© Santiago Palladino 2019
S. PalladinoEthereum for Web Developershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5278-9_4

4. Querying the Network

Santiago Palladino1 
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

After a not-so-brief interlude on writing smart contracts, we will review the different ways to connect to the Ethereum network to retrieve data. We will cover different connection methods, as well as patterns for listening to changes, and put it all together in a sample application for monitoring transfers of an ERC20 token.

Connecting to the Network

The first step in retrieving data from the network is to actually connect to an Ethereum node. Since web applications do not connect directly to the network, they depend on a node to answer any queries on the blockchain state. We will start by reviewing node types, connection methods, and the provider object.

About Full and Light Nodes

A typical Ethereum node is a Geth or Parity instance1 that has its own copy (partial or full) of the blockchain, can answer queries from clients (such as a DApp), and relays transactions (more on this in the next chapter). A node with a full copy of the blockchain is called a full node . These nodes either have or can recompute any data from the blockchain history. Most clients run in this mode by default.

Full nodes may also store all historical data. These nodes are called archive nodes , and they are much more infrequent, due to the large amount of disk size needed to support them – nearly 2TB at the time of this writing. They are required in case you want to query particular information from older blocks, such as the state of a contract or a balance of an account from a year ago.

As an alternative to full nodes, some nodes may run in light client mode. These nodes keep only the block headers, and request information from the network as needed. They are much lighter to run than full nodes, which make them suitable for mobile devices, but make a poor choice for the back end of a DApp, since queries take longer to resolve.

Infura and Public Nodes

The next question about nodes is which ones are available for our applications. In an ideal decentralized scenario, every user should be running their own full Ethereum node, in order to validate all transactions themselves, and avoid trusting a third party. Users on mobile or IOT devices may choose to run light nodes instead, which would trust other nodes to relay the information but nevertheless verify it.

In the current landscape, a small fraction of our users will actually be running an Ethereum node . Most of them will be just learning what Ethereum is about, and wondering how to buy their first ETH to pay for the gas to fuel their initial transactions. Having them running their own nodes is still out of the question.

As such, and in order to help the Ethereum adoption process easier, there are a number of public nodes available. An Ethereum node is said to be a public node when it holds no private keys, is available to the public, and is used to answer blockchain queries and relay pre-signed transactions.

In particular, Infura (Japanese for “infrastructure”) is a service that provides HTTP and websocket endpoints to public full nodes for the Ethereum Mainnet, as well as for the Kovan, Ropsten, and Rinkeby testnets. Due to its reliability, and to the fact that it is free to use, it is widely used by many decentralized apps and wallets.

The JSON-RPC Interface

All Ethereum nodes, regardless of the particular implementation, expose a set of well-known methods, which compose the JSON-RPC interface. As the name implies, this is a JSON-based API for executing remote procedure calls, and constitutes the low-level interface for a client to interact with a node. Common methods include call, sendTransaction, getBlockByNumber, accounts, or getBalance. There are even methods for querying the state of the node itself, such as whether its syncing or how many peers it is connected to.


Given it is a low-level interface, it is odd that you will find yourself building JSON-RPC calls manually. Most libraries (such as web3.js or ethers.js) will take care of generating the calls on your behalf and provide you with the responses. Nevertheless, it is always useful to understand what is going on under the hood in case you stumble upon a dreadful abstraction leakage.

It is worth mentioning that certain nodes may not implement all methods. For instance, the Infura HTTP endpoint does not offer costly operations such as newFilter (more on filters later in this chapter). This will be important to keep in mind when we discuss how to connect our app to the Ethereum network.

Connection Protocols

There are three different protocols that can be used as a transport for interchanging JSON-RPC messages. Nodes can be configured to handle any of them.

The HTTP protocol is the simplest one. It provides a simple HTTP-based interface for POSTing JSON messages. Certain nodes may be set up behind HTTPS-encrypted connections, and may require basic authentication to access them. A simple HTTPS connection string looks like the following:
"https://user:[email protected]:8545/"
A more interesting alternative is the websocket protocol . A websocket connection is a persistent two-way connection between a client and a server. This allows a client to not only perform all the available JSON-RPC calls but also to subscribe to changes that are pushed from the node to the client (more on this later). Like HTTP connections, websockets may also be established over SSL, and potentially include basic authentication:
"wss://user:[email protected]:8545/ws"
Finally, the IPC (inter-process communication) protocol is based on a local UNIX domain socket created by the node. Clients with access to the socket may connect to it via its filename. These connections are meant to be used by processes with access to the same filesystem as the node, and as such are not used on web apps.

Alternative APIs

As an alternative to establishing a connection to the JSON-RPC interface of a node, you may opt to query blockchain data from a different source.

Etherscan (etherscan.io) is a centralized service that provides not only a web-based blockchain explorer where you can visually check all transactions sent to and from an account but also a plain HTTP API (Listing 4-1) that implements many of the methods present in the JSON-RPC interface.
# Etherscan API
curl "https://api.etherscan.io/api
# Regular JSON-RPC call
Listing 4-1

Example of executing a getTransactionCount call to the etherscan API (preceding) vs. the standard JSON-RPC call (following). Both return the same JSON object as a response

Certain javascript libraries, such as ethers.js, even include provider objects that abstract a connection to the Etherscan API, so it can be used seamlessly as any other standard JSON-RPC connection. Let’s now go into the role of the provider.


We are not dwelling into domain-specific APIs at this point. A project may decide to offer an API to query relevant data from its domain. You may also choose to set up a centralized server that aggregates blockchain data from your protocol, and relays it to client-side apps.

The Provider Object

As we briefly saw in Chapter 2 while building our first sample DApp, the connection to a node is managed by a provider javascript object. It is the provider’s responsibility to abstract the connection protocol being used and offer a minimal interface for sending JSON-RPC messages and subscribing to notifications.


At the moment of this writing, providers from different libraries have slightly different APIs. There is an effort to standardize the minimal provider as EIP 1193, but is still a draft.

For example, the web3 javascript library2 offers the following providers for connecting to HTTP, websocket, or IPC interfaces (Listing 4-2). The provider is then used to initialize an instance of the full web3 object.
const Web3 = require('web3');
const httpProvider = new
const wsProvider = new
const ipcProvider = new
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
Listing 4-2

Example [email protected] code for creating a provider and initializing a web3 instance

You will only need to create a provider instance if you have to manually set up a connection to a node. In most scenarios, you will actually delegate this responsibility to the user’s web3-enabled browser.

Metamask and Web3-enabled Browsers

After Chapter 2, you should now be familiar with Metamask , the browser extension that acts as a bridge for a web application and the Ethereum network. There are other options as well, such as the Cipher or the Opera browsers for Android, though we will focus on Metamask throughout the book, as it is the most widespread tool at the moment.

Web3-enabled browsers work by injecting a provider instance in the global scope. How this provider works or how it is backed should not be of importance for your DApp. The DApp should be able to query whichever information it needs and let the provider resolve it.

Note that this provider may need to be enabled in order to gain access to the user’s accounts or request to sign transactions (Listing 4-3), which will prompt the user to accept a request from the DApp to access his accounts information.
// Metamask injects the web3 provider as window.ethereum
const Web3 = require('web3');
const provider = window.ethereum;
if (provider) {
  try {
    // Request access to querying the accounts of the user
    await provider.enable();
  } catch (error) {
    // User denied account access, but we can still
    // run queries to the network
  const web3 = new Web3(provider);
Listing 4-3

Snippet for instantiating a web3 object using a provider injected by Metamask

Metamask connects by default to the Infura public servers via HTTPS. This allows any user who has downloaded the extension to have a connection to the Ethereum network up and running right away, without needing to maintain and sync their own nodes. Nevertheless, Metamask also allows advanced users to set up their own custom connections to other nodes, such as their own (Figures 4-1 and 4-2).
Figure 4-1

Metamask settings tab allows a user to configure their own connection to a node

Figure 4-2

Metamask control for choosing the node to connect to, displayed when clicking the network drop-down at the top of the extension dialog. The first four are connections to public nodes hosted by Infura


Certain web3 providers may also be composed of subproviders . A subprovider is a non-standard object that intercepts calls made via the provider. Among other uses, subproviders help provide a common interface by filling in any gaps in the feature set of the Ethereum node being used. In this sense, subproviders act as polyfills hidden within the provider.

As an example, a provider that connects to a node that does not offer the filters API (used for polling for specific changes) may include a filter subprovider that emulates that feature client-side. Such is the case with the web3 provider injected by Metamask: since Infura does not offer the filters API, Metamask adds that feature at the provider level via a custom subprovider. This way, you as a developer do not need to worry about which APIs are supported, and are given a consistent interface regardless of the node answering your queries.

We will revisit subproviders in the next chapter, where we discuss about providers and signers, since Metamask implements its signer as another subprovider.

Choosing the Right Connection

Up to this point, we have reviewed different kinds of nodes (full and light, public and private), as well as different connection protocols (ipc, http, and websockets). We have also learned how to set up a provider object and how to enable the one injected by a web3-enabled browser. Given all these options, it begs the question of which connection we should choose for querying information from a DApp.

Respecting the Choice of the User

First and foremost, if our user is using a web3-enabled browser, our DApp should rely on the provider injected by it. A web3-enabled browser means the user is already part of the Ethereum ecosystem, and could be potentially running a node of their own. As such, we need to provide them with the means to choose which node they want to use when browsing our DApp.

While we could reimplement Metamask’s interface for choosing a network connection, it makes little sense to do so. A user who wishes to connect to an alternative node will already be running Metamask or another web3-enabled browser, and have already preconfigured their own nodes. Therefore, an injected web3 provider should always be our first choice for connecting to the network.

Keep in mind that providers need to be enabled in order to access the list of accounts of the user. Nevertheless, if the application does not need this information, this step can be skipped.

Using a Public Node

The next option is simple: connect to a public node. You can either set up your own for your DApp or use one from Infura. Going with your own node has all the benefits and drawbacks of rolling out your own infrastructure: you do not depend on a third party, but you need to watch out for the health of your nodes. Remember that nothing prevents an arbitrary number of users from connecting to your node, so you should be prepared for surges in traffic. Because of this, it may be easier to just rely on an external infrastructure provider.

As an alternative to Infura, you can also rely on a public API such as that of Etherscan. Ethers.js, an alternative to web3.js, connects by default to Infura, and falls back to Etherscan if the connection fails.

Note that in all cases where your DApp relies on a third party, it is relying on a foreign centralized service for fetching data from the blockchain. Since one of the strong points of DApps is precisely decentralization, adding a component that needs to be trusted may be a step backward in this direction. It is up to you to decide on the trade-off between convenience and decentralization for the users of your DApp. As such, a good rule of thumb is to use an injected provider if found, and fall back to a centralized service otherwise.

Putting it all Together

The code in Listing 4-4 attempts to load the injected provider from a web3 browser, both modern and legacy ones. If it fails, it falls back to using an Infura secure websocket endpoint. The provider is used to create a web3.js instance, but the same code can be repurposed for other libraries.
async function getWeb3() {
  // Modern web3 browsers
  if (window.ethereum) {
    const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
    // Only if we need access to user accounts
    try {
      await window.ethereum.enable();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("No access to user accounts");
    return web3;
  // Legacy web3 browsers
  else if (window.web3) {
    return new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider);
  // Standard browser
  else {
    return new Web3("wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/TOKEN");
Listing 4-4

Code snippet for initializing a web3 connection for a DApp, based on the code provided by metamask.io

Retrieving Data

Now that we know how to connect to the network, we can start actually retrieving data. We will review how to access network information, account balances, perform static calls, and subscribe to events. As before, we will be using [email protected] as a library to interact with the Ethereum network, but other libraries should provide similar features.

Network Information

We can start out by querying general network information. To begin with, it is a good practice to always check that you are connected to the expected network. If your application is meant to be used on the Rinkeby test network, you do not want a user to be accidentally using a connection to Mainnet. To do this, you can get the identifier of the network you are connected to and compare it to the identifier of the expected network.
> await web3.eth.net.getId()

Networks are identified by a numeric identifier. Mainnet is 1, Ropsten is 3, Rinkeby is 4, and Kovan is 42. Ephemeral development networks are typically set up with higher IDs.


Like most requests to an external data source in javascript, calls to the Ethereum network are asynchronous operations. Different libraries may have different ways to handle this, either by using callbacks or returning promises. In particular, web3.js supports traditional error-first callbacks as well as promi-events. Promi-events are promise objects which double as an event emitter, allowing you to listen to different stages of the asynchronous operation. They will become more relevant in the next chapter. For now, we will simply use the async-await syntax for working with promises.

Another piece of information we can get from the network is the current block number. Polling this value can let us know when a new block was added to the chain, potentially including transactions that have modified the state of the contracts we are working with, thus triggering a re-read in our app.
> await web3.eth.getBlockNumber()
We can also get detailed information from a block, such as its hash, the total gas used, its miner, and a list of all the transactions included in it. Note that we can refer to a block either by number, hash, or the string latest to signal that we want the latest block on the chain.
> await web3.eth.getBlock('latest')
{ author: '0xea674fdde...',
  gasLimit: 8000029,
  gasUsed: 1808896,
  hash: '0xcdb2699b240ece675611aa...',
  number: 7059810,
   [ '0xca7d315abc76988ddcfa49...',
     ... ],
  ... }
We can also get information not on the network but on the node itself. For instance, we can query the software version that a node is running, and even warn our users if there is a known issue on that release.
> await web3.eth.getNodeInfo()
Another potentially useful check is whether the node is up to date with the rest of the chain. Nodes that have been just set up may not have synced yet, so they will not be able to return recent information from the network. If a node is no longer syncing, you can safely rely on it.
> await web3.eth.isSyncing()

There is more information you can query from a node. Make sure to check out the web3.js reference4 for additional methods.

Account Balances and Code

Given an address, you can query the ETH stored by that account, regardless of it being an externally owned account or a contract. Furthermore, since blockchain history is indelible, you can even query the balance of the account in an earlier point in time (Listing 4-5). The number of blocks you can go back will depend on whether you are working with an archive or a regular node.
> const addr = '0xcafE1A77e84698c83CA8931F54A755176eF75f2C';
> const block = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() - 10;
> await web3.eth.getBalance(addr, block);
Listing 4-5

Querying the balance of an address from ten blocks ago

Note that ETH balances are always expressed in Wei, which is the smallest unit in which an ETH can be subdivided. One ETH is equivalent to 1e18 Wei (i.e., 1 followed by 18 zeros). You can use the web3 utils module (Listing 4-6) to convert between them.
> const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(addr, block)
> web3.utils.fromWei(balance)
Listing 4-6

Using web3.utils.fromWei for converting from Wei to ETH. The reverse method is toWei

You may have noted from the preceding snippets that ETH balance is returned not as a number but as a string. This is meant to avoid losing precision when dealing with very large numbers, since javascript numbers cannot deal with very large magnitudes. As an example, 1822239 wei are lost in the conversion to integer in the following code.
> parseInt(balance).toLocaleString();

This decision is specific to the web3.js library. Other libraries rely on javascript bignumber implementations, such as bignumber.js5 or bn.js6. It is most likely that once support for native bignumbers7 is stabilized in the language, libraries will switch to it. Either way, what is important is that you keep in mind that most numbers in Ethereum cannot be handled using regular javascript numbers, or you risk losing precision.

Besides balances, you can also get the code at an address, and use it to check whether an address is a contract or an externally owned account. You can also check the code itself to see if it matches the binary from a known contract.
> await web3.eth.getCode(addr);

Keep in mind that this method for checking whether an account is a contract or not is far from robust. If you get no code from an address, it does not necessarily mean it is externally owned: a contract may be deployed to that address later, or a contract may have been deployed there but was eventually self-destructed. All in all, you should avoid relying on whether an arbitrary address is externally owned or not for particularly sensitive operations.

Calling into a Contract

As we saw in Chapter 2, you can call into a contract to query information from it by issuing a JSON-RPC call to its address. Most contracts expose getter functions that return information on their current state or perform pure calculations; these functions can be identified as they are tagged with the view or pure modifiers in Solidity. Like all the functions listed in this chapter, calling into them does not cost any gas, since the call can be answered by any node in the network, and does not need to introduce a change on the blockchain.

These calls can be executed at a low level using the call function from web3.js, which requires manually providing the target address and the raw data to send to the target contract. As an example, 0x18160ddd is the function selector8 for accessing the totalSupply of an ERC20 token contract, so we can test it against an existing contract on mainnet, such as the BAT token on mainnet, which returns the hexadecimal representation of 1.5e27.
> const addr = '0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef';
> await web3.eth.call({ to: addr, data: '0x18160ddd' });
However, we will typically rely on the web3 Contract abstraction for interacting with a contract (Listing 4-7). Creating one of these, as we saw before, requires the contract’s ABI and its address. We will replicate the preceding example using the ABI for the ERC20.9
> const abi = [
    "constant": true,
    "inputs": [],
    "name": "totalSupply",
    "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "uint256"}],
    "payable": false,
    "stateMutability": "view",
    "type": "function"
  }, ...
> const erc20 = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, addr);
> await erc20.methods.totalSupply().call()
Listing 4-7

Accessing the same token’s total supply via the web3 Contract object. Note how the output is formatted based on its type instead of returned as a raw hexadecimal value


Like getBalance, all calls to a contract can also include an optional block parameter, in case you want to query a contract’s state at a previous point in time. Remember that requesting changes for a block too long ago in the chain requires a connection to an archive node, which is not always available. Also keep in mind that, depending on your use case, it may be prudent to only display information from a dozen blocks ago, to shield yourself against possible chain reorgs. Data this recent is usually always available, regardless of the node keeping an archive or not.

The Contract object can also be used to obtain the function selectors that can be plugged into low-level calls or raw transactions. In the following line, the encodeABI method returns the data selector that we used at the beginning of this section.
> await erc20.methods.totalSupply().encodeABI()
Contracts also expose a handy interface to all events declared on the ABI (Listing 4-8), making it easy to query all events in a block range.
> const block = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
> const opts = { fromBlock: block - 100, toBlock: block };
> await erc20.getPastEvents('Transfer', opts);
[{address: '0x0D8775F648430679A709E98d2b0Cb6250d2887EF',
  blockNumber: 7060651,
  logIndex: 91,
  removed: false,
  transactionHash: '0x3bd37...',
  transactionIndex: 96,
  transactionLogIndex: '0x0',
  type: 'mined',
    Result {
      '0': '0xAAAAA6...',
      '1': '0x664753...',
      '2': '1905510325611397921584',
      from: '0xAAAAA6...',
      to: '0x664753...',
      value: '1905510325611397921584' },
  event: 'Transfer'
}, ... ]
Listing 4-8

Obtaining the transfer events on the BAT token on mainnet that occurred in the past 100 blocks. In this example, the address starting with 0xAAAAA6 transferred 1.9e21 tokens to address 0x664753

Each log object informs of the block and the transaction where it occurred, as well as the name of the event (in this case, Transfer), and includes the parameters with which it was emitted.

Detecting Changes

We will now go deeper into events. Even though we now know how to query past events, listening to new events is a useful method to detect changes to a contract in our application in real time. We will see three different ways for monitoring changes.

Polling for New Blocks

Polling is a simple yet effective method for reacting to changes (Listing 4-9). Given that any change in the Ethereum network needs to be introduced via a new block in the chain, a perfectly valid approach is to just poll for new blocks, and re-read the contract state that you are interested in whenever a new block is mined. Since Ethereum blocks are generated every few seconds, a 1-second interval can be good enough.
let block = null,
    totalSupply = null;
const interval = setInterval(async function() {
  const newBlock = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
  if (newBlock !== block) {
    // update block number
    block = newBlock;
    // re-read relevant data from contract
    totalSupply = await erc20.methods.totalSupply().call();
}, 1000);
Listing 4-9

Polling for new blocks to update the totalSupply of an ERC20 contract. Though we could directly poll for the total supply, this approach is more efficient if there is more data that we need to update on every block

Whenever a new block is spotted, you can query the contract your app is interacting with to retrieve its latest state and update your app accordingly if there were any changes. An alternative would be to run getPastEvents on the new block and only react if there were any events that affect your contract.

Installing Event Filters

Event filters are a mechanism provided by Ethereum nodes for retrieving new events that match a specified set of conditions. It works by allowing you to install an event filter on a node and then polling for any new events that match that filter. At a JSON-RPC level, this pattern is supported mainly by the following methods:
  • newFilter to install a new event filter on a node, which returns a filter ID

  • getFilterChanges that returns all new logs for a given filter ID since the last time this method was called

  • uninstallFilter to remove a filter given its ID

Event filters still rely on polling a node for new changes, but they are more convenient to use, since it is now the node that keeps track of exactly what new events need to be sent to the client. This saves the client from needing to issue regular getPastLogs calls to check for new events and allows the node to precalculate the data to send if needed. It is also possible to install filters for new blocks and pending transactions that are sent to the node.


Some public nodes, such as the ones offered by Infura, may not support installing event filters. To work around this, Metamask ships with a web3 subprovider to fake the behavior of filters completely on the client side. This allows you to code your application using event filters without needing to worry about whether the node you are connecting to actually supports them. However, keep in mind that the performance gain you could get by using filters is completely lost in this scenario.

At this point, it is worth going into what options can be specified for retrieving and polling events. These options can be used both when creating new filters and when getting past logs:
  • Block ranges can be used to specify which blocks to monitor for events. By default, filters are created to monitor the latest block mined.

  • One or more addresses where the logs originate from. Retrieving events from a web3 Contract object will automatically restrict the logs to the address of the contract instance.

  • The topics used to filter the events. Remember from Chapter 3 that EVM logs can have up to four indexed topics – these are used for filtering them during queries. The first topic is always the event selector, while the remaining topics are the indexed arguments from Solidity. A filter can impose restrictions on any of the topics, requesting a topic to optionally match a set of values.

As an example, the following filter object can be used to retrieve all transfers of an ERC20 token sent to a group of three token holders during the last 1000 blocks.
> const block = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
> const filter = { to: [holder1, holder2, holder3] };
> const opts = { fromBlock: block - 1000, filter: filter };
> await erc20.getPastEvents('Transfer', opts);

The web3 library has no support for event filters. Instead, monitoring for events is done via the third and last mechanism for listening to changes: subscriptions.

Creating Subscriptions

A more advanced option to monitor events is to create a subscription. Event subscriptions work similar to event filters in that they are created in a node from a set of filters (block range, addresses, and topics) to indicate which events are of interest to the client. However, subscriptions do not require the client to poll for changes, but rely on two-way connections to directly push new events to the client. For this reason, subscriptions are only available on websockets or IPC connections and not on HTTP ones.


Unlike event filters, Infura does support websocket connections, via the URL wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/PROJECTID. Still, in the event that the user chooses a custom node via a regular HTTP connection, Metamask also ships with a subprovider to fake subscriptions client-side by relying on polling. Again, this allows you to transparently use event subscriptions on your app, having a subprovider polyfill the feature if the connection or node does not support it.

Under the hood, web3 uses subscriptions when you listen to an event (Listing 4-10). This means that you will only be able to rely on events if you are running on a websocket or IPC connection, or you have a subprovider to polyfill for subscriptions. The web3 event emitter will report whenever a new event that matches the filter is available, when an error occurs, and when an event is removed from the blockchain due to a reorganization.
> const filter = { to: [holder1, holder2, holder3] };
> const sub = erc20.events.Transfer({ filter })
  .on('data', (evt) =>
    console.log(`New tx from ${evt.returnValues.from}`)
  .on('error', (err) =>
  .on('changed', (evt) =>
    console.log(`Removed tx from ${evt.returnValues.from}`)
Listing 4-10

Setting up a subscription to monitor Transfer events on an ERC20 token contract. The `data` handler fires on every new event, while `error` fires upon an error in the subscription. Events removed from the chain due to a reorganization are fired in `changed`.

Subscriptions are automatically cleared when the connection to the server is closed. Alternatively, they can be removed via the unsubscribe() method on the subscription object, or by using web3.eth.clearSubscriptions(), which removes all active subscriptions.

As with event filters, it is possible to set up subscriptions for events from multiple addresses, as well as for new pending transactions or new blocks. Using the latter, a similar pattern to polling can be implemented, in which a subscription is installed to monitor for new blocks, and upon every block the state of the contract is re-read. Nevertheless, if the contract emits events for all state changes, monitoring them is much more efficient.

Example Application

We will now put together everything we learned in this chapter and build a web application for monitoring transfers on an ERC20 token. This application will just retrieve data from the token and not provide any interface for actually sending transactions.


We will once again use the create-react-app package to bootstrap our application. Needless to say, using this package is not required, but will simplify our setup and let us focus on building the app itself.
npm init react-app erc20-app


Besides web3, we will install the openzeppelin-solidity package as a dependency. OpenZeppelin is an open source library of secure reusable smart contracts, and includes vetted implementations for some standards. We will use it to obtain the ABI of the ERC20 contract that we need to create the web3 Contract instance. We will also add bignumber.js for manipulating a few numeric values throughout the app.

As before, try running npm start to make sure that the sample react-app runs successfully. We can now start coding.

Initializing Web3

We will create a network.js file as before to manage a web3 object to connect to the network. We will rely on the injected web3 provider, falling back to a websocket connection to Infura. Note that since we will not request access to user accounts, we can skip the ethereum.enable() call.

// src/eth/network.js
import Web3 from 'web3';
let web3;
export function getWeb3() {
  if (!web3) {
    web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum
              || (window.web3 && window.web3.currentProvider)
              || "wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/PROJECT_ID");
  } return web3;


Make sure to use a valid URL for the fallback provider, by filling in with your Infura token, in case the user browsing the site does not have Metamask or a web3 compatible browser. Note that it is websocket-based, since we will be using event subscriptions later on the app.

The ERC20 Contract

We will create a small function for initializing new web3 contract objects for ERC20s. Recall that in order to do this, we needed access to the web3 object (which we have already set up), the contract ABI, and the address.
// src/contracts/ERC20.js
import ERC20Artifact from 'openzeppelin-solidity/build/contracts/ERC20Detailed.json';
export default function ERC20(web3, address = null) {
  const { abi } = ERC20Artifact;
  return new web3.eth.Contract(abi, address);

We retrieve the contract ABI from OpenZeppelin, while we’ll leave the address as a parameter for now. Now that we have all basic components set up, we can get started with the application views.

Building the Application

We will start with a main App component that will initialize the connection and set up the ERC20 contract instance that we will be monitoring. Once we have the contract instance ready, we will begin by retrieving some information from it.

Root Component

The App component will be the root of our component tree (Listing 4-11). This component will manage the connection to the network and the ERC20 contract instance, both of which will be set up on the componentDidMount lifecycle method.

Remember that this method is automatically fired by React when the component has mounted, and is the suggested event for retrieving async data. Of course, if you are using a particular state management library (such as Redux), your strategy for loading async data may be different.
// src/App.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ERC20Contract from './contracts/ERC20';
import { getWeb3 } from './eth/network';
const ERC20_ADDRESS = "0x1985365e9f78359a9B6AD760e32412f4a445E862";
class App extends Component {
  state = { loading: true };
  async componentDidMount() {
    const web3 = getWeb3();
    const erc20 = await ERC20Contract(web3, ERC20_ADDRESS);
    this.setState({ erc20, loading: false });
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        { this.getAppContent() }
  getAppContent() {
    const { erc20 } = this.state;
    if (!erc20) {
      return (<div>Connecting to network...</div>);
    } else {
      return (<div>ERC20 at {erc20.options.address}</div>);
Listing 4-11

Initial version of the root App component for our application. Note that the highlighted line in componentDidMount that is setting up the ERC20 contract is using the factory method we built earlier

Since the address in the preceding example refers to a contract on mainnet, the app will only work if we have a connection to the Ethereum main network. If we are connecting to another network, the contract will probably not exist at the address listed, causing the app to fail.


If you are curious about the ERC20 address chosen, it is the Augur REP token. Augur is a decentralized oracle and prediction market, and its main token is used reporting and disputing the outcome of events. If you want to experiment with other ERC20s, Etherscan provides a handy list of top tokens at etherscan.io/tokens.

To handle this case, we will add a few lines to detect the current network, and validate that we are indeed on mainnet (Listing 4-12). You can play with this by changing the current network on metamask while on the application.
  async componentDidMount() {
    const web3 = getWeb3();
    const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId();
    const isMainnet = (networkId === 1);
    this.setState({ isMainnet });
    if (isMainnet) {
      const erc20 = await ERC20Contract(web3, ERC20_ADDRESS);
      this.setState({ erc20 });
    this.setState({ loading: false });
Listing 4-12

Checking that we are currently connected to mainnet. Note that the contract is only instantiated if we are on the correct network

The render method needs to be changed accordingly to handle not just the loading and loaded states but also the state where we are not on mainnet.
  getAppContent() {
    const { loading, isMainnet, erc20 } = this.state;
    if (loading) {
      return (<div>Connecting to network...</div>);
    } else if (!isMainnet) {
      return (<div>Please connect to Mainnet</div>);
    } else {
      return (<div>ERC20 at {erc20.options.address}</div>);
We still have another issue to tackle: what if the connection just fails? The node we are connecting to may be offline, or the contract address could just be incorrect. We need to add proper error handling when we are retrieving blockchain data (Listing 4-13).
  async componentDidMount() {
    const web3 = getWeb3();
    await this.checkNetwork(web3);
    await this.retrieveContract(web3);
    this.setState({ loading: false });
  async checkNetwork(web3) {
    try {
      const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId();
      const isMainnet = (networkId === 1);
      this.setState({ isMainnet });
    } catch (error) {
      this.setState({ error: `Error connecting to network` })
  async retrieveContract(web3) {
    if (!this.state.isMainnet) return;
    try {
      const erc20 = await ERC20Contract(web3, ERC20_ADDRESS);
      this.setState({ erc20 });
    } catch (error) {
      this.setState({ error: `Error retrieving contract` })
Listing 4-13

Updated componentDidMount method to add error handling. Note that the render method also needs to be updated accordingly to display the error message if it is present in the component state

We can now focus on the token itself. Let’s create a new component named ERC20, display it instead of the contract’s address (Listing 4-14), and start working on it.
  getAppContent() {
    const { loading, error, isMainnet, erc20 } = this.state;
    if (error) {
      return (<div>{error}</div>);
    } else if (loading) {
      return (<div>Connecting to network...</div>);
    } else if (!isMainnet) {
      return (<div>Please connect to Mainnet</div>);
    } else {
      return (<ERC20 contract={erc20} />);
Listing 4-14

Updated render helper method to display an ERC20 component, which expects the erc20 contract instance as a property

ERC20 Component

This component shall receive the contract instance, knowing that all connection details have been settled by the parent component, and display it. We will start by retrieving some static information, such as the name, symbol, and number of decimals (Listing 4-15). These are optional attributes according to the ERC20 standard, since they are never used as part of the contract’s logic; nevertheless, most tokens do implement them.

We will also retrieve the token’s total supply. This is the total number of tokens created for this contract. Unlike the name, symbol, and decimals, there is no guarantee that this value will stay constant: some tokens have a continuous issuance model, which causes the total supply to increase on every block, while others may have a deflationary model where certain events actually burn tokens.

For the sake of this app, we will work only with tokens with a fixed supply, so we will not need to refresh the total supply. Nevertheless, you could easily add a polling mechanism for updating the total supply on every call, as we have seen earlier in this chapter.
class ERC20 extends Component {
  async componentDidMount() {
    const { contract } = this.props;
    const [name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply] =
      await Promise.all([
    this.setState({ name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply });
Listing 4-15

React component for displaying information on the ERC20 token. Once again, we rely on the componentDidMount method to load async information to populate the state. By using Promise.all(), we fire all four requests simultaneously and only set the return values once we have obtained all of them

We can now render this information by showing the token name and symbol to our users, as well as the total supply (Listing 4-16). We will rely on the decimals of the token to format all the values we display.
render() {
  if (!this.state.totalSupply) return "Loading...";
  const { name, totalSupply, decimals, symbol } = this.state;
  const formattedSupply = formatValue(totalSupply, decimals);
  return (<div>
    <h1>{name} Token</h1>
    <div>Total supply of {formattedSupply} {symbol}</div>
Listing 4-16

Render method to display the static information of an ERC20 token. Note that the totalSupply is adjusted by the decimals of the token

For the auxiliary formatValue function (Listing 4-17), we will rely on bignumber.js, a library for manipulating and formatting big numbers in javascript. We will convert the total supply value to a bignumber instance, right-shift it (on base 10) by the number of decimals, and format the result as a string.
// src/utils/format.js
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 4 });
export function formatValue(value, decimals) {
  const bn = new BigNumber(value);
  return bn.shiftedBy(-decimals).toString(10);
Listing 4-17

Auxiliary function to format token amounts based on the decimals property of the contract

The output so far should look like Figure 4-3, assuming you did not change the token address from the example.
Figure 4-3

Our sample application displaying the static information of the Augur REP token: name (Reputation), symbol (REP), and total supply (1.1e25) formatted with the token decimals (18)

Displaying Transfer Events

We will now add the last component of our application that will display the latest transfers of the token and listen for any new ones in real time.

Loading Past Transfers

Let’s start by adding a Transfers component to the ERC20 component we already have (Listing 4-18), that will start out by loading past transfers. This component will receive the contract, decimals, and symbol as props from its parent: the first one to monitor for events and the other two to format values.
render() {
  if (!this.state.totalSupply) return "Loading...";
  const { name, totalSupply, decimals, symbol } = this.state;
  const { contract } = this.props;
  const formattedSupply = formatValue(totalSupply, decimals);
  return (
    <div className="ERC20">
      <h1>{name} Token</h1>
      <div>Total supply of {formattedSupply} {symbol}</div>
        <Transfers contract={contract}
           decimals={decimals} symbol={symbol} />
Listing 4-18

Updated render method from the ERC20 component to include the new Transfers component

We will be loading all transfer events from the past 1000 blocks to seed the component. Attempting to load all transfers in history will probably fail, given that REP has over 75,000 transfers at the time of this writing, which is too large an amount to query from the node in a single request. There are other tokens with even more transfers, such as OMG, which is at over 2 million at the time of this writing.
// src/components/Transfers.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { getWeb3 } from '../eth/network';
export default class Transfers extends Component {
  async componentDidMount() {
    const { contract } = this.props;
    const blockNumber = await getWeb3().eth.getBlockNumber();
    const EVENT = 'Transfer';
    const pastEvents = await contract.getPastEvents(EVENT, {
      fromBlock: blockNumber - 1000,
      toBlock: blockNumber
      loading: false,
      transfers: pastEvents.reverse()


For the sake of this application, we are just loading the events from an arbitrary number of blocks ago, in order to seed the component with initial data as it loads. Depending on your use case, you may want to add an option to load more events (for instance, when the user scrolls to the end of the list) by firing subsequent getPastEvents calls.

The render method for this component is straightforward: we will show a pure component to display each transfer in a list (Listing 4-19). We will pass down the symbol and decimals to format the amount of tokens transferred in each event.
  render() {
    const { loading, transfers } = this.state;
    const { decimals, symbol } = this.props;
    if (loading) return "Loading...";
    return (<div className="Transfers">
      { transfers.map(transfer => (
          symbol={symbol} />
      )) }
Listing 4-19

Displaying each transfer in the collection by using a pure component that simply displays the data received

Keep in mind that React requires us to assign a unique key to each element in a collection. To generate this key, we are using a getLogId helper function (Listing 4-20) that combines the transaction hash in which the event occurred and the log index (i.e., the index of the particular event in the array of all logs emitted in the transaction). This combination is guaranteed to be unique.
function getLogId(log) {
  return `${log.transactionHash}.${log.logIndex}`;
Listing 4-20

Simple function for generating a unique identifier for a log. Note that web3.js already assigns an ID to a log entry, calculated as a hash over the same parameters. However, the hash is then truncated to 4 bytes, which may yield collisions if we are dealing with a large number of events

For the Transfer pure component (Listing 4-21), we will just rely on the formatValue helper function we used previously and fetch the from, to, and value arguments from the transfer object. As an extra, we will include a link to the transaction on etherscan so our users can review the transaction there, so they can perform an additional check on the data we display on our app.10
const ETHERSCAN_URL = 'https://etherscan.io/tx/';
export default function Transfer (props) {
  const { decimals, symbol, transfer } = props;
  const { from, to, value } = transfer.returnValues;
  const roundedValue = formatValue(value, decimals);
  const url = ETHERSCAN_URL + transfer.transactionHash;
  return (
      <a href={url}>
        {from} to {to} for {roundedValue} {symbol}
Listing 4-21

Transfer component for displaying a single Transfer event loaded from the ERC20 token contract

With this code, every time we reload the page, we will see the transfers from the last 1000 blocks for the token. We can now add support for listening to new transfers as they occur.

Monitoring New Transfers

In order to monitor new transfers, we will install a subscription for Transfer events of this contract (Listing 4-22), as we have already seen previously in this chapter. We will listen to all transfers starting from the block right after the one we used for fetching past events and unsubscribe once the component is unmounted (Listing 4-23).
  subscribe(contract, fromBlock) {
    const eventSub = contract.events.Transfer({ fromBlock })
      .on('data', (event) => {
        this.setState(state => ({
          transfers: [event, ...state.transfers]
    this.setState({ eventSub });
Listing 4-22

Subscription function to listen for new transfer events, to be called from componentDidMount, using erc20 and blockNumber+1 as arguments. Note that we are storing the subscription object in state to be able to unsubscribe later

  componentWillUnmount() {
    const { eventSub } = this.state;
    if (eventSub) eventSub.unsubscribe();
Listing 4-23

Code to stop listening for events when the component is to be unmounted from the tree. Even though we will never unmount the component in this particular application, it is a good practice to always remove the subscriptions when they are no longer used

Your application should now show new transactions as they occur, without the need for refreshing the page. However, to make sure we properly handle all scenarios, we will add handlers for when a transfer event is removed from the blockchain due to a reorganization and for when the subscription fails (Listing 4-24).
  subscribe(contract, fromBlock) {
    const eventSub = contract.events.Transfer({ fromBlock })
      .on('data', (event) => {
        this.setState(state => ({
          transfers: [event, ...state.transfers]
      .on('changed', (event) => {
        this.setState(state => ({
          transfers: state.transfers.filter(t =>
            t.transactionHash !== event.transactionHash
            || t.logIndex !== event.logIndex
      .on('error', (error) => {
        this.setState({ error })
    this.setState({ eventSub });
Listing 4-24

Adding handlers for the changed and error events of the subscription. The former fires whenever an event is removed from the blockchain, so we remove it from our state, while the latter fires upon an error, which we add to our state to be displayed to the user

Awaiting Confirmations

As the last step in the application, we will avoid displaying unconfirmed transfers to the user. Instead of showing a transfer event as soon as we receive it, we will instead wait for a certain number of blocks to be added to the chain before rendering it in our list.

In order to do this, we first need to monitor the current block number. We will add a subscription specifically for that (Listing 4-25), though we could also poll the getBlockNumber method every second to achieve a similar result.
  async componentDidMount() {
    const blockNumber = await getWeb3().eth.getBlockNumber();
    this.setState({ blockNumber });
    const HEADERS = 'newBlockHeaders';
    const blockSub = getWeb3().eth.subscribe(HEADERS)
      .on('data', ({ number }) => {
        if (number) this.setState({ blockNumber: number});
    this.setState({ blockSub });
    // Subscribe to new transfers and load previous ones
    // ...
Listing 4-25

Updated section of componentDidMount to set the initial block number in the component’s state, and add a subscription to update it as new blocks are received

Now we can limit our component to just render the transfer events that happened at least a number of blocks ago (Listing 4-26). By checking the block number in which the transaction occurred against current block number, we can easily implement this filter.
  render() {
    const { transfers, blockNumber } = this.state;
    const confirmed = transfers.filter((transfer) => (
      blockNumber - transfer.blockNumber > 12
    // Render only confirmed transfers
    // ...
Listing 4-26

Updated render method to show only transfers with at least 12 confirmations


Different applications will have different requirements for the number of confirmations, some of them going up to hundreds of blocks. This will depend strictly on your use case.


In this chapter, we have gone in-depth into how to extract data from the Ethereum network and feed it into our app. We started out by reviewing how connections to nodes work, listing the protocols available for the JSON-RPC interface, and looking into the Provider object used by web3 and other libraries to manage the underlying connection. We also learned that there are different types of nodes available and how a Provider, such as the one injected by web3-enabled browsers, may abstract away some of these differences via the usage of subproviders.

Using web3.js as a sample library, we studied what kind of queries we could issue to the blockchain: general network information, address-specific data such as balance and code, and calls to existing contracts. When connecting to an archive node, these queries can be issued to any block in the past, not just the most recent ones.

We also studied different ways for monitoring changes to contracts in real time in our applications. While polling is a classic method that is always available, event filters or subscriptions may be more interesting options due to better performance or faster notification times.

To wrap up the chapter, we built an application for retrieving information from an ERC20 token contract, and monitor all its transfer events using subscriptions. In the next chapter, we will learn how to make changes to the blockchain, going into all the details involved in sending a new transaction to the network.

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