© Santiago Palladino 2019
S. PalladinoEthereum for Web Developershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5278-9_3

3. A Crash Course on Smart Contracts

Santiago Palladino1 
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Smart contracts are the key component in Ethereum. They hold the logic to be executed on the network, keep track of their own state, and can interact with other smart contracts as well. However, they have some limitations, such as restricted computation per transaction and expensive storage costs. They also cannot initiate new transactions – they depend on external accounts to trigger them. And since they run on the Ethereum network, they cannot directly interact with anything outside it. In this chapter, we will
  • Define Ethereum smart contracts, as opposed to externally owned accounts

  • Identify the components of a transaction, such as data, gas limit, and price

  • Learn how to write a contract in Solidity

  • Go through Solidity modifiers, data types, and events

  • Review how inheritance works in Solidity

  • Present the ERC20 and ERC721 widely used token standards

What is a Smart Contract?

The concept of smart contract was coined by Nick Szabo in the 1990s,1 referring to self-executing code in a public network that could capture the concept of a real-life contract and enforce it via code.

The basic idea behind smart contracts is that many kinds of contractual clauses (such as collateral, bonding, delineation of property rights, etc.) can be embedded in the hardware and software we deal with, in such a way as to make breach of contract expensive (if desired, sometimes prohibitively so) for the breacher.

—Nick Szabo

In the Ethereum network, a smart contract is represented as code, deployed at an address, with its own state. The code is executed on every transaction sent to it and can perform arbitrary computation, read and write to its own storage, and potentially call other contracts in the network. A smart contract can also hold and transfer ETH, just like any other Ethereum address.


Since smart contracts are powered by code that can execute any computation, they are not actually limited to financial contractual clauses. For instance, they can be used to express different kinds of agreement or consensus, or even governance mechanisms.

A good analogy for a smart contract in software is an actor. In the actor model, a system is composed of stand-alone units called actors that receive messages and execute code in response to it, modifying their own internal state and potentially interacting with other actors in the system. Smart contracts can also be thought of as reducer functions in functional terms: given a transaction and the contract’s state, the smart contract returns an updated state.

External Accounts vs. Smart Contracts

When a smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum network, it is created at a new address. This address acts as an identifier for a smart contract: whenever a user (or another contract) wants to interact with it, they send a transaction to that particular address.

Externally owned accounts (often abbreviated EOAs), on the other hand, are accounts owned by real-life users – or by any agent outside the network. They are also represented by addresses, which use the exact same format as the ones that identify smart contracts. As such, references to a user or a smart contract are equal in Ethereum: they are just addresses. This allows sending ETH to a recipient, without needing to differentiate whether it is an address backed by a smart contract or managed by an end user.

However, there are a few differences between smart contract and externally owned accounts that are worth mentioning:
  • First and foremost, a smart contract account has code that is executed on every transaction. Sending a transaction to an externally owned account does not trigger any execution on the network.

  • Smart contract accounts cannot initiate transactions. A smart contract can only react to an incoming message, and potentially call into other contracts in the process, but they cannot start a new transaction by themselves. A contract that needs to execute on a timely basis (similar to a cron job) or upon an event (such as balance being moved between certain addresses) needs an EOA to call into it to trigger the operation.

  • Only externally owned accounts have a corresponding private key. Private keys are used for signing new transactions sent to the network as a means of authentication. Smart contracts cannot initiate new transactions, so there is need for them to sign any operation.


An implication of this last difference is that only externally owned accounts can sign arbitrary messages. A private key can be used not only to sign Ethereum transactions but also plain text messages with any information. For example, a user may sign a message attesting his identity (such as “I am spalladino on Github”), and anyone (even a contract) can recover the Ethereum address that corresponds to that signature. This allows them to verify that the owner of that account is who wrote that message.2 The fact that a smart contract does not have a private key means that it is not possible for it to sign a message.

Code and State

A smart contract has two main properties: its code and its state. A contract’s state is composed of its ETH balance (since all Ethereum addresses have an associated balance) and its storage (where the value of its variables is persisted).

Code in a smart contract is typically short, since its execution “time” has a tight upper bound, defined by the Ethereum network. The code is run every time a transaction is received by the contract, and has access to the contract’s local storage, and the transaction’s context.


The code of a smart contract is immutable. This means that once deployed, a smart contract cannot be changed. While this is in line with the original concept of real-life contracts made software, it poses some challenges around development. It makes iterative development particularly difficult, and the contract must also be bug-free before being pushed to the production network. This is why security in smart contracts is such a critical issue: not only are smart contracts sitting in a public network where any attacker can freely interact with them, but if a vulnerability is found, there is no way for the original developer to patch it. If the prospect of this limitation seems daunting, fear not, for there are workarounds3 that can be used for upgrading smart contracts even if their code is immutable.

All Ethereum code is not run natively, but executed by Ethereum nodes on the Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM. The EVM executes a low-level stack-based assembly that operates with 32-byte words, typically referred to as EVM assembly. This assembly has opcodes for traditional arithmetic and logic operations, basic control flow, and some Ethereum-specific operations such as accessing storage and memory, or querying and managing ETH balance. There are also primitives for computing hashes or working with elliptic curve signatures.4 It is worth mentioning that the EVM has no support for floating-point arithmetic, and all operations are done on 256-bit integers used as fixed point decimals, to minimize the risk of numerical errors.


At the time of this writing, a second back end based on WebAssembly, named eWASM, is under development, as an alternative environment for executing Ethereum code. Since it is based on existing WebAssembly technology, it will be possible to leverage the toolchain and optimizations already available instead of having to reimplement them from scratch. Ethereum nodes will be expected to accept and execute smart contract code in either format.

The execution model of the EVM is designed to favor simplicity over performance. All transactions are executed in a serial fashion (i.e. one after the other) and always in a single execution thread. This makes reasoning on smart contracts much easier: while a contract is executing a piece of code in response to a transaction, you can be sure that it will not receive a simultaneous transaction that could affect the current thread.

However, since contracts can call other contracts, the EVM does allow reentrant calls. For instance, if contract A calls contract B, nothing prevents B to call back into A during the same transaction. Reentrancy can be tricky to reason about and has been the source of some major hacks in the ecosystem. The famous DAO hack in 2016, which prompted the chain to fork into Ethereum and Ethereum Classic when it was decided to return the funds to the hacked users, was possible due to a reentrancy bug:

Special care is required in reviews of Ethereum code to make sure that any functions moving value occur after any state updates whatsoever, otherwise these state values will be necessarily vulnerable to reentrancy.

Phil Daian, “Analysis of the DAO exploit”5


As in most platforms, it is rare that you will find yourself coding smart contracts directly in assembly, unless you are working in some particularly obscure feature. There are several high-level languages, built specifically for smart contracts, that compile to EVM code. The most popular of them is Solidity, which we will review in the upcoming sections.

State in a smart contract is comprised of its storage and balance. The latter is the most straightforward of the two: all address types in Ethereum, regardless of being externally owned accounts or smart contracts, have an associated balance in ETH. Ethereum provides primitives for querying such balances (both from within a smart contract and from outside the network), and for easily transferring it.

As for the storage space in a smart contract, it is extremely large: it is an addressable space of 2^256 slots of 32 bytes each. However, writing to storage in the EVM is very costly, so it should always be used with care.

Since storage usage is expensive, the EVM also provides another 256-bit-addressable transient space called the memory, which is equivalent to a memory heap in other environments, and is guaranteed to be cleared in-between transactions.

Gas Usage

Executing code in the Ethereum network costs gas. Every operation run by a smart contract consumes a predefined amount of gas, where more complex operations consume more gas than simpler ones. All in all, gas is just a measure of execution cost, designed to prevent excessively complex computations on Ethereum. Since every transaction needs to be executed by every full node on the network to verify it, it is critical to keep them as simple as possible. This is also why operations that create new data on the blockchain, such as writing to storage or creating a new contract, are among the most costly ones in terms of gas.

How is gas obtained? The process is handled automatically on every transaction. Whenever a user sends a new transaction, they specify a gas price, which is the conversion rate between ETH and gas. After the transaction is run, the total amount of gas used is calculated, which gets converted to ETH using this gas price, and then deducted from the sender’s balance. Note that there are no requirements on gas price, and it can be nearly arbitrarily high or low. However, transactions with a very high gas price will be extremely costly to send; on the other hand, transactions with a very low gas price will be unattractive to miners, and will most likely never be included in the blockchain.


There are some services, such as the ETH gas station,6 which provide real-time statistics on gas price costs for the Ethereum network. This provides you with info on the average gas price to use to send a transaction.

Additionally to the gas price, the transaction sender must specify a maximum gas allowance to be used during execution. If the transaction reaches a point where it has used all the gas allowed, it stops running and reports an out-of-gas error. This allows a user to control up to how much they are willing to spend on a transaction. Conversely, this also allows the network to check that a user has enough ETH for paying forexecution before actually running the code by checking that the sender’s balance is at least the maximum gas allowance times the specified gas price.

Note that Ethereum nodes can be used to query an estimation of the gas required to run a transaction, assuming the context where it runs does not change. This allows dynamic calculation of how much gas should be attached to a transaction instead of needing to hard-code it for every call issues by your system.

However, since the amount of gas used depends on which operations were executed, which in turn depend on the context where the transaction is run, the estimation performed by a node may not always be representative. For example, given the following pseudocode for a smart contract:
if balance > 1ETH:
    return true

If the estimation is run when the contract’s balance is below 1 ETH, then the gas estimation will be low, and the user may send the transaction to the network using that value. However, before the transaction is actually picked up by a miner, another transaction may front-run the original one and increase the contract’s balance to be over 1 ETH. This would cause the original transaction to actually require a much higher amount of gas, and end up failing with an out-of-gas error. You should be aware of these situations when coding interactions with the network by always adding a reasonable buffer to the gas allowance on top of the estimated amounts and retrying transactions with updated estimations if needed.


To recap, in order to interact with a smart contract, an external account must sign and broadcast a transaction directed to the contract’s address. The network then executes the smart contract’s code, with all data contained in the transaction (and the contract’s state) as context.

A transaction is a message with the following properties:
  • A sender address, which is always an externally owned account

  • A destination address

  • An amount of ETH to transfer, which can be zero

  • A binary data field, which packs the arguments for the smart contract to execute

  • A nonce

  • Maximum gas allowance

  • Gas price, for converting between gas and ETH

Transactions can also be sent to another externally owned account. In these cases, data is typically left empty, as the purpose is only to transfer ETH between accounts. However, they also consume gas, albeit a small amount compared to those sent to smart contracts.


At the lowest level, the transaction does not actually include the sender address as a property. It is retrieved from the transaction’s signature.

The only field in a transaction that we have not yet reviewed is the nonce. This is an incremental integer value that ensures that all transactions sent from an account are processed in order: a nonce cannot skip a value and is always equal to the number of executed plus pending transactions sent from the address. It is also part of the network’s replay protection. Typically, you will not need to deal with nonces explicitly.

The lifecycle of a transaction is a bit complex, since transactions need to be picked up by a miner and confirmed in order to be considered final (Figure 3-1).
Figure 3-1

Lifecycle of an Ethereum transaction

The first step in a transaction’s lifecycle is to be sent to an Ethereum node. This could be a private node owned by the user or a public node with no accounts associated. On the former, signing is typically handled by the node, which holds the user’s private keys; on the latter, transactions are signed by client software and then sent to the node. In either case, the node checks that the transaction is valid by trying to execute it locally, and if it is, it broadcasts it to the network.

Broadcasted transactions are said to be pending, since they have not yet been included in a block, but are waiting on what is called the mempool. The time until the transaction is processed by a miner and added to the blockchain will typically depend on network congestion and the gas price of the transaction itself – as we mentioned before, higher gas prices lead to more attractive transactions which are mined faster.


Pending transactions can be replaced before they are mined. After a transaction is broadcasted, and before it is picked up by a miner, you may send another transaction with the same nonce and a higher gas price. Upon seeing both pending transactions, miners will prefer the new one, which will render the original one invalid since it has an outdated nonce. Replacing transactions is used to correct a mistake or to increase the gas price of the same transaction to speed up its confirmation, but it is not a technique very widely used. We will review this in Chapter 5.

Eventually, the transaction is mined and included in a block. However, due to how the consensus algorithm in Ethereum works, it is still possible that a chain reorganization occurs, and the block that included this transaction is replaced by a different one. This is only likely to occur in very recently mined blocks. With every new block mined on top of it, the chance of a block being plucked out of the chain gets slimmer. A dozen confirmations (i.e., new blocks mined) is good enough for most scenarios, but you may want to wait for even more depending on your use case.

It is possible for a single account to have multiple pending transactions, since it is not required by the protocol to wait for a transaction to be mined or confirmed before sending the next one. The nonce ensures that all pending transactions will be processed by miners in the correct order.

Transactions in Ethereum may not always be successful. A transaction can fail due to a variety of reasons, such as running out of gas during execution, or because of a failed precondition check in the smart contract code. Smart contracts can enforce checks on the parameters with which they are called, which may cause a transaction to fail if it does not pass all preconditions. Transactions are atomic, meaning that they are all or nothing in terms of changes to state. In other words, a failing transaction will not persist any changes to the blockchain, except for the deduction of the gas execution fee from the sender’s balance. As such, when a transaction you sent fails, you can be confident that the state of your contracts on-chain was not altered in any way.


Failed transactions are either ABORT’ed or REVERT’ed. The difference between the two is that the former will consume all gas up to the maximum allowance of the transaction, whereas the latter only consumes the gas used up to the point where the transaction failed. Smart contracts usually fire a REVERT when a precondition check fails, so as not to waste user’s gas.

During execution, a transaction may log arbitrary information. These logs cannot be accessed from another smart contract and are only visible from outside the Ethereum network itself, such as from a front-end interface. Logged data may be structured and even indexed, allowing clients to search for specific events. We will work with logs more in-depth when we tackle Solidity’s events.


While transactions are the only way to perform a change in the Ethereum blockchain, they are not the only way to interact with smart contracts. Any off-chain client can perform a query on a smart contract by making a static call to it.

Calls are different from transactions in that they do not need to be signed and are not broadcasted to the Ethereum network, and thus cannot make any changes to the blockchain state and do not cost any gas. Calls are always resolved by the node that receives them and are only used for querying data from a smart contract.

A call executes smart contract code just like a transaction does, the only difference is that any changes performed during a call are not persisted, and the return value of a call is sent back to the sender (unlike transactions, where the sender has no way to get a return value back). If transactions can be thought of as setters that change the state of a smart contract, calls would be the getters.

Calls can even be issued on older blocks. Since all data in the blockchain is persisted, the state of the chain on every block,7 so a call to a smart contract can be made in the context of an older block. This feature is not used very often, but can be used to reconstruct the history of a contract, although logs are the preferred method to do this.


Solidity is an object-oriented statically typed language, with curly-braced syntax inspired in Javascript, and support for multiple inheritance. It is the most popular language for smart contract development. At the time of this writing, the latest minor version available is 0.5, which we will be using throughout the book.

The basic unit of Solidity code is a contract, which is similar to a class, but compiles to code that spawns a new smart contract. Solidity contracts can have state variables, which are persisted in the contract’s storage, and can define functions that are executed upon a call or a transaction. The language also supports modifiers, events, libraries, complex data types, and other concepts that we will explore in this section.

We will only be making an overview of Solidity, covering the required features to be able to understand and make small changes to a smart contract system. It is strongly suggested that you go through the Solidity documentation8 to learn more in-depth about the language, and it is also a good idea to review security best practices before rolling out your contracts.9


Before going into Solidity itself, we will introduce Remix,10 a tool for quickly prototyping Solidity code (Figure 3-2). Remix is a full in-browser IDE for Solidity development. It bundles a Solidity code editor, a compiler, and an EVM runtime. The EVM runtime allows you to locally deploy and test your smart contracts in a mock environment. Remix can also be connected to any Ethereum node, allowing you to manage your smart contract on any network, whether it is a local development network or the main Ethereum network (also referred to as mainnet).
Figure 3-2

Screenshot of remix IDE at remix.ethereum.org

Remix has several features for developing, analyzing, deploying, interacting with, and debugging smart contracts. We will focus on the most fundamental ones, but feel free to play around with the tool.

To start, add a new file by clicking the plus sign on the top left of the IDE, and create a new MyContract.sol file. On the right side of the screen, in the Compile tab, make sure you are using the compiler version 0.5.0, and choose to auto-compile your contracts. We will use this to test our first Solidity contract.


The Solidity compiler, written in C++, is not only compiled to native code but also to javascript using Emscripten. This allows you to compile a Solidity smart contract directly in your browser.

Your First Solidity Contract

We will start with a very simple Solidity contract (Listing 3-1). This contract will hold a single integer value myNumber and provide a constructor to set its initial value, a public function to increase it by a certain amount, and a public getter to retrieve it.
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract MyContract {
    uint256 private myNumber;
    constructor(uint256 initialValue) public {
        myNumber = initialValue;
    function increase(uint256 x) public {
        require(x > 0);
        myNumber = myNumber + x;
    function getValue() public view returns (uint256) {
        return myNumber;
Listing 3-1

Simple Solidity contract, implementing a counter

Let’s go through this contract. First thing to notice is the pragma directive to set a required Solidity compiler version that corresponds to the code. A compiler that does not match the required version will refuse to compile the file. In particular, ^0.5.0 indicates any version that starts with 0.5.11

Next is a contract block, which defines a smart contract to be deployed. The contract can define several state variables, such as myNumber in the example, which will be saved to storage in the EVM.


Storage is always initialized to zero in the EVM. This means that all state variables in Solidity are zero by default. To prevent any billion-dollar mistakes, Solidity does not have null values.12

A contract can define multiple functions that will be executed in its context and will have access to its storage. Functions must always define the type of their arguments and their return type, if any. Also, functions can have different visibilities, depending on whether they can only be called internally within the contract or from outside, and can be restricted to not modify the contract’s storage, like getValue in the example. A constructor can be optionally defined and is run when the contract is deployed.


Solidity supports function overloading; this means having two functions in the same contract with the same name but different arguments. While useful for certain scenarios, several client-side libraries, especially those in javascript, do not always have good support for them. Furthermore, it can be argued that overloaded functions make code more difficult to follow, and other smart contract languages have even made the explicit design decision to not support function overloading.

Another interesting keyword in this sample contract is require. It allows you to check for a condition and throw an error (an EVM revert) if it doesn’t hold. It is commonly used to check for preconditions in functions.

Remember that your contract is exposed to everyone on the blockchain. This means that any attacker can send a transaction to any public function with any parameters they wish. This makes a very compelling case for adding as many require statements as you need to always validate the inputs to your functions.

Before delving deeper into Solidity code, let’s try out our first contract in Remix. Copy the code for MyContract into the newly created MyContract.sol file tab in Remix, and wait for it to auto-compile. Then open the Run tab on the right side of the IDE (Figure 3-3). This will allow you to configure the environment where you want to deploy your contract: choose JavaScript VM to run the code in a simulated blockchain in your browser, and pick any of the provided Accounts.
Figure 3-3

Deploying a contract via Remix

To deploy your contract, choose MyContract from the contracts drop-down, enter an initial value to be used for the constructor we had defined, and accept the transaction. This will deploy the contract to your in-browser environment, which will execute almost instantly. Remember that when working in a real blockchain, the deployment will actually take several seconds.

You will notice that a new log entry showed up at in the middle-bottom panel (Figure 3-4). This has detailed information on the transaction executed. Take some time to go through it and understand all the info listed, referring back to the “Transactions” section in this chapter.
Figure 3-4

Details of a transaction as shown in Remix’s console

Also, on the bottom of the right sidebar of the IDE, you will now see that an instance of MyContract is listed under the Deployed Contracts section, including the address at which it was deployed. Expanding it will give you access to the public functions of the contract: increase and getValue. Try calling both of them, using different values for increase, to play around with the contract and check out the transactions generated.

Remember the distinction we made earlier between transactions and calls to contracts: the former broadcasts a transaction to the entire network that may change the state of a contract or the balance of an address, while the latter simply queries a single node to retrieve a value. Since getValue is flagged as a method that does not modify the contract (via the view keyword), Remix automatically issues a call to the contract when you execute it instead of a transaction. On the other hand, since increase does alter the contract’s state, it spawns a new transaction every time you call it.

We will now go more in depth into Solidity. Feel free to copy the code samples into Remix, deploy them, and interact with them. Remember that if you change the code of a contract, you will need to deploy a new instance of it in order to interact with the new version, since already deployed contracts cannot be changed. Also, refer to the Solidity documentation if you want to explore a particular topic in detail.

What’s in a Function?

A function definition in Solidity has the following structure:
  • A function name

  • A set of typed parameters

  • A visibility modifier

  • A pay-ability modifier

  • A set of custom modifiers

  • A set of return values

A function may then look like the following. Note that a function may return more than a single value, expressed as a tuple.
function myFunction(uint256 param1, bool param2)
  public payable onlyOwner
  returns (uint256, bool);

Visibility Modifiers

As in most object-oriented languages, functions in Solidity can specify different visibility or access modifiers, that control whether a function can be called from outside the contract or not. Solidity provides the following four access levels:
  • External

  • Public

  • Internal

  • Private

Private functions can only be called from within the same contract. Under the hood, they are implemented as a jump to another part of the contract’s code. This means that a call to a private function does not create a new scope, with associated call data, value, gas, and so on. Instead, it executes within the same scope of the caller, what makes the call itself cheap in terms of gas usage. Internal functions work exactly the same, only that they allow derived contracts to call them (equivalent to protected in other languages).

On the other hand, external functions can only be called from an external account or from another contract. External functions are used to define the exposed surface of a contract and are usually where most input argument checks are made. When a contract calls into another, it does by making an EVM call, which creates a new scope, with its own call data, transferred value, gas, and so on. This is more expensive than a jump to an internal or private function, but it is required by the EVM. Note that it is possible to call an external function from the same contract where it is defined, but this requires an EVM call as well.

If you have an external function that you would also need to call from within your contract, you would label it as a public function. Public functions are a mix between external and internal: they support being called from both outside the contract and from within. The compiler is smart enough to use an internal cheap jump if the function is called from within the same contract, but creates a new EVM call if calling a public function from another contract.

Note that state variables also have their own set of visibility modifiers, which are public, internal, and private, though they have slightly different semantics. A private state variable can only be accessed from within the same contract and an internal one from the same contract and from any derived contract as well (as is the case with functions). However, the public modifier, when applied to a state variable, acts as an internal modifier and defines an implicit getter function with the same name as the state variable (Listing 3-2).
contract ExplicitGetter {
  uint256 internal _value;
  function value() public returns (uint256) {
    return _value;
contract ImplicitGetter {
  uint256 public value;
Listing 3-2

Example of using a getter function vs. the public state variable modifier. Both contracts are equivalent in terms of the getter. There is one caveat though: implicit getters cannot be overridden by derived contracts

Payability Modifiers

A function may optionally be defined as payable (Listing 3-3). This tells Solidity that the function can accept ETH when called. The compiler will throw an error if you try to send ETH to a function not defined as payable. This prevents from accidentally sending balance to a contract that is not prepared to handle it, potentially locking ETH in it.
contract Payable {
  function canPay() public payable {  }
  function cannotPay() public { }
contract Payer {
  function pay(Payable p, uint256 eth) public {
    // this syntax is used for sending eth
    // along with a function call
    // this fails to compile
Listing 3-3

Payable vs. non-payable functions in Solidity

Solidity also adds runtime checks to ensure that no balance is sent to non-payable functions. For instance, if you try to send ETH to a non-payable function of a contract from an external account, you will get a revert error.

Custom Modifiers

Solidity allows you to define your own function modifiers. These are code blocks that can execute as a filter before and after a function and can even call into other contract functions, manage storage, or react based on the current message.

Information on the current call is available via a context variable named msg and includes the ETH value received, the sender address of the call, the gas provided, the gas price, and more.

A typical use case for modifiers is access control (Listing 3-4). By defining who can call into a function in a modifier, you can then easily reuse that logic across multiple functions via the usage of modifiers.
contract OwnerDepositable {
  address public owner;
  constructor(address _owner) public {
    owner = _owner;
  modifier onlyOwner {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
  modifier minDeposit(uint256 value) {
    require(msg.value > 0);
  function ownerDeposits()
    onlyOwner minDeposit(1 ether) payable public {
    // here we know that the sender is the owner,
    // and has transferred at least 1 ETH
Listing 3-4

Using custom modifiers for access control

Modifiers are defined with the modifier keyword and yield the call to the original function via an underscore. They are then applied to a function by listing them by name in the function’s definition. Modifiers can even accept arguments, which must be provided when applied to a function.

Fallback Function

A contract may define a function without a name. This function is referred to as the fallback function and is invoked if the contract receives a call that does not match any other function.

Even though they can be used as catch-all functions in contracts, the main use case of fallback functions is handling plain ETH transfers (Listing 3-5). When you transfer funds to a contract address, you typically do not include anything in the transaction’s data. Fallback functions allow contracts to do something in response to that transfer, or perform checks on the transfer itself.
contract NotCheap {
  function() external payable {
    require(msg.value >= 1 ether);
Listing 3-5

Using a fallback function to prevent a contract from accepting transfers that are below 1 ETH

Note that when transferring ETH from Solidity code using the transfer method, only a very small gas stipend will be allocated. This is due to security reasons in order to prevent reentrancy attacks when transferring funds. What this means is that the fallback function should only perform very simple checks or operations, or risk running out of gas when receiving ETH, thus reverting the transfer transaction. Even a write to storage is more expensive than the gas stipend available in a plain transfer.


Fallback functions are also required to signal whether a contract can receive ETH. If a contract does not define a payable fallback function, then no plain ETH transfers can be sent to it. This prevents from accidentally sending funds to a contract that cannot handle them, thus locking the funds.

Value Data Types

Solidity supports the traditional basic data types, such as bool or uint, plus some more complex data types such as array, mapping, or struct. We will start with the most simple data types: value types (Listing 3-6).
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract MyContract {
  bool private myFlag;
  uint256 private myUnsignedNumber;
  int256 private mySignedNumber;
  address private myAddress;
Listing 3-6

Overview of value data types in a contract

Booleans and Equality

Boolean literals are denoted by the keywords true and false. The usual logical operations are available, using the same symbols, and with the same short-circuit semantics as in javascript:
  • Negation !x

  • Conjunction x && y

  • Disjunction x || y

On the other hand, equality comparison operators == and != actually behave as javascript’s === and !==. Solidity will not coerce types when comparing and will throw a compiler error when attempting to compare objects of two different types. This holds for all data types, not just booleans.

Integers and Arithmetic

Integer types can be both signed and unsigned, and can be defined of different sizes – from 8 to 256 bits in steps of 8. The usual arithmetic, shifting, and bitwise operations are available, as well as comparison operators:
  • uint8, uint16, uint24, ..., uint256 are unsigned integer types.

  • int8, int16, int24, ..., int256 are signed integer types.

Since integer types are often used to represent value in smart contracts, unsigned integers are much more common than signed. Also, since fixed or floating-point values are not (fully) supported, it is common to represent all values using integers with a fixed amount of decimals. This is especially true of ETH balances, which are always expressed in wei, the smallest divisible unit of ETH: 1e18 wei are equal to 1 ETH. Solidity even provides suffixes for working with these units: the literal 1 ether is actually the integer value 1e18. There are also suffixes for working with time values, such as minutes, hours, days, and weeks. In these cases, the base unit is the second, so 3 minutes is compiled to the integer value 180.

A word of warning: all integer arithmetic operations in Solidity are unchecked; this means that it is possible to silently overflow. This is especially risky when dealing with unsigned numbers associated to value. For instance, accidentally decreasing a variable that represents someone’s balance below zero would actually turn that value into nearly 2^255. For this reason it is strongly suggested to always use SafeMath13 (Listing 3-7), a library provided by the OpenZeppelin framework that adds overflow checks to every arithmetic operation (more on imports and libraries later).
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
contract MyContract {
  using SafeMath for uint256;
  uint256 private myNumber;
  function unsafeDecrease(uint256 x) {
    // if x > myNumber, myNumber will silently wrap around
    myNumber = myNumber - x;
  function safeDecrease(uint256 x) {
    // if x > myNumber, this will throw an error
    myNumber = myNumber.sub(x);
Listing 3-7

Example of SafeMath usage for arithmetic operations

We will review how to use imports and libraries later in this chapter. For now, keep in mind that directly using arithmetic operators in Solidity, without going through SafeMath, is a potential security risk.

Fixed Size Bytes

Solidity also provides fixed size byte strings of up to 32 bytes, in the form of the bytes1, bytes2, ..., bytes32 data types. Since these all fit within an EVM word, they are all handled as value types as well, and behave similarly to integer types, only that they do not provide any arithmetic functions. They do support comparison, bitwise, and shift operators, plus an index access operator to retrieve a single byte from the array.
bytes32 data;
uint8 index;
byte firstByte = data[0];

These types are often used to store hashes or identifiers, where the numeric value itself is not relevant. For instance, precompiled hashing functions like sha256 or ripemd160 return bytes32 and bytes20, respectively.

Addresses, Contracts, and Transfers

The address data type represents any Ethereum address. While any integer or byte type of at least 160 bits could be used to store addresses, Solidity specifically provides this type to handle them. Addresses also have specific properties for checking ETH balances, as well as for transferring funds.

Solidity differentiates addresses into two separate types: address and address payable. The underlying representation for both is the same, and the difference is that only the latter provides the transfer method for sending ETH to it. This allows you rely on the type system to decide which addresses should be allowed to receive funds from your contracts. A non-payable address only provides a balance property to query its ETH balance.

The following quite uninteresting contract (Listing 3-8) keeps track of an owner who created the contract and provides a single function to forward funds to them.
contract MyContract {
  address payable private owner;
  address private lastContributor;
  constructor(address payable _owner) public {
    owner = _owner;
  function forward() public payable {
    uint256 ethReceived = msg.value;
    require(ethReceived > 0);
    lastContributor = msg.sender;
Listing 3-8

Sample contract using address data types

Note that the owner address needs to be stored as an address payable type; otherwise, the compiler will throw an error when attempting to compile owner.transfer(ethReceived). On the other hand, lastContributor can be a plain address, since it will never receive ETH from the contract.


Solidity provides another function for sending ETH, which is send. The difference between the two is that send returns a boolean value indicating whether the ETH transfer was successful, and transfer throws a REVERT on failure. To avoid errors caused by forgetting checking send return values, it is recommended to always use transfer.

Any contract defined in Solidity can also be used as a type (Listing 3-9). A contract instance has all the public functions defined in the contract.
contract Provider {
  function answer() public pure returns (uint256) {
    return 42;
contract Caller {
  function fetchAnswer(Provider provider) public {
    uint256 answer = provider.answer();
    // do something with the answer
Listing 3-9

Calling a contract public function from Solidity

Internally, a contract instance is stored as its address, so contracts can be casted to and from the address type. This is useful when attempting to check the balance of a contract or transfer funds to it, since only the address type provides the balance and transfer methods.
function sendFunds(MyContract recipient) {
  recipient.transfer(1 eth); // compile error
  address(recipient).transfer(1 eth); // ok!
Contract types can also be used to deploy a new instance of a contract (Listing 3-10). You can leverage this to create factory-like contracts that are used to set up and create other contracts.
contract Box {
  uint256 public value;
  constructor (uint256 _value) public {
    value = _value;
contract Factory {
  function create(uint256 _value) public returns (Box) {
    return new Box(_value);
Listing 3-10

Creating a contract from Solidity

Also, like many other languages, Solidity also provides a this keyword that represents the current contract. The type of this is the contract itself.
function forward(address payable beneficiary) public {
  uint256 myBalance = address(this).balance;

Reference Types

Reference types in Solidity include arrays, strings, mappings, and structs. Unlike value types, which are always handled by copy when assigning them or passing them as a parameter, reference types usually pass a handle to an object that can be aliased or modified from another function. We will review how this works with the most common reference type: the array.

Arrays, Bytes, and Strings

Solidity supports both fixed size and dynamic arrays. Array types are parametric, which means they are defined as an array of a base type. This allows you to define dynamic integer arrays like uint256[], or fixed size address arrays like address[4]. You can even work with arrays of arrays, but keep in mind that in Solidity the notation is reversed as compared to other languages: bool[][4] is an fixed size array of four dynamic arrays. Furthermore, you cannot return arrays of arrays in an external function call.

Arrays have a length method to query their size and provide an indexing operator to access or modify a position in the array. Dynamic arrays also have push and pop methods to add or remove elements. Arrays are typically iterated using a for-loop in Solidity (Listing 3-11).
contract ArrayTest {
  uint256[] array;
  function sum() public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 total = 0;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      total += array[i];
    return total;
  function add(uint256 value) public {
Listing 3-11

Sample code for appending elements to an array and iterating them. Note that this example is subject to arithmetic overflow, since it is not using SafeMath for computing the sum over the array


Using a for-loop over an unbounded array is risky, since it may consume an arbitrarily high amount of gas, potentially more that fits in a single block, rendering the function impossible to call. Always avoid looping over an array that can grow out of control, or at least provide methods for iterating it by batches of controllable size.

Remember that arrays are reference types instead of value types. Reference types contain, as their name indicates, a reference to an object instead of the actual value. This means that, depending on the context, assigning an array variable to another will not create a copy but hand over a reference to the same array.

Whether the array is copied or a reference is passed depends on the data location. Data location may be a confusing concept, since it does not have a direct equivalent in other languages, and is an abstraction leakage from the EVM. Instead of trying to hide it and lead to potentially surprising results, Solidity opts for surfacing this distinction and forcing the programmer to be conscious about this important implementation detail.

As we mentioned before, every contract has access to an internal storage that can be used to persist data. And since this space is very expensive to use, the EVM provides access to a memory heap for transient operations. These are precisely the two main data locations that Solidity defines: storage and memory. The third location is calldata, which refers to the space where data is supplied in a transaction. For all practical purposes, calldata works just like memory, only that it is immutable.

Data locations need to be specified for every local variable or function parameter of a reference type. The only case where data location is unneeded is when declaring contract state variables, since these are always kept in storage. Note that when specifying locations for function arguments, you need to adhere to the following rules:
  • External functions can only accept calldata reference types.

  • Public functions can only accept memory reference types.

  • Internal or private functions can only accept memory or storage reference types.

Assignment semantics then depend on the location of a reference type (Listing 3-12). An assignment from a memory reference to another will just pass a reference to the same object, and the same happens when assigning from a storage reference to another. However, when assigning from a memory reference to a storage one, Solidity will copy the entire memory array into storage.
contract DataLocations {
  uint256[] public storageArray;
  function test(uint256[] memory memoryArray) public {
    // We alias memoryArray to localMemory
    uint256[] memory localMemory = memoryArray;
    localMemory[0] = 42;
    require(localMemory[0] == memoryArray[0]);
    // We copy memoryArray into storageArray
    storageArray = memoryArray;
    require(storageArray[0] == 42);
    // We alias storageArray to localStorage
    uint256[] storage localStorage = storageArray;
    localStorage[0] = 21;
    require(localStorage[0] == storageArray[0]);
    // And changes to storageArray don't affect
    // the original memoryArray
    require(storageArray[0] != memoryArray[0]);
Listing 3-12

Demo of how the memory and storage location modifiers work in Solidity

A special case of an array is bytes , which behaves exactly as a byte[] (i.e., a dynamic array of byte). However, this type is optimized and tightly packed in memory or storage, so it should always be preferred over byte[].

Another special case are strings. A string is an immutable UTF-8-encoded byte array, which doesn’t allow indexed access. String literals are defined using double quotes. Keep in mind that Solidity ships with almost no string manipulation functions, so strings are mostly stored as immutable identifiers or descriptions.
string myString = "foo";

Unlike value types, when an array state variable is defined as public, the implicit getter generated by Solidity accepts an index parameter, to identify which item in the array is to be retrieved. This only holds for regular dynamic arrays: bytes and strings are returned in a single call.

As an example, given the following contract with a public dynamic array, string, and bytes, the following getters (Figure 3-5) are available:
contract PublicArrays {
    uint256[] public numbers = [20,30,40];
    string public text = "foo";
    bytes public data = hex"20";
Figure 3-5

Accessing a public dynamic array with a getter that requires an index vs. getting a string or bytes variable


Mappings, also referred to as hashes or dictionaries in other languages, are an associative reference type in Solidity.

Like arrays, they are parametric, in that they contain elements from other types. Mappings go from keys to values, and they accept any value type (plus bytes or strings) as keys, and can handle any type whatsoever (including other mappings) as values. Unlike arrays, however, the only valid location for mappings is storage, not memory or calldata.


Under the hood, mappings are hash tables that rely on the fact that the storage space of a contract is large enough to ensure there will be no collisions for two different keys, so they guarantee that access to a value is always in constant time.

Autogenerated public getters for mappings (Listing 3-13) are similar to those of arrays, only that instead of accepting an index, they accept a key (Figure 3-6). In the case of nested mappings, a getter for a nested mapping will require a parameter for each key in each nesting level and only return the innermost value.
contract PublicMappings {
  mapping(uint256 => string)
    public num2str;
  mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => string))
    public num2num2str;
  constructor() public {
    num2str[10] = "foo";
    num2num2str[10][20] = "bar";
Listing 3-13

Sample contract with autogenerated getters for two mappings: a simple one and a nested one

Figure 3-6

Getting a value from a nested mapping requires providing a value for each key in each nesting level

An important caveat about mappings in Solidity is that, unlike other languages, there is no way to iterate the keys or values present in the mapping. This is related to how mappings are implemented. If you do need to keep track of the keys inserted into a mapping, you will need to keep a separate array to store them.


The last reference type in Solidity are structs (Listing 3-14). As in C, structs act as a named set of fields of other types.
contract HasStruct {
  struct MyStruct {
    uint256 number;
    string text;
  mapping(uint256 => MyStruct) structs;
  constructor() public {
    structs[10] = MyStruct(20, "foo");
  function getStruct(
    uint256 key
  ) public view returns (uint256, string memory) {
    MyStruct storage s = structs[key];
    return (s.number, s.text);
Listing 3-14

Sample usage of structs in a Solidity contract

Structs are mutable and can be stored in a mapping or array, and they can contain other structs or reference types as their own fields. Remember that, as with any other Solidity types, structs are initialized with zeroes, so an empty struct is one where every field is zero.

Emitting Events

Solidity provides an abstraction over transaction logs named events. A Solidity event is identified by a name and can have several arguments to provide additional data (Listing 3-15). Since they are implemented as logs, a Solidity event can only be emitted, but not observed from a smart contract. We will later learn how to monitor or query events from a client.
contract EmitsEvents {
  mapping(string => uint256) private counters;
  event CounterIncreased
    (string indexed key, uint256 newValue);
  function increase(string memory key) public {
    counters[key] += 1;
    emit CounterIncreased(key, counters[key]);
Listing 3-15

A smart contract that emits an event every time an increase function is called

The event is declared using the event keyword and fired using emit. Note that, in the event declaration, some of its arguments can be flagged as indexed. These allow watching or querying events that have a certain value for that parameter. Whether to flag an argument as indexed or not will depend strictly on your use case.


Due to EVM restrictions, indexed variable length arguments are not stored using their actual value, but with the hash of the value. This means that, in the example, you will be able to search for a particular key among all CounterIncreased events, but you will not be able to retrieve the actual key from a given event.

Events are useful not just for monitoring a contract for changes but also as a replacement for return values in a transaction. Since it is not possible for a client to retrieve a return value from a method called in a transaction, it is common to emit an event with the value that needs to be obtained. The client then retrieves the events attached to the transaction receipt and extracts the value from there.

Imports, Inheritance, and Libraries

Solidity files can import other files (Listing 3-16). The import statement is similar to javascript’s require, in that it pulls to the current file declarations from another. In Solidity, since the only top-level objects are contracts (plus libraries and interfaces, as we will see in a minute), an import allows you to refer to contracts defined in another file.
// Callee.sol
contract Callee {
  function f() external;
// MyContract.sol
import "./Callee.sol";
contract MyContract {
  function call(Callee c) public {
Listing 3-16

Sample usage of the import statement to load a contract defined in another file

In the preceding example, MyContract pulls the definition of Callee by importing the file in which it is defined. Note that Callee does not define the implementation of the function f, so it is actually an abstract contract. Since this is enough for MyContract to know how to call into an instance of Callee, these files compile successfully. Moreover, since we are using Callee just as an interface definition, we can redefine the contract using the interface keyword :
// Callee.sol
interface Callee {
  function f() external;


When importing code from a dependency, typically as an npm package, the import statement refers to the package name. The exact syntax varies depending on the build tool in use, but it commonly follows the pattern import "package-name/contracts/Contract.sol".

A file can be imported not only to refer to another contract but also to extend from it. Solidity has support for multiple inheritance. This makes inheritance the default mechanism to extend functionality, or to pull in features from another contract, using base contracts as if they were mixins (Listing 3-17).

Derived contracts can access internal and public methods from the base contracts, as well as all struct, modifier, and event definitions. They can also override methods from base contracts.
contract Timelocked {
  uint256 internal locktime;
  modifier whenNotLocked() {
    require(now > locktime);
contract Ownable {
  address internal owner;
  modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
contract MyContract is Timelocked, Ownable {
  constructor(uint256 _locktime) public {
    locktime = _locktime;
    owner = msg.sender;
  function f() whenNotLocked onlyOwner public {
    // only reachable when called by the owner
    // and the contract is not locked
Listing 3-17

Typical pattern of base contracts that provide behaviors or aspects to be included similar to mixins in a contract. These base contracts define their own state, and provide modifiers or internal functions to be leveraged by the derived contract

Last but not least, Solidity allows to define libraries, which are modules of helper functions, that may optionally be applied over a specific data type (Listing 3-18). Depending on whether their functions are defined as internal or not, libraries are actually inlined in the contract that includes them or deployed separately and linked. A good example of a library is the previously mentioned SafeMath, which defines simple arithmetic operations with overflow checks.
// Snip of the code of openzeppelin-solidity SafeMath.sol
library SafeMath {
  function add(uint256 a, uint256 b)
    internal pure returns (uint256) {
      uint256 c = a + b;
      require(c >= a);
      return c;
// MyContract.sol
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
contract MyContract {
    uint256 value;
    function increase(uint256 x) public {
        value = SafeMath.add(value, x);
Listing 3-18

Sample usage of SafeMath in a contract

Since it is frequent for libraries to define functions on a certain data type, such as uint256 in the case of SafeMath, Solidity provides a convenience using statement (Listing 3-19) that adds all methods of the library to all variables of a specified type. This is particularly powerful when combined with structs, since it allows us to define custom datatypes with their own set of functions.
contract MyContract {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    uint256 value;
    function increase(uint256 x) public {
        value = value.add(x);
Listing 3-19

Previous example rewritten with the using statement, which adds all methods in a library to a type in the scope of the contract

Well-known Smart Contracts

To wrap up this chapter on smart contracts, we will review two of the most well-known contract standards, which are ERC20 and ERC721. These correspond to fungible and non-fungible tokens, respectively. However, before diving into them, we will first introduce a concept that goes beyond the Solidity language: the ABI.

Application Binary Interface

The Application Binary Interface (ABI) of a contract is the set of public methods exposed by a contract. Think of it as its public API that can be called from an external account or another contract.

The key concept behind the ABI is that it is language independent. It is a specification on how function calls, arguments, and return values should be encoded. This allows a contract written in Solidity to seamlessly interact with a contract written in another high-level language, such as Vyper.

The ABI has a set of data types fairly close to those of Solidity, including addresses, integers (signed and unsigned), booleans, strings, arrays, and so on. The main exceptions are contract types, which are handled as plain addresses, and structs, which are encoded as tuples with all their fields.

EIPs and ERCs

Being a decentralized protocol, all improvements to Ethereum often start as a proposal (or EIP, Ethereum Improvement Proposal) to be discussed by the community. These proposals encompass from changes to the core protocol itself to application-level standards defined for compatibility.

The latter are referred to as Ethereum Request for Comments (or ERC, following the RFC nomenclature used by the Internet Engineering Task Force). These are of particular importance, since they define the common ABIs and semantics of contracts to be used. They act as building blocks for larger applications and foster reusability by setting a common interface agreed upon by the community.

Two of the most popular smart contract standards, fungible and non-fungible tokens, are defined as ERCs – ERC20 and ERC721, respectively.

ERC20 Tokens

Tokens, defined in the ERC20 standard,14 are probably the most common building block of Ethereum applications. In its core, an ERC20 contract keeps track of a balance for every token holder address and provides methods for querying and managing such balances (Listing 3-20).

A token can act as a decentralized currency for any project. As such, any team can easily roll out their own cryptocurrency on top of the Ethereum network, without needing to set up their own blockchain.

Nevertheless, tokens have more uses besides currency. The purpose of the token is given to it by the protocol in which it is used: it can be used to signal vouching for a particular item, or voting power in a decentralized organization. Many projects nowadays rely on one (or sometimes more) ERC20 token.
interface ERC20 {
  function totalSupply()
    external view returns (uint256);
  function balanceOf(address who)
    external view returns (uint256);
  function allowance(address owner, address spender)
    external view returns (uint256);
  function transfer(address to, uint256 value)
    external returns (bool);
  function approve(address spender, uint256 value)
    external returns (bool);
  function transferFrom(
    address from, address to, uint256 value
  ) external returns (bool);
  event Transfer(
    address indexed from,
    address indexed to,
    uint256 value
  event Approval(
    address indexed owner,
    address indexed spender,
    uint256 value
Listing 3-20

Complete interface of the ERC20 standard

The first step to understand an ERC20 token is to glimpse its state. A fungible token is backed by a mapping from a user to a balance, which is exposed by the balanceOf getter.
  function balanceOf(address who)
    external view returns (uint256);
Balances are modified via invocations to transfer. A user can choose to transfer a certain amount of their tokens to another address – either a contract or an external account. Whenever this method is invoked, the Transfer event is emitted to log the action.
  function transfer(address to, uint256 value)
    external returns (bool);
An addition to this basic behavior of balance transfer is the concept of allowances. A user can approve any address to manage up to a certain number tokens on their behalf. The state of the token allowances can be queried via the allowance getter.
  function allowance(address owner, address spender)
    external view returns (uint256);
To set an allowance for an address, the contract provides the approve method, which is required to emit an Approval event when called. Note that a user may set an approval for an arbitrarily high number of tokens – regardless of whether they own them or not.
  function approve(address spender, uint256 value)
    external returns (bool);
Allowances are consumed as the spender account transfers tokens of the owner. If address A has allowed B to spend up to 20 tokens on their behalf, after B transfers 5 of A’s tokens, the remaining allowance will be 15. Transferring on behalf of another user is done via the transferFrom method, which will affect both balances and allowances.
  function transferFrom(
    address from, address to, uint256 value
  ) external returns (bool);

Additionally, the standard includes three optional getters: name, symbol, and decimals. These are often used by wallets or other client software to display information about a token given its address.

The standard does not specify how tokens are initially distributed or how their total supply evolves over time. Certain tokens have a fixed supply set when created and assigned to a single address which manually distributes them. Others can be minted over time and distributed based on certain rules.


A canonical and audited implementation of the ERC20 standard can be obtained from the OpenZeppelin contracts package,15 so you don’t need to implement your own.

ERC721 Non-fungible Tokens

The ERC721 standard (Listing 3-21) defines the specification for digital collectibles, also called non-fungible tokens (often abbreviated NFTs). NFTs are different from the traditional ERC20 token in that each token is identifiable and different from the other. As such, a user no longer has a number of tokens, but has a particular set of unique identifiable tokens, each with its own metadata associated to it. As an analogy, if ERC20 tokens can be used to represent a currency, ERC721 tokens can be used to represent collectible cards.

The interface for ERC721 is heavily inspired from ERC20, with the difference that all operations act on identifiable tokens and not on a balance. ERC721 also introduces a few additions over ERC20 which we will now review.
contract ERC721 is IERC165 {
  function balanceOf(address owner)
    public view returns (uint256 balance);
  function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId)
    public view returns (address owner);
  function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId)
  function getApproved(uint256 tokenId)
    public view returns (address operator);
  function setApprovalForAll
    (address operator, bool _approved)
  function isApprovedForAll
    (address owner, address operator)
    public view returns (bool);
  function transferFrom
    (address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
  function safeTransferFrom
    (address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
  function safeTransferFrom
    (address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes data)
  event Transfer(
    address indexed from,
    address indexed to,
    uint256 indexed tokenId
  event Approval(
    address indexed owner,
    address indexed approved,
    uint256 indexed tokenId
  event ApprovalForAll(
    address indexed owner,
    address indexed operator,
    bool approved
Listing 3-21

Interface of the ERC721 standard

The first methods for querying the number of tokens held by an address, as well as for querying whether a particular token belongs to an address, are quite straightforward.
  function balanceOf(address owner)
    public view returns (uint256 balance);
  function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId)
    public view returns (address owner);

Throughout the standard, tokens are identified by an opaque uint256 value. While some implementations use incremental numbers for IDs, this is not required at all.

Note that the standard does not provide any way of actually listing the existing tokens or the tokens that belong to a user. To solve this, there is an optional extension (Listing 3-22) that provides methods for enumerating all the tokens in existence, as well as the tokens of a particular user.
  function totalSupply()
    public view returns (uint256);
  function tokenOfOwnerByIndex
    (address owner, uint256 index)
    public view returns (uint256 tokenId);
  function tokenByIndex(uint256 index)
    public view returns (uint256);
Listing 3-22

ERC721Enumerable optional extension

To avoid returning an arbitrarily large array with all the tokens created, or all the tokens that belong to a user, this Enumerable extension provides means to know the total number of tokens (or the number of tokens that belong to a user) and to iterate through them via an index.

Like ERC20, ERC721 has the concept of allowances, though managed slightly different. ERC721 allows an owner to designate one or more spenders for each of their tokens individually and at the same time to designate one or more addresses to manage all of their tokens on their behalf. The latter are sometimes called operators. These two concepts – approval for a particular token or for all tokens – are queried and set via the following methods, and reflected by the Approval and ApprovalForAll events.
  function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId)
  function getApproved(uint256 tokenId)
    public view returns (address operator);
  function setApprovalForAll
    (address operator, bool _approved)
  function isApprovedForAll
    (address owner, address operator)
    public view returns (bool);
ERC721 does not include a transfer method . Instead, all token transfers are to be handled via transferFrom, which requires the spender to specify not only the token to transfer and the destination but also the current owner. If the current owner does not match the from parameter, the transfer is rejected.
  function transferFrom
    (address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
This standard includes two other methods for managing transfers:
  function safeTransferFrom
    (address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
  function safeTransferFrom
    (address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes data)
The safe transfer methods check that the recipient of the token can actually manage them, by calling into a specified onERC721Received method in the recipient (Figure 3-7). If the recipient does not implement this method, the transfer is aborted. This prevents tokens from being accidentally lost by sending to contracts that cannot manage them, thus locking them forever, which is a common problem in ERC20. As such, it is recommended to always prefer this method over the plain transferFrom.
Figure 3-7

Execution flow of an ERC721 safe transfer

An overload of this method includes an extra data parameter. This data is forwarded on the onERC721Received call and can be used by the recipient to decide whether to accept the token to be transferred.

Another part of ERC721 is the requirement to implement ERC165 (Listing 3-23). ERC165 provides a standard way to query whether a contract implements an interface or not. This allows users or other contracts to actually check if any given address responds to a method before attempting to call into it. In the context of ERC721, this means that you can actually ask an address whether it is an ERC721 contract or not. However, keep in mind that whether the actual implementation is correct or malicious is an entirely different subject.
  function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
    external view returns (bool);
Listing 3-23

Interface of ERC165. The interfaceId is a well-known identifier set for every standard and is often composed of the hash of the public function signatures

The last component of ERC721 is an optional extension for metadata (Listing 3-24). This extension not only includes the name and symbol getters that were also present in ERC20 (note that decimals do not make sense in this context, since non-fungible tokens are not divisible) but also a way to fetch metadata information for any given token.
  function name() external view returns (string);
  function symbol() external view returns (string);
  function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
    public view returns (string);
Listing 3-24

Metadata optional extension for ERC721

While the format of tokenURI is not defined and is left for implementers to choose,16 it provides a standard way to obtain information on a particular token instance, such as an image or a blurb of text that describes it. Token URI often points to an off-chain17 resource that contains a manifest for the token.


Throughout this chapter, we have presented what a smart contract is and how it is composed of code and state, differentiating it from an externally owned account. We have reviewed what a transaction is, its lifecycle, and how it interacts with a smart contract, potentially modifying its state – in opposition to static calls, used to query contracts without changing them. We have also presented some concepts such as gas usage and price, which are of particular importance to clients issuing transactions to the network.

We have also studied Solidity as a high-level programming language for coding smart contracts. Solidity’s basic unit is a contract, which is composed of state variables and functions, which can be decorated with modifiers and potentially emit events. Solidity contracts can extend from multiple other contracts, or include libraries, as a means to modularizing code. This introduction was far from covering all Solidity concepts and left out several security insights that are vital when developing production-level smart contract code, but is enough for you to understand smart contracts and be able to code small systems.

Last, we reviewed two of the most widely used building blocks in smart contracts – tokens, defined in ERC20 and ERC721. These cover fungible tokens and digital collectibles, respectively, and most applications operate on either (or both) of the two.

Overall, the main goal of this chapter is not for you to become an expert in smart contract development, but to understand key concepts that will be useful when developing web applications backed by these contracts.

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