© Gerald Versluis and Steven Thewissen 2019
Gerald Versluis and Steven ThewissenXamarin.Forms Solutionshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4134-9_3

3. Working with Data

Gerald Versluis1  and Steven Thewissen2
Hulsberg, The Netherlands
Hulsberg, Limburg, The Netherlands

When developing a mobile application, it’s inevitable that you will need to work with data. Whether it’s retrieving data or showing data on the screen, data is something every app will need to properly function. This chapter will cover some of the different options you have when presenting your data to the user.

We will take a look at some of the data binding features in Xamarin.Forms that allow us to be notified when data changes. We will also take a look at one of the essential controls within Xamarin.Forms: the ListView.

By using data templates, we can increase the reusability of our code, by consolidating cells that are used in various screens in our application into a single reusable template. We will also look into the default caching behavior of the ListView to improve the performance of our application.

Getting Data Onto the Screen

Most Xamarin.Forms applications will consist of one or more pages. These pages contain all sorts of views that represent data within the application. The application keeps track of all the values assigned to these views and handles changes within these values by displaying the appropriate new values to the user.

However, manually assigning values to properties of views can be a tedious and error-prone job, not to mention updating these values every time your data changes. Technologies that use XAML as its UI markup language, such as WPF, have always benefited greatly from the concept of data binding. Data binding is a technology that takes care of moving 7data between your UI layer and your data source while making sure it stays in sync. Luckily for us, when Xamarin.Forms was created, the UI markup language was based heavily on existing XAML specifications and integrated a full-fledged data binding engine.

Data Binding Basics

The views that show the data in your application often get their data from an underlying data source. When this data changes we want to reflect those changes in our user interface. The same applies the other way around; when a user changes a value we also want this value to change in our data source. This is where data binding comes into play.

Essentially, data binding is a mechanism that triggers an event as soon as the value changes. This event can then be handled by the data source and the views to ensure that the data is successfully transferred from one side to the other, resulting in the correct current values showing in the user interface. Data bindings can be built in either the XAML file or in code, but putting them in the XAML file is the simpler, more common option.

Data Bindings in Xamarin.Forms

A data binding in Xamarin.Forms creates a link between a pair of properties of two objects. These two objects are called the target and the source.
  • The target is the object and property on which the data binding is set, usually a View object in the user interface. However, it can be any type of object as long as it inherits from BindableObject and the property we’re setting is a BindableProperty.

  • The source is the object and property that usually contain the value we want to bind to the View object. This is the object that we reference in the data binding, which can be of any type. The property can be either a normal property or a BindableProperty.

Figure 3-1 illustrates this concept and aims to clarify the relationship between the target and source object and the role the binding plays between them.
Figure 3-1

The concept of data binding visualized

The snippet shown in Listing 3-1 shows a data binding as you would normally set it up in XAML .
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
        <Label x:Name="myLabel"
            BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=slider}"
            Text="{Binding Path=Value}"
            VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
        <Slider x:Name="slider"
                VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
Listing 3-1

An Example of a Data Binding As It’s Defined in XAML

So, what does this do? The first thing we did is tell our Label where to get its data from. This is done by setting the BindingContext. By using the built-in x:Reference markup extension, we can point to a view elsewhere on the page, in this case the Slider control. In order to do this, we need to set the x:Name property of our Slider, which will uniquely identify it on the page. Now we can use this name in our x:Reference markup extension to reference this control. We then use our Binding markup extension to specify which of the properties of the slider we want to bind to our label. In this case, we choose the Value property. Notice that we are specifying this using the Path= prefix. In this specific case this part can be omitted since the default property of a binding is its Path property. However, if we create a more complex binding by setting multiple properties on the binding, it is advised to add the prefix for the sake of clarity.

Because we’ve created a connection between these controls through data binding, changes are instantly propagating from one object to the other. This means that when we move the Slider it is instantly updating the value of our Label control.

In the example shown in Listing 3-1 we bind two controls to one another using data binding. This is what is known as a view-to-view binding . More often than not you may want to bind to a property of a business object of some sorts. To do so, simply set the BindingContext to an instance of your business object.

But wait, what is a binding context? Every bindable object has a binding context. Because the View object inherits from BindableObject, each view in Xamarin.Forms has a binding context. The binding context is the source of the object’s bindings, so by setting it, we specify where the object should get its values from. When setting the binding context, each child object also receives the same binding context, which means we don’t need to set it on each control individually.

Listing 3-2 shows an example of setting the BindingContext of the entire page in code.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
        <Entry x:Name="myEntry"
            Text="{Binding Path=Value1}"
            VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
public partial class BindingContextSamplePage: ContentPage
    public MyObject Source { get; set; }
    public BindingContextSamplePage ()
        Source = new MyObject(){ Value1 = "A" };
        this.BindingContext = Source;
Listing 3-2

An Example of Setting the BindingContext to a Business Object from Code-Behind

Because we set the BindingContext of the page, we can now use the Value1 in our data bindings on the page. When you run this sample, you will immediately see that the value we’ve set in code (“A”) is shown in the textbox. Whenever we change this value it will also immediately reflect those changes in the property on our object. When using an MVVM framework a lot of this kind of plumbing code is done for you and the appropriate view model is set as the BindingContext of the page automatically.

Different Binding Modes

As described earlier in this chapter, data usually flows from the source to the target, but this is not always the case. It can also flow the other way or it can even flow both ways. This behavior is controlled by setting the Mode property on your data binding. The different possible binding modes are defined in the BindingMode enumeration.
  • Default—One of the following values, as defined by the creator of the property.

  • TwoWay—Data flows both ways between the source and the target.

  • OneWay—Data flows from the source to the target.

  • OneWayToSource—Data flows from the target to the source.

  • OneTime—Data flows from source to target, but only when the BindingContext changes. The data binding is only executed once, when the BindingContext is initially set. This makes this ideal for labels bound to a value that will not be changed. The only way to update a OneTime binding is by setting the BindingContext again. This option was introduced in Xamarin.Forms 3.0.

Most bindable properties have a default binding mode of OneWay. Properties that support user input, such as the Text property on an Entry control, usually have a default binding mode of TwoWay. This is why the sample shown in Listing 3-2 works both ways, even though we never explicitly defined the binding as being a TwoWay binding.

Overriding the Default Binding Mode

Sometimes the default binding mode on a property doesn’t suit your needs. In this case you can override the default binding mode by specifying your own. To do this, set the Mode property of the Binding markup extension to one of the binding modes in the BindingMode enumeration. An example of how to change the default binding mode is shown in Listing 3-3.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
        <Entry x:Name="myEntry"
            BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=slider}"
            Text="{Binding Path=Value, Mode=OneWay}"
            VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
        <Slider x:Name="slider"
                VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
Listing 3-3

An Example of Overriding the Default Binding Mode of a Data Binding

In this sample we change the data binding of the Entry to become a OneWay binding. When we move the slider around, we will see the value shown in the entry field change. However, when manually editing the value in the entry field, the position of the slider is not updated. This is because the binding only flows one way.

Because the default binding mode of an Entry control is TwoWay we can omit the Mode property on the binding. If we do that we will see the entry value changing when we change the slider, but we can also enter a value in the entry field, which will make the value of the slider update.

Setting this binding to OneWayToSource will make sure that we will only see changes in the entry when we move the slider. Using the OneTime mode, we will see that our Entry control gets a default value, but both moving the slider and entering a value manually will not change anything. This is because the value is set only once, which sets it to the default value, after which it is never set again.

Notifying the App of Data Changes

So far, we’ve talked about data bindings and how our data flows through them but we haven’t really touched on how our app knows that data has actually changed. There has to be a mechanism somewhere that tells our app that a property was changed, right? When using the MVVM architectural pattern, it is common practice to implement an interface called INotifyPropertyChanged on our view models. This is what lets the data binding engine know that a value has changed.

A view model that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface fires a PropertyChanged event whenever one of its properties has changed. To let the binding engine know which property has changed, the property name is passed into this event. The data binding mechanism in Xamarin.Forms attaches a handler to this PropertyChanged event so it can be notified when the property changes and keep the target updated with the new value. A basic implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged event handler is shown in Listing 3-4.
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    string _myProperty;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    public string MyProperty
            return _myProperty;
            if (_myProperty != value)
                _myProperty = value;
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Listing 3-4

The Basic Implementation of the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface

As the sample in Listing 3-4 shows, we added an event called PropertyChanged that is defined in the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. When our property changes we trigger the event and pass in the name of the property that changed. The binding engine then takes care of the rest for us and updates our targets accordingly.

Most people implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on a base view model class that all other view models inherit from. Alternatively, most MVVM frameworks offer their own implementation of the interface, which you can to use to raise the event. Another alternative is IL weaving, which is described in more detail in the next section.

Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged Using Fody

The sample given in Listing 3-4 shows how to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, but it can get very repetitive if we have to implement this boilerplate code in every one of our view models. We could abstract parts of the boiler plate code away into a base view model class, but there is an even easier way—using Fody!

Fody is a framework that enables us to manipulate the intermediate language of an assembly when it’s being built through a process known as weaving . In essence this means we can use it to improve our code automatically at the time of compilation.

The real magic usually happens in a Fody add-in that aims to solve a specific problem. In this case, we use the PropertyChanged.Fody add-in (available on NuGet), which allows us to inject code that raises the PropertyChanged event in all of the property setters of classes that implement INotifyPropertyChanged. This means we can significantly cut down on the amount of times we need to raise the PropertyChanged event in our properties. The view model shown in Listing 3-4 can be simplified using PropertyChanged.Fody, as shown in Listing 3-5.
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    public string MyProperty { get; set; }
Listing 3-5

The Simplified Version of Our View Model Using PropertyChanged.Fody

We could improve on the sample shown in Listing 3-5 even further by adding a base view model that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. The resulting view model would only contain the MyProperty property, which is a significant improvement when looking at our lines of code.

There are a few additional attributes we can use on our properties to influence Fody’s behavior:
  • AlsoNotifyFor—By adding this attribute we can define other properties that should also have their PropertyChanged event called when the property that we added the attribute to has changed.

  • DoNotNotify—This means that the property decorated with this attribute will not automatically raise its PropertyChanged event.

  • DependsOn—By decorating a property with this attribute, we define that it depends on another property and injects this property to be notified when the dependent property is set. An example of a dependent property would be a full name property that depends on a first name and last name property.

Implementing PropertyChanged.Fody is not the solution to all of your problems. There are other solutions out there that work just as well and it all depends on personal preference. We’ve been using PropertyChanged.Fody in a few of our projects and decided to include it since it is a relatively unknown solution for implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.


You can find out more about setting up Fody and the add-ins it currently supports on the GitHub page: https://github.com/Fody/Fody/

Working with Collections

So far, we’ve mostly looked into data binding a single object or value. When it comes to binding a collection of values there are some exceptions we need to consider. Looking at the sample in Listing 3-6, we have a List<string> type property that we initialize in the constructor of our view model. We also have an Add method that adds a new item each time it is called. Let’s assume we have a data binding set up for this property that binds it to a view that can handle collections such as the ListView.
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    public List<string> MyListProperty { get; set; }
    public MyViewModel()
        MyListProperty = new List<string>() { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" };
    public void Add()
        MyListProperty.Add($"Item {MyListProperty.Count + 1}");
Listing 3-6

A Sample of INotifyPropertyChanged with a List Type Property

When we call the Add method what do you think will happen in our user interface? Will we see items being added? As it turns out, nothing will happen. But why is that?

As was shown in Listing 3-4, the INotifyPropertyChanged mechanism works by sending out a PropertyChanged event when the setter of a property is called. However, making changes to a collection type by adding to or removing from it doesn’t actually call the property setter. Since the setter is never called, there is no notification sent to the data binding, which is why we see no changes on the screen.

To ensure that our collections also trigger our data bindings accordingly we can use a specialized collection type called an ObservableCollection<T>. This is a generic implementation of a collection class that provides notifications when items get added or removed. To use this collection type, we can simply drop it into our code as a replacement of our List<T>, as shown in Listing 3-7.
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    public ObservableCollection<string> MyListProperty { get; set; }
    public MyViewModel()
        MyListProperty = new ObservableCollection<string>() { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" };
    public void Add()
        MyListProperty.Add($"Item {MyListProperty.Count + 1}");
Listing 3-7

Improving Our Collection Data Bindings Using an ObservableCollection

This works because ObservableCollection contains an event named CollectionChanged that is provided through the INotifyCollectionChanged interface. Because this behavior is defined through this interface, we can also create our own custom collection object and use it in data binding. The CollectionChanged event notifies any subscribers of changes to the collection in the same way that the PropertyChanged event handles changes to a property.

Converting Data Bound Values

When data binding values directly from and to an object, you may run into the scenario where you want to display a value in a slightly different way than its representation in the object. For example, you may want to format a date in a specific way, or perhaps you want to prefix a certain value with fixed text. To handle this scenario, you can use the StringFormat markup extension.

Normally you would use the static String.Format method to format a string. This same method powers the StringFormat markup extension, meaning you can use the same string formatting specifications you would normally use. An example of using StringFormat can be seen in Listing 3-8.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
        <Entry x:Name="myEntry"
            BindingContext="{x:Reference Name=slider}"
            Text="{Binding Path=Value, StringFormat='Slider value: {0:F2}'}"
            VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
        <Slider x:Name="slider"
                VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
Listing 3-8

Formatting a String Value Using the Built-In StringFormat Markup Extension

The formatting string is delimited by single quote characters to ensure that the XAML parser doesn’t treat the curly braces in the expression as another markup extension. In this example the value of the slider will be displayed with two decimal places due to the addition of the F2 specification in the formatting string.

Using ValueConverters to Tackle Complex Scenarios

A data binding transfers data from a source to a target property. But what if those two properties are not of the same type? Let’s say for example that you want to bind a Boolean type property based on the value of an Enum type property. If you want to data-bind two properties that have incompatible types, you need a piece of code in between that converts the value from source to target type and back. This is what is called a ValueConverter. When looking at StringFormat we concluded that it can be used to convert anything into a string representation. Using a ValueConverter you can convert from and to any type of object.

A ValueConverter can be created by implementing the IValueConverter interface. Classes that implement IValueConverter are also often referred to as binding converters or binding value converters. A simple example of a value converter is shown in Listing 3-9. In this sample, we convert from a String value into a Boolean.
public class YesNoToBoolConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        switch (value?.ToString().ToLower())
            case "yes":
                return true;
            case "no":
                return false;
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value is bool)
            if ((bool)value)
                return "yes";
                return "no";
        return "no";
Listing 3-9

A Sample ValueConverter That Converts from String to Boolean and Back

The Convert() method assumes that it receives a string as the input (as represented by the value parameter). It takes that value and converts it into a Boolean true or false value and falls back to false if the value is not “yes” or “no”. This method is called when data moves from the source to the target in OneWay, OneTime, or TwoWay bindings.

The ConvertBack() method does the exact opposite: It assumes that the input value is a Boolean type and then returns the word “yes” or “no”. This also falls back to “no” if the input is not a Boolean type. This method is called when data moves from the target to the source in TwoWay or OneWayToSource bindings.

With our converter defined we now need to instruct our data binding to use the converter. That is done by setting an instance of this class to the Converter property of the Binding markup extension, as shown in Listing 3-10.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
            <local:YesNoToBoolConverter x:Key="yesNoToBool" />
        <Label Text="Hello!" IsVisible="{Binding MyBoolAsString, Converter={StaticResource yesNoToBool}}"
            VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
Listing 3-10

Adding the Value Converter to the Data Binding

First, we add an instance of our value converter to the page’s resource dictionary. That means that our value converter is now known on the entire page by the name yesNoToBool. We can then add the value converter to our Binding using the Converter property. We do this by using the StaticResource markup extension, which points to the converter in our resource dictionary using the exact same key value that we’ve defined in the resource dictionary. Depending on the value of the MyBoolAsString property, the Label should become visible or invisible.

This is a rather simple scenario of what is possible with a value converter. Because you can use it on any type of data binding with any type of object, you can make them as simple or as complex as needed. Another added benefit of value converters is that you can reuse them. In the sample in Listing 3-10 we added the value converter to the page’s resource dictionary. Alternatively, we could also add it to the resource dictionary of the app. That way, it becomes available for use throughout the entire app, which means that we don’t need to define it on every single page where we want to use it.

Getting to Know the ListView

One of the most commonly used controls in any mobile app is the ListView . This view is the ideal solution for presenting lists of data, especially long lists that require scrolling. It comes in many shapes and sizes due to its versatility. The out-of-the-box ListView on each platform can be seen in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2

The ListView in its default state on iOS and Android

The ListView can be used in any situation where you are displaying scrollable lists of data. The ListView supports context actions and data binding and has a number of additional features available that you can use, like pull-to-refresh, headers and footers, grouping, and support for custom cells.

Understanding the Basics

The ListView is used for displaying lists of items and to do so we set the ItemsSource property . This property accepts any collection that implements IEnumerable. We can also run into the scenario where we want to use data binding to bind to a dynamic list of items from which we can add and remove items. To also allow data binding to show these changes to the list’s content, we can use ObservableCollection<T>, as we mentioned earlier in this chapter.

Using the Built-In Cell Types

Each item in a ListView is represented by a ViewCell. These can be used for all sorts of things, such as displaying text and images, indicating a true/false state, and receiving user input. They define how each cell in your ListView looks and you can either customize them completely or you can use one of the built-in cell types in Xamarin.Forms:
  • TextCell—Used for displaying text.

  • ImageCell—Used for displaying an image with text.

  • SwitchCell—Used for displaying a toggle control.

  • EntryCell—Used for displaying a text entry control.

The TextCell is a cell for displaying text, optionally with a second line as detail text. The properties we can use to set these are Text and DetailText. Since these are rendered as native controls at runtime, their performance is optimized by the platform. They’re limited in their customizability and only allow you to set a primary text, detail text, and the colors for both of these. An example of how the TextCell looks on each of the supported platforms can be found in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3

The TextCell as it is rendered on iOS and Android

The ImageCell is a cell that has the same text support as the TextCell but additionally allows you to show an image. This additional visual aspect is great to spice up an otherwise bland list of text. The properties we can use to set the text and image are Text and ImageSource, respectively. This cell is also natively rendered so the same performance optimizations apply. An example of the ImageCell is shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4

The ImageCell as it is rendered on iOS and Android

The SwitchCell is a cell that shows a toggle and a custom label text. The toggle control is rendered as a native toggle control as is defined by the platform we’re running on. It has two interesting properties, namely Text and On, which can be used to set the label text and the toggle state. Since it’s a control that requires user input, it has a TwoWay binding, meaning that any updates to the toggle are immediately reflected in our data source. An example of the SwitchCell is shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-5

The SwitchCell as it is rendered on iOS and Android

The EntryCell is a cell that shows a text entry control. It’s a common control to use when requiring data from the user. The text in the entry control is set through the Text property. This entry control is rendered using the native controls and, because it’s a control that requires user input, it has a TwoWay binding by default. Any updates to the text value are therefore immediately reflected in our data source. An example of the EntryCell is shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6

The EntryCell as it is rendered on iOS and Android

Adding one of these existing cell types to your ListView is straightforward. The only thing you need to do is specify which cell type you want to use in the data template for the ListView (see Listing 3-11). More information about data templates and how you can create custom cells using them can be found later on in this chapter.
<ContentPage x:Name="MyPage" xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">
                <TextCell Text="{Binding MyText}" />
Listing 3-11

Using a TextCell and Binding a Value to it in the ListView

In the sample shown in Listing 3-11, each item in the MyItems collection will be shown in its own TextCell instance, which is bound to the value of that item’s MyText property.

Defining Separators and Row Height

In the samples shown in this chapter so far, you may have noticed the thin line between each of the items in the ListView. This line is a default feature of both iOS and Android and is known as the separator line. We can control whether these are displayed by setting the SeparatorVisibility property on the ListView to one of two values:
  • Default—Shows the separator lines.

  • None—Hides the separator lines.

Another thing we can influence when it comes to the separator lines is their color. To change the color, we can set the SeparatorColor property on the ListView to a valid predefined color object or a hexadecimal value. A XAML sample of this is shown in Listing 3-12.
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}" SeparatorColor="Orange" HasUnevenRows="false" RowHeight="60">
            <TextCell Text="{Binding Text}" />
Listing 3-12

Setting the SeparatorColor, HasUnevenRows, and RowHeight on the ListView

Figure 3-7

Setting the RowHeight changes the height of all the rows in the ListView

When using the out-of-the-box settings of the ListView, each item will have the same row height. We can adjust this by setting the RowHeight property, which sets the height for all rows, as shown in Figure 3-7. If you need individual rows to have different heights, you can set the HasUnevenRows property to true. This will calculate the row height for each row based on its contents, so you do not have to manually set the RowHeight property anymore. An example of how this looks is shown in Figure 3-8. Listing 3-12 illustrates how to set these properties.
Figure 3-8

Setting HasUnevenRows to true means each row calculates its own height

Adding Headers and Footers

The ListView has the capability to place additional content above or below it that acts as a header or footer. This can be either a piece of text or a more complicated layout. To create a simple header/footer, just set the Header or Footer properties to the text you want to display. This can be done in either code-behind or XAML. The sample shown in Listing 3-13 shows how to set it in XAML.
<ListView Header="Look at our header!" Footer="Look at our footer!">
Listing 3-13

Setting the Header and Footer on the ListView the Simple Way

Figure 3-9 shows the results of this piece of sample code.
Figure 3-9

A simple header and footer on iOS and Android

If a more complicated header or footer is needed, the same properties can be used but they need to be set differently. Because we actually need to add multiple nested views to create a more complicated header or footer, we can use the templated version of these properties, as shown in Listing 3-14.
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">
        <StackLayout BackgroundColor="LightGray" Padding="20" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Image WidthRequest="40" Source="xamarin.png" />
                <Label Text="Look at my complicated header!" />
                <Label FontSize="14" Text=" Now with small titles and a logo " />
        <StackLayout BackgroundColor="LightGray" Padding="20" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Image WidthRequest="40" Source="xamarin.png" />
                <Label Text="Look at my complicated footer!" />
                <Label FontSize="14" Text="Now with small titles and a logo" />
Listing 3-14

Setting the Header and Footer to a More Complicated Set of Views

Figure 3-10 shows the results of this piece of sample code.
Figure 3-10

A complicated header and footer on iOS and Android

Selecting Items and Handling Tap Events

The ListView supports selecting items one at a time by default. Tapping on an item in the ListView triggers two different events:
  • ItemTapped—Fires each time an item is tapped.

  • ItemSelected—Fires only once for each item you tap. Also fires when an item is deselected.

The sample in Listing 3-15 shows how to implement the ItemSelected event.
void ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.SelectedItem == null)
    DisplayAlert("Selected!", e.SelectedItem.ToString(), "OK");
Listing 3-15

Implementing the ItemSelected Event on the ListView

Using the arguments that we get passed in from this event, we can retrieve the item that was selected and act on it. We also need to add a null check because this event also fires when an item is deselected. In this case, the SelectedItem property will be null, which is why we need to check for it.

You may come across a scenario where you don’t want to be able to select items. To disable item selection, we can implement the ItemSelected event and manually set the SelectedItem to null. Listing 3-16 shows how this can be done.
void ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
    ((ListView)sender).SelectedItem = null;
Listing 3-16

Disabling the Item Selection by Setting the SelectedItem to Null

Adding a Pull-to-Refresh

Refreshing a list by pulling it down is a gesture that has become increasingly popular in apps in the last few years. Users are expecting this behavior and luckily Xamarin.Forms has an easy implementation for it out-of-the-box, as shown in Listing 3-17.
<ContentPage x:Name="MyPage" xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}" IsPullToRefreshEnabled="true" RefreshCommand="{Binding RefreshCommand}" IsRefreshing="{Binding IsRefreshing}">
public class MyViewModel
    public Command RefreshCommand { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection<string> MyItems { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<string>();
    public bool IsRefreshing { get; set; }
    public MyViewModel()
        RefreshCommand = new Command(AddItem);
    public void AddItem()
        IsRefreshing = true;
        MyItems.Add($"Item {MyItems.Count + 1}");
        IsRefreshing = false;
Listing 3-17

Implementing the Pull-to-Refresh Mechanism in Xamarin.Forms

The sample in Listing 3-17 shows how easy it is to implement pull-to-refresh. We start by setting the IsPullToRefreshEnabled variable to true on the ListView. To hook up some behavior to this event, we specify a Command that will be triggered as soon as the user pulls down the list. In this case we’re simply adding a new item to the list on each refresh. The IsRefreshing property can also be bound to a value in your view model, which allows you to show or hide the loading indicator. By setting this value to true when we start loading and back to false when we’re done, we can show and hide the loading indicator accordingly.

Using a Context Action to Act on a List Item

Sometimes you want your users to be able to perform an action on a list item. A common example of this is an email application, where you can swipe left or right to reveal additional actions you can take on an email, such as deleting it or marking it as read. On Android, this action can be reached by performing a long press on an item, whereas for UWP these are shown by right-clicking on an item. These actions are known as context actions.

In Xamarin.Forms you can create a context action by using MenuItems. Because the tap events are raised by the MenuItem itself, instead of the ListView, we do not have any context of which item was tapped at our disposal. This means that a MenuItem has no way of knowing which cell it belongs to. Luckily, we can use the CommandParameter property that the MenuItem provides to store objects, such as the object behind the MenuItem's ViewCell. Listing 3-18 shows how to implement a context action in XAML.
<ContentPage x:Name="MyPage" xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    ... >
    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">
                        <MenuItem Command="{Binding Path=BindingContext.DeleteCommand, Source={x:Reference MyPage}}" CommandParameter="{Binding .}" Text="Delete" IsDestructive="True" />
                        <Label Text="{Binding .}" VerticalOptions="Center" />
Listing 3-18

A Context Action Implemented on a ListView in XAML

Because we are adding a context action to each cell, we need to add it in a custom data template. If you don’t know what data templates are, you can read up on them later on in this chapter. In this example we are defining a ViewCell that has a ContextAction assigned to it. This context action has a Command and a CommandParameter, which we can use to trigger an action and pass data to that action. You can also define the text to display and determine whether or not the operation is a destructive one, which will alter the appearance of the context action on iOS.

One thing that may strike you as odd in this is that we’re explicitly setting the source of our data binding. We covered using the binding context and source earlier in this chapter, but why do we need it here? This is due to the fact that we’re inside a ListView where the data context for each ViewCell is the item that is bound to it. However, the Command we’re referencing here does not exist on each ListView item, but exists on the page level in the view model. Therefore, we need to explicitly set the binding context of the Command we’re trying to bind to the page.

We’re also binding both the label’s Text property and the menu item’s CommandParameter to a period. What does that mean? The period references the root object that the current view is bound to, in this case the item in our list. This means we’re sending the entire list item as a parameter to our command.

The view model associated with this XAML page is shown in Listing 3-19.
public class MyViewModel
    public Command DeleteCommand { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection<string> MyItems { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<string>();
    public MyViewModel()
        DeleteCommand = new Command<string>(DeleteItem);
    public void DeleteItem(string item)
Listing 3-19

The View Model Associated with the XAML Shown in Listing 3-18

As you can see, we have an ObservableCollection of strings that represent our items. Updates to this list, such as removing an item, are immediately visible in the UI. The Delete command is an instance of Command<string>, where the part in angle quotes represents the type of the parameter our command accepts. Our DeleteItem method accepts a string parameter, which is the value that it receives from the XAML binding and removes it from the list of items.

Adding a Jump List for Easy Navigation

When presenting a lot of items in the ListView, you will inevitably reach the point where finding an item in the list can become a hard task for the user. By grouping the items, you can improve the user experience because the content is organized in a way that the users can easily find what they’re looking for. In Xamarin.Forms this is achieved by enabling grouping on the ListView. This adds a small header above each group and you also get a jump list to easily navigate to each group. Figure 3-11 shows an example of how this grouping looks across the different platforms.
Figure 3-11

Adding grouping to the ListView to improve the user experience

To enable this grouping functionality, there are a few steps that need to be taken:
  • Change your data source into a list of lists (each group has a list of items and is contained within a list itself).

  • Set the ItemsSource property of the ListView to this list.

  • Set IsGroupingEnabled to true on the ListView.

  • Set the GroupDisplayBinding property to bind to the property of the groups that will be used as the header text for that group.

  • Optionally, you can set the GroupShortNameBinding property to bind to the property of the groups that will be used as the jump list text.

First, we need to create a custom class that will represent one of our groups. See Listing 3-20.
public List<MyGroup> Items { get; set; }
public MyViewModel()
    Items = new List<MyGroup>() {
        new MyGroup("Items starting with A", "A") {
            new MyItem("Aardvark"),
            new MyItem("Alpaca")
        new MyGroup("Items starting with B", "B") {
            new MyItem("Barnacle"),
            new MyItem("Butterfly")
        new MyGroup("Items starting with C", "C") {
            new MyItem("Chicken"),
            new MyItem("Coyote")
public class MyItem
    public string ItemTitle { get; set; }
    public MyItem(string title)
        ItemTitle = title;
public class MyGroup : List<MyItem>
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string ShortName { get; set; }
    public MyGroup (string title, string shortName)
        Title = title;
        ShortName = shortName;
Listing 3-20

A Simple Group Class That Can Serve As the Grouping for the ListView

In Listing 3-20 we create a new class representing the grouping we want to apply, called MyGroup. This class is basically a list of items with an added title and short name for the jump list added. We will be binding our ListView to an object of type List<MyGroup>. In the constructor for the view model, we populate the list with some values to complete the basic setup.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
        <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" GroupDisplayBinding="{Binding Title}" GroupShortNameBinding="{Binding ShortName}" IsGroupingEnabled="true">
                    <TextCell Text="{Binding ItemTitle}" />
                    <TextCell Text="{Binding Title}" />
Listing 3-21

Setting Up the Grouping on the ListView in XAML

The final step we need to take is setting up our grouping on the ListView. Listing 3-21 shows how to do so in XAML. We bind both the GroupDisplayBinding and the GroupShortNameBinding to their respective counterparts in our MyGroup object and simply enable grouping. The end result is that we get a grouped list of items and a jump list that lets you scroll toward related items quickly.

The sample in Listing 3-21 also shows that we have defined a custom group header template. Currently we only supply a simple text cell, but in the next section about data templates we will see that we can also create complicated data templates containing entire view hierarchies and use those as the group header.

Using Data Templates

A data template enables you to define the appearance of data and typically uses data binding to display the data. A common scenario can be found when using a ListView control. Each item in the list is shown using the defined data template, which enables you to define how an object is represented in the list. The fact that data templates are reusable means you only have to define the object’s representation once and you can use it for as many lists as you want.

When the list you use to show your objects contains different types of objects or if data needs to be represented differently based on an object’s properties, you can use a data template selector. The selector determines which template should be shown for each object in the list based on the criteria you define.

Creating a Data Template

A common use for a DataTemplate is displaying data from a collection of objects in a ListView. Because each item in a ListView is represented in a cell, each DataTemplate contains an object inheriting from the Cell data type. To define a custom look and feel, your best option is to use ViewCell because that gives you highest flexibility when defining your controls. Let’s look at how a data template is created first. A data template can be created in different locations, which impacts where it can be used:
  • Control-level (also known as inline)

  • Page-level

  • App-level

Each data template has an attribute named x:Key that enables you to specify a name for it. This name is used when referencing the data template and any other resource you put in a resource dictionary. You can create multiple data templates with the same x:Key value; however, the template that is defined at the lowest level will take precedent over the others. When the template is defined at the app level, it will be overridden by a template at the page level and when it’s defined at the control level it will override a page-level template.

Create an Inline Data Template

An inline template, which is a template that's placed as the direct child of an appropriate control property, should be used if there's no need to reuse the data template elsewhere. The most well-known examples of this type of control property are ItemTemplate, HeaderTemplate, and FooterTemplate, which all exist on the Xamarin.Forms ListView control and can be seen in Listing 3-14. When a data template is defined in the control itself, you are only able to use it from within that control. A sample of this is shown in Listing 3-22.
<ListView ItemSource="{Binding MyItems}">
                    <Label Text="{Binding Name}" FontAttributes="Bold" />
                    <Image Grid.Column="1" Source="{Binding ProfilePicture}" />
Listing 3-22

A Basic Inline Data Template Containing a Label and an Image

Create a Data Template in a Resource Dictionary

A data template can be defined in either the page’s or the app’s resource dictionary. The availability of your data template depends on which resource dictionary you choose to put it in, meaning that it can be reused on either the page or within the entire app. A sample of a data template in the page’s resource dictionary is shown in Listing 3-23. Also note the ItemTemplate property of the ListView being set to the x:Key of our data template resource.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
            <DataTemplate x:Key="MyCellTemplate">
                        <Label Text="{Binding Name}" FontAttributes="Bold" />
                        <Image Grid.Column="1" Source="{Binding ProfilePicture}" />
    <ListView ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MyCellTemplate}" ItemSource="{Binding MyItems}">
Listing 3-23

The Same Data Template Added as a Resource to the Page’s Resource Dictionary

Create a Custom Cell Type to Use in the Data Template

To create a custom cell type, we create a control that inherits from ViewCell. This custom control can then be placed directly inside of a data template. The advantage of this approach is that the appearance defined by the cell type can be reused by multiple data templates throughout the application. First, we need to create our own custom type, as shown in Listing 3-24, which should inherit from ViewCell.
<ViewCell xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
        <Label Text="{Binding Name}" FontAttributes="Bold" />
        <Image Grid.Column="1" Source="{Binding ProfilePicture}" />
public partial class MyCell : ViewCell
    public MyCell()
Listing 3-24

The Data Template Created as a Custom Type

With our custom ViewCell defined, we can add that to our data template. To do so, we need to add a namespace declaration to the XAML file that indicates where our custom cell type can be found, just like you do when using a custom control. Listing 3-25 shows how we can use our custom ViewCell in a data template.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
    <ListView ItemSource="{Binding MyItems}">
                <local:MyCell />
Listing 3-25

The Same Data Template Added as a Custom Type to the ListView’s ItemTemplate

Dynamically Selecting a Data Template

So far, we’ve talked about data templates that were essentially hardcoded into our markup, resulting in each list item using the same template. But what if we would like to be able to dynamically switch our templates at runtime depending on the data? That’s where the DataTemplateSelector comes into play. A DataTemplateSelector enables us to choose which DataTemplate we want to show, depending on the property values of the objects bound to the ListView.

So when would we use a data template selector? Because they have a performance impact, they should only be used if the data templates are significantly different from one another. If we can achieve the desired result by changing the visibility of controls, using value converters or using data triggers than using a data template selector is not necessary. If the content of the cell needs to be completely different, perhaps because the list has different types of objects, we can consider using a data template selector.

An example of a DataTemplateSelector is shown in Listing 3-26. So, what is happening here? By overriding the OnSelectTemplate method, we can return the appropriate DataTemplate for each item in the list. The item parameter, which contains the item that is bound to the ListView, can be used to create a condition that determines which template to return. This method is called for each item in the item source of our list, passing in the item as a parameter. This item can be used to check a property value or its type to determine which template we want to use to render the item. In this example there are two possible data templates that can be returned, but you’re not limited to just two. Keep in mind though that the more data templates you add, the more of a performance hit your app will likely take.
public class MyCellDataTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public DataTemplate TemplateA { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate TemplateB { get; set; }
    protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate (object item, BindableObject container)
        return ((MyItem)item).IsActive ? TemplateA : TemplateB;
Listing 3-26

The DataTemplateSelector Determines Which Template Needs to Be Used

With our DataTemplateSelector defined, we need to hook it up to our ListView. We do this by adding an instance of our DataTemplateSelector object to either the page’s or the app’s ResourceDictionary. Where we add it depends on the scope of where we need to use the template selector, as you have learned earlier on in this chapter. After we’ve added the instance of our DataTemplateSelector, we need to set the two DataTemplate type properties that we defined in Listing 3-26 to point to the DataTemplate objects we want to use. These are also defined in the page’s ResourceDictionary in the example shown in Listing 3-27. Our custom DataTemplateSelector is consumed by the ListView by assigning it to the ItemTemplate property. At runtime, the ListView will use our custom DataTemplateSelector to return the correct instance of a DataTemplate object returned by the OnSelectTemplate method.
<ContentPage xmlns:="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
            <DataTemplate x:Key="MyCellTemplateA">
                <local:MyCellA />
            <DataTemplate x:Key="MyCellTemplateB">
                <local:MyCellB />
            <local:MyCellDataTemplateSelector x:Key="MyDataTemplateSelector" TemplateA="{StaticResource MyCellTemplateA}" TemplateB="{StaticResource MyCellTemplateB}" />
    <ListView ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MyDataTemplateSelector}" ItemSource="{Binding MyItems}">
Listing 3-27

Adding the DataTemplateSelector to the ListView

Caching Data Using the ListView

The ListView is often used to display more data than can fit onscreen. If you have a lot of items that you want to show, it may be beneficial for the performance of the application if you use a caching mechanism because creating a new row for each item would result in poor performance.

To improve performance, the native ListView equivalents for each platform have built-in features that let you reuse existing rows. When you enable the cell reusing feature, only the cells visible onscreen are loaded in memory and the content is loaded into these existing cells. This prevents the application from instantiating a new cell for each item, saving time and memory.

Xamarin.Forms gives you the ability to influence the caching strategy it uses by setting the CachingStrategy property on the ListView. This is an enumeration that contains the following values:
  • RetainElement—The default value. This will generate a new cell for each item.

  • RecycleElement—This setting uses recycling to improve performance by minimizing the memory usage. When using a DataTemplateSelector to select a DataTemplate, this strategy will not cache the DataTemplate. This means that a DataTemplate is selected for each item in the list.

  • RecycleElementAndDataTemplate—This setting builds on RecycleElement by also reusing any DataTemplate you may have set through a DataTemplateSelector. When using this strategy, a DataTemplate is selected once per item type, instead of once per item. This means that we can only use this strategy when we differentiate which template we want to use based on the type of item instead of a value within the item.

There are a few additional prerequisites to consider:
  • In Xamarin.Forms 2.4 and onwards, a change has been made to the RecycleElement caching strategy. Each of the DataTemplate type properties in the DataTemplateSelector should return only one ViewCell type. If the same property returns different ViewCell types, Xamarin.Forms will throw an exception.

  • When using the RecycleElementAndDataTemplate caching strategy, each DataTemplate returned by the DataTemplateSelector must use the DataTemplate constructor that takes a Type.


When it comes to displaying and working with data, Xamarin.Forms has a lot of options to help you get your data onscreen. Adhering to an MVVM framework will make your life a lot easier due to the easy binding support it gives you out-of-the-box. We learned about the ListView and some of the neat tricks it can do, such as showing a jump list with only a few lines of code. We also learned about data templates and that they’re an easy way to standardize and reuse how we show our data. Lastly, we learned about dynamically showing a different template depending on our data by using a data template selector.

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