© Santiago Palladino 2019
S. PalladinoEthereum for Web Developershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5278-9_8

8. Scalability

Santiago Palladino1 
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

In the previous chapter, we addressed user onboarding challenges, one of the two main issues for Ethereum mass adoption. The second of them, which we will tackle in this chapter, is scalability. The Ethereum network, as it is today, can handle about 15 transactions per second – and this throughput must be shared among all Ethereum applications globally. This has led to single applications cluttering the entire network due to a spike in their usage to the point of rendering all dapps unusable for brief periods. In this chapter, we will introduce state channels and sidechains, two of the most widely used scalability solutions.

What is Layer 2?

The Ethereum blockchain can be seen as a single global database, replicated across every node in the network, that needs to process every single transaction sent. This alone, without even considering block propagation times or proofs-of-work, already imposes a cap on the volume of transactions that can be processed.

The core limitation is that public blockchains like ethereum require every transaction to be processed by every single node in the network. (...) This is by design — it’s part of what makes public blockchains authoritative. Nodes don’t have to rely on someone else to tell them what the current state of the blockchain is. (...) This puts a fundamental limit on ethereum’s transaction throughput: it cannot be higher than what we are willing to require from an individual node.

—Josh Stark, “Making Sense of Ethereum’s Layer 2 Scaling Solutions: State Channels, Plasma, and Truebit”1

But what if we do not require every transaction to be run through the whole network? For instance, a set of transactions, run between a small group of participants, could be processed on a separate network. And only after a certain period the resulting balances could be uploaded to the main Ethereum network.

These parallel (or side) networks require certain security guarantees – otherwise, we could just use a regular database. The key here is that these networks can rely on the main network to act as a secure decentralized base layer, on top of which new consensus mechanisms are built. Hence, these scalability solutions are said to belong to a layer 2, since they are not built as part of the Ethereum protocol itself, but rather on top of it. Today, there are three main types of layer 2 solutions:
  • Channels are short-lived closed networks, typically between two participants, where they exchange multiple transactions between each other. Each party must acknowledge every transaction by signing it. To open the channel, they first must make a deposit on a smart contract on the Ethereum network. This contract can then validate their signatures to execute the payouts when needed.

  • Sidechains are parallel networks that use a different consensus algorithm than the main network, such as proof of authority or stake. These are usually bridged to the main network, allowing users to move assets between the sidechain and the main chain. A variant of sidechains are plasma chains, in which the good behavior of the sidechain can be fully enforced by a smart contract on the main network.

  • External computation solutions do not provide a higher transaction throughput, but they do allow for more interesting tasks to be performed in each transaction. They run computing-intensive tasks outside the main network, tasks that would be prohibitively expensive to run on the EVM, and then inject the result back.

In this chapter, we will explore the first two solutions. Today there are several teams working on implementations or new variations of each of them. We will mention some of them along the way, but not without making our own attempts at each solution first.2


Channels are a family of layer 2 scalability solutions that span many different variants from unidirectional payment channels to counterfactual generalized state channels. They can also be extrapolated to full channel networks instead of isolated peer-to-peer solutions.

We will begin with payment channels.3 In payment channels, two or more participants open a channel by making an initial deposit on the main network and then perform multiple payments off-chain over the channel. These payments are then settled trustlessly on a smart contract on the main network.

Unidirectional Payment Channels

The easiest variant of payment channels are unidirectional payment channels. Here, there are two distinct parties involved: a recipient and a sender. These are usually a provider that collects multiple payments in exchange for a service provided over time and a user performing these payments. A good example of this is a player performing microtransactions in a game.

How do Channels Work?

Let’s suppose a scenario where a user needs to make several small purchases to a service provider. It does not matter what the service provider is offering, only that the user will need to perform multiple payments to the same recipient over a period of time and that the provider needs a proof of each small payment to continue providing the service.

If each and every one of these small payments is done as a transaction on the blockchain, the accumulated transaction gas fees would probably become considerable against the actual payments. Paying a 20-cent fee to the network for each 20-cent payment is not a good deal. Furthermore, since the service provider requires a proof after each payment, the confirmation times would constantly add significant delays to the service.

A solution could be to have a trusted third party collect a large initial deposit from the user and monitor the service being provided. The user then signs each of these microtransactions with their private key, acknowledging each of the payments to be made. After all micropayments have been made, the third party issues a single on-chain transaction that includes the total payout to the service provider and returns the remainder of the initial deposit to the user. Assuming both the user and the service provider trust this party, this can reduce all micropayments to just two transactions on the network: one for the deposit and the other for the payout.

A unidirectional payment channel is an implementation of this solution using a smart contract as the trusted third party. The user is said to open a payment channel to the service provider as they deploy the payment channel contract with the initial deposit. The user sends each micropayment as a signed message directly to the service provider. These messages are not sent on the Ethereum network, but entirely off-chain via a separate protocol, such as HTTPS. When the service provider wants to cash out, they can submit the signed messages to the payment channel contract and collect their payments (Figure 8-1).
Figure 8-1

Flow diagram of a payment channel. The user first opens the channel with an initial 1 ETH deposit. Every time the user needs to make a micropayment to the service provider, they instead sign a message with the accumulated amount to be paid and send it off-chain. When the provider wants to cash out, they submit the latest signed message to the contract and receive their payout

Within a payment channel, most transactions happen completely off-chain, being sent directly from the user to the recipient. This is why channels are considered a layer 2 solution, built on top of the main Ethereum network, the layer 1, while inheriting many of its security properties.

Channels have some very interesting advantages over layer 1. After a channel has been opened, any transaction sent through it has no gas fees, and once sent, they can also be considered to be instantly finalized, since there is no need to wait for any blocks to be mined to confirm it. Additionally, since transactions are exchanged within the two participants, they are entirely private until they are submitted to the blockchain.

Implementing a Unidirectional Channel

To illustrate how a unidirectional payment channel works, we will implement one from scratch (Listing 8-1). Our payment channel will have a sender and a recipient, will hold the initial deposit by the sender, and will have a predetermined end time. After this specified end time, if the recipient has not collected their payment, the sender is allowed to withdraw the deposit. This mechanism is required to prevent the user deposit to be locked into the contract forever, if the service provider never submits the payment messages.
// contracts/PaymentChannel.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/cryptography/ECDSA.sol";
contract PaymentChannel {
  using ECDSA for bytes32;
  address payable sender;
  address payable recipient;
  uint256 endTime;
  bool closed;
    address payable _recipient, uint256 _endTime
  ) public payable {
    sender = msg.sender;
    recipient = _recipient;
    endTime = _endTime;
Listing 8-1

Definition, state variables, and constructor for the unidirectional payment channel contract. We will be using the ECDSA library from [email protected] to verify the signatures on the contract. Note that the constructor is payable, so the sender can make the initial deposit upon deployment

Since most transactions in a payment channel occur off-chain, we will need to implement only two methods. The first method, close, will be called by the service provider to submit the sender’s signature with the payout, collect their funds, and close the channel (Listing 8-2).


We will require that the sender always signs messages for the total to be paid out to the recipient. This allows us to just submit a single signed message to the contract, instead of having to process multiple ones.

This method will only be callable by the recipient to prevent the sender from trying to prematurely close the channel with a message signed by them with zero value. Also, since the sender could sign a message for a total value greater than the deposit present in the channel, we need to limit the value transferred to the contract’s balance. It is up to the recipient to decide whether they will accept a payment note for more value than can be actually paid by the channel.4

After the payout to the recipient is done, all the remainder of the deposit is returned to the sender. Since the channel contract is of no further use at this point, we also destroy the contract to get a small gas refund.
// contracts/PaymentChannel.sol
function close(
  uint256 value, bytes memory signature
) public {
  require(msg.sender == recipient);
  bytes32 hash = keccak256(
    abi.encodePacked(value, address(this))
  address signer = hash.recover(signature);
  require(signer == sender);
  uint256 funds = address(this).balance;
  recipient.transfer(funds < value ? funds : value);
  selfdestruct(sender); // destroys contract, sending funds to sender
Listing 8-2

Closing the payment channel by the recipient. This requires submitting a signed message by the sender with the value to be transferred. Note that the signed message also includes the address of the contract to prevent replay attacks on other channels with the same sender

The second function to implement will correspond to the unhappy path, in which the recipient never calls the close function, and the sender terminates the contract after the predetermined end period (Listing 8-3).
// contracts/PaymentChannel.sol
function forceClose() public {
  require(now > endTime);
  require(msg.sender == sender);
Listing 8-3

Forcefully closing the channel by the sender to recover the deposit if the recipient never cashes out

This implementation can be modified to exchange ERC20 tokens instead of ETH, thus opening the door to token payment channels. Instead of making an initial deposit of ETH, the sender must transfer ERC20 tokens to the channel contract as a deposit. These tokens are then transferred again once the channel is closed. Refer to TokenPaymentChannel.sol in the code samples for an implementation.

Building a Payments App

We will now use our contract to build a simple application, where a sender can set up a payment channel contract with a recipient, send multiple micropayments via a direct off-chain connection, and eventually settle. As in previous chapters, we will use create-react-app for boilerplate.

To keep the application simple, we will establish a connection between two browser windows opened on the same app in the same computer, one of them acting as a sender and the other as receiver. We will use broadcast channels5 to pass messages between the two browser windows. In a real app, you will want to use a different method, such as WebRTC data channels,6 along with a server to manage discovery among your users.

We will make another simplification: instead of using Metamask, we will manage the accounts directly from the web application. This is to avoid difficulties with simulating two different accounts interacting with the same app on the same computer. We will call directly into ganache for sending transactions from both the sender and recipient accounts and for signing messages when needed.

Our application will be built out of two main views: one for the sender and one for the recipient, both set up by a root App component. It will be the App’s responsibility to set up the web3 object and inject the sender and recipient addresses into the components. Refer to src/App.js in the code samples for its implementation.

Let’s start with the Sender view. It will be the sender’s responsibility to open the channel by deploying the smart contract and making the initial deposit (Listing 8-4). When this is done, we will notify the recipient via the broadcast channel. We will communicate using a custom protocol where we identify different message types by an action parameter, with a value of CHANNEL_DEPLOYED in this case.
// src/components/Sender.js
async deployChannel(deposit) {
  const { web3, sender, recipient } = this.props;
  // Deploy the contract and transfer initial deposit
  const from = sender;
  const endTime = +(new Date()) +(300 * 1000); // 5 min from now
  const channel = await PaymentChannel(web3)
    .deploy({ arguments: [recipient, endTime] })
    .send({ value: deposit.toString(), from, gas: 1e6 });
  // Notify the recipient via the broadcast channel
  const address = channel.options.address;
    action: "CHANNEL_DEPLOYED", address
  // Update sender state with deposit and channel object
  this.setState({ channel, deposit, sent: BN(0) });
Listing 8-4

Sender component function to deploy the payment channel contract, fund it, and notify the recipient of its deployment. The App component passes the web3 instance and the sender and recipient addresses as props. Here, PaymentChannel is a function that returns a new web3 contract instance, and BN is a BigNumber constructor

We will wire this function to a simple form (Figure 8-2), where we ask the user to choose the amount of ETH they want to deposit on the channel.
Figure 8-2

Simple payment channel deployment form. The code for this form can be found in src/components/CreateChannel.js

Once the channel is deployed, our user should be able to send micropayments to the recipient7 (Listing 8-5). This means signing messages (not sending transactions) that include the total amount of ETH to be paid out to the recipient once the channel is closed. These messages are sent to the recipient via the same broadcast channel using a different action identifier.
// src/components/Sender.js
async sendEth(value) {
  const { web3, sender } = this.props;
  const { sent, channel } = this.state;
  // Calculate new accumulated ETH sent
  const newSent = sent.plus(value);
  // Sign it with the sender's key
  const signature = await signPayment(
    web3, newSent, channel.options.address, sender
  // Send the message to the recipient
    action: "PAYMENT", sent: newSent.toString(), signature
  // Update state with new total accumulated ETH sent
  this.setState({ sent: newSent });
Listing 8-5

Sender function to send a micropayment to the recipient. Each message carries the total amount of ETH to be paid out. The component needs to keep track of the total sent so far, so the micropayment amount chosen by the user is added to that value before being signed and sent

The signature is calculated on the hash of the total value to pay and the channel’s address (Listing 8-6). Including the channel’s address in the signature prevents replay attacks, that is, reusing the same message in another channel opened by the same user.
// src/contracts/PaymentChannel.js
async function signPayment(web3, value, address, sender) {
  const hash = web3.utils.soliditySha3(
    { type: 'uint256', value: value.toString() },
    { type: 'address', value: address }
  const signature = await web3.eth.sign(hash, sender);
  return signature;
Listing 8-6

Signing each micropayment message using web38

Similar to the channel deployment, this action is presented to the user in a simple form where they choose the amount to transfer (Figure 8-3). We can also show some basic stats on the channel, such as its address, the total deposit, and how much ETH has been committed so far.
Figure 8-3

Presenting the user the channel information and requesting the value to send via the channel. The code for these components can be found in src/components/ChannelStats.js and src/components/SendEther.js


For the sake of brevity, we will skip the implementation of the forceClose call by the sender in this example.

We can now turn our focus to the recipient view. Within our app, the recipient needs to do nothing but monitor the sender’s actions until they decide to cash out. We will first install a listener for the sender’s messages to react upon them (Listing 8-7), calling different functions depending on the message action (Listing 8-8).
// src/components/Recipient.js
const bc = new BroadcastChannel('payments');
bc.onmessage = (evt) => this.handleMessage(evt.data);
this.broadcastChannel = bc;
Listing 8-7

Initializing a new broadcast channel for receiving messages from the sender and adding an event handler. This code is part of the Recipient component constructor

// src/components/Recipient.js
handleMessage(data) {
  const action = data.action;
  switch (action) {
    case "PAYMENT":
      console.error("Unexpected message", data);
Listing 8-8

Delegating to different handler functions, discriminating on the message action

Let’s see first how the recipient should react to a new channel deployed (Listing 8-9). Besides updating its own state by adding a reference to the channel, the recipient should inspect the channel’s deposit to know up to how much the sender is able to pay. The recipient should also check that the contract deployed is indeed a payment channel. We can do that by checking that the bytecode deployed matches the code of the channel (Listing 8-10).
// src/components/Recipient.js
async onChannelDeployed(data) {
  const { web3 } = this.props;
  if (!await checkBytecode(web3, data.address)) {
    console.error("Contract bytecode does not match");
  const deposit = await web3.eth.getBalance(data.address);
    channel: PaymentChannel(web3, data.address),
    deposit: BN(deposit),
    received: BN(0)
Listing 8-9

Recipient reacts to a new channel deployed by validating it, retrieving its deposit, and updating its own state. Here, PaymentChannel is a function that returns a web3 contract instance at the specified address

// src/components/Recipient.js
async function checkBytecode(web3, address) {
  const actual = await web3.eth.getCode(address);
  const { compilerOutput } = Artifact;
  const expected = compilerOutput.evm.deployedBytecode.object;
  return actual === expected;
Listing 8-10

Checking the bytecode deployed at an address against the one in the contract compiled Artifact. Note that we check against the deployedBytecode of the contract, not the bytecode, since the latter includes the constructor code that is not saved in the blockchain

The other message the recipient has to process is a payment message. Here, we need to validate the sender’s signature and update the recipient state with the latest value transferred (Listing 8-11). We also need to save the associated signature, as we will need it to close the channel.
// src/components/Recipient.js
onPaymentReceived(data) {
  const sent = BN(data.sent);
  const received = this.state.received;
  if (this.verifyMessage(data) && sent.gt(received)) {
      received: sent,
      signature: data.signature
verifyMessage(data) {
  const { web3, sender } = this.props;
  const { channel } = this.state;
  const signer = recoverPayment(
    web3, data.sent, channel.options.address, data.signature
  return areAddressesEqual(signer, sender);
Listing 8-11

Recipient reacts to a payment message, updating the total ETH received and the corresponding signature. Validating each message implies recovering the signing address and checking it against the sender, since an invalid signature would yield a different signer address. We also discard any messages with a total payment less than the latest total

Recovering the sender’s signature can then be implemented using the recover method from the web3 library (Listing 8-12).
// src/contracts/PaymentChannel.js
function recoverPayment(web3, value, address, signature) {
  const hash = web3.utils.soliditySha3(
    { type: 'uint256', value: value.toString() },
    { type: 'address', value: address }
  return web3.eth.accounts.recover(hash, signature);
Listing 8-12

Helper function to recover the signer of a payment message. Note that the hash over which the signature is recovered is calculated exactly like in the signPayment method

The recipient is shown the current state of the channel, the total ETH received, as well as the option to close the channel at any time (Figure 8-4).
Figure 8-4

Recipient interface with information on current balance and channel stats, including how much ETH has been sent via the channel

The last step to implement on the recipient is closing the channel by sending a transaction to the channel contract with the latest value and signature (Listing 8-13). This settles all micropayments by sending the accumulated value to the recipient and the remainder of the deposit back to the sender.
// src/components/Recipient.js
async closeChannel() {
  const { web3, recipient } = this.props;
  const { channel, signature, received } = this.state;
  // Send closing transaction
  await channel.methods.close(
    received.toString(), signature
  ).send({ from: recipient });
  // Update the recipient's balance
  const balance = BN(await web3.eth.getBalance(recipient));
  this.setState({ channel: null, balance });
Listing 8-13

Closing the channel by the recipient using the latest value and signature sent by the sender

After this method is called, the channel contract should be destroyed, and the recipient should have received the sum of all micropayments made by the sender.

Now that we have a working application built on top of unidirectional payment channels, it’s time to move into more interesting flavors of channels.

Bidirectional Payment Channels

Another scenario for payment channels is that of two equal parties exchanging funds between each other. Instead of having a distinguished sender and a recipient, both participants in the channel can send and receive funds.

This symmetry in the participants’ roles makes the channel implementation more difficult. Which of the two participants should be allowed to close the channel in this model? Since they are equals, they both should be allowed to do so, but this introduces a problem.

Let’s say Alice and Bob are exchanging microtransactions. At some point, Bob sends a very large payment through the channel to Alice, but before she can cash out, he submits an old message to the channel and closes it. The problem then is that a malicious participant can attempt to close the channel at an older state when it is convenient for them (Figure 8-5).
Figure 8-5

Bidirectional payment channel scenario in which Bob attempts to close the channel with an older state, in detriment of Alice

Challenge Periods

This situation is solved by adding a challenge period to the closure of the channel. When Bob requests the channel to be closed, it goes into a “closing” state for a fixed period of time. During this period, Alice can either confirm the closure of the channel, or she can submit a more recent state and start a new closing period (Figure 8-6).

If she fails to send any transaction to the channel during the challenge period, then the channel is closed and the payouts executed according to the state submitted by Bob. This last case is the equivalent of the recipient not submitting a message and having the sender run a forced close. So, adding a challenge period removes the need for having a predefined end time for the channel.


Challenge periods are a very common mechanism in layer 2 solutions, not just channels, as we will see later in this chapter. These allow an action to be carried away unilaterally without having to collect confirmations from every other party, but still let them watch for unlawful behavior and act upon it.

This mechanism requires the smart contract to recognize when a message is more recent than another. In other words, it requires adding a notion of ordering to the messages interchanged by Alice and Bob. In the previous example, this allows the channel to be able to verify that Alice’s message is more recent than Bob’s and hence discard Bob’s in favor of Alice’s.

This ordering is handled within the protocol by adding a counter or nonce to each message, which is increased with each message sent. Both parties should validate that the nonce is properly increased on each message: if one receives a signed message with a repeated nonce, they should immediately discard it.
Figure 8-6

Continuation of the previous scenario. Alice sees that Bob attempted to submit an older state and submits S2 in response. After the challenge period ends, the contract executes the payouts according to the most recent state submitted, S2

These challenge mechanics have an important drawback: parties in the channel cannot be offline for any longer than the length of the challenge period. In our Alice and Bob example, if the channel has a challenge period of a few hours, Bob could just submit the state that is convenient for him while Alice is offline, so when she comes back online, the channel would already be closed. On the other hand, extremely long challenge periods can lead to locked deposits for long periods of time, if Bob attempts to rightfully close the channel and Alice never accepts the closure. Choosing the correct challenge period will depend heavily on the use case where the channel is deployed.


As a complement to channels, there are watchtower services that can monitor a channel on behalf of the user in case they go offline and their counterpart attempts to unlawfully close the channel. These providers may demand a fee in exchange for their services proportional to the value locked in the channel.

A Sample Exchange

To ensure incentives are aligned, Alice signs messages where the balance changes in favor of Bob and the other way around. A sample scenario, where both start with a deposit of 1 ETH, could be the following:
  • Alice signs 0.4 ETH by signing balances (0.6, 1.4)9 with nonce 1.

  • Bob signs 0.3 ETH by signing balances (0.9, 1.1) with nonce 2.

  • Alice signs 0.1 ETH by signing balances (0.8, 1.2) with nonce 3.

  • Alice signs 0.1 ETH by signing balances (0.7, 1.3) with nonce 4.

Let’s go through some possible scenarios based on this set of messages:
  • When the exchange ends, Bob rightfully picks the latest message signed by Alice and uses it to close the channel. Note that it never makes sense for him to pick nonce 3 over 4, since 4 has a balance more beneficial to him, as it corresponds to a payment made by Alice.

  • Bob never signs another message and never closes the channel. In response, Alice uploads the last message that was beneficial to her: the last one signed by Bob (nonce 2). She has no reason to submit any of the more recent ones where she performs additional payments. Alternatively, she could also attempt to close the channel as if no messages were exchanged.

  • Alice maliciously uploads the message with nonce 2 to try to close the channel. Bob should immediately submit a more recent message, preferably the one with nonce 4.

  • Bob maliciously attempts to close the channel with the message with nonce 1, where the balance was most in his favor. Then, Alice should submit the message with nonce 2 in response, as it is a more beneficial situation to her. This takes us to the previous scenario, where Bob should submit nonce 4.

As we can see, by signing a message with increasing nonce with each micropayment, participants are then incentivized to always submit the latest message signed by their counterparty. This leads to the most recent message being used to close the channel.

Implementing a Bidirectional Channel

We will now implement a sample bidirectional state channel (Listing 8-14). In our implementation, any user can request the channel’s closure by providing a signed message by the other user. The payouts can then be executed either when the other party confirms it or when the challenge period ends.

Our channel will keep track of the balance of each user, initialized to the deposit that each of them made. The channel is created by one of the users and then joined by the second as they make their own deposit.10
contract BidirectionalPaymentChannel {
  using ECDSA for bytes32;
  uint256 constant closePeriod = 1 days;
  address payable user1;
  address payable user2;
  uint256 balance1;
  uint256 balance2;
  uint256 lastNonce;
  uint256 closeTime;
  address closeRequestedBy;
  constructor(address payable _user2) public payable {
    balance1 = msg.value;
    user1 = msg.sender;
    user2 = _user2;
  function join() public payable {
    require(msg.sender == user2 && balance2 == 0);
    balance2 = msg.value;
Listing 8-14

Contract variables and initialization functions of our bidirectional state channel implementation. We are using the same ECDSA library as in the unidirectional implementation

Having the setup ready, we can now look into the close function of our contract (Listing 8-15). This function is similar to the one from the unidirectional channel, in that it validates the user’s signature over the state. However, instead of executing the payout on the spot, it starts the challenge (or closing) period.
function closeWithState(
  uint256 newBalance1, uint256 newBalance2,
  uint256 nonce, bytes memory signature
) public {
  // Check that sender is a user, state is sound, and
  // the nonce is increased in case of a challenge
  require(msg.sender == user1 || msg.sender == user2);
  require(nonce > lastNonce);
  require(newBalance1 + newBalance2 == address(this).balance);
  // Validate that the signature belongs to the other user
  bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
    newBalance1, newBalance2, nonce, address(this)
  address signer = hash.recover(signature);
  require(signer == user1 || signer == user2);
  require(signer != msg.sender);
  // Update balances, nonce, and start a challenge period
  balance1 = newBalance1;
  balance2 = newBalance2;
  lastNonce = nonce;
  closeRequestedBy = msg.sender;
  closeTime = now;
Listing 8-15

Closing function for the bidirectional state channel. It can be called by any of the participants, as long as they submit a message signed by the other user, with a more recent nonce than the last one submitted (if there was one)

Now we need to add a function to actually close the channel, callable either by the user who did not start the closure in the first place or after the challenge period ended (Listing 8-16).
function confirmClose() public {
  require(msg.sender == user1 || msg.sender == user2);
  bool challengeEnded = closeTime != 0
    && closeTime + closePeriod > now;
  require(closeRequestedBy != msg.sender || challengeEnded);
Listing 8-16

Effectively closing a bidirectional payment channel and executing the payouts


We are using send instead of transfer in confirmClose to protect against an attack. If user2 is a contract account instead of an EOA, it can be coded to revert on every incoming transaction. This would make it impossible for user1 to ever close the channel and recover the initial deposit, since the transfer call to user2 would fail, and revert the entire transaction. By using send, the sending of ETH may fail, but the close is allowed to succeed.

Our implementation needs one last function to be complete. In case one of the users never signed any messages, the other needs to be able to request a closure, transferring the initial deposits back to each user (Listing 8-17). Otherwise, the funds of the user who created the channel in the first place could end up locked for good.
function close() public {
  require(msg.sender == user1 || msg.sender == user2);
  require(closeTime == 0);
  closeRequestedBy = msg.sender;
  closeTime = now;
Listing 8-17

Starting a channel closure from the initial state

Note that any user could still call closeWithState after close, in case a party maliciously attempted to close the channel on the initial state.

Optimizations and Extensions

The implementations we have reviewed so far of payment channels are relatively simple, but there is much room for improvement:
  • One possible optimization is having a single contract for managing all channels. Instead of deploying one contract per channel, each channel is actually a struct stored in a single payment channel contract. This greatly reduces the cost of creating a new channel, but at the expense of added complexity. Furthermore, it centralizes the funds of all participants in a single contract, opening the door for bugs that could let an attacker drain the funds from all channels simultaneously.

  • Channels could also be modified to be reused. In our implementations, we required the channel to be closed to execute the payouts, but we could leave the channel open after a payout is executed. This allows for part of the funds to be withdrawn to be used in other applications, without having to destroy the channel contract.

  • In the case of bidirectional channels, channel closure can be optimized by adding a special message, signed by both users, that signals the agreed finalization at a certain state. This message can be uploaded by any participant and does not require either a second transaction to confirm the closure or going through the challenge period.

  • An interesting extension to channels is to increase the number of participants. While in all of our examples we explore peer-to-peer channels with two members, a larger number of users can be involved. Coordination may become more complex as the number of users increase, since messages may be required to be signed by several participants in the channel to be considered valid.

State Channels

Payment channels can be seen as a specific case of a more general class of channels called state channels . Instead of having two parties exchanging signed messages regarding the state of balance to be paid out, state channels allow users to exchange messages regarding any state.

As an example, a simple game could be carried over a state channel. The players can sign messages on the state of the game, such as the placement of the pieces in a board. Moving a piece is done by sending signed messages with the move or the new configuration of the board.

State channels typically involve an initial deposit and a payout, much like payment channels. The conditions that rule the payout are defined by a game and can be enforced on-chain by a smart contract.

Coding a Game into a State Channel

Turn-based games are an excellent use case for a state channel, since they have some useful properties. For one, all of the game state can be safely exchanged between messages and processed on-chain if needed. Also, at any point in time, it is well-defined which player should play next, and there can be no disputes regarding who made a move first. Furthermore, the game’s state is all that is needed to resolve a challenge, as they do not depend on any external state.11

Let’s use the tic-tac-toe game as an example. The state can be defined as a 3x3 matrix with three possible values per cell: circle, cross, or empty. The rules of the game are easy to encode, as well as the winning (or draw) conditions.

Here, players will exchange messages with their moves, which can only be placing down one of their tokens. However, unlike in payment channels, each move (i.e., each message) is beneficial to the player who plays (signs) it and not to the recipient. This poses a major shift in mechanics: a player is no longer incentivized to post the latest state submitted by their opponent, but the last move made by themselves. Let’s see an example:
  • Alice plays X in the center, so she signs a message with only an X in the center and nonce 1, and sends it to Bob.

  • Bob plays O in mid-right, signs with nonce 2, and sends it to Alice.

  • Alice plays X in top-right, signs with nonce 3, and sends it to Bob.

  • Bob plays O in mid-left, signs with nonce 4, and sends it to Alice.

  • Alice wins playing X in bottom-left, signs it with nonce 5, and sends it to Bob.

The board would then look like the following, with subscripts noting the turn when each move was done:







After the last step, Bob should sign the message received by Alice and send it back to her, so she can upload it on-chain and claim her prize. However, if Bob was a sore loser, he could refuse to do so. In that case, Alice must be able to just upload the last state signed by Bob (4) on-chain, along with her winning move, and have the state channel verify that she has won. Note that this requires that the state channel must be able to verify that her move is indeed a valid and winning move.

Bob could also simply stall the game. For instance, when he receives message 3 from Alice, as he notices that he is going to lose the game, he could choose to stop playing. In this scenario, Alice must be able to go on-chain with the last state signed by Bob (2), along with her following move (3), and challenge Bob to move. If he does not respond on-chain within an allotted time, then the state channel should declare Alice winner. Here, we are using challenge periods not just for closures but also for enforcing moves.

As we said, the state channel must be able to verify that a move is valid on-chain. Let’s see a scenario where this need becomes clear: instead of stalling as he receives winning message 5 from Alice, Bob decides to ignore that message. He then challenges her to move on-chain with a spurious state. He takes Alice’s previous signed state (3) and submits a new state to the contract with the following invalid board:







If the state channel contract were not able to verify that his move is invalid (he changed the location of X3), then Alice would be forced to respond on-chain with a move on top of this invalid board.


An alternative to having the state channel contract validate every transition is to have it accept all transitions by default, but accept proofs that a certain move was invalid. In some cases, verifying a proof that a transition is invalid can be much easier than verifying the transition itself. Chess is a good example: verifying checkmate can be prohibitively expensive in terms of gas usage. A way around this is allowing any player to claim checkmate and have the opponent prove that it is not the case by submitting any valid move.12 This pattern is simply another form of challenge-response and follows the motto “verify, don’t compute” of smart contracts.

State channels are then inherently more complex than regular payment channels, since they require the logic of the game being played to verify state transitions.


Most of the optimizations described for payment channels also apply to state channels. For instance, it could be possible to run multiple instances of a game between two participants over a state channel, without requiring to close and open a new channel every time a rematch is desired. Also, a state channel could be set up so its deposits are ERC20 or even non-fungible ERC721 tokens - imagine a representing a trophy as a digital collectible!

Generalized State Channels

As we have seen, a state channel for a given game has two main responsibilities: managing the channel itself and validating the game’s transitions. This makes implementations more convoluted, as the logic for both responsibilities is intertwined. It also makes state channel contracts more expensive, as they need to include the logic on both the channel and the game.

This has led to the development of generalized state channels frameworks. Generalized state channels are channels that manage the users’ deposits and allow new games or applications to be progressively installed on the channel. This effectively decouples the state channel logic from the application logic.

Generalized state channels move all of the on-chain stateful components for blockchain applications off-chain. Rather than require each application developer to build an entire state channel architecture from scratch, a generalized state channel generalized framework is one where state is deposited once and then be used by any application or set of applications afterwards.

—Jeff Coleman, Liam Horne, and Li Xuanji, “Counterfactual: Generalized State Channels”13

This opens the door to a new level of channel reuse. Users can now play multiple instances of a game and even play multiple different games over the same channel, thus creating several subchannels within a single channel. Furthermore, we can build dependencies between these subchannels, such as triggering a payment channel only upon the resolution of a set of game subchannels.

Generalized state channel solutions are heavily under development by different teams, though there is work toward a common standard to provide some degree of interoperability among them. Several of these implementations, such as the one from the Counterfactual team, rely on the concept of counterfactual actions. Here, the term counterfactual is used to refer to an action that any participant in the channel could take on-chain but it is actually not and causes participants to act as if it had actually happened.14 Let’s see what this means.

In our tic-tac-toe state channel, we could say that Alice has counterfactually won if there is a state signed by both Alice and Bob with her winning the game. Both players know that any of them can submit the winning state to the smart contract on-chain to trigger the payouts at any time. However, they can also decide to keep playing a second match, knowing that Alice has already won the first and that it can be taken on-chain whenever needed. In other words, players are dealing with counterfactual state.

Applications in a generalized state channel can be counterfactually installed: if all participants play nicely and a dispute never arises, then the application contract never needs to be actually created, and the entire game can be resolved off-chain. This is also known as counterfactual instantiation of a contract: a contract that could be deployed, but it is not.

The fact that any player can go on-chain and enforce a certain action is enough to promote good off-chain behavior – as long as it is complemented with a set of penalizations for malicious players who force their opponents to waste gas going on-chain.

All in all, counterfactual generalized state channels provide an interesting framework that minimizes the number of on-chain actions and thus reduces the latency and gas fees that are incurred every time an action must be carried out on the Ethereum network. As an additional benefit, they also provide a layer of privacy over the participants’ actions: if no transactions except for the deposit and payouts are taken on-chain, then only the participants know what messages were exchanged via the state channel.

Channel Networks

Channels are useful solutions when it comes to settling payments or state within a fixed small set of participants (typically two). However, the solution falls short when we want to connect a dynamic set of members: for each user we want to transact with, we would need to go on-chain and open a new channel.

To solve this problem, there are protocols for establishing virtual channels between two peers, which leverage a path of channels that goes through multiple intermediaries. This effectively creates a network built from point-to-point connections, where any participant can connect to another as long as there is a valid path between the two, much like the Internet itself.


This section covers topics currently under heavy research and in ongoing development. Use it as a starting point to run your own up-to-date research if you are considering building on top of a state channel network.

The easiest construction in networks comes once again from Bitcoin, which is multi-hop payment channels. This method allows to securely route payments through one or more intermediaries. For instance, Alice could send payments to an intermediary Ingrid with whom she has a payment channel set up and have Ingrid relay them to Bob (assuming that Ingrid had a channel with Bob as well). Due to how these channels are set up,15 Ingrid has no way to take these funds for herself.

This type of channels leads directly to a simple and effective network layout, a hub-and-spoke channel network, where multiple clients connect to a single hub that acts as an intermediary for all of them. This way, setting up a single channel with the hub allows a user to transact with anyone else on the network. On the other hand, it has the downside of being centralized and requiring the hub to be available.

There are also several projects working on more interesting network layouts, such as the Raiden Network,16 inspired by Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. The ultimate goal for these networks is to allow for any two participants to establish a shared channel, usually called a virtual channel or metachannel , in a trustless manner. These need not to be just payment channels, but can be full generalized state channels, and can potentially run without active participation of the intermediaries on every exchange.


At their most basic version, a sidechain is a parallel Ethereum network that potentially runs a different consensus algorithm, such as proof-of-authority, and is connected to the main network by a bridge. Working on smaller sizes allows sidechains to achieve much higher throughputs than the main Ethereum network.


While it is technically possible for a sidechain to use proof-of-work, this is highly insecure. Remember that proof-of-work relies on an attacker being unable to produce more computing power than the rest of the network. Since sidechains tend to be small compared to the main network, their difficulty is also comparatively low, which makes it easier for an attacker to mount an attack on them. This is why most sidechains work with a closed set of miners or validators.

Proof of Authority

In proof-of-authority, or PoA for short, there is a predefined set of nodes that act as validators for the blocks being added to the network. Validators are the PoA equivalent of miners in PoW, in that they add new blocks. Every certain number of seconds, each of these validators, taking turns, proposes a new block. These blocks are broadcasted to the other validators and need to be approved by a majority of them to be added to the blockchain. The set of validators can be changed over time, with some validators being voted out and new ones allowed into the set.

How the blocks are broadcasted, approved, and agreed upon depends on the specific consensus algorithm being used. Though there are many different consensus algorithms, such as Clique,17 Aura,18 Raft,19 or Istanbul BFT,20 they all share the same basic scheme outlined previously. Different algorithms may offer different guarantees against malicious actors or nodes dropping from the network, as well as different performance.

Another component of a sidechain is the connection to a main network, often called bridge . A bridge is a mechanism for users to move their assets between the main chain and the sidechain. As an example, a simple bridge could allow users to move their assets in a specific ERC20 from the main network to a sidechain by having the users lock their funds in a specific mainnet contract. Sidechain validators watch this contract and create the corresponding funds in the sidechain whenever they register a user locking funds on the main chain. We will implement this mechanism later in this chapter.

Security and Trust

The security of a vanilla PoA sidechain depends entirely on its validators. If a majority of them collude, they can effectively steal all user funds locked in the sidechain. Because of this, it is critical that the set of validators is composed of multiple different parties and are not all controlled by a single organization. A user should trust a PoA network only if he or she trusts a majority of the validator nodes.

To disincentivize malicious behavior like this, some networks rely on proof-of-stake instead of proof-of-authority. In this scheme, the validator nodes are required to deposit (stake) a large amount of funds. If it is proven that they acted maliciously, then their stake is slashed as a penalty - though how this slashing is executed is another matter.

It is important that the value a validator could gain by attacking the network is less than what he would lose in stake in order to keep the incentives in line. There are currently different approaches to proof-of-stake. However, from a user’s perspective, the experience is very similar to operating in a proof-of-authority network.


Given that malicious validators may steal funds from users, the security guarantees from the sidechain are poorer than those of the main chain. This fact makes sidechains not to be considered layer 2 solutions under certain definitions. Nevertheless, there are constructs (such as Plasma, which we will see later) that allow the user to safeguard their assets by calling unlawful validator behavior on a main network contract.

Deploying Our Own Chain

To illustrate how a PoA network works,21 we will manually set one up using the Geth Ethereum node client.22 While Geth can run in the proof-of-work main Ethereum network, it can also be configured to run in PoA networks that use the Clique consensus algorithm (such as the Rinkeby testnet) and act as a validator node.

Let’s start by setting up three miner nodes, which will all run on the same computer. We will first create new accounts for each miner. For convenience, we will use the same password for all accounts, so create a file password.txt containing a random string to be used as password. Then, create the addresses by running the following for each of the three miners, replacing miner1 with miner2 and miner3. Make sure the password.txt file is in the path where the command is run.
$ geth --datadir miner1 --password password.txt account new
> Address: {8305ccac...58269a7d}

You should get three different addresses, which we will set up as the validators of this network (make sure to note them down). We will now create a genesis for our network. The genesis is the configuration for the network and will include which is the set of authorized validators, the consensus engine, the initial balances, the block gas limit, and so on. In geth, this information is compiled into a JSON configuration file which is used to bootstrap each node.

Geth includes a tool named puppeth that simplifies the creation of such a file. Simply run puppeth in the console, and answer the questions prompted (Listing 8-18). Give your network a name, create a new genesis, use clique proof-of-authority with 5-second blocks, and choose your miners as “accounts allowed to seal.” You should also pick a fourth account to be pre-funded or choose one of the existing validators to hold the initial ETH for your network.
$ puppeth
Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, hyphens or capital letters please)
> mysidechain
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
 1. Show network stats
 2. Configure new genesis
 3. Track new remote server
 4. Deploy network components
> 2
What would you like to do? (default = create)
 1. Create new genesis from scratch
 2. Import already existing genesis
> 1
Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
> 1212
Listing 8-18

Fragment of the Geth puppeth configuration wizard to set up a PoA network with id 1212. You should have a new mysidechain.json genesis file after going through it

Before starting our Geth nodes, we will set up a bootnode. A bootnode is a node in the network whose sole purpose is to aid in the discovery of other nodes. We will use it to simplify the communication between our miner nodes.

To set up a bootnode, we first need to create a boot key and use it to derive the bootnode enode address (Listing 8-19). The enode address is a unique identifier of a node in the decentralized network, followed by the IP address and port where the node can be found. We will then start the bootnode using the generated boot key and have it listen on local port 30100.23
$ bootnode -genkey boot.key
$ bootnode -nodekey boot.key -writeaddress
> c190f2af...ee34b40a
$ bootnode -nodekey boot.key -addr :30100
Listing 8-19

Generating a boot key and running a bootnode


We did not need to use the genesis configuration file for the bootnode, since the bootnode does need any information on whether the network is running a proof of work or authority or who the validators are. It only needs to know where the nodes are to share this information with the network.

Now that we have a bootnode running and a genesis configuration file, it is time to actually start the network. In three different terminals, start the three different Geth validator nodes (Listing 8-20), configured to mine (i.e., seal) new blocks, and expose the JSON-RPC API locally over HTTP.
--datadir miner1
--port 30201
--rpc --rpcaddr localhost --rpcport 12001
--rpcapi 'eth,personal'
--networkid 1212
--gasprice 10000
--unlock 8305ccac...58269a7d
--password password.txt
--bootnodes 'enode://[email protected]:30100'
Listing 8-20

Starting the Geth validator nodes using the genesis configuration and bootnode ID generated earlier. Run this command three times in different terminals, one for each validator, changing the unlocked address, datadir, port, and rpcport

Our network should be now running, sealing a new block every 5 seconds. Take a look at the logs from the three validators to see how they progress.

We can now spin up a new client node and connect to the existing network (Listing 8-21). Remember that even though the set of validators is limited, the network is still public and any node can connect to it. We can use its console to check how the latest block number increases every 5 seconds, running web3.eth.blockNumber.
$ geth
--datadir node1 --port 30204
--rpc --rpcaddr localhost --rpcport 12004
--rpcapi 'eth,personal'
--networkid 1212
--bootnodes 'enode://[email protected]:30100'
Listing 8-21

Spinning a new node to join the network, with a console enabled. Note that we are not authenticating this new node in any way, since the network is public for anyone to join

Let’s now connect this network with an existing one, such as Rinkeby.

Building a Bridge

We will build a simple bridge, exclusively dependent on the validator accounts, using a contract deployed on both the main network and the sidechain, in addition to a script being run by each validator. In this model, the steps for a user moving into a sidechain and later exiting would be the following:
  1. 1.

    The user transfers funds to the bridge contract on mainnet.

  2. 2.

    The bridge contract retains the funds and emits an event.

  3. 3.

    The validators note the event, and each of them calls into the bridge contract on the sidechain side requesting to unlock the same amount of funds.

  4. 4.

    The user gets their funds in the sidechain and uses them to operate there.

  5. 5.

    Once the user wants to exit the sidechain, the same process is repeated by transferring the sidechain funds to the sidechain bridge contract and having the validators unlock them on the mainnet bridge contract.


We will begin by building the bridge contract. This contract will have two main responsibilities: (1) accepting and locking user funds and (2) unlocking them at the request of the validators. Note that we will deploy two instances of the contract, one in each chain. The locking function on one chain will have its counterpart on the unlocking function of the other chain and vice versa.


In this example, we are building a bridge that accepts ETH and dispenses the native currency of the sidechain on the other end. However, we could also build bridges that accept a certain ERC20 token on the main chain or even non-fungible ERC721 assets.

To begin with, the bridge will need to know the validators’ addresses (Listing 8-22). We will also specify how many validators need to agree to release a user’s funds. In our scenario with three validators, we will release the funds with just two of them agreeing in case one of them drops.
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract Bridge {
  uint256 threshold;
  mapping(address => bool) validators;
    uint256 _threshold,
    address[] memory _validators
  ) public payable {
    threshold = _threshold;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _validators.length; i++) {
      validators[_validators[i]] = true;
Listing 8-22

Definition of the bridge contract, which is initialized with the validators’ addresses

Note that we are making the constructor payable. When deploying the contract in the sidechain, we need to seed this contract with the maximum amount of ETH we want to allow our users to transfer from the main network (Rinkeby in this case) to our sidechain, so the contract can unlock those funds when prompted by the validators.

We will now go into the locking function (Listing 8-23), which is quite simple. We need to accept the sender’s funds, allowing them to specify a recipient address on the other end of the bridge, and emit an event. We will assign an autoincremental ID to each locking operation, so the validators can refer to it when unlocking on the other end.
event Locked(uint256 id, uint256 amount, address recipient);
uint256 lastId;
function lock(address recipient) public payable {
  require(msg.value > 0);
  emit Locked(++lastId, msg.value, recipient);
Listing 8-23

Lock function of the bridge contract

Last but not least, we will work on the unlock function (Listing 8-24). This function will be called by the validators on the other end of the bridge. Each validator should authorize unlocking the funds that correspond to a locking operation that happened on the other end. Keep in mind that since there is no on-chain communication between both ends of the bridge, it is the validators responsibility to unlock the correct amount of funds to the address requested by the user.
mapping(uint256 => Request) requests;
struct Request {
  uint256 amount;
  address payable recipient;
  bool paid;
  uint256 approveCount;
  mapping(address => bool) approvedBy;
event Unlocked(uint256 id, uint256 amount, address recipient);
function unlock(
  uint256 id, uint256 amount, address payable recipient
) public {
  Request storage request = requests[id];
  require(request.recipient == address(0)
    || request.recipient == recipient);
  require(request.amount == 0 || request.amount == amount);
  request.approvedBy[msg.sender] = true;
  request.recipient = recipient;
  request.amount = amount;
  if (request.approveCount >= threshold && !request.paid) {
    request.paid = true;
    emit Unlocked(id, amount, recipient);
Listing 8-24

Unlocking function of the token bridge. The first time a validator requests an unlock, we will create a new unlock request and then log an approval every time it is called again. When the required number of approvals is reached, the funds are unlocked


This implementation allows a malicious validator to prevent a user’s funds from being unlocked. The validator could spam the bridge contract with spurious unlock requests for upcoming request IDs. This way, when the honest validators actually try to honor the unlock request, the parameters (such as amount or recipient) will not match and the operation will fail. We will ignore this attack, since the purpose of this bridge is to just illustrate basic usage. Nevertheless, this serves as a reminder that even the most simple implementations may be hiding security issues, and you should always work with reviewed and audited contracts.

We can now deploy this contract on both networks (Listing 8-25), using the set of validators we defined earlier and choosing a required threshold of two approvals for unlocking. Remember to also transfer a large amount of funds to the contract when deploying it on the sidechain, so it has funds to unlock when requested.
const Web3 = require('web3');
const Artifact = require('../artifacts/Bridge.json');
const web3 = new Web3(PROVIDER_URL);
const abi = Artifact.compilerOutput.abi;
const data = Artifact.compilerOutput.evm.bytecode.object;
const Bridge = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, null, { data });
const bridge = await Bridge.deploy({
  from: FROM, gas: 1e6, gasPrice: GAS_PRICE, value: VALUE
console.log("Bridge deployed at", bridge.options.address);
Listing 8-25

Deployment script for the bridge contract. Run this twice with different PROVIDER_URLs: one for the Rinkeby Ethereum network and the other for the sidechain

Finally, we need to set up the watcher scripts that will be run by each validator (Listing 8-26). These scripts will watch the bridge contract in one network for Locked events and execute the corresponding unlock on the other side.
const Web3 = require('web3');
const Artifact = require('../artifacts/Bridge.json');
const abi = Artifact.compilerOutput.abi;
const remoteWeb3 = new Web3(REMOTE_PROVIDER_URL);
const localWeb3 = new Web3(LOCAL_PROVIDER_URL);
const remoteBridge = new remoteWeb3.eth.Contract(abi, REMOTE);
const localBridge = new localWeb3.eth.Contract(abi, LOCAL);
remoteBridge.events.Locked().on('data', function(e) {
  const { id, amount, recipient } = e.returnValues;
    .unlock(id, amount, recipient)
    .send({ from: VALIDATOR, gas: 1e6, gasPrice: GAS_PRICE });
localBridge.events.Locked().on('data', function(e) {
  const { id, amount, recipient } = e.returnValues;
    .unlock(id, amount, recipient)
    .send({ from: VALIDATOR, gas: 1e6, gasPrice: GAS_PRICE });
Listing 8-26

Watcher script to be run on each validator. Note that we create two web3 instances: one connecting to the main network, where we listen for events on the remote end of the bridge, and the other to the local network, where we execute the unlock operations. We then do the converse, allowing funds to go from the sidechain back to the main network

We can now run this script on each of the validator nodes (or at least on two of them). Once it is running, try calling the lock function in the Rinkeby end of the bridge. A few seconds later, you should have your funds ready to use on the chosen address in your sidechain.

In an actual application, you need to decide how much of this complexity you want to expose to your users. As we have seen in Chapter 7, onboarding is already troublesome enough, and adding another step requiring to send funds from one network to another is not a good idea.

However, you can actually leverage an application-specific sidechain for improving onboarding. You can directly fund your users’ initial accounts on your sidechain or build a viral inviting scheme where existing users can invite new ones directly on the cheaper and faster sidechain. The bridge is then only used for advanced users who want to transfer value from or to the main network, but to an Ethereum neophyte the application simply runs smoothly and fast, without knowing how it is backed.

A good example of this, already mentioned in the previous chapter, is the Burner Wallet.24 This wallet operates on a proof-of-authority sidechain25 with four different teams acting as validators. Users are quickly onboarded by receiving a link with a pre-funded account on the sidechain and can easily transact with others thanks to low gas costs and 5-second blocks. For the most advanced users, there is an option to move the funds onto the main Ethereum network or even seed their burner wallets from their mainnet accounts.

Plasma Chains

The state of the art in terms of layer 2 solutions at the time of this writing are plasma chains,26 originally designed by Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Poon in 2017.

Plasma chains are different from sidechains in that their security can be enforced by the main chain (or parent chain, in plasma terminology) and thus does not depend exclusively on the consensus mechanism of the sidechain. This means that if the set of validators on the child chain (called plasma operators) misbehaves, any user can build a cryptographic proof and take it to a smart contract on the main chain (called root contract). If there is no foul play, transactions on the child chain occur with the reduced gas cost and latency typical of a sidechain.

However, this additional security comes at a cost. Whenever a user wants to exit the child chain (i.e., transfer their assets back to the main chain), they must go through a challenge period, similar to the one we saw in state channels. If a malicious validator creates a fake block where he stole a user’s assets and uses it to take over those assets in the main chain, the user can submit a fraud proof during this challenge period and regain their assets. As such, exiting a plasma chain is not instant and requires a user to wait a certain period of time.27

Also, since a smart contract needs to be able to process whether a set of transactions on the child chain was legitimate, the operations allowed on the child chain cannot be overly complex. In particular, no plasma implementations at the time of this writing support arbitrary smart contracts and only provide the means for exchanging assets between users. Research on this topic is done under generalized plasma implementations.

On the flip side, plasma chains are designed for having a tree-like structure. The parent chain of a plasma chain can be another plasma chain, allowing for massive scalability by simply composing plasma chains within others. This means that if an application-specific plasma chain becomes overcrowded, it can simply spawn new children and move clusters of users to them.

It is worth mentioning that plasma itself is not a specification but a framework for building scalable layer 2 infrastructure. This has led to the development of many different flavors of plasma by different teams, such as minimal viable plasma, plasma cash, plasma debit, or plasma prime.28 It is most likely that by the time this book reaches your hands, there will be new major developments on this front.


Public blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum have traditionally sacrificed performance for trustlessness and security. While there are multiple efforts toward building Ethereum 2.0, which includes sharding mechanics that help the network scale, it is interesting to see many solutions sprouting that build on top of the existing infrastructure to solve the scalability problem.

Some of the solutions presented in this chapter, such as early versions of plasma or state channels, are ready to use and in production today, helping real-life applications scale beyond the limits of the main Ethereum network.

These solutions not only allow your application to achieve a higher transaction throughput, but they can also be used to provide a better user experience overall. Channels provide instant finality to peer-to-peer transactions if both parties behave appropriately instead of having to wait for a dozen confirmations. And sidechains can provide reliable block times much lower than the main network, with considerably lower gas fees.

These techniques can even be combined: you can set up state channels between parties in a sidechain or even use channels as the actual asset being traded in a plasma chain.29 The sky is the limit here.

How you leverage these solutions and present them to (or hide them from) your users will depend on what you are building. Remember what your users need from your application, and use the building blocks available to you to create the best possible experience.

Happy coding!

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