 997. Now we calculate the result of the entire operation in base 10:

>> maple ('convert(a25aaf6,decimal,hex) + 19840750 + convert(35671,decimal,octal) + 997-1250')

ans =


The same result is obtained directly as follows:

>> base2dec('a25aaf6',16) + base2dec('6789aba',12) + base2dec('35671',8) + base2dec('1100221',3)-1250

ans =


but we still need to convert this result to base 5:

>>  maple('convert([4,4,5,6,9,0,0,9,1],base,10,5)')

ans =

[4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3]

Thus, the final result of the operation in base 5 is 342131042134.

This last step could also have been determined as follows:

>> dec2base (190096544,5)

ans =



In base 13, find the result of the following operation:

(666551)4 (aa199800a)7 + (fffaaa125)11 / (33331 + 6)16

First of all, we convert all numbers to base 10:

>> maple('convert([1,5,5,6,6,6],base,7,10)')

ans =

[7, 8, 5, 7, 1, 1]

>> maple('convert([10,0,0,8,9,9,1,10,10],base,11,10)')

ans =

[7, 6, 9, 3, 2, 8, 1, 4, 3, 2]

>> maple ('convert (FFFAAA125, decimal, hex)')

ans =


>> maple('convert([1,3,3,3,3],base,4,10)')

ans =

[1, 2, 0, 1]

Now we carry out the proposed calculations in base 10.

 >> vpa ' 117587 * 2341823967 + 79 * 68713881893 /(1021+6)' 15

ans =


A more direct way of doing all of the above is:

>> base2dec('666551',7) * base2dec('aa199800a',11) + 79 * base2dec('fffaaa125',16) / (base2dec ('33331', 4) + 6)

ans =


We now transform the result gained into base 13.

>> maple('convert([2,5,8,0,9,4,0,4,3,3,7,3,5,7,2],base,10,13)')

ans =

[6, 9, 4, 1, 12, 3, 6, 9, 7, 6, 8, 10, 11]

Thus, the final result in base 13 is the number BA867963C1496.

This last conversion can also be done as follows:

>> dec2base (275373340490852,13)

ans =



Convert the decimal 125.7864 to binary and convert the results of the decimal operation 8796.43 + 0.6789 - 4.25 to octal.

>> maple('convert(125.7864, binary)')

ans =


>> vpa '8796.43+0.6789-4.25'

ans =


>> maple('convert(8792.8589, octal)')

ans =


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