© Agus Kurniawan 2018
Agus KurniawanPractical Contiki-NGhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3408-2_8

8. Contiki-NG and Cloud Server

Agus Kurniawan1 
Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Cloud technology provides a serverless solution to many IT problems. It eliminates the effort required to provide hardware and software. These services could be SaaS (Software as Service), PaaS (Platform as Service), or IaaS (Infrastructure as Service). In this chapter, we will integrate Contiki-NG with Cloud servers. We will also review several Cloud platforms and then try to work with them.

The following is a list of topics we will cover in this chapter:
  • Introduce Cloud server

  • What is Cloud computing?

  • Types of Cloud-computing deployments

  • Review of Cloud server platforms

  • Working with Contiki-NG and Microsoft Azure

  • Working with Contiki-NG and Amazon AWS

Introduce Cloud Server

If you have experience with the software development cycle, you know it starts with getting requirements and ends with developing and deploying to the production machine servers. We should provide a server location, called a data center, which is used to house the machine servers.

Building a data center is not easy. Technically, a data center has class levels. Each class level has some criteria that should be met. We also should factor in electricity usage. The physical security of the server can be one of the key factors when you build your own data center.

You can also bring your machine servers to commercial data centers. In this option, you should think about security and policy. Whether you put your machine servers in your own data center or in a commercial data center, you still should manage all software within the machines yourself. Decide whether you should manage all your machines in one location.

Cloud computing can solve some issues related to configuring and deploying applications on machines. Several Cloud-computing companies provide automatic deployment and configuration for your application. They also provide geo-location server services that enable your application to deploy only in some regions. These services can serve all requests from different locations. You can optimize customer relationships by bringing your application to a customer’s local region.

Figure 8-1 shows how to deploy an application to a physical machine. You can select one of the options based on your needs. Each option has pros and cons. In this chapter, we will focus on how to integrate Contiki-NG with Cloud-computing technology. We will communicate with Cloud servers from the Contiki-NG environment.
Figure 8-1

Application deployment strategies on physical machine

Why Use Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is designed to offer high flexibility for computing processes performed over the Internet. One of the big questions related to Cloud computing is why do we use it? This is a challenging question, especially for those who have already deployed an application or system on on-premises servers (local servers). For newcomers, bringing a deployment to Cloud computing is new ground.

Cloud-Computing Services

To integrate our application with Cloud computing, we should know the types of Cloud-computing services. In general, we can categorize Cloud-computing services as one of the following:
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)

  • Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS)

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provides a rent infrastructure, such as virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks, and operating systems. These providers serve your needs for machine servers, which are included in its managing dashboard. In general, you just pay for the resources you have already used.

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) supplies an on-demand environment for developing and testing. You can create server and mobile applications without worrying about setting up or managing resource infrastructure.

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) provides all delivering software for your daily activities or certain projects. Providers usually offer subscription schemes for all delivering software. We can subscribe to and stop SaaS at any time.

Types of Cloud-Computing Deployments

To understand how to deploy Cloud computing, we should know several types of Cloud computing, such as the following:
  • Public Cloud

  • Private Cloud

  • Hybrid Cloud

Public Cloud is a common type of Cloud deployment. You install and configure your application/platform on a provider’s Cloud. Your data will be stored into their storage. Some companies probably decline to store their data on public storage servers due to compliance policies.

A private Cloud enables your solution to be deployed into local servers. Cloud providers usually provide software to build a private Cloud with their platform.

Last, a hybrid Cloud combines the public and private Cloud approaches. You can work with a hybrid Cloud to ensure your business is run well.

Review Cloud Server Platforms

In this section, we will review several Cloud platforms that provide Cloud services–based IoT (Internet of Thing). This is a brief review so you are familiar with them when we implement IoT by enabling Cloud technology.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft is a well-known company that provides software services. We all know Microsoft products, such as Windows, Microsoft Office, and SQL Server. Now, Microsoft has expanded its software business by implementing Cloud services, called Microsoft Azure.

You can easily set up Windows servers on Microsoft Azure. All configurations are done though the Azure portal. You can access it at https://azure.microsoft.com . If you are a developer or a consultant with a Microsoft technology background, Microsoft Azure is a good choice to deploy Cloud computing.

Microsoft Azure is a global Cloud provider that provides Cloud services in several country regions. It can serve your needs locally.

Amazon AWS

Amazon started with its e-Commerce business. To support that business, Amazon built an IT business with Cloud technology, called Amazon AWS. Now Amazon AWS is a leading Cloud provider worldwide, available in most IT market segments. Storage and push notification services from Amazon AWS can be integrated with your mobile application. There are a lot of AWS services for your project needs. You can learn more about Amazon AWS, including registration, from the official website at https://aws.amazon.com .

You can integrate IoT projects with Amazon AWS. It provides a Cloud service, called AWS IoT. This service can serve your IoT needs. You can find it at https://aws.amazon.com/iot/ .

Google Cloud

If you want to search for something online, you probably use Google. That’s Google. Google Cloud provides a solution for your Cloud needs. You can find Google Cloud services at https://Cloud.google.com .

If you are an Android developer, Google Cloud is probably the best choice to integrate with your mobile application.

IBM Cloud

IBM has long history with servers and software. This software provides most IT services. In the Cloud-computing era, IBM now offers Cloud services, called IBM Cloud, to leverage your business. To get more information about IBM Cloud, you can visit the IBM Cloud site at https://www.ibm.com/Cloud/ .

Comparing Features of All Global Clouds

If you are interested in Cloud services from various worldwide Cloud providers, I recommend to read this site: http://compareCloud.in . You can see a feature comparison among Cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud.

Connecting Contiki-NG Motes to Cloud Servers

Contiki-NG is designed for IPv6 networks. Several Contiki-NG hardware devices have network protocol capabilities to connect to Cloud servers directly. In general, we need a 6LoWPAN router as a bridge between Contiki-NG motes and a Cloud server.

In Figure 8-2, we show a simple model of how Contiki-NG motes communicate with Cloud servers. We put in a 6LoWPAN router as a bridge to all Contiki-NG motes. The 6LoWPAN router will perform request/response mapping between Contiki-NG motes and outside servers.
Figure 8-2

Communicating between Contiki-NG and Cloud server

In the next section, we will build two demos to perform a communication between Contiki-NG and Cloud servers. For these demos, we will use Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.

Demo 1: Contiki-NG and Microsoft Azure

This demo has the objective of showing how to communicate between Contiki-NG and Microsoft Azure. We will perform the demo described in Figure 8-3. We will develop three applications to implement this demo, as follows:
  • Sensor application on Contiki-NG

  • 6LoWPAN router application on Contiki-NG and computer

  • Middleware application

  • Azure IoT Hub application

The middleware application will retrieve sensor data from Contiki-NG and then push that data to the Azure IoT Hub. Furthermore, the Azure IoT Hub will distribute the sensor data to all subscribed devices. You can see this process in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3

Contiki-NG motes communicate with AWS IoT Hub

Next, we will implement our demo by performing some tasks, as follows:
  • Prepare to set up Azure IoT.

  • Develop application for Contiki-NG and middleware application.

  • Test all programs.

Each task will be implemented in the next section.


Before we develop a program in which Contiki-NG will access Azure IoT Hub, we should prepare Microsoft Azure. You should have an active account for Microsoft Azure to perform this demo. To prepare our development for Azure IoT Hub, we perform the following tasks:
  • Create Azure IoT Hub.

  • Add a new IoT device for Azure IoT.

  • Copying IoT device keys for developing program.

Each step will be performed in the next section.

Creating Azure IoT Hub

To create Azure IoT Hub, you should have an active Azure account. You can log on to https://portal.azure.com/ with your account. On the left-hand menu on the Azure dashboard, click “IoT Hub” so you see the Azure IoT Hub dashboard, as shown in Figure 8-4.
Figure 8-4

Azure IoT Hub dashboard

Fill in all required fields to create a new IoT Hub, which is included in your Azure subscription scheme. For instance, I created an Azure IoT Hub, called contiki-ng. After creating an Azure IoT Hub, you should see it on the Azure IoT Hub dashboard, which is shown in Figure 8-5.
Figure 8-5

Created Azure IoT Hub for Contiki-NG

The next step is to register a new IoT device in order for it to access Azure IoT Hub. We will perform this task in the next section.

Registering a New IoT Device

Each IoT device that will access Azure IoT Hub should be registered in order to get an access key. Open your Azure IoT Hub and then click the “IoT Devices” menu so you see a list of IoT devices.

You can register a new IoT device by clicking the “+ Add” icon. You should get a registration form, shown in Figure 8-6.

Fill in your IoT device name. Select “Symmetric Key” for authentication type. You can check the box for “Auto Generate Keys” to generate keys automatically. Please select “Enable” for activating your IoT device. Click the Save button if you are done to add the IoT device.
Figure 8-6

Creating a new IoT device

Copying Device Keys

After you have registered all IoT devices that will access Azure IoT Hub, you need to copy all IoT device keys. To obtain these keys, you can click your IoT devices on the Azure IoT Hub to get detailed information from the device.

You should see the IoT device key in the “Primary key” and “Connection string” fields. You can see it in Figure 8-7. You can copy the text that is indicated by an arrow. We will use these keys in our program.

Next, we will develop programs for Contiki-NG and a middleware application to communicate with the Azure IoT Hub. We will perform this task in the next section.
Figure 8-7

Copy the IoT device key and its connection string

Developing Application

There are three applications that we are going to develop. First, we will develop two programs for Contiki-NG, starting with the 6LoWPAN router and sensor application. A 6LoWPAN router will be implemented by deploying an rpl-border-router program to the Contiki-NG mote. The sensor application runs a web server that waits for incoming requests from the sensor.

The second program that we will develop is a middleware application. This program will request sensor data from Contiki-NG. Then, this program will push it to the Azure IoT Hub.

The last program is a sensor consumer program. The program will subscribe to the Azure IoT Hub to get sensor data from Contiki-NG. Once the middleware application pushes the sensor data to the Azure IoT Hub, the sensor consumer program will get the sensor data that is pushed by the Azure IoT Hub.

We will implement these programs in the next section.

Developing Programs for Contiki-NG

On the Contiki-NG side, we develop two programs for Contiki-NG, starting with the rpl-border-router and sensor program. You can find the rpl-border-router in the Contiki-NG program samples. You should compile and upload rpl-border-router to one of the Contiki-NG motes. You can read how to implement rpl-border-router in Chapter 6.

A sensor program is a web server that serves requests for sensor data. We use the websense program from Chapter 6. We set our project name as websense-Cloud. We rename websense.c as websense-Cloud.c. You can see the project structure of websense-Cloud in Figure 8-8.
Figure 8-8

Project structure for Contiki-NG and Azure

In the Makefile file, you can configure the demo project to include http-simple.c and the Contiki-NG project. You can write these scripts:

CONTIKI_PROJECT = websense-Cloud
CONTIKI = ../..
PROJECT_SOURCEFILES += httpd-simple.c
include $(CONTIKI)/Makefile.include

We also modify the websense-Cloud.c file that is copied from the websense.c file (Chapter 6). In the generate_routes() method, we modify code in order to serve requests for sensor data. You can write this code:

PT_THREAD(generate_routes(struct httpd_state *s))
  char buff[35];
  //SEND_STRING(&s->sout, TOP);
  int temperature = 15 + rand() % 25;
  int humidity = 80 + rand() % 10;
  sprintf(buff,"{"temp":%u,"hum":%u}", temperature, humidity);
  printf("send json to requester ");
  SEND_STRING(&s->sout, buff);
  //SEND_STRING(&s->sout, BOTTOM);

Save all changes. Compile the rpl-border-router and websense-Cloud programs. Then, upload those to your Contiki-NG motes.

Next, we will develop the middleware application using Node.js.

Building Azure Middleware Application

We will develop an Azure middleware application to request sensor data from Contiki-NG and push sensor data to Azure IoT Hub. For implementation, we use Node.js.

First, create a folder for your project. Open Terminal and navigate to your project folder. Then, initialize your project, including required libraries. Type these commands:

$ npm init
$ npm install azure-iot-device azure-iot-device-mqtt express --save

Now, we will start to write a middleware application for Azure. Create a file, called middleware-azure.js. Initialize all required libraries and run the web server on port 3000. You also need information such as hostname, device ID, and shared access key. Write this code:

'use strict';
var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');
var app = express();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var clientFromConnectionString = require('azure-iot-device-mqtt').clientFromConnectionString;
var Message = require('azure-iot-device').Message;
var connectionString = 'HostName={youriothostname};DeviceId=myFirstNodeDevice;SharedAccessKey={yourdevicekey}';
var mydeviceId = 'contiki-ng-01';
var client = clientFromConnectionString(connectionString);
app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send('WebSense Azure Cloud');
http.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log('listening on *:3000');
    console.log('websense azure Cloud was started');
You should change value connectionString to the following values:
  • {youriothostname} is your domain address (IP address) from your Azure IoT Hub

  • myFirstNodeDevice and mydeviceId are your registered device ID

  • {yourdevicekey} is a shared access key. You can find it in the primary key field from your registered IoT device; see Figure 8-7.

Next, we declare two functions. One of these functions, printResultFor() , is used to print all messages to Terminal. The other is the callback function, connectCallback, which requests sensor data from Contiki-NG motes:

function printResultFor(op) {
    return function printResult(err, res) {
      if (err) console.log(op + ' error: ' + err.toString());
      if (res) console.log(op + ' status: ' + res.constructor.name);
var connectCallback = function (err) {
    if (err) {
        console.log('Could not connect: ' + err);
    } else {
        console.log('Client connected');
        // Create a message and send it to the IoT Hub every second
                var obj = JSON.parse(body);
                var temperature = obj.temp;
                var humidity = obj.hum;            
                var data = JSON.stringify({ deviceId: mydeviceId, temperature: temperature, humidity: humidity });
                var message = new Message(data);
                message.properties.add('temperatureAlert', (temperature > 30) ? 'true' : 'false');
                console.log("Sending message: " + message.getData());
                client.sendEvent(message, printResultFor('send'));
        }, 3000);

You should replace the value [fd00::212:4b00:797:6083] with the IPv6 address from the Contiki-NG mote that runs the websense-Cloud application.

Finally, we call our callback function from the Azure object:

console.log('Contiki-NG Azure Middleware started.');

Save all these codes.

Developing Sensor Consumer Program

The last step is to develop a sensor consumer program to subscribe to Azure IoT Hub in order to retrieve sensor data.

We use the same project from the previous section. We need the azure-vent-hubs library to create the subscription. Type this command:

$ npm install azure-event-hubs --save

Then, we create a file, called azure-sensor-subscriber.js. We initialize a required library and configure a connection string for the Azure IoT Hub. Write this code:

'use strict';
var EventHubClient = require('azure-event-hubs').Client;
var connectionString = 'HostName={youriothostname};DeviceId=myFirstNodeDevice;SharedAccessKey={yourdevicekey}';
var printError = function (err) {
var printMessage = function (message) {
    console.log('Message received: ');

Change connectionString to the previous value.

Now, we subscribe and listen to incoming messages from Azure IoT Hub. Write this code:

var client = EventHubClient.fromConnectionString(connectionString);
    .then(function (partitionIds) {
        return partitionIds.map(function (partitionId) {
            return client.createReceiver('$Default', partitionId, { 'startAfterTime' : Date.now()}).then(function(receiver) {
                console.log('Created partition receiver: ' + partitionId)
                receiver.on('errorReceived', printError);
                receiver.on('message', printMessage);

Save all files.

We have written all programs for this demo. Next, we will test our project.

Testing Contiki-NG and Azure Application

In this section, I will assume you have already deployed all programs into your Contiki-NG motes. First, run the rpl-border-router program on the 6LoWPAN router. For instance, I run it on a TI LaunchPad CC2650. Then, navigate to the rpl-border-router project folder. Then, run this:

$ make TARGET=srf06-cc26xx BOARD=launchpad/cc2650 connect-router

After execution, that command will run tunslip6. Change TARGET to your Contiki-NG platform. If it succeeds, you can turn on another Contiki-NG mote that has installed the sensor application.

Try to perform ping6 to check that your Contiki-NG mote can be reached from a computer. You can see the program output from the rpl-border-router application in Figure 8-9.
Figure 8-9

Running 6LoWPAN router application

Now, you can run the middleware application in Terminal. You can type this command:

$ node middleware-azure.js

Then, you can run the sensor application to listen for incoming sensor data from Azure IoT Hub. Open a new Terminal and then type this command:

$ node azure-sensor-subscriber.js

The middleware application will request sensor data from the Contiki-NG mote every three seconds. After obtaining sensor data, the middleware application will push the data to the Azure IoT Hub.

Once sensor data has reached the Azure IoT Hub, it will be distributed to all subscribers.

You can see a sample of the program output of the middleware application and the sensor application in Figure 8-10.
Figure 8-10

Running middleware application and sensor program

Demo 2: Contiki-NG and Amazon AWS

In this demo, we will perform the same scenario as in the first demo. We will use Amazon AWS. To communicate with IoT devices, Amazon AWS provides a service called AWS IoT. You can read about it at https://aws.amazon.com/iot/ .

Our demo scenario can be seen in Figure 8-11. This is similar to the first demo. A middleware application will get sensor data from Contiki-NG and then push it to Amazon AWS IoT.

Next, we will implement our demo by performing some tasks, as follows:
  • Prepare to set up AWS IoT.

  • Develop applications for Contiki-NG and middleware.

  • Test all programs.

Each task will be implemented in the next section.
Figure 8-11

Demo project scenario for Contiki-NG and Amazon AWS IoT


In this section, we will set up AWS IoT to create a thing. Then, we will configure security tasks, such as creating a certificate and its keys. To set up AWS IoT for our demo, we will perform the following tasks:
  • Create a new IoT thing.

  • Create a policy for AWS IoT.

  • Attach a policy and a thing to a certificate.

These tasks will be explained in the next section.

Creating a New IoT Thing

Each IoT device that wants to access AWS IoT should be registered so as to obtain the access keys included with the security certificate.

First, open a browser and navigate to https://aws.amazon.com/iot/ , so you should see the AWS IoT dashboard shown in Figure 8-12.
Figure 8-12

AWS IoT console management

On the left-hand menu, click “Manage Things.” If you don’t create things yet, you can click “Register a thing” to register a new IoT device.

After clicking, you should get a form like that shown in Figure 8-13. To simply begin a registration process, click “Create a single thing.”
Figure 8-13

Creating AWS IoT things

You should fill in the IoT device information. A thing name is required. For instance, I called my thing contiki-ng-middleware. You can see it in Figure 8-14.
Figure 8-14

Setting an IoT device

If you have finished creating a thing, you should get the form that is shown in Figure 8-15. To access AWS IoT, we need a certificate. In this demo, we create a new certificate. You can use your own certificate. Click “Create certification.”
Figure 8-15

Adding a certificate

After clicking that button, you should see the form that is shown in Figure 8-16. To activate your certificate, click the “Activate” button.
Figure 8-16

Generating certificate and keys

Download all files for the certificate and public/private keys. You also need to download a root CA (Certificate Authority) for AWS IoT from the link shown in Figure 8-16. Put them in a folder; for instance, certs. You can see my certificate and key files in Figure 8-17.
Figure 8-17

Download certificate and key files

Now, you should see the created thing in the Manage Things dashboard, shown in Figure 8-18. You can create more than two things for AWS IoT.
Figure 8-18

A new thing shown on Manage Things dashboard

Next, we will create a policy to enable our thing to access the AWS IoT Hub.

Creating a Policy for AWS IoT

In this section, we will create a policy for AWS IoT. We need this policy to manage all device access. You can find a policy dashboard by clicking “Secure,” then “Policies.” You can see it in Figure 8-19.
Figure 8-19

AWS IoT policy dashboard

Click “Create a policy.” Then, you should see the form shown in Figure 8-20. Fill in the policy name. Next, you should add statements to work with AWS IoT. You should add resource, action, and effect for four items, as follows:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "iot:Connect",
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "iot:Publish",
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "iot:Subscribe",
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "iot:Receive",
      "Resource": "*"
Figure 8-20

Adding a new policy for AWS IoT

After creating a policy, you can verify your policy in Secure ➤ Policies from the AWS IoT dashboard. You can see it in Figure 8-21.
Figure 8-21

A created policy shows up in Policies dashboard.

Next, we map a policy and a thing to a certificate. We will perform this in the next section.

Attaching a Policy and a Thing to a Certificate

Your policy and thing should be mapped to a certificate that is already activated in AWS IoT. To perform this task, you can visit Secure ➤ Certificates. You should see your certificate. Click the ... icon so you see the context menu shown in Figure 8-22.
Figure 8-22

Open context menu of a certificate of AWS IoT

Click menu Attach policy so you see the form dialog that is shown in Figure 8-23. Select your policy that has already been created. If done, click the Attach button.
Figure 8-23

Attach a policy to a certificate

Next, we should attach the thing to a certificate. From Figure 8-22, select menu “Attach thing” so you get the form dialog shown in Figure 8-24.
Figure 8-24

Add an IoT device (thing) to a certificate

Select your thing that was already created.

Finally, you have to set up AWS IoT. Next, we will develop programs for Contiki-NG and the middleware application.

Developing Application

In this section, we will develop applications for Contiki-NG and Node.js to access AWS IoT.

Developing Programs for Contiki-NG

Since our demo scenario is similar to the previous demo, we use the same configuration. You need one Contiki-NG mote as the 6LoWPAN router. Other Contiki-NG motes run the sensor application.

Please read the first demo to build programs for Contiki-NG.

Building Middleware Application for AWS IoT

We build an AWS middleware application to request sensor data from Contiki-NG and push sensor data to AWS IoT. For implementation, we use Node.js.

To create a project, you can create a folder. Then, open Terminal and navigate to your project folder. Then, initialize your project, including the required libraries. Type these commands:

$ npm init
$ npm install aws-iot-device-sdk request express --save

Now, we start to write a middleware application for AWS. Create a file, called middleware-aws.js. We now call the required libraries and configure AWS IoT. You can write this code:

var awsIot = require('aws-iot-device-sdk');
var express = require('express');
var request = require('request');
var app = express();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var device = awsIot.device({
  keyPath: 'certs/private.pem.key',
  certPath: 'certs/certificate.pem.crt',
    caPath: 'certs/root-CA.pem',
      host: '<hostname>.iot.<region>.amazonaws.com',
  clientId: 'contiki-ng',
    region: '<region>'

You should change the values for keyPath, certPath, caPath, and region to those for AWS IoT.

We also run a web server using Express on port 3000:

app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send('WebSense Azure Cloud');
http.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log('listening on *:3000');
    console.log('websense aws Cloud was started');

Next, we listen for the connect event from AWS IoT. Once the middleware application is connected to AWS IoT, we request sensor data from Contiki-NG every three seconds. For testing, I request data from Contiki-NG with the IPv6 address [fd00::212:4b00:797:6083]. You can change it. You also can change mydeviceId:

var isSubscribe = true;
.on('connect', function() {
  console.log('connected to AWS IoT.');  
  // optional to subscribe
        var obj = JSON.parse(body);
        var temperature = obj.temp;
        var humidity = obj.hum;      
        mydeviceId = 'fd00::212:4b00:797:6083';      
        var data = JSON.stringify({ deviceId: mydeviceId, temperature: temperature, humidity: humidity });
        device.publish('contiki-ng-sensor', data);
        console.log('sent: ', JSON.stringify(data));
  }, 3000);

Last, we can subscribe to the contiki-ng-sensor channel:

// optional to subscribe
   .on('message', function(topic, payload) {
     console.log('recv: ', topic, payload.toString());
console.log('Contiki-NG AWS Middleware started.');

Save all code.

Next, we will test this project.

Testing Contiki-NG and AWS IoT

Deploy all programs to Contiki-NG. Then, run the 6LoWPAN router and the middleware application:

$ node middleware-aws.js

This program will connect to AWS IoT. After connecting, this application will retrieve sensor data from Contiki-NG. It will then push the sensor data to AWS IoT.

Since the middleware application subscribes to AWS IoT, this program will receive incoming data from AWS IoT. You can see my program output in Figure 8-25.
Figure 8-25

Program output from executing middleware application

For a subscriber tool, you can use the Subscription test application. You can find it on the Test menu.

After clicking it, you will see the form shown in Figure 8-26. Select “Subscribe to a topic.” Then, fill in “contiki-ng-sensor” for listening incoming messages.
Figure 8-26

Listening for incoming messages from AWS IoT Test

You have finished integrating between Contiki-NG and the Cloud server. You practice more to hone your skills.


We have learned what Cloud computing is. We also developed programs to allow interaction between Contiki-NG motes and Cloud servers. We tested these programs using Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. Next, you could explore various features in Azure and AWS. You can use other Cloud platforms to integrate with Contiki-NG.

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