© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
S. ChadhaBeyond Accessibility Compliance https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7948-9_1

1. The Billion People Question

Sukriti Chadha1  
Lookout Mountain, TN, USA

In the introduction, we identified prioritization as the main reason for the state of accessibility in today’s technology products. The second biggest challenge after prioritization is know-how. Undergraduate technology programs, software training programs, boot camps, and eventually technology companies often do not include accessibility as part of core training for product teams. So even when accessibility becomes a priority, teams might not have the necessary knowledge to build accessible products or resolve issues in existing products. We will address both of these challenges in the book. Before we dive into the specifics of these problems, and their solutions, let’s cover some basics.

What Is a Disability?

First, it’s important to understand what we mean by the term disability. Disability is defined as a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities.1 The organization that develops the guidelines for digital accessibility, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), considers disabilities ranging from visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, to neurological.

Note that this definition does not consider whether the disability is temporary, momentary, or permanent. A person focused on driving a car is effectively disabled from looking at their smartphone while driving. Similarly, someone without a speech impediment, who speaks to a voice assistant with an accent that the device does not understand, is effectively speech impaired for that interaction.

People also perform movements and activities in response to or because of their environment. It is not necessarily a disability that puts them at a disadvantage but how the world around them is built that prevents them from effectively engaging with it. The WHO (World Health Organization) changed its definition of a disability from a “personal attribute” as it was described in 1980, to include personal and environmental factors.2

This broader understanding of disability helps builders of software products empathize with users who do have permanent disabilities, understand they have the power to change the environment around people with disabilities to make it more friendly, and as a result, build better products for everyone. This definition is also consistent with the social model3 (as opposed to the medical model) of disability, which considers social and environmental factors as limitations instead of a person’s medical condition.

What Is Accessibility? What Is Inclusion? What Is the Difference?

In short, accessibility is the quality of being easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, use, or understand,4 for everyone including people with disabilities. Automatic sliding doors are more accessible to someone with muscular dystrophy than a push handle door. A Kindle is more accessible to someone with glaucoma than a small print book.

The term accessibility is often confused with regulatory compliance or meeting standards set by third parties. The goal of compliance is to ensure that providers meet a minimum set of requirements which do not guarantee a product is usable.

Compliance may be enough legally, but industry-leading products such as the iPhone are not built only to meet minimum requirements. They are loved because they are inclusive, exceed minimum regulatory requirements, and are delightful to use. They exceed customer expectations.

Consider the difference between the two ramps shown in Figures 1-1 and 1-2, both compliant, and yet so very different.5
Figure 1-1

Picture of a 60-foot-long ramp that looks like a maze and visually takes up the entire front of the house, with unnecessary turns leading up from a street to the door of a house

Figure 1-2

A ramp leading from street level to the door of a house, with side rails and one turn6

Fun fact: Accessibility is also referred to as a11y in the tech industry. It is pronounced A-Eleven-Y. The 11 stands for the number of characters between the a and the y.

Power in Numbers

Fifteen percent of the world’s population is a significant number. Business leaders and policymakers are coming to understand that it simply makes good business sense for products to be accessible (Figure 1-3). For software businesses, being inaccessible means they are limiting their reach and failing to retain existing customers who with age might develop disabilities.
Figure 1-3

User funnel with 15% hollowed out. Building products that 15% of the population can’t easily use limits the potential reach of the product from the outset

Why do 97% of the top one million websites still have basic accessibility issues?

The one billion number alone does not help us during the design, engineering, and testing phases of product development because:
  1. 1.

    There are functional needs of users with different types of disabilities beyond those of the general population.

  2. 2.

    Sometimes these needs are at odds with each other.

  3. 3.

    Users may have multiple disabilities that require unique design and engineering solutions.

  4. 4.

    Sometimes, teams view accessibility as an optimization instead of a core value. They are okay trading off what is perceived as additional work to build accessible products, as long as they can show enough overall growth.


One example of this is the need for large tap targets on touch-screen devices. While these will benefit people with motor impairments, partial vision, and cognitive disabilities, they also limit the amount of content that can be displayed on a given screen size. So, for example, users with low vision might need to scroll or scroll more often to access all of the content. In Chapter 7, we will discuss personalization, multimodal interactions, and emerging technologies as potential solutions.

Disability methods, thresholds, and reporting vary widely by country, which is why available global statistics are only approximations. To get a relative sense of the scale and a high-level breakdown of the types of disabilities, we can look at the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC)7 statistics for the United States in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4

Of the 61 million adults in the United States who live with a disability, the following categories affect the most people – 13.7% mobility, 10.8% cognition, 6.8% independent living, 5.9% hearing, 4.6% vision, and 3.7% self-care

Summing up the numbers in Figure 1-4 exceeds 15% of the US population. This is because many people have multiple disabilities, and simply summing up people represented in each of the categories would lead to double-counting.

Note that globally, the percentage of people with disabilities is much higher given the differences in nutrition levels, healthcare, social services, etc. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of people with disabilities live in developing countries.8

The Rich History of Innovation Inspired by People with Disabilities

When we build products to address the needs of people with disabilities, we almost always end up building better products for everyone. Several mainstream technologies we use today are the result of innovations that were originally built for people with disabilities.

People with disabilities are often some of the most creative problem solvers because they constantly have to navigate a world where large parts simply weren’t built with them in mind.

Curb cut is a classic example. Initially meant to help wheelchair users, pedestrians constantly find themselves in situations where they are grateful these ramps exist. Some other notable innovations used by everyone but inspired by people with disabilities are
  • ➢    Typewriter, 1808 – The first typewriter was built by Pellegrino Turri to help a blind friend write legibly.9

  • ➢    IBM, 1886 – Herman Hollerith, who had a cognitive processing disability, implemented the idea of using punch cards to transport data from the 1890 census. He later founded the Tabulating Machine Company. In 1924, it became known as IBM.10

  • ➢    Audiobooks, 1934 – The Readphon Talking Book was invented.11 These were early audiobooks that for copyright reasons could only be used by visually impaired users.

  • ➢    Transistor, 1948 – John Bardeed, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain at Bell Labs invented the transistor to create more reliable, smaller, cheaper, more efficient hearing aids. They won the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physics.12

  • ➢    Email, 1972 – Vinton Cerf, who had a hearing impairment and was married to a deaf woman, developed host-level protocols for ARPANET. He communicated with his wife through the computer using text – the precursor to email.13

  • ➢    Keyboards, 1988 – Retail registers began to use picture-based keyboards, originally created to help those that couldn’t speak be able to use a synthesizer to talk.

  • ➢    Captions, 1998 – Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) was released to allow simplified ability to caption and audio describe videos.14 In a 2019 survey, it was found that 69% of people watch videos with the sound off in public places and that 80% of people who use captions do not have a hearing impairment.15

  • ➢    Kitchen tools, 1990 – Sam Farber founded OXO Good Grips16 kitchen tools when he saw his wife with arthritis having trouble using cooking tools.

  • ➢    OCR, 1976 and computer-generated speech – Ray Kurzweil invented the first optical character recognition machine17 that read computer-generated speech for the blind. Today, our cars, home assistants such as Amazon Echo are based on the same technology.

If this isn’t enough to motivate investment in accessibility, maybe this excerpt from a 2018 Accenture report will be

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy categorizes persons with disabilities as the third-largest market segment in the U.S., after Hispanics and African-Americans. The discretionary income for working-age persons with disabilities is $21 billion—greater than that of the African-American and Hispanic segments combined.18

Policy and Regulations

This section will explore some of the existing policy frameworks that are widely used by technology companies and regulators as benchmarks for assessing digital accessibility. While the nuances and implementation vary, the spirit of these regulations and guidelines is the same – to establish a baseline for accessibility.

In a landmark decision in October 2019, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of a blind user who sued Domino’s after being unable to order a pizza from their website.19 The defense lawyers argued that ADA only applied to brick-and-mortar retail stores but not online stores. This was a win for disability advocates who argued that this interpretation was against the spirit of the ADA to provide equal access, and that not applying it to (new) online stores would shut people with disabilities out of a substantial portion of the economy.

Meeting regulatory requirements is a good first step but it is not a replacement for common sense, or enough to meet the real goal of making products delightful and usable for all. In Chapter 4, we’ll cover how individual products can adapt guidelines and frameworks to meet the needs of their users.

But as a first step, it is essential to understand the difference between law, policy, and guidelines applicable to your business. For companies operating in different global markets, requirements might vary, and the best course of action is to check with the respective legal and regulatory teams.

In the United States, there are four significant accessibility regulations: The 21st Century Video and Accessibility Act (CVAA), Section 508, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to software product development.
  1. I.

    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where professional groups, companies, academic experts and industry experts, full-time staff, and the public work together to develop open Web Standards. The Web Accessibility Initiative within W3C develops standards and support materials to help understand and implement accessibility.

While WCAG guidelines are not regulatory requirements, they are commonly referenced by regulatory guidelines as a way to evaluate accessibility. They became the basis for Section 508 in the United States in 2017 and EN 301 549 used in Europe.20 Additionally, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada reference WCAG as the standard for government-related websites. For example, government sites in the United Kingdom must strive for WCAG-level AA compliance.21

The WCAG guidelines are based on four principles, abbreviated as POUR:
  • Perceivable

  • Operable

  • Understandable

  • Robust

Software developers can meet the WCAG guidelines on three conformance levels in increasing order of accessibility:
  • Level A (minimum)

  • Level AA (more accessible), includes all level A guidelines

  • Level AAA (enhanced), includes all AA guidelines

We will unpack these guidelines in more detail in a later chapter and talk about when it makes sense to deviate from them. Another point to note is that these guidelines are evolving toward a different set of standards with WCAG 3.0.22 These standards are meant to keep pace with changing technologies, encapsulate a wider set of user needs, and encourage products toward better accessibility, instead of meeting minimum requirements set by the previous version (WCAG 2.1).
  1. II.

    Section 508

Under this section of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended in 1998, all federally funded websites must conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA success criteria. This includes government agencies and government-funded nonprofit organizations, public schools, and universities. It does not apply to private companies unless they receive federal funding or contracts.
  1. III.

    Americans with Disabilities Act


Since 1990, this civil rights law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.

The ADA encompasses all private and public entities that are considered public accommodations. These include hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, banks, healthcare facilities, public transportation, schools, social services, and gyms.23 This list includes digital public accommodations, not just physical ones (at least in many US jurisdictions).
  1. IV.

    The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA)


The CVAA makes sure that accessibility laws enacted in the 1980s and 1990s are brought up to date with 21st century technologies, including new digital, broadband, and mobile innovations.24

This includes expanding closed captioning requirements for broadcast TV content to its Internet distribution, and for browsers and advanced communication services25 (ACS) to be accessible by people with disabilities.

Let us now look at a few examples of regulations outside the United States:
  1. I.

    The European Web Accessibility Directive


This EU directive requires accessibility for all public sector websites. Other significant requirements include providing:

  1. 1.

    A public accessibility statement

    An accessibility statement is a way for organizations to provide information about their content’s accessibility, to show a commitment to accessibility, and to provide users with contact information in case they encounter problems.26

  2. 2.

    A feedback mechanism for users to report inaccessible content.

  3. 3.

    Regular monitoring of public sector websites and apps by member states and reporting on the results.27

  1. II.

    The European Accessibility Act


The European accessibility act passed in 201928 covers products and services that have been identified as being most important for persons with disabilities while being most likely to have diverging accessibility requirements across EU countries.

These products and services include computers and operating systems, smartphones, TV equipment related to digital television services, banking services, ebooks, and ecommerce, among others.

Transposition of the law to member countries must be completed by June 28, 2025, so the act is in effect, even though not enforceable until then. The main point is that it requires accessibility by private companies, while the Web Accessibility Directive is focused on public sector websites.
  1. III.
The ACA requires government websites to conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA guidelines. Individual provinces are also enacting accessibility laws, some of which are under development. For example, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) aims to create a barrier-free Ontario by 2025. The AODA covers both public and private sector companies and can entail fines of $10,000 for each day of violation.29
  1. IV.

    GDPR, HIPAA, and Privacy Regulations


Data collection and privacy limitations vary by the markets, that is, geographies you serve. While these are not directly accessibility regulations, they influence the measurement and tracking of accessibility initiatives in consumer technology products.

Some regions might require special permission from the user. Others might restrict the collection of data or analysis of user behavior on products based on types of disabilities. One example of this in the United States is HIPAA30 that prohibits collection and use of certain health-related data, which can be interpreted to mean disability data.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) that limits the collection of specific categories of personal data and gives users the right to control and manage their data. In certain countries, data related to disability is categorized as health data and is either not allowed for collection for general software providers or is highly restrictive in its provisions.31

Case Study: Data Visualization for the Blind

Let’s walk-through a case study of a solution I designed and implemented with the Yahoo Finance and accessibility team in 2017 to demonstrate how going beyond basic compliance guidelines can move the status quo forward.

Figure 1-5 shows a line chart representing the stock price of Apple Inc. over a year. There are 365 data points, one for each day of the year, on a small section of the screen that give most users a summary of the trend. A sighted user can take one quick look at the chart and know that there was a significant dip in March and a significant rise in September of 2020.
Figure 1-5

A one-year Apple Stock chart from Google Finance Web32 as of January 2021

Now let’s think about the experience for a user who is blind or visually impaired and relies on a screen reader.


Screen readers are software programs that allow blind or visually impaired users to hear a description of what is displayed on the computer screen through a speech synthesizer or braille display. The user sends commands through touch-screen gestures or by pressing different combinations of keys on the computer keyboard or braille display to instruct the screen reader to speak.33 Screen readers can be stand-alone programs, or built into the operating system. The three most common screen readers by usage are JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver.34

Currently, the status quo for popular financial products is to either have the screen reader just skip over the chart or only read the chart title without any key data points. In the first instance, the screen reader user doesn’t know there is a chart. In the second instance, they know there is a chart but not what it is trying to communicate. Obviously, both of these are highly undesirable experiences and vastly different from the experience of sighted people. This is likely because of the reasons discussed in Chapter 1 – prioritization and technical difficulty of implementing a better solution.

The recommended best practice for screen reader access to data visualizations is to speak a description of the directional trend,35 and as a next step, speak the data as if it were a table. This is the equivalent of showing a sighted user something like Table 1-1 instead of a chart:
Table 1-1

Table with two columns – date and the corresponding stock price from 2020 to 2021 in each row





























While this is an improvement from just speaking a description, it is not even close to the experience of getting a quick summary from large amounts of data a sighted user could glean in a few seconds. A few applications such as Google Finance extract key data points, including the high, low, and the previous close price, which is a great improvement over the table-like structure. However, it still doesn’t give the user the option to interact with all data points and interact with data points that they may find interesting besides those chosen for them.

Can we do better? Of course, we can. As one of my mentors, Jean-Baptiste Quéru pointed out, “Being the best at something doesn’t mean you’re good at it.” This is a case where going beyond, or deviating from the guidelines leads to a better experience.

The thought process for most accessibility solutions includes leveraging the physical cognitive and sensory capabilities that are available to the user. In the case of blindness, we use sounds and haptics (touch) to convey information that cannot be accessed visually.

Figure 1-6 shows how the experience looks visually. To watch the feature in action, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_c-auuDsz
Figure 1-6

Audio chart screenshot from the Yahoo Finance Android app over a three-month period trending upward, with five dips in the middle and a horizontal line representing the previous close price

Let us now break down the experience and why these design and implementation choices were made.

Step 1: How Do We Summarize the Information Without a Visual Representation?

Using music, more specifically tones that vary in pitch as the price goes up and down, can help users who are able to recognize these differences get a quick summary of the trend of the data. In user studies my team conducted with users with blindness, about 80% of people tested could draw the overall pattern after listening to the corresponding tones. Figure 1-7 shows an image with a sample of those drawings from real users.
Figure 1-7

Reference chart with drawings by five users during a research session held to test the efficacy of the audio-haptic charts solution for users with low vision. All drew an upward trending chart

Step 2: How Do We Let the User Dive Deeper into the Data at Points of Interest?

Just like scrubbing through a video or audio file to skip to a specific time, we play the tones and read aloud the data points when a user decides to stop exploring the chart with their screen reader. Once the user is in this mode, navigating forward and backward reads the data like a table – a pattern they are already familiar with. When they are ready to explore the overall trend, they can start scrubbing again to hear the tones.

Step 3: Why Do We Need a Chart on the Screen If the User Is Blind?

The experience is not designed just for users with complete blindness. Low vision, partially sighted, or users with other visual impairments might be able to see the screen to some extent, and for them to hear a table while looking at a chart can be cognitively dissonant. If a sighted person is assisting a blind or visually impaired user with the application, they will benefit from the visual presentation too.

Step 4: Why a Dedicated, Full-Screen Experience?

When I conducted a user study on this feature, one finding was that blind users could not maintain contact with the same spatial position on the screen. For example, if they were exploring something in the first third of the screen, once they lifted their finger, it was difficult to tap that area with accuracy again.

This is why the chart experience, which is already data-dense and supports multiple interactions, was made full-screen. Users would know that the range is edge-to-edge, providing useful orientation, and leaving less room for accidentally activating an unintended onscreen element.

The implementation is made possible by overlaying invisible elements over the chart that correspond to the data points that are highlighted when the user stops. The project is made for Android and is open source. You can check it out here https://github.com/yahoo/SongbirdCharts. Since iOS 15 Apple provides an API for supporting audio charts with VoiceOver.36 The API returns key semantic information to the user such as the minimum, maximum, and average. Developers on both iOS and Android products (99.4% of the mobile market) have freely available tools to support a better charts experience for blind users.

Step 5: What Are the Options for Customization?

In the default version, we chose the usually pleasant range of human audible frequency between 200 and 750 Hz. However, users reported that they wanted control over the range of pitch available to them based on their preference and hearing abilities.

Another option for customization derived from the format in which the data is read. The user can choose if they prefer the x-axis, that is, the time, to be read or not, and if so, the level of detail. This is important because if they are exploring data points one by one, long descriptions that are repetitive can be disruptive to the experience.

We also switched the order of the buttons that enable switching between ranges, so the user did not have to go through the chart before picking the range.

Step 6: How Else Can We Make This Better?

Before the user dives into the experience, it is often helpful to give them a summary of the data they might be looking for. In the case of financial charts, four data points that most users are interested in are the previous day’s price, the highest price, the lowest price, and the current price over the range they have selected.

We read this information as soon as the user focuses their screen reader on the chart, along with the name of the stock and the currently selected time range. In addition, if the user decides to navigate by heading instead of using the default setting, they can skip through these data points on the chart without having to parse through the entire dataset.

The use of haptics or vibration provides reinforcement. It conveys to the user points of importance or gives them feedback when they stop after scrubbing and listening to tones.

Another layer of information in the case of financial charts comes from whether the current data point is above or below the previous closing price, something that traders care about. It is drawn as a horizontal line as shown in Figure 1-8.
Figure 1-8

Audio chart screenshot from the Yahoo Finance Android app over a three-month period trending upward, with five dips in the middle and a horizontal line representing the previous close price

In this experience, we use the texture of sound to add an echo when the user is interacting with data points below the closing price vs. above. The echo can be turned off if the user finds it distracting – always an important option when introducing innovative new features or enhancements.

Case Study Takeaway

Although this example focused on stock charts, the principles are also applicable to charts beyond the financial markets world. In fact, a larger application could be in Education where blind students cannot interpret visual information as easily as their sighted counterparts. Each application will have nuances and optimizations that are specific to the context and user. That is the essence of accessibility. However, the more you think past simply following guidelines to achieve a general level of accessibility, the greater the reward in terms of an experience that can be genuinely enjoyable for everyone.

The Greatest Challenge

Suppose you ask any product team whether they care about making their product accessible or if it is an important area to focus on. In that case, you will almost always get a similar response to “Absolutely, but we don’t know where to begin.” Depending on who you speak to, this response might mean one or more of the following:

  • We don’t know how people with disabilities use our product

  • We don’t know how to assign priority to accessibility initiatives

  • We read the guidelines but don’t know how to implement solutions

  • We don’t know how to test or validate solutions

  • We are developing mobile or other non-web products, what should we do?

At most academic institutions training future technology professionals, learning about accessibility is not a requirement, so knowledge is scarce. People with disabilities are also often not represented in the technology workforce. Building inclusively, therefore, requires unlearning years of practice without these considerations. The good news is that none of these challenges are insurmountable.

While having every possible user need represented within a team or even a company is impossible, we can engage people with lived experience in our processes. One of the greatest gifts we have as humans is the ability to empathize with others who might not share the same background, needs, and challenges as us. Putting yourself in temporary situations where you might experience a disability is at least one step closer to lived experience than no experience at all. Insights from these experiences are extremely powerful when combined with observations from real users, in realizing the full potential of our products.

In the following chapters, we will go over concepts, principles, and actionable steps to address each of these questions. Chapter 2 will answer the critical question that helps drive investment in accessibility – how do we measure impact and prioritize? Chapter 3 will cover the overall product development lifecycle, and the various business functions involved.

In Chapter 4, we will deep dive into the specifics of implementation on platforms that are not as well documented as the web, with examples. Chapters 5 and 6 will go in-depth on testing for accessibility, including automated and manual testing to close the loop on building maintainable, accessible products.

Lastly, we will discuss cutting-edge developments in the accessibility space and how emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), extended reality (XR), mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR) will change the future of assistive technology.

Solving for accessibility at scale is still a relatively new field and something companies may be conscious of, but perhaps not actively addressing. Challenges around education, documentation, automation, handling of accessibility data, and personalization to meet users’ unique needs make the space ripe for disruption. This is why, as we discuss best practices, we will also uncover opportunities for innovation.

Mobile Focus

The examples and case studies in this book will focus on mobile experiences instead of web or desktop for the following reasons:
  1. 1.

    Financial accessibility and mobile as a growth opportunity


The World Advertising Research Center predicts that 72% of all Internet users will use only their smartphones to access the web by 2025.37 Mobile phones38 are the most financially accessible means to interact with the online world, and the most convenient. Android phones are available for as low as $20.39

Mobile devices come equipped with sensors that leverage location, biomarkers (facial recognition, heart rate, etc.), visual, and sound cues to enable experiences that haven’t traditionally been possible. For instance, six out of ten smartphone users have tried voice search in the past year.40 Furthermore, mobile has unlocked whole new industries. For example, apps such as Uber and Lyft (highly successful ride-hailing apps used worldwide) wouldn’t exist without mobile. Wearables and mobile payments add even newer dimensions to how enveloped mobile experiences are in our daily lives. The size of the mobile payments market is projected to increase at a 30% annual rate to reach $12 trillion by 202741 (Figure 1-9).
Figure 1-9

The projected size of the mobile payments market to $12.06 trillion by 2027

  1. 2.

    Mobile-specific challenges

While the intent and principles of website accessibility apply to all devices, there are specific challenges for mobile, including typically smaller screen sizes, touchscreen interfaces, network connectivity, and what mobile even encompasses – phones, wearables, and car devices, among others. In most cases, if an application is built to be accessible on mobile, it will be accessible on larger devices as well. We will discuss in detail a few examples of what makes mobile accessibility especially tricky in Chapter 3.
  1. 3.

    Accessibility Documentation of mobile development and design paradigms are years behind actual practice

Given that mobile is a relatively new space compared to the web, building mobile applications inclusively is far less well documented in the existing literature. The first and latest WCAG guidelines for mobile were released in 2015,42 16 years after the web version in 1999, and 8 years after the first iPhone was released. While the guidelines still hold, the mobile space has evolved with completely new interaction patterns, tooling, and design paradigms. A new set of guidelines for mobile is underway alongside WCAG
  1. 4.

    Mobile encompasses web and native applications. Native applications are applications developed specifically for the platform. Unlike the web, which is device and operating system agnostic, native applications developed for Android cannot be installed on iPhones and vice versa.


The definition of mobile covers phones, tablets, and wearables. If a website is optimized to be accessible on these, it will only perform better on a larger surface with more computing power. This includes both the UI (user interface) and factors that make mobile devices financially accessible, such as network usage, battery consumption, and memory utilization.


  • Over 97% of the world’s top 1,000,000 websites fail basic automated audits to ensure it is usable by those with visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

  • The goal of accessibility compliance is to ensure that providers meet the minimum set of requirements. That is not the same as being truly usable.

  • As seen in the Yahoo Finance app case study, simply the following compliance would’ve meant enabling a screen reader, even though this would not allow a blind user to access the information quickly or with ease. The mobile app team chose to implement a feature allowing users to scrub through audio tones representing the data.

  • In the United States, the three most significant accessibility standards are CVAA, Section 508, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While WCAG are not legal requirements in the United States, they serve as the basis for Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act update of 1998.

  • This book will focus on mobile, because mobile phones and wearables are the fastest growing and most financially accessible means to interact with the online world, because of the specific challenges of mobile app accessibility, and because it has less well-documented guidelines.

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